Jack Johnson pardon resurfaces


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
This stupid issue has been brought up again by no less then the excretable John McCain. With a bro in the white house you can be sure it will happen.

Pardon sought for first black heavyweight champ

"When we couldn't beat him in the ring, the white power establishment decided to beat him in the courts," Burns told the AP in a telephone interview. Burns' 2005 documentary, "Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson," examined Johnson's case and the sentencing judge's admitted desire to "send a message" to black men about relationships with white women.

Someone needs to send a message to white women about relationships with black men. Death, disease, mistreatment, eternal skankiness, etc.

Pardon sought for first black heavyweight champ
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
jaxvid said:
"When we couldn't beat him in the ring, the white power establishment decided to beat him in the courts," Burns told the AP in a telephone interview.

Awwwww, poor Jackie Johnson was a victim of the evil White judicial system in pre-enlightened Amerikwa. So I take it Burns is a typical self-hating pathetic excuse for a White man, right?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
OldSchoolBoy75 said:
So I take it Burns is a typical self-hating pathetic excuse for a White man, right?

Yep, pretty much. Typical cultural Marxist white "male."


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Jax, I've seen "Unforgivable Blackness" on PBS....I can assure you it is full of cultural marxist propaganda.

After hearing their "mild" verson of Jack Johnson's life, he seemed like a pretty terrible person. I can only imagine what the truth sounds like. He's certainly not a man to be "looked up to" by peers or children.

At least PBS had the decency to admit that all of his supposed "white girlfriends" were prostitutes. I'm sure they were in no way attracted to this monsterous-looking, braindead buffoon....they knew he had money, and they knew he was stupid enough to blow it on whores.

The documentary literally portrayed this criminal clown as a heroic, true american rebel. Much like Martin Luther King, and other black "heroes," he was nothing of the sort.Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
JB CASH article on Johnson when Bush was considering a pardon.

Unforgivable Blackness = Anti-White Propaganda
(1/17/05) On January 17 and 18 PBS will air the Ken Burns documentary "Unforgivable Blackness: The Jack Johnson story." Jack Johnson was the first black man to become heavyweight boxing champion after his 1908 knockout of Tommy Burns. Be prepared for one of the most glaring examples of anti-white and pro-black sports propaganda in television history.

Ken Burns is the documentarian who produced the 10-episode "Civil War" as well as "Baseball" for PBS. Unfortunately, Burn's long-term exposure to public television must have inflicted some damage to his common sense and he thinks that producing documentaries about history is no longer enough; that he now has to rewrite history.

Burns has stated that his goal is to attack racism, which he feels is the worst threat in our modern society. So Burns, in his pathetic world of racial guilt, has selected a figure that is famous mostly for trashing white people. In Burns' mind, celebrating as a hero someone who was an anti-white racist will make up for the guilt he feels about other white peoples' racism towards blacks.

The program, scheduled to be shown over two days, will attempt to make the case that Jack Johnson was a victim of racial discrimination and is deserving of a posthumous presidential pardon for his arrest and incarceration for violation of the Mann Act. The Mann Act was a law that outlawed the transportation of women in interstate or foreign commerce "for the purpose of prostitution, debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose." This was back in the days when there were activities that were considered immoral, unlike today when even the most perverted activity is excused and usually promoted.

Supposedly, we are told, the Mann Act was used solely to persecute Johnson. However that was not true; several white men were convicted under the law for much less than what Johnson had done, including two well known politicians busted with their mistresses. Furthermore, Johnson was guilty of the crime as written. Of this there is no doubt. He admitted to financing the prostitution for some of the women he knew and also surely forced them to do it. Undoubtedly there was desire on the part of the prosecution to "get back" at an obnoxious black criminal but so what? Prosecutors probably hate the child molesters they prosecute. How is this any different?

If granted, it would be only the second posthumous presidential pardon in U.S. history, the first being President Clinton's 1999 pardon of the former slave and first black army officer Henry O. Flipper. At least in Flipper's case the request for pardon was based on a plausible case of innocence for the convicted. No such situation exists here. What these people want is a pardon issued solely for the purpose of elevating the status of a famous anti-white black man, with little pretense that he was innocent of any crime.

Jack Johnson was famous for his affairs with white prostitutes. At that time nearly every state had miscegenation laws which made it a criminal act for a black person and a white person to engage in sexual relations. Johnson was never tried for miscegenation so the claims that his arrest and conviction were solely about that are patently false.

The facts of Johnson's life are fairly clear and summed up best in his biography "Bad ******," which also neatly explains his life in two words. After he was properly sentenced for breaking the law he did what one would expect: jumped bail and went to Europe, where the site of an unruly black thug was still rare and considered amusing.

Johnson wore out his welcome there and went to Mexico and the Caribbean to stage a few fights and make some money. Eventually he realized that no matter how bad America was for the black man it was still better than any other place in the world so he returned, surrendered himself and served one year in jail.

During his life Johnson treated the white prostitutes that were unfortunate enough to be enslaved by him in a manner similar to the way many black athletes treat their women. He constantly beat and abused them and kept them in his control because those poor women knew (as they know today) that society will not visit justice upon those monsters as long as white guilt can be used as an effective deterrent to justice. Nicole Simpson told her family that O.J. would one day kill her and get away with it. Probably the same thing was obvious to the poor women who Johnson beat, raped, pimped out, and held in virtual bondage their whole brief lives.

