It is over


Dec 22, 2004
I have come to the sobering conclusion after wafting through mens and womens college basketball that the media, worse than I ever remember, is set on distinguishing white and black athleticism for good and forever.. They repeat this mantra so loud and so often, not to mention the print media too, that I have all but given up. The in your face repeating of the subject is demonic. Yes I said it. It is beyond disturbing. It is the single most direct assault on a race--in this case whites-that you will find anywhere. Sure there is racism against blacks and minorities etc. but never this direct through the media.. The constant belittling and patronising attitude of the media towards white athletes is so blatant and nasty I don't know where people get the idea that tv is "politically correct'. in fact suffering through games through the media lens is pure unfiltered hate of white athletes. Imagine if you will announcers constantly carping on say black players "deficiencies" over and over again until reason shuts off? The repeat motif of fantastic quick springy blacks and slow unathletic whites runs so deep that society as a result has changed not to mention the racial make up of teams. I for one am sick to death of it and find sports a joyless exercise down a one way road that points to "whites SUCK as athletes".
I personally believe caste should challenge each and everyone of these media jerks and press their prejudice against the window pane. They scurry around unfettered but it is high time we check this demonic racist assault. I hate it I tell you.
Sorry for double posting but I had to get off the internet. Just one more point to add. It is pretty simple. In the WiKpedia (sp) piece on Don they basically flat out called him a racist. I don't know Don personally but just based on caste I wouldn't come to that conclusion. The article failed to dig at all into what is written on caste . Lost in the mix is a question of fairness. I know that if I was a sports journo or airwaves guy I would resort to "political correctness" so to speak. In otherwords no way in hell would I pick on white athletes the way the media does. The old sadistic "kick em while they are down" syndrome. I would avoid racial stereotyping and try to be fair without copping out in certain situations. I would not reduce a game down to stereotypes nor repeatedly use black athletic "code words." And I would stay away from horrible hype like "Michael Vick is a GOD and the rest of us should just bow down and kiss his almighty feet" kind of garbage.
Overall for me it isn't a question of race so much but rather a question of unfairness and to me the way the media has treated white athletes is in my mind cruel and unfair, not to mention undignified. Whatever the hell happened to class and social graces? The sports media has a lot to answer for and so far they haven't been pinned to the wall. They will be and I can't wait for that day.
I guess I should make the effort to edit that wikepedia entry on me as whoever wrote it couldn't even get most of the basic facts right, much less the subjective stuff about CF and other things I've been involved in. Although if I try to edit it, someone else will probably immediately re-edit it back to its Cultural Marxist perspective.

My guess is that it was written by someone from Britain, probably an employee of Searchlight, a communist-oriented private spying organization that operates much like Morris Dees' SPLC here in the U.S.

By the same token I'm really not that interested though Wikepedia is gaining in popularity. I've been smearedmany timesduring the past 20 years, this one is mild compared to most.. . They don't deter me because I know who's behind them and what their agenda is.
Didn't this site get some exposure on Sailor's website? I know I've emailed him before and he actually agreed with some of my points regarding the racial makeup of NFL teams.

I hope this site continues to grow and prosper.
In Feb. '06 Caste Football had triple the traffic it did in Feb. '05. Traffic has gone up almost every month, but has leveled off somewhat the past couple of months. Sailer has mentioned us several times, and at least a hundred discussion boards have had threadsmentioning CF, usually but not always in a negative way.

I doubt that we'll "explode" in popularity, though I hope I'm wrong.Maybe we'll reach a critical mass of supporters at some point where it will really take off. For nowI think we'll keep picking up sympathetic "lurkers" and good posters one by one, which is why it's important for the board to be as active as possible. The board is the centerpiece of the site, which I hoped it would be when CF was completely re-designed in October of '04, as we now have lots ofknowledgeable people who contribute on a regular basis. When we have thousands of active board users then we'll be starting to have a realimpact on the Caste System.
I edited the post on you last week Don. I got rid of some of the racist garbage and tried to use it more as a plug for Caste Football. It is still up there the way I left it, but I'm sure it could be much better modified by you Don, as I don't know all the background info. Anyway, its a lot better now than it was a week ago. Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Thanks, Reb! How does it work on Wikipedia-- is it a back-and-forth editing battle between different points of view on various topics, or is there an eventual "winner" with no further editing allowed?
I think more and more people will be sympathetic to this site. I know that the people I have talked with have all started to say"oh yea," you know where the light bulb goes on over their head.

I espeically like to point out to my relatives the poor portrayal of white males in commercials. That is something no one dispustes after 10 minutes channel surfing which I haven't done as of late since I decided to cut the cable box. Edited by: Alpha Male
Don, from my experiences on Wikipedia, it is pretty much a back and forth thing. They have people who check listings every so often and if they see something they don't like, they will "dispute" it, which usually is shown somewhere on the page. This happened with my first NFL attempts, but the cool thing is, you can go in and delete the disputes and if you play your cards right on the actual listings and are persistent enough, your post will be left unmolested. My NFL edit has not been touched in a few months now, so I guess I finally got it right. Of course, it could change tomorrow if the right (wrong) person sees it.
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