Jimmy was Right!

white tornado

Oct 5, 2005
Frank Rizzo you use what slave traders thought 200+ years ago like its scientific proof.

Slave traders thought blacks could handel the heat better. Slave traders also thought blacks were total
mentaly inferer to whites and were primitive savages. I wonder why one of those beliefs is still held by many tody while one is not. Could it be that the one that has blacks superier is belived.


There are exceptions to every rule, and you have just named a few of them. Still, I think the norm would be otherwise.

Gary said:
Magnus Ver Magnusson won the World's Strongest Man contest in South Africa in the African heat.Sugar Ray Robinson lost to Joey Maxim because Robinson couldn't take the heat.Whites have done very well in South Africa and Australia where it's very hot.Blacks get big in America and Europe because White farmers grow food and White taxpayers provide food.Very few blacks become Navy Seals because they can't take the heat or water[most blacks can't swim}.Floyd Patterson would have drowned if Bob Mathias hadn't of pulled him out of the pool[Superstars contest].The next World Cup will be in South Africa-any bets on who wins the most games in the African Heat?European teams or African Teams?
Edited by: Frank Rizzo


I haven't done any labwork on it, as I do not have a laboratory. Do you?

All I know is, Jimmy the Greek was a pretty smart guy, and for him to get fired for saying the same thing I am saying, tells me he hit a nerve. You know the old saying, "The truth hurts."

But I do say this: I have history on my side. For you also must consider, it wasn't just the white indentured servants who got supplanted when the going got too hot--the white slaveholders were engaging in what could rightfully be called "practical hands-on science." In other words, they were experimenting. And they didn't have time for any pure theories; there was money (crops) on the line.

The result of what their practical science came up with is as follows:

whites couldn't handle the heat quite as well as indians, so let's have indian slaves; later, they found that indians couldn't handle the heat as well asblack slaves, so let's have black slaves.

This is science as science is SUPPOSED to operate: with tried and proved empirical, hands on evidence; NOT the religious faith known as Darwinism, or so many other unproven faiths which usually are at least honest enough not to don the mask of "science".

This is what history shows. It is pretty clear to me at least.

SteveB said:
And where is your scientific proof? Edited by: Frank Rizzo


Nov 25, 2004
Come on people lets interject some common sense! Jimmy the Greek was wrong. Jimmy thought he would get a nice pat on the back for trying to make a logical arguement for black football dominance that doesn't involve a caste system. Instead he got a kick in the pants because he actually credited slave owners rather than just pure black racial superiority.

Point 1) Picking cotton doesn't involve a lot a great athletic breeding. A child or woman could do it. Thus, there is no real advantage to breeding the best and strongest slaves. Although forced breeding did happen it was greatly exaggerated.

Point 2) The strongest and most athletic whites often breed by natural selection. Ex- Head cheerleader with football Kaptain. No breeding advantage for blacks.

3) West Africa is where all the slaves came from and they are naturally different from the rest of Africans.

4) To this day African Americans are on average slightly shorter than White Americans.

5)Final point, whatever Steve B said before.


Dec 28, 2004
It could just be that Whites are to smart to pick cotton in the sun!If everybody was equal blacks from Africa would have had sailing ships to cross the ocean and go to America and then to Ireland or England to get slaves to work there fields.Name me an African nation today in 2006 that can build an ocean going ship or even feed itself? Whites WIN the most MEDALS in BOTH summer and winter olympics!!!!So not only are White's smarter but they appear from the record books to be better in a wide range of sports!!


Nov 25, 2004
And of course Dusty Baker was right in that darker skin handles the sun better. Still it is nothing that a little sun block wouldn't take care of.


Dec 28, 2004
Dusty Baker is a very bad baseball manager,this clown couldn't win a World Series if he had the 1927 or 1961 Yankees.

white tornado

Oct 5, 2005
But I do say this: I have history on my side. For you also must consider, it wasn't just the white indentured servants who got supplanted when the going got too hot--the white slaveholders were engaging in what could rightfully be called "practical hands-on science." In other words, they were experimenting. And they didn't have time for any pure theories; there was money (crops) on the line

Practical Psudo-science

The slave holders did not use science in selecting black slaves end of story.

whites couldn't handle the heat quite as well as indians, so let's have indian slaves; later, they found that indians couldn't handle the heat as well as black slaves, so let's have black slaves.

