Some (American) people in here will deny the facts, will get offended, will accuse me for trolling blah blah, reality and fact is that it's the "nation" of USA that the "chosen" people are using as their LETHAL WEAPON, for their causes and purposes........not Argentina, not Canada, not France, not Spain, but USA!
I just see now that Obama (the "playa") is sending now troops, marines, navy seals, navy combat ships etc all over middle East, because the Muslim Arabic world (FAIRLY AND BRAVELY SO) do what we whites in the west, are too scared and unable to do, GET FURIOUS, for a dirty Jewish punk from Hollywood, who portrays their prophet, as a modern "western" rock star, sleeping with many women (and men I heard), drink too much, being stupid and so on!
"Chosen" people of the "glorious" nation of the US, start wars every time is convenient for them and their purposes, which results MASSIVE IMMIGRANT NON WHITE GROUPS TO EUROPE, as an aftermath, tons of mass murders, hate, violence and of course present it as Christian vs Muslims, WHEN THAT'S NOT THE CASE OBVIOUSLY!
What's even worse is that 75% if not more of the Americans who are sent to fight in their wars are White American "non athletic, afraid of the manly Negro, non physically gifted, not desirable by their own women blah blah" boys...........................USA IS A LOST CASE, I PRAY FOR USA TO FALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, IS THE OBVIOUS ROOT OF EVIL AND THE DOWNFALL OF OUR WHITE KIND AND CULTURE!
Whoever, American or not, can't STILL see that it's the US (And what it stands for in the last few decades) to blame for ALL the bad caused to our kind, then I am the Pope!
The "Chosen" people have reached in the DISGUSTING country of America, incredible heights in power............MAN THEY START WARS OVER A DAMN MOVIE! THEY TOTALLY DOMINATE AND CONTROL THAT PATHETIC NATION!
I just see now that Obama (the "playa") is sending now troops, marines, navy seals, navy combat ships etc all over middle East, because the Muslim Arabic world (FAIRLY AND BRAVELY SO) do what we whites in the west, are too scared and unable to do, GET FURIOUS, for a dirty Jewish punk from Hollywood, who portrays their prophet, as a modern "western" rock star, sleeping with many women (and men I heard), drink too much, being stupid and so on!
"Chosen" people of the "glorious" nation of the US, start wars every time is convenient for them and their purposes, which results MASSIVE IMMIGRANT NON WHITE GROUPS TO EUROPE, as an aftermath, tons of mass murders, hate, violence and of course present it as Christian vs Muslims, WHEN THAT'S NOT THE CASE OBVIOUSLY!
What's even worse is that 75% if not more of the Americans who are sent to fight in their wars are White American "non athletic, afraid of the manly Negro, non physically gifted, not desirable by their own women blah blah" boys...........................USA IS A LOST CASE, I PRAY FOR USA TO FALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, IS THE OBVIOUS ROOT OF EVIL AND THE DOWNFALL OF OUR WHITE KIND AND CULTURE!
Whoever, American or not, can't STILL see that it's the US (And what it stands for in the last few decades) to blame for ALL the bad caused to our kind, then I am the Pope!
The "Chosen" people have reached in the DISGUSTING country of America, incredible heights in power............MAN THEY START WARS OVER A DAMN MOVIE! THEY TOTALLY DOMINATE AND CONTROL THAT PATHETIC NATION!