Jewish Scholar Refutes Holocaust Numbers


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
The following is a Letter I received from a Jewish scholar regarding his reasoned doubts of the Holocaust as presented by Jewry. With his permission to publish the Letter along with his full name, herein is presented a convincing refutation of the Holocaust Hoax.
+Brother Nathanael Kapner

“DEAR BROTHER NATHANAEL… My name is Robert Litoff. I have been following your site for many years. You may publish this Letter and my name.

I was born in New Haven, Connecticut in 1945 of two Jewish parents but am now a non-practicing Jew. As far as I can trace, all my ancestors are Jews.

I graduated Phi Beta Kappa in psychology from the University of Connecticut.

The claim that 6 million Jews died during World War II is wrong.

During the war period, before and shortly afterward, 5 million Jews went to Israel, and the Jewish population of North America increased from 4 million to 6 million.

Jews also went to Brazil, Argentina, Australia and other nations. This accounts for the decrease of 6 million Jews in Europe.

The world Jewish population was 15 million circa 1929 but it reached an estimated high of 18 million in 1989, an increase of 16%, which would have been impossible if 6 million Jews died in World War II.

The rabbi of my synagogue was Rabbi Andrew Klein who was a Hungarian Jew. He was interned in Auschwitz during World War II. His wife and 2 sons, Theodore and Lester, were interned in Bergen-Belsen.

One of the stories you hear about the nazis is that they killed all the Jews who could not work. But, Theodore and Lester were both children who could not work when they were at Bergen-Belsen but they were not killed.

Soon after the end of the war, there were a few different stories of how the nazis committed mass murder. One was that the victims were put in water and an electric current was sent through the water electrocuting the victims.

Another was that the victims were thrown in great fiery pits. Yet another was that the victims were driven in trucks which had their exhaust fumes channeled into the compartment in which the victims were placed, thereby killing them.

Finally, there is the story about the victims ‘taking showers’ in gas chambers which is the one claimed today. I take issue with this claim for the following reasons.


ZYKLON-B WAS INVENTED in America, not Germany. It was first used in Texas to disinfect the clothing of Mexicans crossing the border.

In the German work camps, Zyklon-B was used to disinfect the clothing of the internees to stem the tide of typhus.

Perhaps you have heard the story that the internees were led into a room in which they were told that they would be given showers and then they were gassed to death.

In reality, the doors of a real gas chamber would have to be airtight and look something like an airplane door. Otherwise, the gas would seep out and kill those operating the gas chamber.

Also, before the doors of a gas chamber can be opened, another gas, anhydrous ammonia, must be injected into the chamber to react with the poisonous gas to make it a less lethal resulting gas.

Even so, anhydrous ammonia being poisonous, it would react with the gas used and would have to be scrubbed away. This would have been a long, dangerous, inefficient and toilsome task.

If Hitler wanted to kill as many Jews as he could, he would have had them shot by machine guns and automatic rifles. This would have been the least expensive and quickest way to commit mass murder. And, tragically, there were many mass murders in World War II by soldiers using machine guns and automatic rifles.

But, I am only stating that the claim that Hitler committed a genocidal war against Jews is false. I am not defending Hitler. He started a war which caused the deaths of millions.


I FIRST READ Elie Wiesel’s “Night†when in it was an earlier publication.

In this early edition, Wiesel does not mention any gas chambers but states that mass murder was committed by throwing Jews of all ages into great fiery pits.

When I ask various Jews why did Wiesel not mention gas chambers if they existed, and, if great fiery pits were used to kill people, then why are people not talking about the great fiery pits now like people are always talking about the gas chambers?

The usual response is that the victims were killed by both methods and that Wiesel’s failure to mention gas chambers is not proof that the gas chambers for killing people did not exist. This answer is not convincing since Wiesel purports to be giving an eyewitness account.

Weasel (misspelling intentional…for the man is a deceiver and a sneak) wrote about the internees taking showers, being shaved of all body hair, and being covered with disinfectant which would be consistent with a program to prevent typhus and other diseases from killing the internees and not consistent with a program which wanted the internees to die.

