Is Israel preparing an assault against Iran?

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Interesting article here:
Skimming the newspapers as I rushed to get my children ready for school, I suddenly understood that Israel might actually be preparing for a military attack against Iran. "[United States Secretary of Defence Leon] Panetta Demanded Commitment to Coordinate Action in Iran" read one headline, and "A Bomb at Arm's Length" read another.

Feeding this hype were a series of military events that had been planned months in advance yet mysteriously coincided with the publication of the International Atomic Energy Agency report on Iran's efforts to produce a nuclear bomb. For four days straight all of the major television channels repeatedly showed images of Israel preparing for war.

It began with a report on Israel's testing of a long-range ballistic missile, which emphasised the missile's capacity to carry nuclear warheads. This was followed by interviews with pilots who were part of a comprehensive Israeli Air Force drill on long-range attacks carried out at an Italian NATO air base. Archival images of a missile being launched from an Israeli submarine were also shown. Ha'aretz readers were told that the submarine was important because it would enable Israel to carry out a second strike in case of a nuclear war.

These images of offensive arrangements were followed by images of Israel's defence preparations. On November 3rd, the three major news channels dedicated several minutes of air time to covering a drill simulating an attack on central Israel; these clips showed people being carried on stretchers and soldiers treating casualties who had been hit by chemical weapons. A day later, Ha'aretz reported that the military preparations against Iran had indeed been upgraded.

Iran with nuclear capabilities has been continuously presented as an existential threat to Israel. On October 31, in the opening speech of the Knesset's winter session Prime Minister Netanyahu noted that a "nuclearised Iran will constitute a serious threat to the Middle East and to the whole world and obviously also a direct and serious threat against us," adding that Israel's security conception cannot be based on defence alone but must also include "offensive capabilities which serve as the basis for deterrence."

Analysts repeatedly mentioned that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejadis a Holocaust denier and Reuven Barko from Yisrael Hayom even compared Iran to Nazi Germany. One cannot underestimate the impact of this analogy on the collective psyche of Jewish Israelis.
Barko went on to connect Hamlet's phrase "to be or not to be" to Israel's current situation, while posing the existing dilemma confronting the State as "to hit or not to hit". President Shimon Peres claimed that Iran is the only country in the world "that threatens the existence of another country", but neglected to mention that for generations, the Palestinians have been deprived of their right to self-determination.

On the day when the International Atomic Energy Agency report was finally published practically all Israeli media outlets described it as a "smoking gun". The report, according to the media, provides concrete evidence that Iran's nuclear programme is also aimed at producing weapons. Zvi Yechezkeli from Channel Ten described it as "the end of the era of Iranian ambiguousness", but failed, of course, to remark that Israel's own ambiguity regarding its nuclear capacities continues unhindered; Roni Daniel from Channel Two declared that "we are relieved" by the report, suggesting that Israel's claims have now been corroborated and that the report can serve to justify both the imposition of harsher sanctions against Iran and even an attack.

Notwithstanding the endless war mongering, most Israeli commentators claimed that the frenzy was no more than a "nuclear spin". The majority of political analysts tended to agree that the media campaign, which presented Israel as seriously preparing to attack Iran, was orchestrated just in order to pressure the international community to impose harsher sanctions against Iran. Channel Ten's Or Heller put it succinctly when he said: "It appears that neither Iran nor the Israeli public is the target of what is going on here, but first and foremost it is the international community, the Americans, the British."

The commentators also noted that there is wall-to-wall opposition to an Israeli assault, including the US, Europe, Russia and China. Alex Fishman summed up the international sentiment when he wrote: "If someone in Israel thinks that there is a green or a yellow light coming from Washington for a military attack against Iran - this person has no inkling whatsoever of what is going on; the light remains the same, a glaring red."

The portrayal of Israel as a neighbourhood bully who feigns a rage attack while calling out to his friends to hold him back is not particularly reassuring, however.

After 10 days of media frenzy, Defence Minister Ehud Barak tried to calm the public by saying that "not even 500 people would be killed" in the event of an attack - but he failed to say that there would be no attack.

Yossi Verter from Ha'aretz explained that the media hype serves Barak's interests. "A successful attack on the Iranian nuclear facilities under his ministerial leadership can rehabilitate his personal status, and help him recover the public's trust." Verter cites a leading member of the political system, who claims that "Barak is convinced that only a person of his security stature can lead perhaps the most fateful battle in Israel's history since the War of Independence."

Regardless of whether Netanyahu and Barak are already set on launching an assault, the media hype and the portrayal of Iran as constituting an existential threat to Israel surely help to produce the necessary conditions for a military campaign.

Iran has never attacked another country during the past century, although it was invaded by Iraq in 1980.

Israel however since it came to exist has attacked it's neighbors several times, for example Egypt in 1967, Iraq in 1981 and Lebanon in 1982 and again in 2006.

Looks like Iran may soon be added to the list of countries that have been attacked by Israel.

Interestingly, Israel is thought to have at least 200 and possibly 300 nuclear warheads. I think in reality the Zionist state is the most likely country in the world to use nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
I guess the mass casualty drills are the only useful part of their preparation considering that you-know-who will be doing all the actual fighting.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
I guess the mass casualty drills are the only useful part of their preparation considering that you-know-who will be doing all the actual fighting.

Yes. Like the attacks on Lebanon and Gaza, it will be very one-sided, with the Israelis doing all or most of the killing.


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
Yes. Like the attacks on Lebanon and Gaza, it will be very one-sided, with the Israelis doing all or most of the killing.

I don't think Israel will actually do any fighting: the United States will do it all on Israel's behalf as usual.


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
it doesn't look good. Israel is growing every day leading to provocation. And I have heard that if Isarel will get attacked they take the whole world with them as revange.


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
israel is so provocative that the american jews who rule the occidental world might stop fighting for them
they won't take the risk to lose their domination on the occidental world just because of this small poor country, when they live in the biggest and richiest cities in the world (new york, los angeles, paris, porto alegre, buenos aires, london ect)

all this to say i don't believe USA will do a war against iran, especially as iran is the most jewish country in the middle east (ahminedjad has jewish roots also)


Dec 13, 2009
If GWB didn't attack Iran then I don't think another president will, IMO. Israel can go it alone and I hope it seriously backfires on them!


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
There's gotta be a war somewhere. You can't have massive depression, a failing economy, potential rioting, food shortages, etc. without the govt finding a way to ship a few thousand angry young men off to somewhere. And is there a better place then the enemy of the tribe? Since they run the govt it will surely be one of their enemies. Expect a massive provacation blamed on Iran to cause the usa to go into full on war mode.


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
If GWB didn't attack Iran then I don't think another president will, IMO. Israel can go it alone and I hope it seriously backfires on them!

Iran has not been attacked yet because events did not unfold the way the neo-cons dreamed that they would and Bush simply ran out of time. The early triumphant rhetoric regarding the two wars the U.S. government did start indicated that these desk-bound neo-cons expected quick, clean victories, especially in Iraq. Certainly they all had their Hannukah lists of countries that should be invaded next, but limiting our invasions to two at a time must have seemed a reasonable prudential pace to those hard-bitten realists. Other than that, no rapturous pro-democracy sentiment could be viewed as too delusional to them. Among those views was the belief that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would cause Western-style democracies to spring forth all over the Middle East. Instead what happened could best be described as American-backed rioting in a few countries. I guess the rabble will get around to voting after they get tired of killing each other and the U.S. government will call it a success.