Jewish influence in modern football

originally a quenelle is this:

when they do this gesture they say that they "sodomized the zionists this deep" (the hand indicaates the depth)

that being said, it's entertaining to see our enemies fighting eachother while we sit back and relax
these antizionists make the jews go crazy because it can go very far (see mohamed merah for example)

but make no mistake, it is an anti-racist gesture
the people who do this gesture are mostly arabs and blacks
and the main thing they say is that zionists are racist
there was even a mad man who shot a journalist in paris, everyone thought that it would be a white guy angry at the jews for their anti-white propaganda in the media but no, the shooter was actually an arab who believed that there was a fascist conspiracy in the media (totally crazy)

so let's enjoy it but i don't want to see a white racist guy doing that gesture

I know - this gesture came from that black comic Dieudonne who they are trying to silence in France for being "antisemitic" and has spread all over the place.
Jews lobbied super hard to increase the level of third world immigration into Europe and the US, but are now getting a taste of their own medicine.
originally a quenelle is this:

that being said, it's entertaining to see our enemies fighting eachother while we sit back and relax
these antizionists make the jews go crazy because it can go very far (see mohamed merah for example)

so let's enjoy it

Yup,its time for us to see and enjoy.

I don't want to see a white racist guy doing that gesture

These are gestures for white guys:


Jewish Congress offers FA, UEFA help to fight anti-Semitism

"(Reuters) - The European Jewish Congress (EJC) offered on Tuesday to help European soccer's governing body UEFA and the English FA to fight anti-Semitism in the sport following Nicolas Anelka's "quenelle" salute." [Porthos: "offered ... to help" :icon_rolleyes: ]
"The 34-year-old Anelka promised his club on Monday he would not repeat it in future." [Porthos: If he was White he would have been crucified with a draconian punishment like that Croatian player, but since he's black he gets a slap on the wrist. Here's the "quenelle" (read Frederic's comment above):]

"Thousands of photographs have emerged on the internet showing people using the quenelle in what the EJC calls "sensitive sites" like the Auschwitz death camp, the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam..."
"The FA, UEFA and world governing body FIFA, have long worked closely with anti-racism organizations like FARE (Football Against Racism in Europe) and the English "Kick It Out" campaign to fight against racism, anti-Semitism and homophobia in soccer." [Porthos: As mentioned, it would be interesting to find out who is financing these secretive "anti-racism organizations" and for what purpose - cherchez l'argent]
Croatia defender Josip Simunic will miss the World Cup after being banned for 10 matches by FIFA for shouting a fascist salute following his team's play-off victory over Iceland last month.

Croatia reached next year's tournament in Brazil by beating Iceland 2-0 on Tuesday. After the match, Josip Simunic took a microphone on the field and shouted to fans: ''For the homeland!'' The fans responded: ''Ready!''

World governing body FIFA on Monday confirmed Simunic's ban will start at the World Cup in Brazil, and also announced he will be banned from entering the stadium for any of the country's matches.

Simunic has also been ordered to pay a fine of 30,000 Swiss francs (€24,540).

The ban could signal the end of the 35-year-old's international career.

I don't agree with FIFA's ridiculously draconian ruling, however...being Australian, I'm smilingly unsympathetic and have to say that karma (to coin that infamous Sanskrit loan word...) has finally caught up with the "patriotic" Simunic. If something like this was going to happen, it certainly happened to the right bloke and - in my humble opinion - Fate has scored an admirable bullseye. For any of our readers who don't follow soccer and who therefore might be wondering "What manner of ****e is Rebajlo stirring this time?" permit me to provide a bit of background...

Josip Simunic was born in Canberra (that's Canberra, AUSTRALIA...) to Bosnian Croat migrants. He was the beneficiary of a taxpayer-funded scholarship at the Australian Institute of Sport (whose mission - as its name implies - is to aid the development of sportspeople who may progress to represent Australia in international competition). Despite being born in Australia and having his "sporting education" paid for by Australian taxpayers, Simunic naturally chose to represent Croatia. Now, that's patriotism, is it not...

Not only is he a paragon of gratitude and loyalty to the nation which gave his parents (who obviously instilled a respect for Australia in their son...) a chance, this chap also displays wonderful sportsmanship in the old Corinthian spirit:


Well, enjoy watching the World Cup on TV or from the stands, Joe (sorry, I mean, Josip...) you ****ing ungrateful prick... :rofl:
Josip Simunic was born in Canberra (that's Canberra, AUSTRALIA...) to Bosnian Croat migrants. He was the beneficiary of a taxpayer-funded scholarship at the Australian Institute of Sport (whose mission - as its name implies - is to aid the development of sportspeople who may progress to represent Australia in international competition). Despite being born in Australia and having his "sporting education" paid for by Australian taxpayers, Simunic naturally chose to represent Croatia. Now, that's patriotism, is it not...