In the earlier edition of “Night,†Wiesel wrote that he had surgery on one of his feet at a “well equipped hospital†in Auschwitz before taken to other camps. In the newer editions of “Night†this has been changed to an “infirmary.â€

Yet, in both editions, he states that he was given two weeks off from work after his surgery which is inconsistent with the claim that all internees who could not work were killed.

Weasel wrote that while he was recuperating the Russians were approaching Auschwitz and the Germans knew that they could not hold out in Auschwitz any longer.

So, they offered all their internees who were in the hospital that they could decide whether to wait for the Russian soldiers to come or leave with the Germans. Wiesel decided to leave with the Germans who were supposedly committing genocide against the Jews instead of waiting for liberation by the Russians.

Perhaps, you have seen pictures of piles of dead and walking skeletons of a liberated concentration camp.

But, by the end of the war, all Germans were having difficulty feeding themselves.

Also, the American and British air forces were bombing all the railroad tracks making it impossible to bring sufficient quantities of food into the camps. So, America and Britain share most of the blame for the starvation in the camps at the end of the war.

Jews need to keep bringing up the Holocaust so they can extort billions of dollars from America and its most advanced weapons systems for their Zionist program in Israel.

Jews own and control America’s mainline media, so that they can control most everything Americans hear and see.

While Americans argue about medical care and how much it will cost, Israel has a much more generous medical care program for its citizens and does not need to worry about the costs because it’s paid for by tax-paying American citizens in the aid we give to Israel.



Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
I've always been of the opinion that, while perhaps the history of the Holocaust is exaggerated here and there to imbue the Jewish people with perpetual victimhood and [further] incriminate Nazis, it is basically true that the Nazis' plan was to rid the world of Jews through murder, especially after it became clear that the Germans would lose the war and be unable to ship Jews off the continent in a more humane manner.

In my view there is just too much evidence that the Nazis were starving and killing people (footage of ovens with bodies stuffed in them, gas chambers with blood stains on the walls, etc.), and too many corroborating stories by people of different sides to create this vast conspiracy to hoax the world. Maybe that footage was staged or misrepresented, but personally I don't believe so.

Maybe machine guns would be faster, but also more bloody and noisy. Maybe the Nazis wanted to avoid blood in this situation and believed that gun sounds would make the other prisoners panic?

Elie Weisel is probably right when he claims that the Nazis were killing people, but to make his story dramatic and more damning to the Nazis he will of course exaggerate to make the victims seem even more innocent and the perpetrators seem even more guilty.

The truth about the Holocaust is, in my view, that it did occur, but that Jews exaggerate its results (as if they needed exaggerating to begin with!) in order to guilt-trip the world into always giving them free sh*t.

Blacks do it all the time when they say sh*t like, oh slavery ended only 150 years ago and segregation was still in our lifetime.

You can bet they will continue whining and b*tching long after all of us are dead and new generations who never experienced either slavery or forced segregation are still playing the victim card.

Jews will do it, no doubt. They claim to be victims of racism and what not, but if you actually listen to them talk (unfortunately I do, as I'm a teacher [French language] and have to take my students to the Holocaust museum every year with their English teachers when they read Anne Frank) they are some of the most arrogant and intolerant people on the planet.


Nov 25, 2004
Some people around my work know that I don't believe in the Jewish holocaust. When they ask me, I point blank say "no it absolutely did not happen."

So they found bodies in small scale crematoriums? Every single major and even minor cities in the world today and back then have and still have crematoriums. So did all of the allies' concentration camps.

So we are supposed to believe that the Germans had a plan to kill all the Jews. No doubt many wanted to do just that and many wish they actually had, but there was no policy whatsoever of extermination - period. No proof, no documents, no intercepted broken code, nothing. Futher, if the Germans did have a policy of exterminating Jews "from the world" then why were they so bad at it? The Communist Bolshevik Jews had no problem exterminating people in a very fast efficient way - usually a bullet to the back of the head and a mass grave. No fancy gas chambers, no deception, no crematorium - just shoot and dump the bodies wherever you want.

