Michael Jackson was acquitted of all charges in his highly publicized case. Once again, on a national stage we see the loss of white racial consciousness. Jackson is a black serial abuser of white children. A mostly white jury, many of them mothers, did not send a message to all perverts of this type and send him to jail.
It makes no difference what the evidence was or whether his guilt had been established "beyond a reasonable doubt" the man is a freak, everybody knows it and if you have a chance to take a sicko out of society you do not pass it up because you did not like the mother (as the jury is saying).
I think white people in Los Angelos should riot just as blacks rioted when the Rodney King cops got off.
It makes no difference what the evidence was or whether his guilt had been established "beyond a reasonable doubt" the man is a freak, everybody knows it and if you have a chance to take a sicko out of society you do not pass it up because you did not like the mother (as the jury is saying).
I think white people in Los Angelos should riot just as blacks rioted when the Rodney King cops got off.