is zidane white???

Rebajlo, sorry to take this thread dangerously off track, but to comment on your mentioning of evolution vs. creationism: I am actually more of a creationist. However, I also believe in a lot of biological research whether on evolution, genetics, taxonomy or socio-biological/archeological research like human migration. I'm not "blind" to the fact that natural selection DOES exist and that simple primitive life forms that reproduce rapidly (like Bacteria) rapidly go through natural selection and mutations.

Personally I believe what the bible says- that God created man on the 6th day in his image. The plants and animals were here first. New evidence has suggested that the bone structure and shape of a higher order species doesn't "evolve" much.

Maybe God created Homo Erectus as the "primitive form of man" as a branch off of Chimps. God created man in his image. Maybe after Homo Erectus evolved more intelligence and Homo Sapiens were born in Africa God breathed a soul into us. 150,000 years ago research strongly suggests the human population had fallen to 1,000 people or less. At this time we know all human beings alive today shared a common ancestor (the Mitochondrial Eve). There were other women alive at the time, but genetics prove ALL human beings alive today share her as an ancestor way back in their family tree- with varying relations (or lack there of) to the other people alive at the time. The same thing happened about 72,000-70,000 years ago with Y chromosomal Adam (than not long after in human time-line terms, a group of less than 1,000 left Africa and gave rise to ALL the rest of the human beings who would live outside of Africa)!

The Garden of Eden was probably previous to the out of Africa migration where there was no seven deadly sins because everyone had all they needed so you simply couldn't over "gratify" yourself with hedons. Human beings chose to disobey God (whether the tree of knowledge was symbolic or literal I don't know). Because human beings chose the way of the Devil- we have to now face the cruelty of nature and survival of the fittest.

Jesus came to walk the earth as a man to take on our pain and suffering. He sacrificed himself for our sins with his crucifixion before ascending into heaven. His resurrection's meaning to me- shows that eternal glory is possible with Jesus in heaven. I'm not sure I believe the eternal "fire" version of hell. I believe that Christ will come again "in glory" "to judge the" humans "living" at his return "and the dead". The dead are the majority of humans who have died, who are not worthy of heaven before the day of judgment. Heaven at this point- may be a rare gift for born again's. Some of these dead that will be re-risen and judged will be left behind with the evil spirits- for them and their seed to live with famine, war, disease and with increasing earthly temperatures before these people go extinct.

Whether these folks simply die or go to some place where they are uncomfortable I don't know. Maybe hell is simply the absence of God. It could be a gloomy dark humid place where it storms all the time, has no food that tastes good or fun things to do...who knows?
J41181, Yes- I think I would rather give my daughter (if I had one) to a religious orthodox Jew than a Muslim. But if I had to chose between one of those reprehensible ACLU/California type secular Jews (these folks loathe white Christian culture and often have a fem-nazi double standard world view), I'd much rather have my daughter with a Muslim.

The later aforementioned type of Jew is the biggest political enemy of whites, Christians and men today. My daughter would have a better chance of having her soul saved with a Muslim than this type of person. Is it any wonder with so many of the later type of Jews in control of the media, Hollyweird, the government and the ACLU that the United States IMO is the most anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-male country (as far as double standards & hypocrisy) than any 1st world "white" country in the world- other than maybe Norway and Sweden? The U.S is also blatantly pro-corporation and corporate welfare, anti-underdog, locks up a higher percentage of their population than ANY country in the world including communist China and Cuba. The U.S also locks addicts up- sometimes while allowing the rich and powerful to earn money off them- and even for doing the EXACT same thing (a great example is Porn stars getting paid for sex for sex addicts to watch and lust over vs. virgins buying a hooker and being roughed up by the police and locked up which happened to my cousin). The U.S is a police state.

Hey, at least Norway and Sweden don't give over 50% of the overpaid blue collar government jobs to blacks- like NJ seemed to be doing when I lived there.

