Jemele, you go girl!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
In a rare bout of rationality, Jemele Hill makes some good points. Black athletes should go to black colleges to help uplift those colleges and the black community. If black athletes follow this advice, the "White" programs would be forced to actually recruit talented White kids for football, basketball and track. Then many of the football games would take on racial overtones, and the "white" schools, just as routinely happens in high school, would win most of the time, greatly weakening the lies upholding the Caste System. But blacks will never do this in appreciable numbers, just as virtually none ever left the U.S. for Africa despite all the griping about their plight here from agitators in previous generations urging them to leave.

Black athletes should stop going to predominantly white colleges, Jemele Hill writes

Jemele Hill, former ESPN personality and current writer for The Atlantic, wrote that elite black athletes should stop attending predominantly white colleges, and should instead use their talent and fame to lift up historically black colleges and universities.

Hill points out the disparity in prominence and resources in college athletics between the best programs, which are all from predominantly white schools, and the HBCUs that bring in only a fraction of the revenue of the top programs.

She established her point by using the story of Kayvon Thibodeaux, the top high school football player in the class of 2018. Thibodeaux visited Florida A&M, an HBCU, before ultimately deciding to attend the University of Oregon.

"Nobody wants to eat McDonald's when you can get filet mignon," Thibodeaux told Hill about his decision.

Black athletes need to understand that the money will go wherever they do, Hill argues, and so they should use that influence to elevate HBCUs and the black communities they are often located within.

"Bringing elite athletic talent back to black colleges would have potent downstream effects," Hill wrote. "It would boost HBCU revenues and endowments; stimulate the economy of the black communities in which many of these schools are embedded; amplify the power of black coaches, who are often excluded from prominent positions at predominantly white institutions; and bring the benefits of black labor back to black people."

Elite high school athletes typically choose the same group of elite, and predominantly white, schools because they want to go somewhere with the best facilities, the most opportunity for exposure, and with the greatest chance of advancing to the professional level in their sport.

Hill argues that the system needs to be disrupted, and that predominantly white institutions don't deserve to continue benefitting from lucrative athletics programs that are disproportionately black when compared with the student populations.

"If promising black student athletes chose to attend HBCUs in greater numbers, they would, at a minimum, bring some welcome attention and money to beleaguered black colleges, which invested in black people when there was no athletic profit to reap," Hill wrote. "More revolutionarily, perhaps they could disrupt the reign of an 'amateur' sports system that uses the labor of black folks to make white folks rich."


Oct 19, 2009
"Bringing elite athletic talent back to black colleges would have potent downstream effects," Hill wrote. "It would boost HBCU revenues and endowments; stimulate the economy of the black communities in which many of these schools are embedded; amplify the power of black coaches, who are often excluded from prominent positions at predominantly white institutions; and bring the benefits of black labor back to black people."

She's either "lost her mind", is living in some sort of bizarre fantasy land or is just plain stupid. Blacks will never attend sporting events in large numbers, regardless of who is on the field. You could have the AFC and NFC Black Pro-Bowl (all whites excluded) in Memphis, Tennessee or Mobile, Alabama every year and I doubt they could get even 15,000 blacks to pay a decent price and attend ... Even if blacks did go in large numbers to pro or college football or basketball games, ticket prices would have to be so low, no "school" could make enough to pay for basic expenses needed to run a FBS program. To get bigger crowds they'd have to go in WNBA mode -- giving away thousands and thousands of free/complimentary tickets. Over the years Grambling, Alcorn State, Jackson State and others have had several future Hall of Famer's/NFL legends on the field at the same time, yet their attendance was probably no better than a white D-II or D-III school in some smaller Prairie town in Middle America.

Elite high school athletes typically choose the same group of elite, and predominantly white, schools because they want to go somewhere with the best facilities, the most opportunity for exposure, and with the greatest chance of advancing to the professional level in their sport.

Hill is not even close to reality. My guess is the main reason most of these young, "proud black men" go to white schools is they want to be around white women, hopping and praying they can reel in a skanky, gutter-dwelling Shark. The same fools that preach over and over how proud they are to be black are the first ones to reject women that look like their mothers, sisters and Jemele Hill -- Charles Barkley is a notable example.

Went to college with some 5'4" or 5'5" black kid, who claimed to be a walk-on kicker. My guess is he never played a down and was kept around just as a team mascot, at best. He seemed fairly affable and I'd talk to him from time to time for a few minutes. Anyhow, when talking sports he used to mention big time black athletes should go to "black schools" and show black pride, as Hill suggested. Meanwhile, just about every time I saw him he was trying to hit on a white girl. Sometimes you'd see white girls wince in disgust as this ugly little critter constantly tried to shake their hands, hug them or pat them on the back. Basically he was a "Harold Reynolds type", who ESPN was forced to fire because he kept asking women for hugs and was constantly touching them. I assume if this little troll attended college today, he'd be kicked out school in less than a week for harassment.
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"In a rare bout of rationality, Jemele Hill makes some good points. Black athletes should go to black colleges to help uplift those colleges and the black community."

That was called Segregation and it worked very well. Prior to integration and welfare (and Emanuel Celler's Immigration Reform Act) race relations in the USA were good and Negroes were actually the most rapidly advancing ethnic or racial group in the country with relatively low crime rates, illegitimacy, drug and alcohol addiction, etc.
Dec 26, 2018
maybe if they recruited white girls for the their sports programs as well, they might make some inroads

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
"In a rare bout of rationality, Jemele Hill makes some good points. Black athletes should go to black colleges to help uplift those colleges and the black community."