Not only is he a paragon of gratitude and loyalty to the nation which gave his parents (who obviously instilled a respect for Australia in their son...) a chance, this chap also displays wonderful sportsmanship in the old Corinthian spirit:


Well, enjoy watching the World Cup on TV or from the stands, Joe (sorry, I mean, Josip...) you ****ing ungrateful prick... :rofl:

Excellent post,sir,simply excellent.
The foul was satisfying for me,considering the fact that the player who got fouled was "Sulejmani"-UGH.
I don't agree with FIFA's ridiculously draconian ruling, however...being Australian, I'm smilingly unsympathetic and have to say that karma (to coin that infamous Sanskrit loan word...) has finally caught up with the "patriotic" Simunic. If something like this was going to happen, it certainly happened to the right bloke and - in my humble opinion - Fate has scored an admirable bullseye. For any of our readers who don't follow soccer and who therefore might be wondering "What manner of ****e is Rebajlo stirring this time?" permit me to provide a bit of background...

Josip Simunic was born in Canberra (that's Canberra, AUSTRALIA...) to Bosnian Croat migrants. He was the beneficiary of a taxpayer-funded scholarship at the Australian Institute of Sport (whose mission - as its name implies - is to aid the development of sportspeople who may progress to represent Australia in international competition). Despite being born in Australia and having his "sporting education" paid for by Australian taxpayers, Simunic naturally chose to represent Croatia. Now, that's patriotism, is it not...

Not only is he a paragon of gratitude and loyalty to the nation which gave his parents (who obviously instilled a respect for Australia in their son...) a chance, this chap also displays wonderful sportsmanship in the old Corinthian spirit:


Well, enjoy watching the World Cup on TV or from the stands, Joe (sorry, I mean, Josip...) you ****ing ungrateful prick... :rofl:

Well, I presume his parents are also Australian taxpayers, unless they enjoy some sort of tax-exempt status... As for him choosing Croatia instead of Australia - I don't justify that, but it requires a bit of explaining. Most of the Croats in Australia come from regions in southern Croatia where people are turbulent, traditional, fiercelly nationalistic, church going, anti-multikulti, anti-marxist, anti-modern... Heck, they were sending anti-Communist guerillas to Yugoslavia as recently as the 1970s , so I can see large numbers of them having troubles "integrating" into Australian society (which, as any western society today, is just too liberal for them)... so they cling desperately to the old country. I agree that if they love Croatia so much, they should go back. It would be better for them, for Australia (which these days will easily fill the void with immigrants from India and China) and for Croatia too (which is in a terrible demographic shape and could make good use of a hundred thousand traditionalists). That said (and I think we already had a discussion about this), for every one Simunic that plays for Croatia you have at least 4-5 Vidukas and Bosnichs who play for Australia. The Australian national team is traditionally packed with Croatians. A quick glance over the names of the current Australian players on Wikipedia reveals that 5 out of 22 (23%) are of clear Croatian origin... that out of an ethnic group that makes less than 1% of the population.
Simunic is a tough and temperamental player. As a curiosity, he is the only player that got 3 yellow cards in a World Cup game (against Australia, if I'm not wrong). I dont justify his tackle against Suleimani and I think he deservedly got sent off and disqualified for 3 games... However, you should have put the youtube clip in perspective. It was a WC qualification match with Serbia, which is still more than a normal football match. Suleimani was going to score the Serbian victory goal, and Joe simply would not allow that to happen, so he sacrificed himself for the team. This is similar to the situation in the game where Suarez did that famous handball against Ghana. He paid the price for that.
Take it in a positive way,Sir.

Well, I presume his parents are also Australian taxpayers, unless they enjoy some sort of tax-exempt status... As for him choosing Croatia instead of Australia - I don't justify that, but it requires a bit of explaining. Most of the Croats in Australia come from regions in southern Croatia where people are turbulent, traditional, fiercelly nationalistic, church going, anti-multikulti, anti-marxist, anti-modern... Heck, they were sending anti-Communist guerillas to Yugoslavia as recently as the 1970s , so I can see large numbers of them having troubles "integrating" into Australian society (which, as any western society today, is just too liberal for them)... so they cling desperately to the old country. I agree that if they love Croatia so much, they should go back. It would be better for them, for Australia (which these days will easily fill the void with immigrants from India and China) and for Croatia too (which is in a terrible demographic shape and could make good use of a hundred thousand traditionalists). That said (and I think we already had a discussion about this), for every one Simunic that plays for Croatia you have at least 4-5 Vidukas and Bosnichs who play for Australia. The Australian national team is traditionally packed with Croatians. A quick glance over the names of the current Australian players on Wikipedia reveals that 5 out of 22 (23%) are of clear Croatian origin... that out of an ethnic group that makes less than 1% of the population.
Simunic is a tough and temperamental player. As a curiosity, he is the only player that got 3 yellow cards in a World Cup game (against Australia, if I'm not wrong). I dont justify his tackle against Suleimani and I think he deservedly got sent off and disqualified for 3 games... However, you should have put the youtube clip in perspective. It was a WC qualification match with Serbia, which is still more than a normal football match. Suleimani was going to score the Serbian victory goal, and Joe simply would not allow that to happen, so he sacrificed himself for the team. This is similar to the situation in the game where Suarez did that famous handball against Ghana. He paid the price for that.