You guys might disagree with my analysis, but personally I can't think of a white western nation that is politically and legally more anti-Christian, anti-white, and anti-male, anti-underdog and more of a police state than the U.S. If you'd care to have a discussion with me about how I evolved this view please PM me and when I have time (I don't have as much of it as I'd like) I will get around to answering you of why I believe even Canada, France, the Netherlands, England and Australia are far better places for whites, Christians and males than the U.S.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
I'm agnostic but love and respect the White Christian culture/history of America. I agree with TJR that America has become the most Anti-White, Christian nation in the 1st world. There is no doubt IMO that marxist, elite (mostly) jews and whites have been undermining Americas traditional culture to convert it into a communist country through their media control. I was stunned to read a recent poll that (34% I think) of Americans under 30 believed that socialism is better than Capitalism (32%), which is a frightening trend for our future leaders to believe.
Europe said:
alln said:
What affrolete behaviour from zidane? Only the headbutt was out of place, but other than that, I cant remember another incident involving him. Zidane was a great player, greater than the overhyped Pele. He displayed leadership on the field, no one could take the ball from him, he showed up in big games ( the world cup final 1998 when he scored the first 2 goals, the magnificent winner goal in CL final real vs bayer loserkusen). He led the french team to two world cup finals(one won) and one Euro tournament win.Thats as white behaviour as anyone can do. And yes, everyone on that french team knew that zidane was the general. "When we don't know what to do, we just give the ball to Zizou and he works something out." â€" <deadilnk ds_id="2222" entry_id="299921" tname="bixente-lizarazu">Bixente Lizarazu</deadilnk>That pic posted looks very dubious. Here is another in which he clearly looks white.
Great smile btw. And another pic in which he looks whiter than the italian players Gattuso
I would give my sister to Zidane, no question about it.

How many other wives would he have.The French team is kind of a joke with all the North African Muslims and black Africans on the team. Plus,players from the caribbean. Is this what France has become? Who wants to watch that?
I would classify him as a Caucasian but not White for all the arguments stated before. Unless he cleary stated he was White. Also is it me or does Zidane resemble Leonard Nimoy(Spock).....
Edited by: white is right
JReb1 said:
I'm agnostic but love and respect the White Christian culture/history of America. I agree with TJR that America has become the most Anti-White, Christian nation in the 1st world. There is no doubt IMO that marxist, elite (mostly) jews and whites have been undermining Americas traditional culture to convert it into a communist country through their media control. I was stunned to read a recent poll that (34% I think) of Americans under 30 believed that socialism is better than Capitalism (32%), which is a frightening trend for our future leaders to believe.

A good friend of mine and my sister is an agnostic and one of the nicest guys I know. He told me that agnostics are a bit different than atheists. He said that agnostics tend not to believe anything without empirical evidence to convince them, but tend not to be hostile toward religious folks like many atheists are. Atheists are more hardcore and "disgusted" by those who have "faith" in something they can't see and are more active (in anti-religion) politically. He told me he gets along with most Christians better than that type of person.

Personally my question to him was: "if matter cannot be created or destroyed, but only manipulated according to scientific law- than how did it get here?"

His theory was that the Universe is basically a cosmic "program" that has existed for billions and billions of years- and that all arose out of "stardust" from the Big Bang and multiple little bangs. Is God one with the universe? Was the creation of the universe so powerful that it killed him? Was it aliens? He believed it was more important to pay attention to the here and now than dreaming of heaven. However, I did convince him to read the book "90 Minutes in Heaven" about a man who died and made it all the way to Heaven's gate and also the book "Scientists Discover God" by John A. Templeton and to check out the anti-"macro" evolution science of the "Creation Moment" radio program and website.

I told him it probably takes as much or more faith to not believe in intelligent design than to believe in it. Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
I was raised and baptized as a Lutheran and most of my family is Christian which gives them peace so I've never had a problem with it like so many atheists do, like that anti-Christian Bill Maher and his ridiculous documentary knocking religion, mostly just Christians and Christianity though. Christianity is bashed non-stop in the media while Islam and Judaism gets a pass and they're never knocked which is a double standard that's just as obvious and annoying as the Caste system is to me. Even though I'm not a Christian I will always stand up for and with them since most of our people are good Christians.
Edited by: JReb1
JReb1's speech is so touching!

