What, are you some pop-psychologist now..."making the demographic here seem more illiterate than it is..." is a common subterfuge tactic used by trolls to make a board seem like it's populated by ignoramuses...I suppose if I had phrased it "less literate than it is..." you'd have been less offended. I'll actuallyapologize for that, if indeedyou saw some implied quantity in my choice of syntax. Lower case, Capitals...etc...I just noticed that...good one...you got me; I'm actually a gay Jewish internationalist posting here to...well...what?...admit that I like rooting for under-dogs like Travis Jervey and Dat Nguyen and occasionally rail off on Evolutionary Psychology. Anyhow, I looked at a few other posts and saw no clear pattern.Maybe in writing papers for liberal-apologist-academic reviewers I picked up that habit, as not to offend sensitive constitutions...
Being an average-heighted White guy I'd love to see Jeremy Bloom get a legit shot at returning some punts or what-not (along with Abney & Welker, etc)...I'll even openly say sowith some of my multi-racial acquaintances as they root for Asian Dat Nguyen and bemoan Timmy Chang's "raw deal" or,in the case of the Black ones,basically glorify most of the Black players.
This hate some of you got on for my admittedly ostentatious use of language is laughable. THAT IS EXACTLY THE SORT OF LET'S-BE-A-TEAM-PLAYER, MIDDLE-OF-THE-ROAD, I'M-JUST-A-REGULAR-JOEMENTALITY THAT HOLDS BACK SO MANY WHITE PEOPLE THESE DAYS, especially when confronted by loquacious, extrovertedBlacks on Football fields. Why do you think the term "Asian Innovation" is basically an oxymoron...because they're so crippled by the weight of cultural conformity that they rarely venture into pompous, bloated, self-congratulatory individualism.You think Jews are onlysuccessful because they're ethnocentric? I got news for you: They're also fond of superfluous use of language, ostentatious displays of erudite knowledge and general chattiness. That sort of behaviour, be it in verb usage, boxing or team sports, is the sort of thing that gets you noticed. In any event, Isee thatsome other posters, WHITE SAVAGE comes to mind, are no less sesquipedalian...I love reading that blatant Nordic supremacists' posts...they're at least clever and interesting!
The NFL, like all pro sports these days, is 90% hype and showmanship, and, at least for the last 30 years, nobody sh*t-talks, exagerates, self-promotes and manipulates base emotions like Black people.This is a skill which is anemic at best in most White Americans.Maybe some flashy, ostentatiously offensive-minded (offensive in both senses of the word) Argentine or Croatian will come along and figure out how to play football and remind you all of that, just as they did in the NBA. Hell, you needed a pot-smoking, hippie Canadian to put a White face on that league. Loosen yourhips and get out your thesauri, kids!Edited by: JerveyGotGypped