Johnson was that rare person who managed to offend nearly every person of every race. He was disliked by nearly everybody in those days; in black society as well as white. Booker T. Washington considered him an embarrassment and an affirmation of the negative stereotypes of Negroes. He said:

"What makes the situation seem a little worse in this case is the fact that it was the white man, not the black man, who has given Jack Johson the kind of prominence he has enjoyed up to now and put him, in other words, in a position where he has been able to bring humiliation upon the whole race of which he is a member. I do not believe it is necessary for me to say that the honest, sober element of the Negro people of the United States is as severe in condemnation of the kind of immorality with which Jack Johnson is at present charged as any other portion of the community."

"It is unfortunate that a man with money should use it a way to injure his own people in the eyes of those who are seeking to uplift his race and improve its condition. A man with muscle, minus brains, is a useless creature."

That behavior which made him a pariah to every decent person in America in the early 20th century is the same thing which now apparently qualifies him for "hero" status in the early 21st century. We've come a long way in a hundred years â€â€- a long way backwards that is.

This documentary is merely a propaganda effort on behalf of an "esteemed" committee made up of the likes of Ken Burns; Senators John McCain, Edward Kennedy and Orrin Hatch; Reps. Charles Rangel and Jesse Jackson, Jr.; Sugar Ray Leonard; Bernard Hopkins; John Ruiz; Bert Sugar; David Dinkins; Pete Hamill; Chuck D and Wynton Marsalis, among many others that have petitioned President Bush to issue a posthumous pardon for Johnson's Mann Act conviction.

Look for President Bush to issue the pardon because it has no practical purpose but to insult white people, who have no other choice than to vote Republican and so can be taken for granted by Bush.

Bush has already issued proclamations declaring "Jack Johnson Day" when he was Governor of Texas (Johnson was from Galveston). One can be sure that Bush will issue the pardon, probably during "Black History Month" replete with Rose Garden photo-ops with all of the usual suspects there. I am guessing that McCain will want his mug featured prominently as will all of the black race-card players  Jesse Jackson, the Rev. Al Sharpton, along with Kennedy and both Clintons. They may even be able to bring in Muhammad Ali and prop him up in front of a camera.

There is no question the choice of Jack Johnson as a man to be honored is disturbing. Johnson was an obnoxious figure who consorted with prostitutes, drank, gambled, stole, and abused women. In an era when many black athletes exhibit these same poor lifestyle choices it sends a very bad message about the repercussions of those actions.

It almost seems as if the social engineers have decided that they are unable to reform the behavior of black urban males and have instead surrendered and decided to glorify their pathologies. Once it was fashionable to hold up black men like Ralph Bunche, Booker T. Washington, and W.E.B. Debois as positive role models and use their examples as the type of people black youth should grow up to be. Now we have as role models the likes of Jack Johnson: racist/pimp/abuser/ thief/whoremonger; and Malcolm X: racist/pimp/thief/drug dealer.

Apparently it is acceptable that these types of people can be considered "heroes" and held up to our children as role models. Jack Johnson was one of the worst examples of a racist that ever lived. But since he was black, we are now, in the year 2005, supposed to worship this ignorant thug and bestow a presidential pardon on him. Thus the act of racism, considered by those same petition supporters to be one of the worst acts possible in our modern society, is okay if you are black.

As you watch the ceremonies and read the glowing reviews of this "hero" remember it is all being done to send you a message. If you are unable to understand the real message behind the false one then here it is: white society and white people are evil and must be punished. They will do whatever is necessary to do that, including making heroes out of criminals.

They can do this because white people are so naïve, weak or brain dead, that they will not even whimper in protest. Perhaps that is why it is so easy for those elites in our society to even think of committing such a travesty of justice.

White people have become accustomed to this slanderous attack on their history and culture and rarely complain. Perhaps some of the readers of this column will join me in sending our president a message. I have emailed him about this preposterous "pardon" and I encourage you to so the same. At least some people will have shown the courage to speak out against this horrible idea.

President George W. Bush: president@whitehouse.gov
Nov 30, 2008
Out of all the people to pardon, McCain is leading the charge for this guy? Leading the charge for the early 20th century version of Pacman Jones?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Thanks for posting JB's article jaxvid. That was one of the first articles I read after registering at CF. I didn't watch it thenand haven'tsince. I wish JB was writing more these days. His work is missed!

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
He was Mike Tyson with a shade more class. Or maybe because the media was only papers they couldn't pry as much into his life like they did with Tyson. Insert strippers and you would have Pac Man Jones light.....


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Fightingtowin said:
Out of all the people to pardon, McCain is leading the charge for this guy? Leading the charge for the early 20th century version of Pacman Jones?

I thought my contempt for that rascal couldn't get any lower.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
once again, JB Cash puts the truth right between your eyes.

like the Colonel said, i too miss reading his stuff. he's exceptionally gifted.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I also forgot to mention one of his "wives" committed suicide. Also like many lower class ******** he wasn't too discriminating about the looks of his white women. Most were about 5's of ten. Okay in a Victorian sense maybe 6's. (He did have one hot wife who looked Irish though)Edited by: white is right

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Again, lower standards for blacks.

Did Johnson ever turn his life around and do some good works to make up for his pimping and wife beating? Did he ever change his ways, other than slowing down a little with age? Was there any redemption in his life to justify Hatch and Burns and McCain pushing this pardon business?

These three clowns are just revealing (and trying to make up for) a subconscious contempt for blacks with this pandering.