Jeremy Shockey


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
Mike Freeman article Freeman Article

"The loudmouth, the chatterbox, was back on the field Sunday. No, not that one. Not the one with initials and T and O. It was another player suffering from the disease of me: Giants tight end Jeremy Shockey."

"The problem is that Shockey is not talented enough, or accomplished enough, to overcome his toxic behavior"
Wow! I think the Giants would do better if columnist like that would keep their pie holes shut! I guess a white guy cant speak his mind anymore or he gets called a clown. Id like to meet this brilliant columnist face to face.
Eh, I support Shockey's brashness because he's white. He's far from the ubertalent he's made out to be, and not the best TE in the NFL, or even the best white TE in the NFL. Give me Heap, Cooley or Witten over him any day.
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
Eh, I support Shockey's brashness because he's white. He's far from the ubertalent he's made out to be, and not the best TE in the NFL, or even the best white TE in the NFL. Give me Heap, Cooley or Witten over him any day.
Freeman also had this to say:" Somehow, despite Shockey's clowning and foolishness, despite the fact he behaves at times like an ill-tempered goofball, he has escaped the grave criticism and microwave baking from the media and fans that some of the league's other mustard-infused hotdogs like Owens and Randy Moss have experienced. "

The writer of this article isn't very bright. Nobody in their right mind would equate Shockey'sconduct to that of the two strains of E-Bola known as Moss and Owens.The selfish, destructive and criminal behavior of black players is often overlookedand accepted as some sort of right or prerogative. When a white player raises his voice and expresses his concerns, everyone is suddenly offended byhis divisive, self indulgentand brash behavior.
Shockey is the one white player in the entire NFL who exhibits, to some degree, the brash attitude that is so encouraged and rewarded among black players, and look at how he's treated. The media, like the fans,dislike white football players and are always eager to pile onwhen they struggle.

I'm curious in a morbid sort of way as to what will happen in Pittsburgh if Ben Roethlisberger continues to struggle along with the rest of the team. The talent level between Ben and backup Charlie Batch is huge, but I figure the mass booing and demands for a quarterback change will begin Sunday at home if the Steelers don't beat the Chiefs.
Don Wassall said:
Shockey is the one white player in the entire NFL who exhibits, to some degree, the brash attitude that is so encouraged and rewarded among black players, and look at how he's treated.  The media, like the fans, dislike white football players and are always eager to pile on when they struggle.

I think its two things: whites expect blacks to act that way, to make a spectacle, to entertain them. The other things is that whites expect other whites not to be brash, or be rewarded for doing what is essentially their job. That attitude works against whites appreciation for white players. As a 'Skins fan, I've heard unceasing stories of how Archuleta sucks against the pass. I see the whole secondary giving up big plays against the pass, but Arch is the only player that gets singled out continually. And when he does make a play, he's simply finally doing his job, what he was brought here to do.
Don Wassall said:
I'm curious in a morbid sort of way as to what will happen in Pittsburgh if Ben Roethlisberger continues to struggle along with the rest of the team.

After coming off a Super Bowl winning season, the fans are probably expecting more of the same. Big Ben hasn't played well, but considering the near fatal bike accident and the appendicitissugery he should be given a measure of slack. But, I expect the boo birds will be swooping in shortly.
I think Shockey is one of the NFLs favorite players. I never hear how anyone hates him or anything like that.
Bart said:
Freeman also had this to say: " Somehow, despite Shockey's clowning and foolishness, despite the fact he behaves at times like an ill-tempered goofball, he has escaped the grave criticism and microwave baking from the media and fans that some of the league's other mustard-infused hotdogs like Owens and Randy Moss have experienced. "

The writer of this article isn't very bright.  Nobody in their right mind would equate Shockey's conduct  to that of the two strains of E-Bola known as Moss and Owens.  The selfish, destructive and criminal behavior of black players is often overlooked and accepted as some sort of right or prerogative. When a white player  raises his voice and expresses his concerns,  everyone is suddenly offended by his divisive, self indulgent and brash behavior. 

Bart, you always write what I wished I had. How true! To compare Shockey to those "two strains of E-bola" (priceless comment BTW
) is flat out ridiculous. But the media guy always has to find bad whitey to try and balance the scales or football fan guy might get a clue.
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
He's far from the ubertalent he's made out to be, and not the best TE in the NFL, or even the best white TE in the NFL.

I think Shockey is right up there with all of those guys, but that's my opinion. BTW - No need to say "best white TE" in football it just implies that there are black TEs that are better. It's like saying the best white quarterback - not necessary. The best white TE is the best TE in football no matter which of the above guys you choose. Edited by: Kaptain Poop
Kaptain Poop said:
The best white TE is the best TE in football no matter which of the above guys you choose.

Debatable, on this site or not. I support white players, but that doesn't mean I automatically assume that they are in fact the best every time(except at QB, where blacks have yet to really wow me at all).
Jeremey Shockey Is third in receving yards per game by a tight end in N.F.L. history.
white tornado said:
Jeremey Shockey Is third in receving yards per game by a tight end in N.F.L. history.

Just out of curiousity, who are the first two?
I heard this stat during a Giants game this year, and I belive Its Kellen Winslow at number one and ozzie Newsom at number two.
white tornado said:
Jeremey Shockey Is third in receving yards per game by a tight end in N.F.L. history.

Quite impressive, since he has been delagated to blocking tight end as of late. He certainly has good reason to gripe.
Jeremy Shockey is THE MAN! If they don't let Eli start getting the ball to him more, he should start throwing a fit about it. All it is costing the Giants are points and wins.
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
Debatable, on this site or not. I support white players, but that doesn't mean I automatically assume that they are in fact the best every time(except at QB, where blacks have yet to really wow me at all).

I doubt if Kaptain meant that white players are the best "every time," or at every position. Obviously a white player can't be the best at RB, for example, because no white player is allowed to start at that position.

Given the Caste System, it's quite astounding that we have so many of the best players at QB, OL, TE, DL, LB, and Safety. Edited by: JD074
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