Why is Christianity heavily criticized and scrutinized???

Is Christianity that evil???

It's almost as if these atheists & agnostics want to either be Muslims or Jews. It's not fair, this double standard treatment must be stopped!
Edited by: j41181
atheism is the most illogical thing ever. They believe that nothing, and by accident created the whole universe, crazy.
Add the fact that they can never disprove something as they believe in science,. but science is hypothesis based, so even by their own standards they may as well be agnostics.
j41181 said:
JReb1's speech is so touching!

Why is Christianity heavily criticized and scrutinized???

Is Christianity that evil???

It's almost as if these atheists & agnostics want to either be Muslims or Jews. It's not fair, this double standard treatment must be stopped!

I don't get it either. Christianity is by far the most peaceful and realistic among the mainstream religions. My theory is that Christianity is attacked so badly in America (as are White people) because there is NO denying (if you follow history and our founding fathers intentions) that America was always intended to be a White, Christian, conservative nation so everything White, conservative and Christian is to be undermined by the Marxist elite in order to bring about a racial and social change to America. Glenn Beck hits the nail on the head about this but he's completely blind about who's doing it (mostly jewish and white elitists) and the racial aspects of it.
f3dor said:
atheism is the most illogical thing ever. They believe that nothing, and by accident created the whole universe, crazy.
<div>Add the fact that they can never disprove something as they believe in science,. but science is hypothesis based, so even by their own standards they may as well be agnostics.</div>

True. Atheist also feel the need to mock and feel superior to people of faith for some reason. Even though I'm not religious I believe religion is a good thing for the majority.
JReb1 said:
f3dor said:
&lt;!-- bmi_SafeAddOnload(bmi_load,"bmi_orig_img",1);//--&gt;

atheism is the most illogical thing ever. They believe that nothing, and by accident created the whole universe, crazy.
<div>Add the fact that they can never disprove something as they believe in science,. but science is hypothesis based, so even by their own standards they may as well be agnostics.</div>
True. Atheist also feel the need to mock and feel superior to people of faith for some reason. Even though I'm not religious I believe religion is a good thing for the majority.
Many atheists arrogantly say that despite all the modern, technological, and scientific breakthroughs that have been achieved over the past 100 years or so, people still cling to 2,000-4,000 year old religious traditions. Such things (to them), are irrelevant in this day and age.
<blockquote><div align="center"><div align="justify">

Berbers of the-racial borderline..

"Caucasoid mtDNA (maternal) sequences, labeled L3E and U6, were detected at frequencies of 96% in Moroccan Berbers, 82% in Algerian Berbers and 78% in non-Berber Moroccans.."<div>What would he consider himself?</div><div>
</div><div>Although he was often the 'whitest' guy on Francfricas insult to Europe.
</div><div>"Genetic studies have emphasized the contrast between North African and sub-Saharan populations, but the particular affinities of the North African mtDNA pool to that of Europe, the Near East, and sub-Saharan Africa have not previously been investigated. A certain mtDNA motif (16172C, 16219G), previously found in Algerian Berbers at high frequency, is apparently omnipresent in Northwest Africa andmay reflect regional continuity of more than 20,000 years.The majority of the maternal ancestors of the Berbers must have come from Europe and the Near East since the Neolithic."</span></div></div></div></blockquote></span>
"Why is Christianity heavily criticized and scrutinized??? "

Because it dominates the West and the majority of people in the US adhere to it in some form, so it's going to get a lot of attention. People in the US or Europe don't think about Hinduism or Zoroaster much because they are fringe religions in the West.

