is someone like me welcome on this site

I get sarcasm from Jaxvid and Shogun and more bible postings from Bart. I feel no need to reply in kind, nor do I have the time. Your words speak for themselves to the many Christians on this site and who visit it.

I will answer JD074's question, you asked for a "non-religous answer" to why Israel Is important to america and white people in general. When you take such things as religion, morality and values out of the equation then Israel is of no importance to america or anybody else for that matter. Is that how you view life JD074, totally through the prism of self- interest and what's best for me, totally divorced from the eternal consequences of your actions. But I will give you a secular reason if you want one, America should stand by her friends, by my estimation we have only five real friends in the world who almost always stand by us. Great Britian, Austrailia,Scotland/Ireland,Taiwan and Israel. We should stand by those who stand by us.
I want to edit my previous post a little bit JD074. I didn't mean to suggest you have no values or no faith for that matter. I don't know you, but when you ask me to take religion out of the equation, that's hard for me.There's a spiritual componet to everything, yes, even politics and current events.
guest301 said:
I get sarcasm from Jaxvid and Shogun and more bible postings from Bart. I feel no need to reply in kind, nor do I have the time. Your words speak for themselves to the many Christians on this site and who visit it.

I have no problem with Christians. My family and most of my friends are Christians.I'm just disgusted with those good hearted lemmings who spend their time trying to import more Africans to our country as if we didn't have enough problems. And of course the absurd positions held by the Judeophile Shabbas Goys drive me up a wall.
Maybe we have stumbled into something we agree about Bart. I want to stamp out illegal immigration and put some serious curbs on legal immigration.We do have enough problems.
jaxvid said:
Dude, what about the pope!!!! He's the right hand man isn't he? He's direct in the line from St. Pete who guards the pearly gates. I hear they talk all the time.

How could I forget! Thanks for the pointer, jax!
Okay let me see if I can get this straight. You said:

God is not a racist and he had his own reasons for choosing the jewish people as his vehicle for presenting his word, character and plan to the rest of the world. Question him about it, not me.

Then I said:

You know, you've got a point there Aragorn. Do you have his email? Or maybe his cell number? I'll shoot him an email and see if he will mind if I quote him.

No? No way to reach him? Ah well... *snip*

After which you wrote the following:
I get sarcasm from Jaxvid and Shogun and more bible postings from Bart.I feel no need to reply in kind, nor do I have the time.

And you're trying to say that telling someone to ask God a question directly isn't even slightly sarcastic?

You complain of sarcasm Aragorn, but the truth is one cannot debate or argue a point with someone who bases their entire argument on religion. Once you have used the tactic of "appeal to authority," any further rational discussion is lost because the one who does not recognize said authority cannot rebut your argument.

And as to this:
But I will give you a secular reason if you want one, America should stand by her friends, by my estimation we have only five real friends in the world who almost always stand by us. Great Britian, Austrailia,Scotland/Ireland,Taiwan and Israel. We should stand by those who stand by us.

Unless I'm mistaken, Great Britian includes Scotland. But lets not quibble. The real truth is that Israel is our "friend" because they need the United States, not because of any mutual benefit. Ours is a not a symbiotic relationship one but a parasitic.

Guess who is the host and who is the parasite?
Shogun,it's not my problem or fault that you don't "recognize said authority" and of course I don't think you can have a direct face to face conversation with God, but as a christian you can have a personal relationship with him. You also said Scotland was a part of Great Britain, technically you are right but being part scotch, I don't "recognize" it either! In conclusion, If anybody is the parasite in the middle east, it's the palestianians(philistines) not the Israeli's.
guest301 said:
I will answer JD074's question, you asked for a "non-religous answer" to why Israel Is important to america and white people in general. When you take such things as religion, morality and values out of the equation then Israel is of no importance to america or anybody else for that matter.

But not all "morality" and "values" are religious. That may be hard to believe since so many "secularists" and atheists are those damn dirty liberals. I'm not religious but I'm extremely right wing. Maybe that's rare. But we need more far right wingers, religious or not.

Anyway, according to my "values," we don't need Israel and we should stop sending them billions of dollars a year in foreign aid, use that money for ourselves, and stay out of their ethnic conflicts with the Arabs.

guest301 said:
Is that how you view life JD074, totally through the prism of self- interest and what's best for me, totally divorced from the eternal consequences of your actions.

More white people should understand the consequences of their actions. For example, when we invite Africans, Mestizos, and Muslims into our homelands, we should understand the consequences of those actions. When we do certain things that cause our birth rates to collapse, we should understand the consequences of those actions. But I will admit that self-interest is a primary motivation for me. I care about the future of the United States mainly because I don't want to live in a Third World country (it is a very real possibility... someday.) I don't want our country to become less white because I don't want to be a minority. (I doubt non-whites will be as accomodating to us as we are to them when they grab the reigns of power.) I have a vested interest in the future of my country and my people. I have to care.

guest301 said:
But I will give you a secular reason if you want one, America should stand by her friends, by my estimation we have only five real friends in the world who almost always stand by us. Great Britian, Austrailia,Scotland/Ireland,Taiwan and Israel. We should stand by those who stand by us.

Friends don't spy on their friends. And I agree with Shogun, they need us. They don't care about us.
Shogun,it's not my problem or fault that you don't "recognize said authority"

I could as easily have said to you, "Well its not my fault that you do not recognize Muhammad (PBUH) as the Prophet of Allah!"

Right before I chop your head off.

You also said Scotland was a part of Great Britain, technically you are right but being part scotch, I don't "recognize" it either!

Its not my fault you don't recognize British rule of Scotland.

If anybody is the parasite in the middle east, it's the palestianians(philistines) not the Israeli's.

I didn't make a statement regarding the nature of the relationship between the Palestinians and Israelis. I made the statement that the relationship between ISRAEL and the UNITED STATES is one of parasite / host. You did not address that argument but instead addressed the nature of the relationship between Israel and its second-class citizens, the Palestinians. This is a straw man argument and you are attempting to rebut an arugment that I did not make.

You cannot make a case for the United States protection of Israel outside of the pseudo-religious argument you've already made.
Shogun. I wasn't trying to rebut your arguement about the parasitic relationship between Israel and the USA. I don't agree with that sentiment but felt the need to say the same thing about the Palestianians.I agree with alot of what you said in your previous post about the white culture's declining birthrate, I too don't want to live in a country where we truly become the minority. I don't think our country would be very civilized or safe to live in when that happens, and we will certainly no longer be a superpower as well. I also agree that your are kinda unique, a non-religous extreme right-winger with values. I accept that as true about you, I am a religous right winger with values too. We will never agree on on the American/ Israeli relationship however and so maybe we should move on for now. We can always resume the discussion later, when events or circumstances warrant it.
Hate to butt in, but I would like to know what the hell Israel does for the United States. What do we get out of that relationship? We give Billions of dollars every year in foreign aid, military secrets, and fight their wars. What do we get in return?Edited by: Kaptain Poop
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