Supposedly the Germans plan was to exterminate the "Jews from the Planet" via capturing them, building them large facilities to "live" in, feeding them for years, and then finally killing them via the most inefficient, sloppy, and unsuccessful ways know to history. The same Germans who on the battlefield easily killed millions of armed opponents from around the world.

When we ask for evidence of the holocaust all we get is fantastical stories from so called survivors and photos of dead bodies with evil captions beneath. That's it. No other evidence is ever presented. When we ask for forensic evidence, "we are told that we "can't disturb the sacred burial sites." Meanwhile we still dig up other mass graves to this day whenever it serves our propaganda purposes - ie Yugoslavia. Heck, right after the war we forced German citizens to dig up freshly buried bodies for propaganda purposes.

When we ask for any other smoking gun documentary or physical evidence, we get the old tired BS that the Germans destroyed all the evidence. That's it. The rest of the so-called evidence is all anecdotal. Fabulous stories, twisted words, cartoon-style captions below pictures etc.

Did the holocaust happen? No. How do I know? All of the survivors. How many survived the Katyn Forest Massacre? That's right - 0. Not a single survivor. That's how real extermination is done. No five year old escapee who lived in trees and was raised by wolves. No fantastical escape stories.

The physical evidence we do have are the inspections done by the International Red Cross. They saw no evidence of a holocaust and regularly inspected German camps usually with good reports on the living conditions. The survival rate of American soldiers at the camps was perhaps the best in our history - less than 3% died in camp. Russian and British camps (I think) did not even allow the Red Cross to inspect them. And we all know what happened to Germans prisoners after the war. That's the real holocaust.

I have a 1967 set of Collier's Encyclopedia. The Jewish Holocaust is not mentioned even once. Think about that for just a minute ask yourself, "How could that be?" Was Collier's antisemitic? No holocaust movies at the time. Was Hollywood antisemitic?

End of Rant for today
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
I have a 1967 set of Collier's Encyclopedia. The Jewish Holocaust is not mentioned even once. Think about that for just a minute ask yourself, "How could that be?" Was Collier's antisemitic? No holocaust movies at the time. Was Hollywood antisemitic?

You can go through U.S. movies and magazines and newspapers and school books and radio shows and tv shows from the 40's through the 60's and you won't see a single word about the "holocaust" (including shows specifically about WW2 like the famous "Victory at Sea' series). The "holocaust" wasn't even invented until the 1970's!

After WW2 was over they tortured the defeated German and eastern European prisoners into confessing to killing more Jews than ever existed on Earth in any grotesque way that the Jewish torturers could invent - boiling to death, pressing, turning into lamp shades and bars of soap. They forced them to confess to the Allies' own crimes, like the mass murder of Poles in the Katyn Forest.

The Jews tried the six million schtick before too, numerous times - "the Russian Black Hundreds killed six million Jews in Russia", "the Kaiser killed six million Jews in WW1", hell they said the Babylonians holocausted six BILLION of them! - but you're not supposed to remember any of that:

And far from "trying to kill all the jews" half the German leadership were Jewish background themselves, including many in the highest positions, like the founder of the SS and holder of NSDAP card #3 for instance, Emil Maurice.


Emil Maurice, founder of the SS, Jewish
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Nov 25, 2004
In my view there is just too much evidence that the Nazis were starving and killing people (footage of ovens with bodies stuffed in them, gas chambers with blood stains on the walls, etc.), and too many corroborating stories by people of different sides to create this vast conspiracy to hoax the world. Maybe that footage was staged or misrepresented, but personally I don't believe so.

Maybe machine guns would be faster, but also more bloody and noisy. Maybe the Nazis wanted to avoid blood in this situation and believed that gun sounds would make the other prisoners panic?

