Jason Giambi

White Lightning

Staff member
Oct 16, 2004
Being a life long Yankee fan,I know you guys hate them,
I am very happy to see Giambi looking good again.He was
a mvp player a few years ago and the Yankees need all of
the white players we can get!He had a single and a
monster home run to centerfield tonight in a spring
training game.I want to see him back in the lineup on
a daily basis.I wish we could have gotten Troy Glaus or
Richie Sexton but they went to other teams.Do you guys
think Jason can get back to where he was?I hope so.
Yeah I was reading my local paper today and all they could talk about was Giambi, the "face" of the steroid scandal and how the fans hate him. When the hell did Giambi pass Barry Bonds as the "face" of the steroids scandal? Didn't you just know that as soon as they had a white guy to pin this on they would pile on him. Just like Mark McGuire has to appear before congress on the issue, where is Sammy Sosa, he got even bigger then Big Mac who was always a big guy.
Gary Sheffield has been completely dropped from the steroid coverage of late even though he admitted "accidentally" using them when he was working out with Bonds. He's another world-class jerk like Bonds.

The media hype before the Red Sox-Yankees game was about just how badly the fans going to treat Giambi.Andknowing how so manywhite sports fanslove to hate white athletes, it's going to be a very tough time ahead this season for Jason whether he does well on the field or not.No question the media wants him to be the worst of the "bad guys" in the steroids coverage.
Why would Giambi be the center stage attraction concerning the steroid fiasco? Certainly Bonds, Sosaand Sheffieldare worthy of being showcased. They all have been involved with serious behavioral problems in the past, so why the focus on Giambi?

Bud Selig, the commishioner of baseball was quoted as saying: "When you look back on the history of our game, Jackie Robinson coming into baseball â€â€￾ there's no question that April 15, 1947, was the most powerful moment in baseball history," Commissioner Bud Selig said at New York's Shea Stadium. "It transcended baseball. It was a precursor to the civil rights movement by 15 or 16 years.

That was quite a statement from Bud. He told us where his interests lie and you can bet every decision he makesfurthers his civil rights agenda, which by necessity opposes whites. Bud hasappointed his son in law Laurel Prieb as vice prersident for Western Operations and special projects which is a newly created position. Basically, Bud was appalled at the lack of black baseball prospects, so MLB will spend millions of dollars recruiting minorities, providing training, facillities and development. I guess the few white faces we see are too many.

You see, Bud is a big believer in diversity, it is a good thing. As is typical, his diversity program begins at your house not his. To avoid a conflict of interest he stepped down from running the Brrewers and appointed a replacement who was neither black nor hispanic, he placed hiseminently unqualified DAUGHTER in the top position!! Should we discuss the ethics of that move?He creates a job for his son in law andhas his daughter run the Brewers. How sweet.

Guess how diverse baseball owners are as a group? You already know the answer to the question.
I must say I was never that fond of Jason Giambi, but I must admit I
found new respect for him after he admitted to taking steroids. I much
rather see someone admit he has taken them than to see someone like
Barry Bonds blatantly lie to the media about using steroids.
Honesty, does count for something, and he had some balls admitting that
to the NY media. After he admitted using them it should of been a
dead issue. But, every once in awhile I'll still see them showing his
face which is kind of sad because I really think he is off them.
Here's an article that calls Giambi a good guy and Bonds a bad guy and paints a positive portrayal of Jason. However the writer is wrong in claiming that Giambi will have an easier time with fans this year than Bonds. White fans are always much tougher on white players than black ones. Giambi was actually booed by Yankees fans in his second home game with the team after coming over from Oakland because he wasn't instantly slamming homeruns. And that was long before the steroids allegations were being made.