For once,Rebaljo has met his match.
Porthos -

Firstly, let's get things straight. In my previous post, I wasn't even remotely besmirching Croatia or Croatians. I was merely airing an opinion - as an Australian - about Josip Simunic and his family in the context of his "ban". Nothing more, nothing less. You have chosen to widen the discussion to include the apparently crucial role of Croatians in Australian soccer and - by thinly-veiled implication - the great demographic services such renowned "traditionalists" have rendered my country just by bestowing upon us the honour of their very presence. Very well, here are a few words about the points You raised.

Well, I presume his parents are also Australian taxpayers, unless they enjoy some sort of tax-exempt status...

Come now, such a statement is somewhat unbecoming for we both know what I was getting at, don't we...

Porthos said:
As for him choosing Croatia instead of Australia - I don't justify that, but it requires a bit of explaining. Most of the Croats in Australia come from regions in southern Croatia where people are turbulent, traditional, fiercelly nationalistic, church going, anti-multikulti, anti-marxist, anti-modern... Heck, they were sending anti-Communist guerillas to Yugoslavia as recently as the 1970s , so I can see large numbers of them having troubles "integrating" into Australian society (which, as any western society today, is just too liberal for them)... so they cling desperately to the old country.

Yes, and despite being hard-bitten proponents of ultra-nationalism (which, of course, I'm all for - with the salient provision that such sentiments are reserved for the country one is actually living in, of course...) and screaming U boj, u boj loud enough to be heard back in Medimurje, "Croatian Australians" have always been among the most ardent advocates of "multiculturalism" and the "natural" right of migrants to retain their "cultural identities" within that apparently irrelevant vacuum of "Anglo-Australia".

As I've said in a couple of previous threads, "Australians" of Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, and Greek "background" tend to be fiercely "retro-nationalistic" but - when it suits them - are equally enthusiastic about informing everyone that they are all Australian citizens and possess their "legal rights" just like everyone else. They also delight in insisting that Abos are the only "true Australians" and therefore the much-disparaged "Aussies" are also merely migrants (I heard such crap all through school and university...). Their consequent gloating inference is that Anglo-Celtic culture has no claim to precedence in Australia over the cultures of post-war Balkan migrants. Does this school of "logic" sound vaguely familiar?

The aforementioned groups are dead keen to maintain their own ethnically-based organisations and clubs yet simultaneously demand that Anglo-Celtic Australians unquestioningly "accept" everyone - or otherwise run the risk of being labelled "intolerant" or...wait for it, wait for it..."racist". "Croatian Australians" abhor the mere thought of a multicultural Croatia (and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that) - yet have themselves conveniently taken full advantage of "multiculturalism" in Australia for well over 60 years. Funnily enough, this little fact always "mysteriously" seems to escape them...

Porthos said:
I agree that if they love Croatia so much, they should go back. It would be better for them, for Australia (which these days will easily fill the void with immigrants from India and China) and for Croatia too (which is in a terrible demographic shape and could make good use of a hundred thousand traditionalists).

Given their highly vocal, flag-waving, teeth-gnashing, hip-thrusting, tennis-match-disrupting nationalistic fanaticism, the seemingly inevitable mass exodus of red-and-white-chequered-shirt clad Croatians returning to the welcoming bosom of the mystical homeland has so far failed to come to pass. Who would have thought? Well, I guess the only possible explanation for such a reason-warping aberration is that "Croatian Australian patriotism" must be so hieratically multi-planar that its comprehension lies far beyond the ken of a "culture-challenged" Australian like me...

Who needs Indians and Chinese? Australia could replace any "traditionalist" Croatians who would - notionally, of course - flock back to Croatia by accepting non-Balkan European migrants, whose children and grandchildren might actually identify as Australians.

Porthos said:
That said (and I think we already had a discussion about this), for every one Simunic that plays for Croatia you have at least 4-5 Vidukas and Bosnichs who play for Australia. The Australian national team is traditionally packed with Croatians. A quick glance over the names of the current Australian players on Wikipedia reveals that 5 out of 22 (23%) are of clear Croatian origin... that out of an ethnic group that makes less than 1% of the population.

Truth be told, I'm glad that Simunic didn't turn out for Australia when his heart wasn't in it. After all, who wants players like that in the national team? Not me. What really rankles is that he was born in Australia, resided here for the first 20 years of his life, and benefitted from that AIS scholarship when he had no intention of representing the country of his birth (he would have been about 13 or 14 years old when Croatia was granted FIFA / UEFA membership).