Thats not the reason black slaves were used I already went over this. Slaveholders did think were black were better in the heat but thats not why they were used.

This is science as science is SUPPOSED to operate: with tried and proved empirical, hands on evidence; NOT the religious faith known as Darwinism, or so many other unproven faiths.

Science requires the scientifc method somthing not used by slave holders.


I think you guys are beginning to understand why Jimmy the Greek was fired way back when. This is pretty hot stuff even to this day. We already knew that people who advocate black supremacy wanted to censor this stuff out of modern popular thought (i.e., the ones who fired Jimmy); after today, now weknow that people who advocate white supremacy also want to censor it out of modern popular thought, curiously enough (i.e., the purely emotional reaction of a few people on this thread).

At any rate, nobody wants to touch it with a ten foot pole.

No wonder Jimmy got slammed. He had NObody backing him. It's like the old Chinese saying says: "The nail that stands up gets pounded down."Edited by: Frank Rizzo


Nov 25, 2004
Frank Rizzo said:
I think you guys are beginning to understand why Jimmy the Greek was fired way back when. This is pretty hot stuff even to this day. We already knew that people who advocate black supremacy wanted to censor this stuff out of modern popular thought (i.e., the ones who fired Jimmy); after today, now we know that people who advocate white supremacy also want to censor it out of modern popular thought, curiously enough (i.e., the purely emotional reaction of a few people on this thread).

At any rate, nobody wants to touch it with a ten foot pole.

No wonder Jimmy got slammed. It's like the old Chinese saying says: "The nail that stands up gets pounded down."

Or maybe you and Jimmy the Greek are just wrong. Ever thought of that? Site sources. Make common sense. Remember you are the one touting racial superiority - not the rest of us. Edited by: Kaptain Poop

white tornado

Oct 5, 2005
Actualy black being bread into super athletes is kind of a mainstream idea. Just last night on the colbert report there was a black author with a book about plantaion athletics. One of the main tenets of his book is that blacks were breed into super athlets. He then went on to say that modern black athlets were still slaves to the white man.

The reason Jimmy the Greek got in trouble is because a white man can get in trouble for mentioning race no matter his veiws. If a white man talks about race in any way he is subject to being labeled a racist. Its their way of keeping us down. IEdited by: white tornado


Oct 19, 2004
White Tornado is right. Jimmy the Greek got fired because he was a white man who said something controversial. There's nothing unique about that. He wasn't a genius just because he ran afoul of the PC Police. It happens.

Frank is trying to make us seem like we're afraid of his views, that we're being "purely emotional," and that we're advocating "white supremacy" and trying to "censor" history. Wrong, Frank, we're not afraid of your views. We just don't agree.

Frank Rizzo said:
There are exceptions to every rule, and you have just named a few of them. Still, I think the norm would be otherwise.

And what is that "rule" or "norm" that you believe in? That blacks are physically superior to whites? Come on, get it out in the open. If you believe blacks are superior, just say so.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
If working slaves in the sun created a super human race of athletes, why didn't it do the same thing for all the white indentured servants whom they replaced?

Frank Rizzo said:
At any rate, nobody wants to touch it with a ten foot pole.

Well, we may not be touching your arguments with a ten foot pole, but we are debating you with ideas and keyboards.

So far, Frank Rizzo's posts have come in two different versions, the "I'm not a commie fascist pinko liberal like those other guys, the ones you guys don't like, so you should trust me," and "but blacks ARE better athletes and here's why."

Can you share with us some of the posts you wrote in defense of whites on fanball.com? I haven't read a post of yours here yet that has offered up any real praise or argument on behalf of white athletes, or the discrimination and double standard they face.