People criticize Islam more and more in the US and Europe because it is affecting our lives now.Richard Dawkins has called it a terrible religion and Bridgett Bardo has been prosecuted in France for saying Islam is ruining France.But there is slightly a double standard and Islam may get treated a little less harsh because it is still a minority religion. People in Sweden or England who will prosecute someone for criticizing Islam I am sure think it is a stupid religion, but because Muslims are a minority they get the "anti discrimination" people who support them. Look at how that moron Bush went around to the mosques after 911 and kissed their rears.
actually, after spending a lot of time in the middle east a few years ago, i can say that the muslim religion per say isnt aggressive, just certain sects and interprataions of it. Most muslims distinguish between the people and governments, and whilst many strongly dissaprove of the American government, they feel positively about American people.
accesscrimea said:
actually, after spending a lot of time in the middle east a few years ago, i can say that the muslim religion per say isnt aggressive, just certain sects and interprataions of it. Most muslims distinguish between the people and governments, and whilst many strongly dissaprove of the American government, they feel positively about American people.

What were you doing in the Middle East? Didn't you live in England also?

The Muslims probably want to come to the US to take it over just like they are doing in Europe. I don't want to live in a Muslim society. America is bad enough already with all the foreigners and home grown minorities.
f3dor said:
&lt;!-- bmi_SafeAddOnload(bmi_load,"bmi_orig_img",1);//--&gt;

atheism is the most illogical thing ever. They believe that nothing, and by accident created the whole universe, crazy.
<div>Add the fact that they can never disprove something as they believe in science,. but science is hypothesis based, so even by their own standards they may as well be agnostics.</div>

Some religious philosopher commented on this (George Berkley?). He stated that if you are an atheist you might as well believe that science is a farce too. His explanation was that science is based on observation, but if you believe the things that you observe came out of nowhere, than you might as well be so arrogant to believe that you are God. And thereby concluding, that everything you see is your imaginative creation- and YOU are the only thing that exists (in a sense God himself).
Europe said:
accesscrimea said:
actually, after spending a lot of time in the middle east a few years ago, i can say that the muslim religion per say isnt aggressive, just certain sects and interprataions of it. Most muslims distinguish between the people and governments, and whilst many strongly dissaprove of the American government, they feel positively about American people.

What were you doing in the Middle East? Didn't you live in England also?

The Muslims probably want to come to the US to take it over just like they are doing in Europe. I don't want to live in a Muslim society. America is bad enough already with all the foreigners and home grown minorities.

I live in Ukraine, which is close to the middle east. i travelled around the middle east because i wanted to understand the culture better. I have also travelled through north america to learn more about the culture there :)

Here in ukraine we have a muslim/christian divide too (i live in Crimea in south ukraine, which is something similar to Bosnia and the balkans - with a slavik and turk mix), and there is friction because of it.
AA, I think the demonization of Muslims here (in the U.S.) is mostly NeoCON propaganda to justify the empire building & service to/for the Z.O.G. I think the Muslims in the middle east are probably decent enough (despite being heathens), and should be left to their own devices.

However, I agree with Europe's feelings & I (also) don't want to live amongst Muhamedans (nor ********, muds or other untermenschen). This Republic was founded by & made great by White, Christian men (of European heritage) and thus should be preserved for their descendants (not "turd worlders").

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
AA, I think the demonization of Muslims here (in the U.S.) is mostly NeoCON propaganda to justify the empire building & service to/for the Z.O.G. I think the Muslims in the middle east are probably decent enough (despite being heathens), and should be left to their own devices.

However, I agree with Europe's feelings & I (also) don't want to live amongst Muhamedans (nor ********, muds or other untermenschen). This Republic was founded by & made great by White, Christian men (of European heritage) and thus should be preserved for their descendants (not "turd worlders").

I agree. I feel like we tend to flip flop with European Whites with regards to Muslims and Jews. We already have close to 10 Million Muslims living in America for the past 30 years. IMO comparing their threat to the threat of Jews, AA's and Latinos is like comparing a drop to an ocean. Outside of them being villanized by the Zion media I have never had a bad encounter with an American Arab or Muslim and there are tons of them here in Boston. Reason is we only allow the educated Muslims to come to our country because we already have the Mexicans to do our cheap labor for us and commit crimes in the process.