Now, I'll wager that the thought of posing the following question (which many people have actually asked me down the years) has crossed Your mind, namely: "Right, 'Rebajlo' - you nobly opine about loyalty but, let's face it, under FIFA rules you yourself would be eligible to represent three nations: Australia, England, and Poland. So, you high and mighty know-it-all, which of those three nations would you represent if you were an international-class footballer? Come on, be honest. Odds on you'd opt for England or Poland, just so you could compete in both the World Cup and European Championship competitions, ha ha..."

Well, my answer has always been: "I was born in Australia and have lived here for the entire course of my formative years therefore Australia is the only team for me. Anything else would be unnatural and thoroughly irrational. It's all quite straightforward really. If I had been born in England (or Poland) and spent my formative years there, then I'd obviously opt for England (or Poland)."

'Tis not my intention to sound conceited but that's precisely how things should be.

Sure, many "Croatian Australians" have featured in the Australian national team over the years. In fact, there has been an overrepresentation of Croatians and other "ex-Yugoslavs" in Australian soccer for decades. Such an overrepresentation partly stems from these groups' startlingly high (and very commendable) participation rate in the sport. I have an additional theory, which is largely based on my experiences growing up during the 1970s and 1980s in an area with a very high "ex-Yugoslav" (overwhelmingly Macedonian but with a significant Croatian component) population.

Most (but not all) of the Croatians, Macedonians, and Greeks of both sexes would only mix socially among themselves and with other southern Europeans (the Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, et cetera were far less "isolationist"). The "ex-Yugoslavs" (or, back then, Yugoslavs) initiated and maintained a distance between themselves and "us" - "us" being "the Aussies". Now, the "Aussies" included the old-stock Anglo-Celts, first generation British and Irish, and other first-generation northern Europeans such as Poles, Dutch, Germans, Czechs, Hungarians, Swedes, Latvians, et cetera. All of this was usually friendly enough but a definite rivalry between the two broad groups was always present and violence was not exactly unknown (I shan't bother to digress upon the latter point as doing so would be completely unproductive).

When it came to football, particularly trials, the Macedonians and Croatians almost magically became even more clannish than usual - which is really saying something. Due to their enthusiasm for the sport, they invariably formed the majority in any team. They'd exclusively speak their lingua franca to blatantly exclude "outsiders" (as I spoke a Slavic language myself, I never had any problems working out what they were saying, especially once I became familiar with the phrases which were constantly being repeated...), wouldn't pass to an "Aussie" unless it was absolutely necessary, and aggressively laid the ultimate blame for anything that went wrong on "the Aussies". This last behaviour occasionally reached astonishingly surreal heights of absurdity when, for instance, a striker would accuse some entirely innocent and capable Australain defender (to whom his Balkan "teammates" had assiduously avoided passing the ball anyway...) of somehow indirectly ruining an attack when the forward had simply botched his shot and was therefore entirely at fault himself. Needless to say, amidst such an environment most non-Balkan kids were put right off soccer. Enlarge my local experiences to a far wider scale and You have my theory explaining the Croatian (and "other ex-Yugoslav") overrepresentation in Australian soccer...

Simunic is a tough and temperamental player. As a curiosity, he is the only player that got 3 yellow cards in a World Cup game (against Australia, if I'm not wrong). I dont justify his tackle against Suleimani and I think he deservedly got sent off and disqualified for 3 games... However, you should have put the youtube clip in perspective. It was a WC qualification match with Serbia, which is still more than a normal football match. Suleimani was going to score the Serbian victory goal, and Joe simply would not allow that to happen, so he sacrificed himself for the team. This is similar to the situation in the game where Suarez did that famous handball against Ghana. He paid the price for that.

Yes, I'm fully aware of the significance of any sporting contest between Croatia and Serbia. But where does one draw the line in a football match? Does even a semblance of sportsmanship - even in the form of vaguely adhering to the rules within the "spirit" of the game - matter at all? What happens if Simunic or any other last line butcher fails to cynically scythe a Serbian forward bearing down on the Croatian goal to score a (potential) winner? Since relying on one's goalkeeper obviously isn't acceptable, what's the contingency plan to preserve Croatian national honour? Do You resort to having a sniper positioned in the front row of the crowd on a level with the 18 yard box, ready to blast a hollow-point into the enemy striker's arse?

As You may recall, I was critical of Luis Suarez's calculated (sorry, "instinctive") handball in that 2010 World Cup quarter-final against Ghana. I guess that makes me a bit of an "outdated" sporting idealist but I guarantee that Your opinion of Suarez's "heroic" act of "self-sacrifice" would be rather different if the aggrieved party had been Croatia. Who knows? Perhaps You'd even describe him as a "cheat"... :icon_wink:
Relax everyone.

Rebaljo,my previous post in this thread was in jest,not to promote infighting in any way.As it is,there are hardly five users who post in the soccer forum regularly.And Porthos can never have the perspective you have on the balkans,as he isn't an aussie.So he isn't as critical of them.
You,however,are more than justified in yours.