That was called Segregation and it worked very well. Prior to integration and welfare (and Emanuel Celler's Immigration Reform Act) race relations in the USA were good and Negroes were actually the most rapidly advancing ethnic or racial group in the country with relatively low crime rates, illegitimacy, drug and alcohol addiction, etc.

You are correct. LBJ's Great Society was the downfall of Black America. Blacks were the first guinea pigs for the melding of feminism and welfare (i.e. the government) to replace the father in families. The black legitimacy rate pre-Great Society was higher than it is now among Whites. The left will never admit this just as it will never admit its culpability for the rest of America's subversion and downfall, but a lot of intelligent black men know what's going on and have "gone their own way" to use the term popular among a segment of aware White men. All the communists are capable of doing is injecting greater and greater doses of poison, as the central tenant of their insane dogma is that history is moving in their direction and the proles and goyim must realize it and get on board no matter what it takes to bring them in line.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
You are correct. LBJ's Great Society was the downfall of Black America. Blacks were the first guinea pigs for the melding of feminism and welfare (i.e. the government) to replace the father in families. The black legitimacy rate pre-Great Society was higher than it is now among Whites. The left will never admit this just as it will never admit its culpability for the rest of America's subversion and downfall, but a lot of intelligent black men know what's going on and have "gone their own way" to use the term popular among a segment of aware White men. All the communists are capable of doing is injecting greater and greater doses of poison, as the central tenant of their insane dogma is that history is moving in their direction and the proles and goyim must realize it and get on board no matter what it takes to bring them in line.

The only thing you said that I might dispute is "a lot of intelligent black men". Certainly there are some. There are also some older black men in Africa who remember how much better things were in the colonial times. Apartheid - separate development - has been made a curse word by the enemy-controlled media - same as they have done with segregation...and now White - but it was just segregation too, in what was then the great and powerful first world country of South Africa whose main problem then was negroes sneaking in over the northern border.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Speaking of Africa, there was a very interesting and shocking Italian-made movie that is now hard to find, especially the original uncut version, that showed what happened when Africa went from white colonial rule to the rule of the black natives. it is called "Africa Addio" aka "Africa Blood and Guts" and "Farewell Africa", 1966.


Oct 19, 2009
"In a rare bout of rationality, Jemele Hill makes some good points. Black athletes should go to black colleges to help uplift those colleges and the black community."

That was called Segregation and it worked very well. Prior to integration and welfare (and Emanuel Celler's Immigration Reform Act) race relations in the USA were good and Negroes were actually the most rapidly advancing ethnic or racial group in the country with relatively low crime rates, illegitimacy, drug and alcohol addiction, etc.

Werewolf, you might want add blacks, as a group, were probably much happier than they are now. In another thread, Don mentioned former MLB star/announcer Joe Morgan, who has a white wife and mulatto twin daughters, but was constantly race-bitching about the plight of blacks during his MLB and broadcasting career. He was telling a story about former Negro League baseball legend Buck O'Neill, who made it well into his 90's. Buck used to be seemingly omnipresent on ESPN well into the 2000's, any time the subject of Negro Leagues came up.

Anyhow, Morgan once said O'Neill told him to stop crying/complaining about the "plight of Negro League Players". Basically, O'Neill said something like this: Joe it wasn't nearly as bad as you think. All us black players were together with our (black) wives and children six months per year and we were very happy playing a kids game for pay and traveling together, with our own brothers. (Joe) stop making it seem like we were condemned to some sort of terrible existence in the Negro Leagues; it was the exact opposite of how you portray it.
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Werewolf, you might want add blacks, as a group, were probably much happier than they are now. In another thread, Don mentioned former MLB star/announcer Joe Morgan, who has a white wife and mulatto twin daughters, but was constantly race-bitching about the plight of blacks during his MLB and broadcasting career. He was telling a story about former Negro League baseball legend Buck O'Neill, who made it well into his 90's. Buck used to be seemingly omnipresent on ESPN well into the 2000's, any time the subject of Negro Leagues came up.

Anyhow, Morgan once said O'Neill told him to stop crying/complaining about the "plight of Negro League Players". Basically, O'Neill said something like this: Joe it wasn't nearly as bad as you think. All us black players were together with our (black) wives and children six months per year and we were very happy playing a kids game for pay and traveling together, with our own brothers. (Joe) stop making it seem like we were condemned to some sort of terrible existence in the Negro Leagues; it was the exact opposite of how you portray it.

That is the truth. I was talking to an old timer who was telling me how the blacks opposed integration. They enjoyed being together, holding their cakewalks and stuff. You can just compare the faces of blacks from many years ago with their sneering faces now, especially in the days of slavery, because blacks were never so well off before nor since since the benign slavery of the old south when the slave owners tried to make them good Christians, and, if nothing else - unlike the child laborers, miners, sweatshop workers, etc. in the north - and in earlier days the white slaves euphemistically called indentured servants - they were valuable property and thus treated well. Of course now if you try to google blacks in the old south you will just find pictures of black criminals who were whipped or lynched (many more white criminals were lynched than blacks. Google and all their manifestations have been Politically Corrected), and of course that is also what the media always shows, and their homoschools and colleges taech, slaves getting whipped and lynched every day and twice on Sundays!