Starving people? The Nazis were starving themselves yet failed to starve millions inside their camps for years.

Ovens? Geez, so put a couple of bodies in an oven and take a picture. That's proof? Proof of what exactly. Every city in the world has a crematorium for dead bodies and morgues filled with dead bodies. You can even pile them all up and take pictures. You think the Germans piled them up Hollywood style? How do you know the piles were dead bodies of Jews and not all the dead Germans that were being slaughtered at the time?

Maybe machine guns would be faster? Maybe? Yah, a machine gun "might" be faster than to feed and cloth them for several years, then gas them, and then burn them.

Blood stains in gas chambers? I'm confused.

So the Germans were worried about the prisoners panicking? Yet all the Jewish survivors tell us is that they all knew about the gas chambers and accepted their fate before they were miraculously saved. Why would the Germans care if they panicked anyway? No one cared if the Germans panicked during the rape and mass slaughter of Germany.

Any belief in the holocaust without evidence is Anti-Germanic garbage. Are you an antigermite?
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Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Good information gentlemen. I don't have a "stance" on this issue as I haven't researched it in depth like some of you fellas have. All I know is that in school I learned the Jewish side of the story. Had to read Ann Frank, watch Schindler's List, etc and alot of it seemed far fetched, even in my young mind. Now as an adult I can see how Jews have used this event to their advantage and gained the state of Israel. Their centuries old goal. Fishy. Also, it's fishy how many European countries have banned any questioning of these events. If something really happened in history, the event should stand up to any questioning. Even horrible events should be open for discussion. The establishment seems like they have something to hid, similar to how discussion of facts and evidence in Sandy Hook and 911 are ignored or shouted down.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
Dude Kaptain relax man, I don't actually even give a flying f*ck about Jews and the Holocaust. I was just expressing my opinion based on what I have seen.

If what I have seen is all a fraud, I am open to that possibility.

I am actually one of the most anti-Semitic people out there and I think Israel can get nuked and I think it's a good thing.

As I said in my other post above, I believe Jews to be among the most hateful and racist people on the planet, and they think they're superior to the rest of us.

I'm just going on what I've seen in documentaries where they show the bulldozers shoveling the bodies into the pits. Maybe that could have been staged, maybe it was real.

I don't know and I don't really care.


Nov 13, 2005
There is much to ponder on this issue. On the one hand we have the forced confessions, the show trials, the changing body counts at different camps etc, plus the fact that the Soviets captured most of the camps where extermination was said to take place. We have the claims of men like Judge Staglich who was stationed at Auschwitz for much of the war and never saw anything terrible.
On the other hand we have the quandry to the disappearing mass of Polish and Hungarian jews. Where did they go? Warsaw and Budapest each had about 500,000 jewish residents before the war, very few after. Obviously many survived and fled Europe after the war, but has anyone found evidence of mass survival. The Dutch Jews claim about 80,000 (out of 120,000 before the war) dead and even have a book of their names. I don't know if any revisionist historians have tried to dissect these numbers and find evidence that most of these 80,000 survived the war. Being in Western Europe it should have been much easier to find the truth as opposed to areas under communist rule. And of course we have the case of Jews who claim that huge swaths of their families died, by whatever means, in the war. Indeed, I even have a half Jewish friend who claims that big chunks of his Hungarian Jewish fathers family died in the war.
It would be fascinating to take some random sample of Jewish population groups, such as the graduates of a high school in Poland in 1938, or the families of several prominent Hungarian Jews and do a massive research job, and track just how many did survive from the group under study. I've yet to see any revisionists tackle such a project but would be interested to see the outcome.
One more thing, the state of inmates at the camps taken by Western Allied troops in 1945. Had Germany surrendered in 1944 with its infrastructure intact (say Hitler was overthrown and the western allies had the good sense to offer a decent surrender agreement to Germany, big ifs I know) my guess is that the average inmate at many of these camps on German soil (none of which had gas chambers according to even establishment historians) would have looked a lot better and been in much better health. 1944 and 1945 were horrible years for average civilians in Europe and even worse for someone in a camp.