Dec 22, 2004
White Shogun is making me laugh in agreement with his posts on this topic. I like it when guys cut through the bs.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Frank, my man, you are just dead wrong.

blacks simply do not handle the heat better. period. this is not emotional, this is real life. sure, white people get sunburns. so what? anyone with any sense at all knows that black objects get hotter in the sun than white objects. so do things contained in black coverings (this would include, oh i don't know, anything. for example, water, metal, and i'm guessing, a person's organs and blood.) you probably learned that in fourth grade. do you seriously think that black skin is somehow different than everything else in the world? sadly, i'm guessing you do. this basic science indicates their is a reason why all those africans you see on the Discovery Channel are always resting during the heat of the day. they, much like black horses, dogs, etc. get hot faster than their lighter colored counterparts in the heat. (as you can figure out i'm sure, lighter items suffer other effects from the heat.)

secondly, White Tornado is right on the money about the real reasons for blacks being slaves. when you said: whites couldn't handle the heat quite as well as indians, so let's have indian slaves; later, they found that indians couldn't handle the heat as well as black slaves, so let's have black slaves. you were dead wrong. again.

in fact, in addition to the reasons WT already has mentioned are these: 1) indentured servants cost more than slaves in the long run. in addition to the costs of shipping them across the ocean, they demanded better housing and treatment, and more importantly their "owners" were required by law to set them up with land, money, etc. when their seven years were up. they simply weren't cost effective. conversely, the black slaves, despite their exhorbitant initial cost, were much cheaper in the long term. primarily beacuse they were lifelong servants whose offspring were also slaves.

2)indians weren't bad slaves because they couldn't handle the heat. quite the contrary, native indians were much better adapted to the local climate than their counterparts. however, they had two shortcomings in the eyes of slaveowners... they had a strong tendency to succumb to non-native diseases such as influenza and also had a strong tendency to say f*** you to the white guys and disappear back into the woods.

that being said, the real point of your discussion thread is, i think, more related to ol' Jimmy's statements. here's the deal: any time a white public figure says something that can be remotely construed in some form or fashion as even slightly disparaging to black folks, said figure will be lynched by the thought police as a *shudder* racist.

feel free to gasp horribly.

that was Jimmy's real problem. whether he was right or wrong, and i think he was wrong-but that is just me, he crossed that terrible line of black sanctity. we must all bow down and worship black people as the ultimate embodiment of everything awesome while simultaneously wallowing in our despair at our unwitting white deviltry.

if only we could all be black, then the world would be a better place.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
White Shogun said:
I haven't read a post of yours here yet that has offered up any real praise or argument on behalf of white athletes, or the discrimination and double standard they face.


After sifting through his posts he has left us with thoughts and nuggets to ponder for our edification.Some impressions left in the back our our minds.

Jimmy the Greek was a smart guy. Why? He realized blacks were genetically superior to whites through the selective breeding of slaves who can also outperformwhites even in very hot weather.He brings up Tommy Morrison, Gerry Cooney and Primo Carnerawho were described with negative adjectives such as glass jawed, knock-kneed, unathletic and gangly. Cooney couldn't punch and one of his KO's was due to a faked body shot. It must be a good idea to vote for blacks-- Frank Rizzo voted for one. And after Gary refuted his claims about strength he said they were exceptions to the rule.


You know you guys, you have all the earmarks of guys with inferiority complexes, the way you defend even white guys who weren't any good.

Hey, I'm good with what my eyes tell me, and my eyes tell me such things as this:

for whatever reason (and I maintain it was because of the selective breeding by slave holders), your average black american sprinter is faster than your average white american sprinter. Experience tells me that. Observation tells me that. Every Olympics games for the past 80 years tells me that. So no I do NOT subscribe to the view that blacks and whites are equal at everything, every time, every where. What's next? Are you gonna tell me Asians don't have slanted eyes??

And actually, if you really investigate this site thoroughly, even the headlining contributing columnists themselves do not believe that blacks and whites have to be equal at everything. Check out this excellently written column: [url]http://www.castefootball.us/viewarticle.asp?sportID=14&t eamID=0&ID=22873[/url]

Now, if you want to talk about where whites stand a more likely chance of being superior, on average, in sports, you really ought to focus on things we can actually see and observe, not what you can hypothesize only in your head with no observation.

The aforementioned article points out that, via observation and experience, we cansafely saythat white guys make better QBs and Kickers.

That is not to say that whites cannot play WR or RB. I would say that, on average, they might not be as good at those positions as black guys (though there are always exceptions, naturally). That, after all, is what I see.

But I also see white guys excelling at the LEAD position on the football field, and you know what, I'm okay with that. I'll take it. I always preferred using my brains over my brawn anyway. But hey, that's just me.