[url]http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2005/writers/john_donovan/0 3/09/yanks.giambi/index.html[/url]
Giambi must be tearing into the ball pretty well lately. As of tonight he's hitting .289. A couple months ago hitting only .195 they were thinking of sending him down to the minors. His OBP is a whopping .437, which is way higher than Sheffield, Matsui, A-Rod and Jeter. I didn't realize his career OBP. of .412 is higher than A-Rod's .383 and Sheffield's .400.

By Ronald Blum

NEW YORK - Jason Giambi could be headed to the minor leagues. With Giambi's batting average down to .195, Yankees manager Joe Torre and general manager Brian Cashman met with Giambi on Tuesday night and asked him whether he would consider accepting a minor league assignment. Edited by: Bart
Giambi has a phenomenal 16 home runs in his last 79 at bats, one of the best power stretches ever by a Yankee. It's great to see him coming back strong after being made the scapegoat for baseball's steroids problem.
Everything I've read about Giambi indicates he is a great guy who goes out of the way to please people. The steroid question is only part of the puzzle concerning him and his roller coaster ride, going from the top to the bottom and back up again. He had battled an intestinal parasite which weakened his system considerably and also had a tumor growing in his brain either in or near the pituitary gland. Very serious stuff.
The New York media every chance they get bash Giambi. They don't even seem to care that he told the truth about his steroids use. But the bigger question is why isn't the "rat bum" as Bob Grant saysfrom the San Francisco Chronicle who reported about these court proceedings in jail for revealing what he said in what was supposed to be a closed court room to the public. I'm sure ifBonds or Shefield said the exact same words we wouldof never known what went on in the BALCO case.If I was Giambi I'd find me a lawyer and take everything that guy was worth. Even though I'm a Met Fan(starting to question that since the owner is a jew,2 of theannouncers are jewish not sure about Ed Coleman, we have a illegal mulatto ailen as the gm, and a black manager. How much more anti - white can you get? But then again you just don't give up hope because the cards are stacked against you hope that things turn around.)you have to root for Giambi since if your white and screw up in New York your basically roadkill and of course in the end your race is your uniform.
I for one am glad to see Giambi back to where he was.He
tied Mickey Mantle for the most homers in one month with
14.He is overall a nice guy.Him and Mark McGuire are good
friends and we all know that Mark gave alot of money to
charities & carried himself well in public when he played.
I hope Giambi is clean but either way,at least he
apologized to the fans & the team.I didn't see any other
athelete do that from Sosa to Canseco.
Giambi hit his 30th homerun tonight in another Yankees victory.It is good to see him get back to where he was a few years ago.He was picked on personally more than most of the others in the Balco Scandal until Palmero got busted.I think Giambi is a descent guy overall and can be good even without the juice.I wonder if he will make another run at a MVP Award next season.One thing is for sure,he is one of the few Yankees that I always root for.It would be great to see Bubba Crosby become a better all around player.He has some talent.
I enjoy seeing Giambi doing so well now, after he's gone through so much. But I have to wonder why he took steroids in the first place if he's this good without it. Perhaps to get that huge Yankees contract. Or to go from an excellent player to an MVP player. But he's suffered a lot for his ambition, both personally, professionally and possibly physically if his illnesses had anything to do with his "chemical habits," so to speak.
I think Giambi will flourish once he regains his natural skills, which
atrophied after he relied too heavily on his steriod-based
bulk. The last month has shown that he is a heckuva of
ballplayer, even without his extraordinary musculature. In fact,
I think that a real crackdown on steriod use will ultimately benefit
White players because too many blacks were "juicing" and not being
blamed (because, as we all know, the genetic superiority of blacks
allows them to develop unearthly muscles).
Jason won the AL Comeback Player of the Year Award. Congratulations to him. He was mercilessly criticized and ridiculed for the first six months of 2005. He took it all like a man and came back strong.
Franz Lidz of SI.com nominates Giambi as 2005 Sportsman of the Year. Expect Lidz to be fired.

[url]http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2005/magazine/specials/spor tsman/2005/11/01/lidz.giambi/index.html [/url]##
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