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
In my view there is just too much evidence that the Nazis were starving and killing people (footage of ovens with bodies stuffed in them, gas chambers with blood stains on the walls, etc.), and too many corroborating stories by people of different sides to create this vast conspiracy to hoax the world. Maybe that footage was staged or misrepresented, but personally I don't believe so.

"(footage of ovens with bodies stuffed in them, gas chambers with blood stains on the walls, etc.)"

I've never seen any of this, if there are stories like this out there it's no doubt like the proven false hoaxes like the shrunken heads and lamp shades made of Jewish skin.

I have seen pictures of starving Jews, these were all post-war pictures taken by the Allies, and they starved because the Allies bombed the German infrastructure into the stone age to the point where the Germans were having great difficulty in feeding their own people, in addition to that Allied pilots were instructed to shoot down German farmers because according to Chuck Yeager "they were feeding the enemy." (They were also feeding the Jews...) Due to this most of the deaths by starvation occurred after the war, and the piles of corpses were also post-war.

It is claimed that there were 6 "death camps" where human extermination took place, all of them were in the east and were "liberated" by the Soviets, the concentration camps liberated by the Allies are not claimed to have been used for human extermination and were just concentration camps, these are where all the pictures were taken. They even falsely label some of the pictures which make the rounds as "proof" of genocide.


Nov 25, 2004
Dude Kaptain relax man, I don't actually even give a flying f*ck about Jews

I'm just going on what I've seen in documentaries where they show the bulldozers shoveling the bodies into the pits. Maybe that could have been staged, maybe it was real.

I don't know and I don't really care.

Yah I came off a bit harsh on you but it was unintended. I apologize.

Think of the tens of thousands of people that died in a single battle in world war 2. Then, look at the "dozens" of set-up bodies being bull-dozed and filmed and ask yourself it this was a big deal even if it was dead concentration camp victims. Those bodies had not been decaying - indicating recent death with no bullet wounds. Unless the holocaust and all the gassings took place in the span of a week then it is evidence of nothing except maybe people starving after the Germans were decimated. The fact that they survived under German rule and quickly died when the Germans were on the run is evidence of the opposite.

The Holocaust and World War II are extremely important. These lies have to be combated. It was the turning point in our history and the single biggest historical event of our recent generations and perhaps of all time. We must get it right. You should want to know and you should want to really care.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
I'm just going on what I've seen in documentaries where they show the bulldozers shoveling the bodies into the pits. Maybe that could have been staged, maybe it was real.

They took photos like these of the real true Holocaust at Dresden that they themselves - the Americans and British - did - the worst crime, the worst mass murder, in European history - and the war was all but over at that point - and Dresden was the most beautiful city in Europe and completely undefended and jammed to the rafters with refugees fleeing the Allied (Bolshevik) terror in the east, and a Christian holiday when the little children were dressed up in costumes, and the city had many POW's too, like Kurt Vonnegut who wrote about it in his book Slaughterhouse Five - 500,000 to 750,000 poeple slaughtered, mostly women and children - and it was such a horror that even Moscow protested - they took these photos from Dresden, like this one, and relabeled them "Jews killed in death camps"


Some of the hundreds of thousands of German victims at Dresden relabeled "Jews killed in death camps"

They also doctored many photos and then mislabeled them. You can find many examples on the internet.

Then they show you photos of emaciated typhus victims in the German LABOR CAMPS like Auschwitz but they don't show all the perfectly healthy inmates or the swimming pools and symphony orchestras they had in the "death camps". The Germans ere desperately trying to stop disease in the camps, and that's what Zyklon B was really for, disinfecting clothing.

At the maximin extent of his empire Hitler had four million Jews under his control. Since the war ended, over four million survivors of "Hitler's death camps" have sued for $$$reperations$$$. Some death camps.