And yes,I absolutely wholeheartedly agree with you,Australia for aussies only.No balkans,boers......and definitely no ******s and other wogs.But first we must get rid of jews and ******s....its a long story.
The aforementioned groups are dead keen to maintain their own ethnically-based organisations and clubs yet simultaneously demand that Anglo-Celtic Australians unquestioningly "accept" everyone - or otherwise run the risk of being labelled "intolerant" or...wait for it, wait for it..."racist".

Exact same situation in Canada. There Ukrainians (the Western anti-Russian nationalist kind) were possibly as important as Jews in Canada's transition from a Two Founding Nations (British and French) country to a multiculti entity. Anti-communist staunchly Catholic Poles voted mostly for the pro-abortion pro-homosexual but, more importantly, multicultural Liberal Party during the Cold War when their home country was a captured nation even though the party's leader Pierre Trudeau was known to make excuses for the Soviets. Poles and other "ethnic" Europeans who married into Anglo-Canadian families became loyal Canadians, no doot aboot it:icon_lol:, but those that stayed amongst their own started to see Anglo (and Franco) Canadians as "the Other".

As to footballers playing deserting the country that made them meet Asmir Begovic:ć

Not as famous Owen Hargreaves but he created a stink nonetheless.

Lastly, the fact that so many immigrants and their children living in Canada, Australia, and elsewhere prefer the ancestral homeland and, by implication, their own blood, should be another weapon in our rhetorical arsenal. After all, if even the beneficiaries of multiculturalism reject it when given a chance it proves that nobody truly believes in multiculturalism.
Exact same situation in Canada. There Ukrainians (the Western anti-Russian nationalist kind) were possibly as important as Jews in Canada's transition from a Two Founding Nations (British and Frenc h) country to a multiculti entity.

That statement sounds absolutely ridiculous.
Rebaljo,my previous post in this thread was in jest,not to promote infighting in any way.As it is,there are hardly five users who post in the soccer forum regularly.And Porthos can never have the perspective you have on the balkans,as he isn't an aussie.So he isn't as critical of them.
You,however,are more than justified in yours

Philosopher - Mate, don't worry. Your post had absolutely nothing to do with my reply to Porthos. :icon_wink: I was simply addressing the points he raised, and was not trying to sow discord, anathematise a nation, insult an individual, or childishly "prove anything"...

ThePhilosopher said:
And yes,I absolutely wholeheartedly agree with you,Australia for aussies only.No balkans,boers......and definitely no ******s and other wogs.But first we must get rid of jews and ******s....its a long story.

I have nothing against Europeans migrating to Australia - provided they assimilate to our Anglo-Celtic culture. If people do not wish to do so, they shouldn't be here. Unfortunately, the truth is that migrants from the Balkans are notorious for failing to assimilate. One sees third generation "Croatian Australian" kids socialising exclusively with other third generation "Croatian Australians" (just like their parents and grandparents did), wearing Croatian national team football shirts, driving cars with Croatian flag mini-pennants hanging from the rear-view mirror, and cheering (often aggressively) for Croatia against Australia in sporting events.

So, it's perfectly fair to ask: what the hell are they doing here? It's also fair to say that their parents and grandparents have shown a reprehensible lack of respect for this country by instilling such attitudes in their children. I don't give a **** if someone was born here or not - if that is the way they wish to identify themselves then they do not belong in Australia.

ThePhilosopher said:
That statement sounds absolutely ridiculous.

"Multiculturalism" is an intricate machine which operates on many levels and comprises a multitude of cogs, some of which are larger, some of which are smaller. The influence and pressure exerted by the Jewish political, financial, and media cabals facilitate the overall framework they themselves conceived and helped to implement, constantly greasing the various gears to ensure that the machine runs as "smoothly" as possible. But the machine has other parts as well - parts which aren't as widely or eagerly acknowledged (particularly by "White Nationalists") but are also of vital importance, for without their contribution the machine itself would cease to operate and, for that matter, would not even exist. These parts, of course, are the various ethnic groups of all races who willingly participate in and thus propagate "multiculturalism" by migrating to another nation (particularly nations founded by Anglo-Celtic colonists) and - once there - deliberately refusing to assimilate to the culture of their hosts.

In the above context, the Ukrainians in Canada were the largest, most vocal non-Jewish group actively pushing for the replacement of the "traditional" British-French "biculturalism" with modern, divisive "multiculturalism".
One last reply on this because we are drifting off-topic.
As I mentioned, it would be the best for Croatian (or any other) white immigrants who stubbornly stick to the old country to go back, and I agree with this. All I tried is put things incontext, and try to explain why they do it, not trying to be antagonistic or whatnot. They have to decide what is more important - economic opportunity, competent and orderly government, honesty in daily transactions which they can get in Australia or the sense of belonging, of community, a more easy-going and convivial daily life they can get in Croatia. It's difficult to get both. BTW. the Croats I met here in the US are anything but multikulti. Most of them compare multikulti US with a Yugoslavia on steroids, but the situation in Australia may be different.

