Italian commercial - vile, anti-White

Sep 22, 2006
This was posted to a French-language blog (one of the last refuges of White Frenchmen on planet Earth) but turns out to be an Italian not French commercial (to the relief of at least one Frenchman there). Before I post the link, I will warn you that if you give a damn about the future of our White Race, you will be infuriated by this absolute filth. This is sheer, racist propaganda on the most crude level. You have been warned:

Imagine the inverse. Some f*g had to have made this, it is a vicious slap in the face of strait White men.

I believe this type of OVERT, flagrant racist ad will soon appear in the USA. God knows we see all manner of racist ads and shows now, with their not-so-subtle message that White women would be better satisfied by blacks. This particular ad is Italian; I ask, where the hell are the Italian men? What is happening in that nation? I expect this in the Netherlands, where the White Race is all but destroyed, but Italy too??? It makes me think, think about many things...

If no one wants to "give a f*ck who sleeps with whom" anymore, this is the future. Your daughters will be taught this and soon they won't care who or what they f*ck (already 3/4 there), or at what age, and your sons' manhood and mental health will be destroyed and they will be turned into weaklings (again, 3/4 there). God forbid this, but will the White Race be the first to exterminate itself?

BTW liberal f*gs can believe this filth all they want, the strong virile black man and the weak, undesirable white man, but there will come a breaking point and they will push until arrives. At least, I hope there will come a breaking point.
smiley7.gif're right, that is the worst commercial I've ever seen.

"Coloured is better" yeah if you want AIDS and syphillis.

Always remember that if nobody buys the stuff the commercials will go away. The economic boycott is our only true weapon at this point. I will never spend one dime on anything made by Verizon or Starbucks among others.

My only fear is that now so many companies are owned by larger "parent" companies that even if we don't buy the stuff it won't hurt the company.
I left a comment under the video. That is the most blatantly racist thing I have ever seen in a commercial.
When I saw this, I knew I had to post here. I knew it would make many of you sick, as it did to me, but it is important that we never let our guard down. This filth is a stern slap-across-the-face reminder. Depicted in this ad is exactly what the left and its non-White allies, be they anti-White in general or anti-White male (which is ultimately, and insidiously, anti-White Race), wishes would happen.

Thank you Colonel for having the presence of mind to leave comments. I could not, although what I would have written would have certainly been "colourful".

[The "Nation of Weaklings" thread is a very important one, LabMan, and you made a particularly insightful point there about the feminization of young boys. I would add that the left is also turning young girls into whores and lesbians for the exact same purpose, i.e. destruction of the White Race.]

Again, imagine if this were done to a black man by a black woman. They would be absolutely furious; and I would NOT blame them. This is a crude, raw depiction (indeed, glamorization) of treason at its most vile, basic form - racial, sexual, personal.

Places like this site are of vital importance. Whites (from whatever tribe of our beautiful people, from the Slavs to the Celts, the Germans to the Italians and Romanians, and all in between) have the power to stop this mad march to eternal death. Sometimes, I admit, I wonder if other than in a few isolated pockets, the will remains to resist.
Is that an actual commercial or a spoof?
And I thought our commercials were bad. Will white men ever wake up and realize that we have been targeted for destruction?But who would produce such a blatant piece of propaganda??Ethnic Italians or Frenchman??No,I doubt they'vebecome that emasculated. I grew up with Italian friends and spent many evenings with them over dinners and family get togethers. I can't speak for anybody else, but the guys I know, would puke at the sight of those ads.

There is a web site for that company. Except for a few words, I can't speak Italian, but will leave a message with the help of an on-line translator
That's pretty ridiculous considering that if the colors were reversed there would be endless controversy.

Overall, a terrible commercial.
That commercial is, by far, the WORST one I have ever seen, by way of blatent, anti-White, racism.

This commercial, by far, out-does ALL of the following:

1. The Nike football commercial, where Deoin Sanders
had a blonde White wife, and Brian Urlacher was
portrayed as the class clown.