But the reason I point you to that article is, if you guys want to be consistent and say that whites and blacks are equal everywhere, every time, about everything (which I still say is practicallysilly), then you shouldn't be writing articles such as that either, or else, as I said, you are being inconsistent, and maybe even hypocritical.Edited by: Frank Rizzo


Oct 19, 2004
Frank Rizzo said:
for whatever reason (and I maintain it was because of the selective breeding by slave holders), your average black american sprinter is faster than your average white american sprinter.

"For whatever reason..." In other words, you believe that blacks are superior sprinters, and the "Super Slave theory" is a means to an end. Okay. Why not just say "blacks are superior sprinters" and leave it at that? Let's get to the real issue, and why you are really here. It's not about Jimmy the Greek, it's about you believing that blacks are physically superior.

Frank Rizzo said:
That is not to say that whites cannot play WR or RB. I would say that, on average, they might not be as good at those positions as black guys (though there are always exceptions, naturally). That, after all, is what I see.

If there are exceptions, why isn't there ONE starting white running back as the "exception" in the NFL?

After all, we have "exceptions" with sprinting (Wariner and Nesterenko.) We've had "exceptions" in college football (Bell, Staley, Kretschmer.)

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Frank Rizzo = pignuts redux, with better spelling and grammar.


Sep 9, 2005
SteveB said:
That's a bunch of crap. Look around, there are just as many short, fat black guys as tall athletic ones, same as the white race. Maybe you are getting a skewed view of the race because most of the black guys you see are on TV playing sports. Those guys are on strict diets and work out 4 hours (or more) a day.

Maybe you should change the channel to watch UFC, Baseball, Tennis, Boxing, Swimming, Weightlifting, etc to see athletic white males. Or attend your local high school football games. That may change your perspective.


The Top 10 Fattest Cities -

1. Houston

2. Philadelphia

3. Detroit

4. Memphis

5. Chicago

6. Dallas

7. New Orleans

8. New York

9. Las Vegas

10. San Antonio

The majority of the inhabitants of the cities listed above are black.Edited by: Deacon


Sep 9, 2005
C Darwin said:
Was Dusty right?

Dusty Baker said:
"Personally, I like to play in the heat, Most Latin people and minority people do. You don't find too many brothers from New Hampshire or Maine, right? We were brought over here because we could work in the heat. Isn't that history? Your skin color is more conducive to heat than it is to the lighter-skinned people. I don't see brothers running around burnt. That's a fact. I'm not making this up. I'm not seeing some brothers walking around with some white stuff on their ears and noses.''


Contrary to common perception, people with dark skin are more likely to die from skin cancer than those with fairer skin, warn US researchers.

Although the disease is less common, when it does occur it is typically more aggressive and diagnosed later, which leads to more deaths, they explain.


Sep 9, 2005
Frank Rizzo said:
Stop and ask yourself the following question: "Am I reacting to Frank's post out of pure empirical observation, or am I reacting out of emotion?"

Look, I'm the LAST guy you'd find who supports preferential racial treatment.

But it doesn't mean a factor of observational science should be discounted entirely.

Another thing to ask yourself: "Why did the southern slave traders of 150-200 years ago decide to replace the indentured servitude of whites with imported black slaves?" Do you honestly think it was because they preferred having more blacks around? THINK about it. It could only have been a purely business decision: as in, "which one of these two groups can handle the heat?"

SteveB said:
I can't believe that I am reading this on Castefootball. I guess the media is right, blacks are superior and there is no discrimination against whites. Blacks are naturally more athletic, you guys just said it. We just need to stick to winter sports because blacks and hispanics are better in the heat. WTH is going on here!

I don't know. Why don't you ask the Dutch Jews the same question..