Europe doesn't have Mexicans so they need to bring in the poorest Muslims to do their labor for them. So over there Arabs=Mexicans. On top of that Europeans aren't nearly as dominated by Zionists like we are here in America. So European WN's tend to underestimate the power of the Jews and overestimate the threat of Muslims.

As an American I def. believe Jews are the bigger threat, because they have already taken over and want more in spite of being filthy rich. Most Muslims are only pests because of their poverty and they have no chance of really taking over given their lack of power and influence. American Muslims I find are a lot less devout, and a lot more educated and integrated than their Euro counterparts. I honestly don't see them as a threat at all.
Guest said:
DixieDestroyer said:
AA, I think the demonization of Muslims here (in the U.S.) is mostly NeoCON propaganda to justify the empire building & service to/for the Z.O.G. I think the Muslims in the middle east are probably decent enough (despite being heathens), and should be left to their own devices.

However, I agree with Europe's feelings & I (also) don't want to live amongst Muhamedans (nor ********, muds or other untermenschen). This Republic was founded by & made great by White, Christian men (of European heritage) and thus should be preserved for their descendants (not "turd worlders").

I agree. I feel like we tend to flip flop with European Whites with regards to Muslims and Jews. We already have close to 10 Million Muslims living in America for the past 30 years. IMO comparing their threat to the threat of Jews, AA's and Latinos is like comparing a drop to an ocean. Outside of them being villanized by the Zion media I have never had a bad encounter with an American Arab or Muslim and there are tons of them here in Boston. Reason is we only allow the educated Muslims to come to our country because we already have the Mexicans to do our cheap labor for us and commit crimes in the process.

Europe doesn't have Mexicans so they need to bring in the poorest Muslims to do their labor for them. So over there Arabs=Mexicans. On top of that Europeans aren't nearly as dominated by Zionists like we are here in America. So European WN's tend to underestimate the power of the Jews and overestimate the threat of Muslims.

As an American I def. believe Jews are the bigger threat, because they have already taken over and want more in spite of being filthy rich. Most Muslims are only pests because of their poverty and they have no chance of really taking over given their lack of power and influence. American Muslims I find are a lot less devout, and a lot more educated and integrated than their Euro counterparts. I honestly don't see them as a threat at all.

We don't need Mexicans to do our labor. The only thing they might do ie work in the fields and the vast majority of them don't. They take contstruction jobs from Americans, not to mention many other jobs. And don't mention grass cutting. We can do that ourselves.

Europe and the US don't need a bunch of immigrants to do our labor. Japan doesn't have immigration. How many immigrants did we have in the 50's 70', very few.We got along alright. It's nonsense to say we need immigration.

Do you think all the Muslims in France and Sweden are working. Many are on welfare and a burden to society. Muslims are raping Swedes at an alarming rate.Edited by: Europe
Europe said:
Guest said:
DixieDestroyer said:
AA, I think the demonization of Muslims here (in the U.S.) is mostly NeoCON propaganda to justify the empire building & service to/for the Z.O.G. I think the Muslims in the middle east are probably decent enough (despite being heathens), and should be left to their own devices.

However, I agree with Europe's feelings & I (also) don't want to live amongst Muhamedans (nor ********, muds or other untermenschen). This Republic was founded by & made great by White, Christian men (of European heritage) and thus should be preserved for their descendants (not "turd worlders").

I agree. I feel like we tend to flip flop with European Whites with regards to Muslims and Jews. We already have close to 10 Million Muslims living in America for the past 30 years. IMO comparing their threat to the threat of Jews, AA's and Latinos is like comparing a drop to an ocean. Outside of them being villanized by the Zion media I have never had a bad encounter with an American Arab or Muslim and there are tons of them here in Boston. Reason is we only allow the educated Muslims to come to our country because we already have the Mexicans to do our cheap labor for us and commit crimes in the process.