I'm not sure I agree that the high percentage of Croatian players in Australian national teams is mainly due to them (and other clannish southern Europeans) somehow crowding out real Australians from the sport (although there may be some thruth in this). After all, if they wanted, Australians could also create their own teams. A possible logical explanation would be that Southern European immigrants are typically more interested in football/soccer, while Australians traditionally preferred other sports (Australian football etc.). Every time I watch on TV an A-league game, the stands look empty, the few times I watched Australian football games, the crowd was overflowing...

Regarding Simunic, Suarez and "cheating", I don't consider this type of episodes to be cheating. This certainly is poor sportmanship, but these are situations where a player makes a conscious decision - in the spur of a moment - to sacrifice himself for his team, knowing he will play the price (which they both did). It's something I don't justify but can understand, even against my own team. If one of those English players which were dribbled by Maradona in the famous 1986 game England-Argentina decided to knock him down, I would not justify but I would understand, I would not consider it cheating. Cheating implies an attempt to get away with an illegal action, like diving in the penalty box, or Maradona's hand-ball goal in the above mentioned game. He got away with it! He had a chance to tell the referee it was a handball but did not do it - cheat! In the case of Suarez and Simunic - getting away with it was never an option - they were expelled and disqualified for a number of games - end of story. For Suarez, I'm actually happy he did what he did because it pulled the rug from under the multikulti propaganda steamroller which was already revving its engines, ready to burry us all under a tsunami of pro-African and anti-White claptrap. I know it's not "fair", but it's stronger then me: Good job Luis!

Lastly. Comparing the role of Jews and (for example) Ukrainians in installing multikulturalism throughout the Western countries (and in particular - Anglo countries) is frankly ridiculous. It's like comparing Hurricane Katrina with a squirt gun. It cannot even be placed in the same sentence. Multiculturalism is not a Canadian or an Australian phenomenon. It is a policy that is pushed throughout the West in an obviously coordinated manner. How many Ukrainian global media bosses you know? How many Ukrainian Hollywood producers? Wall Street top dogs? Global multiculti activists/lobyists/whisperers? And while we are talking about cogs big and small - why is the role of domestic home-grown traitors and collaborators never mentioned? What about characters like Bill Clinton, like Tony Blair, like the above mentioned Pierre Trudeau and many, many, many willing domestic collaborators and careerests who were voted into office overwhelmingly by the domestic population? Were these Ukrainians, Croatians, Rastafarians? How's do they measure as cogs? Let's get real.
Comparing the role of Jews and (for example) Ukrainians in installing multikulturalism throughout the Western countries (and in particular - Anglo countries) is frankly ridiculous. It's like comparing Hurricane Katrina with a squirt gun. It cannot even be placed in the same sentence. Multiculturalism is not a Canadian or an Australian phenomenon. It is a policy that is pushed throughout the West in an obviously coordinated manner.

But Canada had a variation of multiculturalism decades before it was pushed on Europe and, I believe, Australia, and rural Ukrainian-Canadians with no Jewish connections (that I know of) were heavily involved. The Anglo-Canadian population was weakened and on the defensive before the more extreme Jewish-dominated version of MCism arrived later from the US. In the US it was mostly Jews and the Irish (especially every wretched Kennedy going back to the 19th century), but, of course, the large black population was always a problem - ably exploited by Jewish groups.

The problem is diversity itself. Once you have it every minority group gangs up on the ethnic majority. In the case of Ukrainians they knew all too well the role of Jews in the Holodomor yet they happily threw their arms around Canadian Jews because they were their allies when it came to sticking it to their nearest geographical rivals, English Canadians. Unfortunately, you see this mentality everywhere in the Western world.

For Suarez, I'm actually happy he did what he did because it pulled the rug from under the multikulti propaganda steamroller which was already revving its engines, ready to burry us all under a tsunami of pro-African and anti-White claptrap. I know it's not "fair", but it's stronger then me: Good [COLOR=#009900 !important]job

I agree with this. (I also liked his refusal to grovel and apologise both in South Africa and later in the Patrice Evra dispute). It should also be pointed out that Ghana was rewarded with a penalty in line with the rules of the game. Suarez was fully punished as he was red-carded (rightly) and thus could not take a penalty which he was 100% certain to do. He also wasn't available for the semi-final and was badly missed possibly costing Uruguay a place in the final. Lastly, Ghana shouldn't have been given the free kick that led to the attack in the first place (favouritism?) so justice was done.
It's being reported that the next MLS TV contract will be with ESPN and Fox. This means NBC will no longer cover the league. NBC news is obviously Jewish to the core but from what I can tell their sports coverage (at least with soccer) is nowhere near as Jewish oriented (ie PC awareness raising and propaganda round the clock) as ESPN.
It's being reported that the next MLS TV contract will be with ESPN and Fox. This means NBC will no longer cover the league. NBC news is obviously Jewish to the core but from what I can tell their sports coverage (at least with soccer) is nowhere near as Jewish oriented (ie PC awareness raising and propaganda round the clock) as ESPN.