In addition, as I mentioned above, many of the highest ranking Germans were Jewish background themselves, including Hitler's chosen successor, Reinhold Heydrich, murdered by the Allies. Plus tens of thousands of Jews fought FOR Hitler (see the book Hitler's Jewish Soldiers), and thousands on non-talmudic Karaite Jews fought in the Waffen SS on the eastern front.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
On the other hand we have the quandry to the disappearing mass of Polish and Hungarian jews. Where did they go? Warsaw and Budapest each had about 500,000 jewish residents before the war, very few after. Obviously many survived and fled Europe after the war, but has anyone found evidence of mass survival. The Dutch Jews claim about 80,000 (out of 120,000 before the war) dead and even have a book of their names. I don't know if any revisionist historians have tried to dissect these numbers and find evidence that most of these 80,000 survived the war....

The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry

Meticulous study about what happened to the Jews of eastern and central Europe. They moved to the USSR and the USA and the UK and Palestine and many other countries.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Interesting how little has been written about Maurice and how mildly he was treated by the victorious Judeo-Bolsevik-Capitalists. They didn't torture him into "confessing" to turning 6 million Jews into bars of soap etc., nor has Hollywood made any docudrama horror shows about him. Likewise the thousands of Karaite Jews who fought with the Waffen SS. Interesting.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
As a humorous aside (to me at least) in the Holocaust mythology, a couple of years ago one of my kids was hauled off with the rest of their class to the holy city of Washington to be indoctrinated in the multicult. One of the required stops was the Holocaust museum. My kid remembered little about it because to kids it's just boring sh*t that happened a million years ago.

However I looked at some of the stuff they brought back and the one from the Holocaust Museum was about how the evil Germans persecuted GAY JEWS. It was all about how those poor unfortunate **** were tortured and killed by evil nazis. HAHA they knew the kids couldn't care less about dead jews, whats the big deal, millions died back then, it was, like normal. But homo's? Now that's a modern day crime!!! It seems the only way the jews can interest the young goyim in their persecution is by telling 'fairy tales' about the death of gay jews.

In twenty years when the country is 70% mexican they are going to have to close the Holocaust museum and open up one about the Spanish treatment of the native americans. All this jew stuff will go away. The jews have the fertility rate of San Francisco **** and will someday soon be gone due to a holocaust of their own making (not that they won't make the last few remaining years miserable for the rest of us).


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
As a humorous aside (to me at least) in the Holocaust mythology, a couple of years ago one of my kids was hauled off with the rest of their class to the holy city of Washington to be indoctrinated in the multicult. One of the required stops was the Holocaust museum. My kid remembered little about it because to kids it's just boring sh*t that happened a million years ago.

However I looked at some of the stuff they brought back and the one from the Holocaust Museum was about how the evil Germans persecuted GAY JEWS. It was all about how those poor unfortunate **** were tortured and killed by evil nazis. HAHA they knew the kids couldn't care less about dead jews, whats the big deal, millions died back then, it was, like normal. But homo's? Now that's a modern day crime!!! It seems the only way the jews can interest the young goyim in their persecution is by telling 'fairy tales' about the death of gay jews.

In twenty years when the country is 70% mexican they are going to have to close the Holocaust museum and open up one about the Spanish treatment of the native americans. All this jew stuff will go away. The jews have the fertility rate of San Francisco **** and will someday soon be gone due to a holocaust of their own making (not that they won't make the last few remaining years miserable for the rest of us).

The story line writers can't make up their minds whether to write that Hitler was really a homosexual who ate rugs or whether he persecuted homosexuals who ate rugs, or both. Someone posted a really good short video on here succinctly depicting what will happen to the Jews once they are totally outbred by the third worlders and blacks they are so frantically flooding the country with, not that they can even think that far ahead. They are just programmed to destroy the hated host population.