Europe doesn't have Mexicans so they need to bring in the poorest Muslims to do their labor for them. So over there Arabs=Mexicans. On top of that Europeans aren't nearly as dominated by Zionists like we are here in America. So European WN's tend to underestimate the power of the Jews and overestimate the threat of Muslims.

As an American I def. believe Jews are the bigger threat, because they have already taken over and want more in spite of being filthy rich. Most Muslims are only pests because of their poverty and they have no chance of really taking over given their lack of power and influence. American Muslims I find are a lot less devout, and a lot more educated and integrated than their Euro counterparts. I honestly don't see them as a threat at all.

We don't need Mexicans to do our labor. The only thing they might do ie work in the fields and the vast majority of them don't. They take contstruction jobs from Americans, not to mention many other jobs. And don't mention grass cutting. We can do that ourselves.

Europe and the US don't need a bunch of immigrants to do our labor. Japan doesn't have immigration. How many immigrants did we have in the 50's 70', very few.We got along alright. It's nonsense to say we need immigration.

Do you think all the Muslims in France and Sweden are working. Many are on welfare and a burden to society. Muslims are raping Swedes at an alarming rate.

No doubt I am very aware of their crimes in Sweden, but they're dealing with a totally different group of Muslims. In the US Muslim immigrants for the MOST part (keyword most) are pretty much model minorities like Asians, except That's because we have stricter immigration and filter out the bad seeds. I'm saying Europe ought to do the same, instead of letting in random village idiots only allow the educated Muslims.

You make that harder when you just say "Muslim", instead of specifying what region they come from. The Indonesian, Malaysian, and Indo-Pakistani Muslims are some of the most productive workers we have in the US. The Gulf Arabs are okay too, but from what I hear it's the North Africans running loose causing trouble in Europe. You need to filter out the bad breeds and set stricter immigration standards
Guest said:
Europe said:
Guest said:
DixieDestroyer said:
AA, I think the demonization of Muslims here (in the U.S.) is mostly NeoCON propaganda to justify the empire building & service to/for the Z.O.G. I think the Muslims in the middle east are probably decent enough (despite being heathens), and should be left to their own devices.

However, I agree with Europe's feelings & I (also) don't want to live amongst Muhamedans (nor ********, muds or other untermenschen). This Republic was founded by & made great by White, Christian men (of European heritage) and thus should be preserved for their descendants (not "turd worlders").

I agree. I feel like we tend to flip flop with European Whites with regards to Muslims and Jews. We already have close to 10 Million Muslims living in America for the past 30 years. IMO comparing their threat to the threat of Jews, AA's and Latinos is like comparing a drop to an ocean. Outside of them being villanized by the Zion media I have never had a bad encounter with an American Arab or Muslim and there are tons of them here in Boston. Reason is we only allow the educated Muslims to come to our country because we already have the Mexicans to do our cheap labor for us and commit crimes in the process.

Europe doesn't have Mexicans so they need to bring in the poorest Muslims to do their labor for them. So over there Arabs=Mexicans. On top of that Europeans aren't nearly as dominated by Zionists like we are here in America. So European WN's tend to underestimate the power of the Jews and overestimate the threat of Muslims.

As an American I def. believe Jews are the bigger threat, because they have already taken over and want more in spite of being filthy rich. Most Muslims are only pests because of their poverty and they have no chance of really taking over given their lack of power and influence. American Muslims I find are a lot less devout, and a lot more educated and integrated than their Euro counterparts. I honestly don't see them as a threat at all.

We don't need Mexicans to do our labor. The only thing they might do ie work in the fields and the vast majority of them don't. They take contstruction jobs from Americans, not to mention many other jobs. And don't mention grass cutting. We can do that ourselves.

Europe and the US don't need a bunch of immigrants to do our labor. Japan doesn't have immigration. How many immigrants did we have in the 50's 70', very few.We got along alright. It's nonsense to say we need immigration.

