Jasikevicius to wed Jew

For those of youhoping to gain an understandingof the very basic difference between Christian and Jewish theology an article written by Rabbi Soloveichik will provide insight. It is called -The Virtue of Hate. The prayers uttered by Jesus and Samson before theirdeaths illustrate the contrasting beliefsystems quite well.

Jesus:"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

Samson: "Lord God, remember me and strengthen me only this once, O God, so that with this one act of revenge I may pay back the Philistines for my two eyes."

And Samson grasped the two middle pillars on which the house rested, . . . [and] then Samson said, "Let me die with the Philistines." He strained with all his might; and the house fell on the lords and all the people who were in it. So those he killed at his death were more than those he had killed during his life.</BLOCKQUOTE>

[url]http://www.firstthings.com/ftissues/ft0302/articles/soloveic hik.html[/url]

An excerpt:The message is that hate allows us to keep our guard up, to protect us. When we are facing those who seek nothing but our destruction, our hate reminds us who we are dealing with. When hate is appropriate, then it is not only virtuous, but essential for Jewish well-being.
JD074 said:
Southern Knight said:
Like I always say, for the Jew, it's always "Do as I say, not as I do." When assessing any situation, they ask themselves one question and one question only: "Is it good for the Jews?"

Good for them! I wish we would do that more.

People are angry with the Jews because they're the better nationalists.
I am obviously not a "moron" and I don't even hate most individual Jews on a personal level.

This screed proves that either you merely skimmed my post or are incapable of looking at issues objectively.

I think you are either the kind who is so young and uniformed that you still believe Fox News, or so old and clever that you know just how to be the most annoying on this forum. Being thick-skinned, your use of personal insult doesn't bother me...fine, whatever, but your lack of substance does. Indeed, you have probably served your purpose on this forum and should be banned.

guest301 said:
It's because of the respect I have for the white race and it's ability to adapt and overcome and contribute to the world that I believe it will survive and thrive. Your comment about Hitler having it right about the Jews shows what a cretin you are. Why do I waste my time debating with a guy who wouldn't spit on me to put out a fire. The most demonic,despicable person to ever seize the reins of power of a great military force and he proceeds to committ genocide and slaughter not only Jews, homosexuals and gypsies but plenty of Brits, French, Russians and White Americans too and you think he just might have had the "right idea"...moron!..if calling you that gets me banned..I don't care.
Bear-Arms said:
JD074 said:
Southern Knight said:
Like I always say, for the Jew, it's always "Do as I say, not as I do." When assessing any situation, they ask themselves one question and one question only: "Is it good for the Jews?"

Good for them! I wish we would do that more.

People are angry with the Jews because they're the better nationalists.

Jewish nationalism is unique in that it is extremely hostile to all other nationalisms. A true nationalist respects the right of all other races, peoples and tribes to self-determination. But Jewish nationalism (Zionism) actively works to deracinate all non-Jewish peoples and and destroy their historical memory. Edited by: Don Wassall
White_Savage said:
Indeed, you have probably served your purpose on this forum and should be banned.

Aragorn knows a lot about sports and roots for white athletes. Differences of opinion when it comes to religion, politics, and personal values, should be respected and not made personal.

Caste Football is first and foremost a place to cheer on white athletes. This board has "moderates," "hard-liners," and everything in between. Everyone who volunteers to go into non-sports areas here has to respect this board's culture, which is that civility is prized and will remain so in spite of personal differences that may arise.
guest301 said:
Why do I waste my time debating with a guy who wouldn't spit on me to put out a fire.

Funny you should mention spitting? You've got some of us all wrong Aragorn, if you were on fire I'd gladly spit on you.
Actually, I've never spit on anyone in my entire life. There are some folks who considerspewing spittle on other people sort of a religious duty. If you want to staydry, don't you dare mention Jesus or display a crossunless you're well out ofspraying distance.

<DT>Jerusalem's Christian community has demanded that Jewish leaders and the Israeli government take action against what they claim is growing harassment of their clergy by religious Jews.
<DT>Christians say ultra-Orthodox Jewish students spit at them or at the ground when they pass. There have also been acts of vandalism against statues of the Virgin Mary.
<DT>The harassment came to a head last week when a Jewish student spat at Armenian Archbishop Nourhan Manougian and ripped off his crucifix, whereupon the archbishop slapped him. The police questioned both men. </DT>
Maybe you are more funny than I thought. I would spit on you too Bart or better yet turn the hose on you!! I can't say your story above suprises me, some of them spit on Jesus too and so why not his Jewish followers 2000 years later. Shalom! or if that is a insult to you... peace!
Bart said:
An excerpt: The message is that hate allows us to keep our guard up, to protect us. When we are facing those who seek nothing but our destruction, our hate reminds us who we are dealing with. When hate is appropriate, then it is not only virtuous, but essential for Jewish well-being.

That is very well said. Replace "Jewish" with "white" and that goes a long way to addressing the solution to our problems.

Bear-Arms said:
People are angry with the Jews because they're the better nationalists.

Right. Perhaps we need to let up on the "impotent rage" and work to become better nationalists. We should be competing with them. Ultimately we're our biggest problem. They do nothing to us that we don't let them do to us.

Don said:
Jewish nationalism is unique in that it is extremely hostile to all other nationalisms. A true nationalist respects the right of all other races, peoples and tribes to self-determination. But Jewish nationalism (Zionism) actively works to deracinate all non-Jewish peoples and and destroy their historical memory.

Self-determination for all peoples is fundamental. Although I do wonder if being hostile to other nationalisms is one of the things that makes them better nationalists, or if it endangers them by creating enemies, or some of both. They're obviously much more experienced, and better, at this than we are. Maybe they know something about how to be successful nationalists that we don't know. This tactic may backfire on them eventually, but for now they're doing pretty d*mn good for themselves. They're like an empire that may collapse on itself someday. Success today, failure down the road. We'll see.

The live and let live approach sounds good to me. David Duke, for one, is for this. We want our white nations, you can have your non-white nations, and let's leave it at that. But we don't know if that would work in the real world. At the very least, we would have to work extremely hard to keep non-whites from entering our areas, being employed there, marrying and breeding there, abusing the hospitality of "compassionate" whites, and of course, physically harming us in a multitude of ways. Maybe we don't have to take the offensive and try to undermine other nations, but we would have to be very aggressive in our defense.

Of course we're a long way off from having to deal with this issue.
Edited by: JD074