Jimmy Carter Dies!

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Certainly not happy, but thought I thought would post that former President Jimmy Carter has died at age 100. I probably didn't agree with him on much, but I believe he was one of the more honest President's we've had. He was a professing Christian. May he rest in peace.
What can I say about Carter here...um...well, he was better than Biden. I'll just leave it at that.
From peanut farmer to president of the United States. Fireside chats. Narrowly escaped attack from a killer rabbit. Drunk brother Billy and his Billy beer. Olympics boycott. Baptist who confessed to lusting in his heart at times. One of the highest IQ presidents ever (former submarine commander). Maybe too naive to deal with the Washington shark tank.

His political career unfolded well before the Democrat party went batshit crazy.

I wonder what he thought of the modern version. How was he able to reconcile their bizarre policies with his faith? Was he able to?
I remember his presidency with a young daughter in the oval office. I also remember double digit inflation from a child's perspective where children's purchase products ie sports cards, comics and junk food were going up at a crazy rate ie nickle and dime raises year to year on sub . 50 cent items.

I also remember his collapse while jogging, unions that were out of control and that were perpetually on strike and the Iran hostage crisis. His presidency similar to Biden/Harris had their re-election bid sealed with stagflation and the Iran hostage crisis was the cherry on top of the bowl of crud that the voting public endured in the late 70's.

He seemed too pious for the job as he might be the last winning presidential candidate not controlled by an electoral machine as he wasn't from a state that was a union state which was the backbone of the Democratic machine in this time period.

PS some posters have talked about his half crazy brother and his daughter seemed to have inherited those genes as she was arrested 25ish years ago for left wing radical protesting and maybe did jail time for some Antifa type nonsense.

PS2 I also forgot to mention he was one of the few non maverick politicians to speak out on the Israeli treatment of the Palestinian people for that alone he deserves respect as few high level politicians have compared the plight of the Palestinians to Black South Africans under apartheid.

I truly think it's because he was never about enriching himself post presidency as you never heard of him having over priced speaking engagements like Clinton or Obama. All I heard was Jimmy Carter helping build houses for the poor and going and observing the living conditions of the poor in various countries with dysfunctional governments.
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Carter may have lacked the moxie to be a good President and he certainly was a horrible one. Not the brightest guy, but seemed to have a good heart.

Him not enriching himself post-presidency speaks to solid charavter. Would have liked to have seen him speak out against the Democrat party of today which is in direct opposition to his professed faith.
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