Do you think all the Muslims in France and Sweden are working. Many are on welfare and a burden to society. Muslims are raping Swedes at an alarming rate.

No doubt I am very aware of their crimes in Sweden, but they're dealing with a totally different group of Muslims. In the US Muslim immigrants for the MOST part (keyword most) are pretty much model minorities like Asians, except That's because we have stricter immigration and filter out the bad seeds. I'm saying Europe ought to do the same, instead of letting in random village idiots only allow the educated Muslims.

You make that harder when you just say "Muslim", instead of specifying what region they come from. The Indonesian, Malaysian, and Indo-Pakistani Muslims are some of the most productive workers we have in the US. The Gulf Arabs are okay too, but from what I hear it's the North Africans running loose causing trouble in Europe. You need to filter out the bad breeds and set stricter immigration standards

It seems like the US born Muslims who are mostly black like Kareem are not radical because they grew up in American culture. But Islam is generally a religion on conquering from what I have heard. I am not an expert and I am sure there are some "modern" Muslims.I had a Muslim boss actually who was not born here,but seemed very Americanized. But as far as immigration is concerned, we should stop it cold. We don't need it. I don't want to be a minority in my country and we are headed that way. i also don't want all these H!-b's coming here. Ask Dixie about that.
Parts of the Muslim World are very Westernized these days, especially the rich gulf nations other than Saudi Arabia. In places like Dubai and Abu Dhabi it is no different than Europe with all the Whites living there. Qatar, Oman and Kuwait are also nice nations that attract a lot of White tourists. Indonesia and Malaysia are also Westernized. Its countries like Lebanon where the Habs you mentioned come from, that are trashy. Lebanese and North African Muslims are not very religious, but they are very thuggish like Afro-Americans. They're not trying to take over and implement Shariah, but they will mug you if you come into their hoods. Matter of fact a some of those thugs are actually Arab Christians, which Lebanon is full of.

The hardcore religous Muslims that are trying to take us over are already fighting us over in Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan. The only Western nation that is under threat from the religious types are parts of the UK, where the govt has already allowed Muslims to have Shariah regulations for conducting marriages. Many UK Muslims tend to be religious radicals who openly support our enemies.

What's even worse is that a larger percentage of these radical Shariah types are Muslim converts from Britain. They tend to be even more zealous than the immigrants. Even in the US, the most militant Muslims are White and Black converts. The Asian and Arab immigrants are too busy going to school and getting jobs to be causing too much problem.

Believe me I'm no fan of immigration. But I don't consider Asians to be as big a threat because population-wise they are very small in number compared to blacks and Hispanics; plus their crime rates are very low in the US and they contribute to our economy. Why should we worry about them when Blacks are 3x their number and Hispanics are almost 20% of our population.

IMO the threat of the Muslims taking over is very miniscule compared to the Jews who have already taken over. I feel as if the Jewish media intentionally overstates the Muslim threat so that we get distracted and forget about them. The Muslim world is way too divided between sectarian, racial, economic, and ethnic lines to pose a threat. The Jews however are a united force that has money, power, and propoganda on their side

Edited by: Guest
Guest said:
Believe me I'm no fan of immigration. But I don't consider Asians to be as big a threat because population-wise they are very small in number compared to blacks and Hispanics(emphasis added by JC);plus their crime rates are very low in the US and they contribute to our economy. Why should we worry about them when Blacks are 3x their number and Hispanics are almost 20% of our population.

are you not aware that over 20% of the world's population is Chinese? another billion-plus live in India. somehow, that seems like a bigger number than beaners from south of the border. of course, browns and blacks breed like cockroaches (or cucarachas for our Spanish-speaking members
), so there's a lot more of them than there are of us White folks, too. we can't let ANY of these foreign peoples immigrate to the USA if we want there to continue to be a USA ...

the ONLY way to preserve a White nation anywhere in the world is two-fold: 1) close the f-ing borders, and 2) White people need to have more children. period.

if those two things don't happen, there will soon be an end to all non-mud colored folks on Planet Earth.