2. Any commercial displaying the "intelligent" White
female and her "idiot" White boyfriend.

3. Any, and I mean ANY, interracial dating commercial
with a black man and a White woman.

4. Any commercial advertising football, with a bunch of
fat, out of shape, bald, White idiots salivating
over black players "atheticism".

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is THE most offensive commercial towards White people (males especially), that has ever been created. The "tribe" really went out of their way this time to emascualte White males, once again.
The influx of women anchors in the T.V. news industry also carries a message that many do not get.The White male anchor is being phased out.Most weather reporters now are female,and the White males who are hired for this job,in many cases, have an effeminate look,and tone quality to their voices.

What message does this send to young White males who are watching more T.V. than ever?,any message of importance,or of a world event,will be brought to him by a female.Thus lowering male self esteem even more.
son of Radovan said:
Some f*g had to have made this, it is a vicious slap in the face of strait White men.

You hit on a very important point that is little noticed -- homosexuals are dominant in both the media and government. The most mind-boggling of all the disgusting trends that have taken this country down is the rise of the militant homosexuals to unchallenged power and control. Homosexuality is a constant theme in the media, from plot lines to openly "gay" characters to imagery to jokes and innuendo, and of course is now taught and promoted in the government school systems. There has never been a "civilization" in which homosexuals have had such unchallenged control, except perhaps a few right before they collapsed. The power of homosexuals canbe maintained onlyby tearing down the traditional family and destroying the natural harmony between men and women.

Hell, even Popeye is queer now:

[url] 80[/url]
I thought American commercials were bad, but this takes the cake.

I couldn't help thinking of what happens to the slut when she finds out that she has AIDS.

In Poland a Black poet from Cameroon passed on his AIDS to four women. His way of saying. thank you, to the nice people of Poland.
All I can say is, I am thoroughly disturbed in a way beyond words. That commercial ruined my day.
jcolec02 said:


Nice observation. I wouldn't doubt that this commercial is just another attempt at breeding-out Whites.

Also, I noticed this: Notice how the kid is throwing a fit, and the father just stands there and does nothing. If I were that kid acting like that in the local Shop Rite, my pops would have slapped me silly. This commercial is attempting to make White men look "weak" and "powerless", by letting a kid get the best of the father in public. Its just more "public-emasculation", as I call it, from the media.

Or, better yet, what do you guys think of this term... "commercial-castration"? Sounds more appropriate, right. From now on, whenever I see a commercial where the White male is emasculated in some way, ye shall use the term "commercial-castration". Edited by: Ground Fighter
onewarrior5 said:
I can't believe what ive just watched.I am speechless.

Yeah, it made me want to crack open a fresh bottle of Scotch when I first saw it.
However, my anger eventually dissipated after a few minutes. To be honest, it's not the actual "commercial" itself that has everyone so heated and irritated. Actually, it's the message that is being directed towards the audience, and the utter brazenness of the commercial's creators that has us all in an uproar. Its like the commercial's creators all gathered in a room somewhere and said, "How can we emasculate White males in way that hasn't been done before?".And then one of those brain-surgeons raised his/her hand and said, "I've got it". Thus, giving us that "abomination" they call a commercial.

We're all used to the typical anti-White crap that we see on T.V. everyday in this country, but this commercial took it to the extreme and then some.
Edited by: Ground Fighter
There is one good thing about this is soooo over the top racist that anyone who sees it (other than ape faces) will be at the very least shocked, and most will just be completely disgusted...even the most liberal whites I think would be offended...
christ,that was bad.The question though,how can the people responsible for this be made accountable so we're not subjected to this kind of horse sh*te again.unless something's done,these kinds of commercials will become the norm.
hey, michiganblkman.. I notice you've been popping in on some threads lately. What do you think about this one?
Reminds me of the ending of the Boise State game. Talk about tarnishing an other wise good night...
Iron said:
christ,that was bad.The question though,how can the people responsible for this be made accountable so we're not subjected to this kind of horse sh*te again.unless something's done,these kinds of commercials will become the norm.

And what's worse is,We the White people,will never know any of the names or faces,ofthe bastards ir-responsible for this racist propaganda,anything-but-subtly disguised as advertisements.
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