Islam Timurziev

Blue Devils

Feb 27, 2008
Favored by many to win the Gold in the Super Heavy division this year. He looks a bit like Joaquin Phoenix here
Against Solis
Against American Hunter
I don't like his first name "Islam"
but I watched the fight against Solis and he is a impressive superheavyweight. It's going to make for a interesting Olympics this year in a variety of sports and certainly boxing is one of them.
There are so many good Superheavyweights this year, I'm excited about the Olympics! Of course all the top guys are white!

Another guy is Italian Roberto Cammarelle. He won the 2007 World amateur championships in Chicago. He's fought Povetkin three times and Timurziev twice winning one on a walkover.
Check this out the USA olympic team which is all black and hispanic fought the Russian team and was dominated in every weight class by: shawn1262231
I will be cheering for Islam Timururziev. I could care less what religion anyone is. The way I see it, you have black Christians (think O.J., Evander "I have 10 kids out of wedlock" Holyfield, etc) and you have white muslims. Think Sultan Ibragimov. Who cares. They are both middle eastern religions that many of our people have adopted.
Timurziev is obviously Chechen.Whats interesting is Russia's top light heavy and heavy fighters are also of Chechen decent.A significant number of the Russian wrestling team that dominated last years world championships were Chechen aswell as Dagestani and other caucas tribes.This level of representation at the highest level is remarkable considering they still account for a small but growing minority of Russia's population.Hopefully this overrepresentation is just a phase and not a prologue of things to come as their is alot of hatred for Russia and Russians in Chechnya and its much easier rooting for indigenous Russians like Fedor,Povetkin and Alexander Karelin.Theirs quite a few awesome Russian junior prospects like Maxim Babanin and Alexander Volkov,names to keep an eye on and ready to take Timurzievs place if he goes pro as expected.
If you have ever seen what the Asian area of Russia is like you would realize why they have a lot of fighters. It's the land where time has stood still. Picture the 19th century in America. It's not uncommon to see horses being used as transportation in that area of Russia.
Islam is a good fighter short stocky and extremly powerfull like a white version of foreman only more compact.
I dont know if my countryman david price is entering the tournament if he is i wouldnt bet against him he is a man to keep a eye on.
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