Beg to differ with you about a future Mexican museum for native americans persecuted by the Spaniards. Native americans are being very badly persecuted in mexico and latin america, and even in the early days here the mexicans were the mortal enemies of the native americans. In fact, the Mexicans say that their taking over of the American southwest is their "reconquista", but it was never their country because they never conquered the indians who lived there. It was indian country. The only way it was "theirs" was because the Pope in Rome gave them a piece of paper saying it's yours, much as the yids in Palestine marched in with some book that they say says, ""get the f out! This place belongs to us. We got a book that says so, see."

Look up the states of Chiapas and Oaxaca in Mexico and the rebellions and persecution of los indigenos (the indians) there.

The Holohoax is the state religion of the USSA and the other occupied countries of the west. In many of them even so much as suggesting that perhaps it was only 5,999,999 talmudists that got turned into lamp shades and bars of soap and not 6 mill. will get you a prison term 10X longer than they'd give a black mugger-rapist-murderer* , and if you can find a lawyer who will defend you they'll jail her too. Yes, that is what they are doing in occupied Germany.

* IN NY, NY they now award black mugger-rapist-murderers 40 million dollars!
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Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
@ Kaptain: fair enough, and agreed!

This thread has inspired me to read into the topic a little more. On the wikipedia site, the topic goes under the title "holocaust denial."

Although the article (and its assorted links) presents itself as an unbiased, scholarly work, there is a definite, negative caul cast over the holocaust denial/revisionism camp by the contributors.

I sense the bias because I have no opinion one way or the other but am open to ideas.

One can sense the bias in the way the contributors put quotation marks around "distinguished scholar" (when describing a particular holocaust denier), as if they are doubting his academic credentials or laughing at him.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
@ Kaptain: fair enough, and agreed!

This thread has inspired me to read into the topic a little more. On the wikipedia site...

Wikipedia is censored and strictly Kosher. That's not the place you go to learn about the truth about any politically controversial subject - unless you're just looking for shill material to deceive people and disrupt the threads.

There are many good sites on the crucial subject. The internet is still free. Here's one:
Oct 24, 2012
@ Kaptain: fair enough, and agreed!

This thread has inspired me to read into the topic a little more. On the wikipedia site, the topic goes under the title "holocaust denial."

Although the article (and its assorted links) presents itself as an unbiased, scholarly work, there is a definite, negative caul cast over the holocaust denial/revisionism camp by the contributors.

I sense the bias because I have no opinion one way or the other but am open to ideas.

One can sense the bias in the way the contributors put quotation marks around "distinguished scholar" (when describing a particular holocaust denier), as if they are doubting his academic credentials or laughing at him.

Robert Faurisson and Vincent Reynouard are the guys you must read about.
Feb 27, 2013
I need to chime in on this. The Holocaust happened. Are the numbers exaggerated? Of course but they were still pretty high. End of story.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Twinkle Toes? Good grief. Anyway, it's only a matter of time before the wiggers and zio trolls come crawling out of the woodwork in this place. That's why I always get fed up with this so-called Happy Hour forum and go back to the Boxing board. Now where's that "zzzzz" troll? I kind of miss him.

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
@ Kaptain: fair enough, and agreed!

This thread has inspired me to read into the topic a little more. On the wikipedia site, the topic goes under the title "holocaust denial."

Although the article (and its assorted links) presents itself as an unbiased, scholarly work, there is a definite, negative caul cast over the holocaust denial/revisionism camp by the contributors.

I sense the bias because I have no opinion one way or the other but am open to ideas.

One can sense the bias in the way the contributors put quotation marks around "distinguished scholar" (when describing a particular holocaust denier), as if they are doubting his academic credentials or laughing at him.

This is the best primer on the Holohoax that I've come across:
Hoax or Holocaust by Jürgen Graf

A couple of other links:
One third of the holocaust
American Jew David Cole exposes Auschwitz


Nov 25, 2004
The Institute for Historical Review ( has good info. But you should with the simple big picture first. Some of the youtube radio/video broadcast on the subject by Dr. William Pierce gets to the point quickly.

Another link that simplifies the argument :

There are dozens of good sites on the holohoax. Just need to look and make common sense out of the issue.