* Lee M. Friedman, a one-time president of the American Jewish Historical Society, wrote that in Brazil, where most of the Africans actually went, "the bulk of the slave trade was in the hands of Jewish settlers."
* Marcus Arkin wrote that the Jews of Surinam used "many thousands" of Black slaves.
* Herbert I. Bloom wrote that "the slave trade was one of the most important Jewish activities here (in Surinam) as elsewhere in the colonies." He even published a 1707 list of Jewish buyers by name with the number of Black humans they purchased.
* Cecil Roth, writer of 30 books and hundreds of articles on Jewish history, wrote that the slave revolts in parts of South America "were largely directed against [Jews] as being the greatest slave-holders of the region."
* "I gather," wrote Jewish scholar Wilfred Samuels, "that the Jews [of Barbados] made a good deal of their money by purchasing and hiring out negroes..."
* According to the Jewish historians, all Barbadian Jews owned slaves - even the rabbi had "the enjoyment of his own two negro attendants."
* In Curaçao which was a major slave trading depot, Isaac and Susan Emmanuel report that "the shipping business was mainly a Jewish enterprise."
* Says yet another Jewish writer of the Jews of Curaçao, "Almost every Jew bought from one to nine slaves for his personal use or for eventual resale."
* Seymour B. Liebman in his New World Jewry, made it clear that "[t]he ships were not only owned by Jews, but were manned by Jewish crews and sailed under the command of Jewish captains."
* Moshe Kahan stated bluntly that in 1653-1658, " Jewish-Marrano merchants were in control of the Spanish and Portuguese trade, were almost in control of the Levantine trade...were interested in the Dutch East and West Indian companies, were heavily involved in shipping; and, most important, had at their disposal large amounts of capital."
* In Brazil, where most of our kidnapped ancestors were sent, Jewish scholar Arnold Wiznitzer is most explicit about Jewish involvement:


You know, I joined this forum to get away from insecure black propaganda types who go around saying how "the Man is out to get me" or "Whitey is keeping me down,"rather thanfacing theirown inadequacies and working to overcome them.

Come to find, hereI've just run into a bunch of inferiority-complexed white guys who go around saying how "the blacks are out to get us" or "those darkies are keeping us down," rather than working to overcome your own inadequacies.

Congratulations. You guys arereverse mirror images of the people you hate the most. Everything's the same except the skin color is reversed. Talk aboutirony.Edited by: Frank Rizzo

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Frank Rizzo = armchair psychologist.

Seems to me you're the one that is feeling inadequate, Frank. You've written a few posts here in an attempt to explain black athletic superiority, whereas most of us here do not agree there is such a thing as black athletic superiority. You've even trotted out the old breeding- slaves carnard in order to explain what you feel. It seems to me you are the one that is feeling inadequate?

In addition, the forum here at Caste Football is not monolithic. There is plenty of disagreement between its members, we just know how to keep the conversations civil and know how to agree to disagree. How often do you see posts on this board where people are screaming YOU'RE A STUPID F***, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE F*** YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, etc. I've been poking around on the net for more than a decade, and this is the most polite and civil forum in which I have ever been engaged.

You base all of your opinions on your observations, i.e. blacks dominate the skill positions in the NFL, they win at the 100m sprints, etc. But have you ever thought to take a peek behind the curtain and ask why this is? I know you think its a result of slave breeding, but observe:

1) Blacks are faster that's why they're the best running backs.
A) The all-time leading rusher in the NFL was considered too small and too slow by NFL standards. You've heard of Emmitt Smith, right? And future Hall of Famer, Jerome Bettis, boy that guy had blazing speed, didn't he?

2) White college football players win awards for setting records and being the best player at their position, e.g. Mike Haas and the Biletnikoff Award for the best wide receiver in the NCAA. Hass ends up being drafted in the 6th round; other white skill players who've won awards end up not being drafted at all. Can you name one black college athlete who won such an award who was not drafted in the first round? I haven't done the research, but I don't think its ever happened simply because of the way the system works.

3) These guys have obviously proven that they are not 'inadequate.' Why aren't they given the same shot as black athletes?

I was going to write more but I'm getting the feeling its a waste of time. Read through some of the other threads, especially in the boxing and NFL sections of the forum, for further info and more glaring examples.


Apr 27, 2005
What are you talking about? You sound like the one with the inferiority complex. You admit that you and your people are athletically inferior to the black race. Most of us don't blame blacks for the discrimination in sports. We blame whites who have the same beliefs as you. It is not blacks that control sports leagues and the media. You spout your ideology, yet you can't backup your arguments with facts. When someone disagrees with you, all you can do is call us "inferior-complexed white guys".

The purpose of this site is to praise white athletes and to point out obvious examples of discrimination.