Jewish Privilege

Interesting discussion this. Sandy Koufax was indeed one of the greatest pitchers I've ever seen. Though he did derive some benefit from Chavez, his move there from Brooklyn and the Coliseum had little to do with his sudden success, as well noted by TomIron above.

Koufax was a "Bonus Baby," so called due to a small bonus he received to sign at age 18. Due to the arcane rules of the time, however, this bonus prohibited his natural growth and maturity because the Dodgers weren't allowed to send him down on the farm, where he could have learned to throw strikes. He had dreadful control at this age, as do so many young fireballers, many of whom never make it (see Steve Dalkowski), and manager Alston wasn't keen to risk his wildness on key games, so many of which the Dodgers had in Sandy's early years. Quite simply, Sandy was denied a chance to learn the control he needed early on.

Koufax slowly matured and as he did he began to learn how to pitch and how to better control his pitches, as first became apparent in 1961. Only then did his talent begin to emerge, now at age 25 and no longer a youngster. That his emergence as a great pitcher coincided with LA's move to Chavez was incidental, merely a chance coincidence of life. It wasn't the ballparks holding Koufax back. It was his youthful immaturity and lack of opportunities in those early years. Whether Koufax would have performed just as well in Fenway isn't the point; perhaps not, but he still would have been a superb pitcher.

As a Christian and deep traditionalist, I nevertheless don't see the need to hold suspect every Jew I know or every black person I meet. Sandy Koufax, from all I know about him, is a compassionate and empathetic person, completely unaligned with any group seeking to alter America's traditional culture and way of life. Martel speaks often of the Jewish power establishment and of their outsize influence upon our culture. I have no reason to doubt him, and I am deeply offended by those who sponsor any agenda that denigrates our nation or its founders and sacred foundations, such as we witnessed and through which we suffered in the late 1960s and right on down to today through violent opportunists like many of those who lead BLM and the accursed Antifa organization. But, sadly, many of these jackals are gentiles, turncoats to their own people, traitors and heretics to their own culture and kin.
Fox News Cuts Off Newt Gingrich After He Points Out George Soros Role in Electing Prosecutors


“Look, the number one problem in almost all these cities is George Soros-elected, left-wing, anti-police, pro-criminal district attorneys who refuse to keep people locked up,” Gingrich said. “Just yesterday they put somebody back on the streets who’s wanted for two different murders in New York City.”

He continued: “You cannot solve this problem — and both [Kamala] Harris and [Joe] Biden have talked very proudly out what they call ‘progressive district attorneys’. Progressive district attorneys are anti-police, pro-criminal, and overwhelmingly elected with George Soros’s money.

“And they’re a major cause of the violence we’re seeing because they keep putting the violent criminals back on the street,” Gingrich said.

“I’m not sure we need to bring (((George Soros))) into this,” Francis replied.

“He paid for it,” Gingrich, who was obviously taken aback by the interruption. “I mean, why can’t we discuss that fact that millions of dollars….”.

“No he didn’t,” Harf interjected. “I agree with Melissa. George Soros doesn’t need to be a part of this conversation.”

“Okay, so it’s verboten,” Gingrich said, using the German word for “forbidden.”

As Breitbart News reported in May 2018, Soros became involved in several local races for district attorney, in Northern California and around the nation. His goal was to defeat “law-and-order” candidates and elect “progressive” prosecutors.

The Los Angeles Times noted, in an article titled “Here’s why George Soros, liberal groups are spending big to help decide who’s your next D.A.”:

The effort is part of a years-long campaign by liberal groups to reshape the nation’s criminal justice system.

Where law-and-order campaigns appeal to fear, the new strategy targets anger.

One issue that has caught fire is police shootings.

“It’s really coming from this Black Lives Matter moment of police accountability,” said Margaret Dooley-Sammuli, criminal justice and drug policy director for the ACLU of California.

Much of the money remained “hidden,” funneled (presumably legally) through non-profit groups that did not have to disclose their donors.

It is therefore unknown precisely how many races Soros was involved in, though the Times reported that the number was at least 21. In many cases, Soros backed left-wing candidates against establishment Democrats.

Soros-backed prosecutors have played a role in several national controversies. They include Kim Foxx, the Chicago-area prosecutor who mishandled the Jussie Smollet hate crime hoax; Kim Garnder, the St. Louis prosecutor who charged the McCloskeys after they defended their home from a Black Lives Matter mob by standing outside with their guns; and Diana Becton, who has charged a California couple with a hate crime for painting over a “Black Lives Matter” mural on a public road.

Thanks for this, Martel. It's news to me. It's unthinkable that Fox would suppress this info about Soros. We're in bad shape if we can't even count on Fox. Who is really on our side in this lawless insurrection against an orderly and civilized America? It feels like we've been losing since 1967, and that constantly fighting a rearguard, delaying action is the best we can do, whether regarding the forced integration of our schools in the sixties, our justice system today, our domestic economy, or illegal immigration which threatens to engulf us, yet continues unabated.

I often wonder what Washington and Jefferson would think if they saw us today, what Robert E. Lee would think, what even Lincoln might say.
Washington Post: Netanyahu Brings Suitcases of Dirty Laundry for U.S. Government to Wash
Report claims Prime Minister and wife bring laundry from Israel on official visits to be cleaned 'free of charge by U.S. staff,' matching years of Israeli reporting on the Netanyahus' habit
If this story is true, and I understand that is a big if, you can see why these people have been generally despised by every other group throughout all of history. They have chutzpah and a feeling of superiority over gentiles, or goyim as they like to call us. When you understand these ethnic traits, you hear a seemingly unbelievable story like such and begin to think, “eh, it’s probably true.”
Ben Shapiro, who wouldn't even back Trump, remains a respected commentator in conservative circles.
By backing housing charity’s ‘Jewish only’ rule, UK court drops the ball. Aren’t we all equal in Britain?

A small legal challenge has turned into a precedent-setting case about whether someone in today’s Britain can be prioritised or denied housing on the basis of their religion.

The law isn’t always right and it’s not just people who can be taken hostage.

In a disgraceful decision deemed legitimate by the UK’s highest court, a single mother with four children was refused social housing – because she wasn’t a Jew. It’s that simple.

The charity Agudas Israel Housing Association (AIHA) owns 470 houses in the London borough of Hackney. Local authorities promised, in October 2017, the next available home to the woman and her kids, two of whom are autistic.

AIHA refused to hand over the keys to any of its SIX four-bedroom, unoccupied flats.

American Freedom News