Absolutely. The worst, most politically correct football/soccer commentators ESPN has are Alexy Lalas and Ian Drake, both sobbing incontrolably when Ghana was eliminated by Uruguay - priceless (once more, thank you Louis!)... NBC sports is relatively neutral (as opposed to their other programs). However, Fox Sports had some pretty annoying commentators too, including the affirmative action pick Gus Johnson ("I didn’t know a 4-4-2 from a 747 when I started this"), so the competition for the most annoying and politically correct commentators in the Jewish owned/managed world of football TV programing is fierce. What transpires from all of these programs is the usage of the sport as some sort of globalizing agent... the One-World Cup...
A possible logical explanation would be that Southern European immigrants are typically more interested in football/soccer, while Australians traditionally preferred other sports (Australian football etc.). Every time I watch on TV an A-league game, the stands look empty, the few times I watched Australian football games, the crowd was overflowing...

If You've managed to sit through an entire A League match (or even seen a few highlights) then You know why the crowds are so small - because the product on offer is unspeakable garbage :lightbulb:. The AFL, on the other hand, is the premier Aussie Rules competition on the planet. In fact, given the sport's (cough) "global appeal", it's the only major Aussie Rules competition on the planet so the code's finest players are consequently on show.

Being parochial Australian sports, it is only natural that Aussie Rules and rugby league generate the greatest interest. Soccer, however, is very popular but the overwhelming majority of enthusiasts would rather watch top quality European football on TV than attend woeful A League matches.

As You may recall, I conceded that the "Balkan" participation rate has always been abnormally high but let me assure You that I wasn't lying about my childhood / teenage experiences. Incidentally, plenty of people from various parts of the country have told me that they encountered similar "Balkan" mentalities when they were growing up...

Porthos said:
Regarding Simunic, Suarez and "cheating", I don't consider this type of episodes to be cheating. This certainly is poor sportmanship, but these are situations where a player makes a conscious decision - in the spur of a moment - to sacrifice himself for his team, knowing he will play the price (which they both did). It's something I don't justify but can understand, even against my own team. If one of those English players which were dribbled by Maradona in the famous 1986 game England-Argentina decided to knock him down, I would not justify but I would understand, I would not consider it cheating. Cheating implies an attempt to get away with an illegal action, like diving in the penalty box, or Maradona's hand-ball goal in the above mentioned game. He got away with it! He had a chance to tell the referee it was a handball but did not do it - cheat! In the case of Suarez and Simunic - getting away with it was never an option - they were expelled and disqualified for a number of games - end of story. For Suarez, I'm actually happy he did what he did because it pulled the rug from under the multikulti propaganda steamroller which was already revving its engines, ready to burry us all under a tsunami of pro-African and anti-White claptrap. I know it's not "fair", but it's stronger then me: Good job Luis!

If You wish to re-read the final two paragraphs of the post (#33) in which I discussed the actions of both Simunic and Suarez You'll find that I was referring to a lack of sportsmanship and a wilful divergence from the "spirit" of the game. I mentioned "cheat" as a term You might hypothetically apply to Suarez had he committed an identical deliberate handball in a World Cup quarter-final against Croatia. Sure, he knew that he would be sent off, et cetera but the actual point I was making should be quite clear.

When it occurred, I readily admit to ultimately being relieved that Ghana was knocked out of the competition and that the leftists' "African dream" was therefore scuppered yet again. But let's face it, Suarez would have done the same regardless of the opponent or whether the decision to award that free kick was dodgy or not. Suarez isn't some sort of admirable figure:


He's just a dirty, win-at-all-costs greaser in the worst South American "tradition" who has remarkably attained a certain cult status among many pro-Whites because his handball resulted in a pack of ******s being eliminated from the World Cup and that an offhanded comment he made to that black prick Evra was blown into a "scandal". I'll say it again: if he "sacrificed himself for the team" to eliminate Croatia, You (and every other Croatian on the planet from now until the end of Time) would explode with larynx-bursting fury and consequently hate the bloke beyond the grave. With all due respect, I don't believe You'd be very "understanding"...

One final thing about Simunic's foul which I intended to say earlier but forgot to do so: the sole mitigating circumstance I have no problem acknowledging is the undeniable fact that if the situation had been reversed any Serbian player would have committed a carbon-copy foul without the slightest compunction... :lol:

Porthos said:
Lastly. Comparing the role of Jews and (for example) Ukrainians in installing multikulturalism throughout the Western countries (and in particular - Anglo countries) is frankly ridiculous. It's like comparing Hurricane Katrina with a squirt gun. It cannot even be placed in the same sentence. Multiculturalism is not a Canadian or an Australian phenomenon. It is a policy that is pushed throughout the West in an obviously coordinated manner. How many Ukrainian global media bosses you know? How many Ukrainian Hollywood producers? Wall Street top dogs? Global multiculti activists/lobyists/whisperers? And while we are talking about cogs big and small - why is the role of domestic home-grown traitors and collaborators never mentioned? What about characters like Bill Clinton, like Tony Blair, like the above mentioned Pierre Trudeau and many, many, many willing domestic collaborators and careerests who were voted into office overwhelmingly by the domestic population? Were these Ukrainians, Croatians, Rastafarians? How's do they measure as cogs? Let's get real.

If You believe that the dogged reluctance and even outright refusal of several European minorities to assimilate with the culture of their "host nation" does not constitute a cog in the great multiculturalism machine then good luck to You. In Australia, the "parallel but separate" lives led by the majority of Balkan (and certain other southern European) migrants always served as the "thin edge of the wedge". So much so that these days, whenever someone criticises Asians, Arabs, or any other non-White group for their obvious lack of cultural integration with Anglo-Celtic Australia, the leftist spruikers of multiculturalism rubbish every argument with "look at the Greeks and the Croatians. These groups have demonstrated that multiculturalism works and that one can retain one's own culture and also be an Australian..."
Good for Simunic I say. I have no problem with him doing that. I wouldnt have a problem with any ethnicity leaving the USA team to represent their ancestral countries either.

Most importantly, everyone realizes that if white ethnicities stuck together as well as Croats in Australia (apparently), the world wouldn't be such a mess. Particularly the white race in the west, Australia included.
Very interesting indeed.

Levy: Celebrity Chairman
Daniel Levy reminds me of Mitch Winehouse.

I'm sick of the sight of Mitch Winehouse and his black eyebrows. I've never seen someone latch on to their child's success and get their face in the paper so much. I shouldn't even know the name of Mitch Winehouse, can you name Beyonce's father? Or Victoria Beckham's? Probably not. But Mitch gets his face and name in everywhere.

Same as Daniel Levy. He gets his name mentioned more than the Spurs manager. Daniel Levy, the celebrity chairman. He drives a hard bargain, don't you know?

Sick of them both.

Silvio Dante

From Here:

European Jewish Congress President Moshe Kantor is asking football
authorities to strengthen their fight against racism and anti-Semitism ...

In a letter sent both to the English Football Association chairman Greg Dyke
and UEFA president Michel Platini, Kantor wrote that his organization often
receives reports of ''attacks on Jews, whether verbal or physical, which also
include acts of anti-Semitism at matches involving English and European football
Last edited:
Nasty Lazio fans in action again - Rome covered with stickers showing Anne Frank wearing an AS Roma shirt:

"Football fans use Anne Frank in anti-Jew attack
In the latest in a series of anti-Semitic acts linked to football rivalries in Rome, offensive stickers showing Anne Frank... wearing an AS Roma shirt, have been emblazoned across the city...It is thought to be the work of fans of opposing team, SS Lazio...Rabbi Barbara said the latest incident "is cause for alarm, as it’s legitimizing anti-Semitic hate speech and negative attitudes towards the Jews...â€￾ She believes the internet, as well as the financial crisis, has helped propel anti-Jewish sentiment across Europe..."

Jews promoting black 'security guards'.


It's a move that has been discussed for a few weeks now, but The Sun this morning claim that United have finally entered official talks over the signing of the midfielder from Sporting Lisbon.

The idea is seemingly that United would like to avoid the panic of last summer by ensuring that a deal is tied up before the World Cup begins, with the paper also mentioning the £30million fee that keeps being mooted.

That price does seem an awful lot for a player with just 22 appearances for Sporting, but when Real Madrid are amongst the other clubs reportedly showing interest, we suppose that's what it takes.


So,30 million for a 21 year old black defensive midfielder(security guard) who has only made 22 appearances for a sub-standard club in a sub-standard league?:tsk:

Some insider trading going on here.

Premier League: US firm Baron Capital buys Manchester United shares

An American investment firm has acquired a quarter of all Manchester United shares available on the New York Stock Exchange.

Baron Capital has been buying up stock and now owns 24 per cent of all the United shares that were sold by the Glazer family in 2012, though that still only represents 2.5 per cent of the club.

Now,the interesting parts:

Analysts believe the accumulation of shares reflects the firm viewing United as a good long-term investment, rather than Baron Capital making any bid to secure a controlling interest in the club.

Nevertheless, Baron Capital's actions explain why the share price has been slowly rising despite the club's struggles on the pitch.


Now,of course this Ronald Baron,who runs 'Baron capital' is jewish.

Actually,his pic is proof enough:


What is going on now is just a jew helping out another(the Glazers who run Manu) to keep the share price rising despite the abject,appalling results on the pitch...all at the expense of the Goyim,as usual.

The end result is this:

The United share price closed at 15.84 US dollars on Monday - the highest level since November.

So,Manchester United have their worst season in about a quarter of a century and their share value reaches its highest-ever value!


American Freedom News