
"By contrast, the rare times when a white targets a black for racial reasons it is usually a national story. Come back here when you gain a little knowledge and wisdom about life in America 2006, and how the Caste System in sports works."

I know exactly what you are talking bout Don. The other day I saw on the front page of a NYC newspaper, "White Thug Attakcs Black In Hate Crime." The next week the article was still getting coverage but this time it read "Fat Joe Is a Racist." Joe was the Italain American who beat up the black. No innoncent until proven guilty, nothing, and on top of that they called him "Fat."

I saw this the other day in small print off in the corner of the paper. "Black Male Admits to Hate Crime." It read that a black male attacked a white woman in a grocery store parking lot because she was white.

He admitted this much, but who knows maybe she called him a racial slur first. He might get off.
Edited by: Alpha Male
Looks like Taxi Driver took a long ride!
Typical sheeple type "arguments" and reactions.
TaxiDriver said:
No. I percieve this as a victim complex. No matter what people say, you percieve it as a threat to your "race."

"No matter what people say," well, what are they saying? What do they believe? Do you honestly think that non-whites care about treating us fairly? You make it sound like my concerns are paranoid. They're not. Any white person who doesn't see what's happening is living in a fantasy world. My race is being threatened. And unlike you, I won't put the word, race, in quotations. My race is very much real.

I'll say it again: Non-whites will not treat us fairly, therefore, we are under no obligation to treat them fairly. That is not a victim complex, that is not paranoia, and that is not bigotry. That is truth. If non-whites were in power, would they bend over backwards to help us, to make sure that we're being treated well, that we're not being discriminated against? This is an issue that you can ignore, but your grandchildren will not have that luxury.

TaxiDriver said:
NO. That's your philosophy. Remember?

My philosophy? Huh? I stated that that was the logic you were using, not that you believed it. You wrote, Let me ask all of you a serious question, do you believe, on a GM by GM basis, that they care more about staying in compliance with this anti-white culture than actually winning? I don't, but I'm curious what you guys say. That's not how they think. By using faulty reasoning, you're misrepresenting our position. They think that being anti-white and winning are synonymous. Do you understand what that means?

TaxiDriver said:
What does that have to do with anything? You're just throwing out non-sequiturs.

What do corporations have to do with anything? And you call yourself a liberal?!?
You stated that the media praises Tiger, and I simply pointed out that corporations do as well- and that they would never "praise" him as much if he were white. It's not just about the media, it's about the whole system: media, corporations, coaches, GM's, fans, commissioners, etc.
TaxiDriver said:
Yeah on the surface that sounds high and I totally believe it is true. Why? The USA is 80.4% white.

America is NOT 80% white. You need to look at your own link. Scroll down to where it states, "White persons, not Hispanic." As C Darwin pointed out, we're only about two-thirds of the population, not 80 percent.

Guys, there are probably millions of white people out there who think that we're still 80% of the population because of misleading stats like this. We're so dumb. And doomed. It's almost too absurd- and pathetic- to believe.
"Yeah on the surface that sounds high and I totally believe it is true. Why? The USA is 80.4% white.

Because whites are 4 out of 5 people, they should logically be 4 out of 5 victims regardless of the perpetrator. This would explain why black on white crime is so much higher than white on black crime.[/QUOTE] "

Taxi Driver. I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are trying to have a respectful debate but I will try to break down logically where your 4 out of 5 number and relating to victim probability is off base.

1) Blacks are still racially segregrated as it pertains to a percentage of population.

2) Whites make up 67% of total population in USA, if we exclude many dubious Hispanic Whites. es#Racial_groups.
2 out of 3 are white instead of your 4 out of 5

Interracial Crime

- Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.

- Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only THREE percent of their victims are black.

- Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.

- Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.

If looked at from the statistical perspective Taxi Driver. BLACKS ARE 39 TIMES MORE LIKELY TO COMMIT A VIOLENT CRIME AGAINST A WHITE THAN VICE VERSA.

Using your reasoning about white being victims more than blacks how do you rationalize this fact? Shouldn't whites commit crimes at an equal amount statistically with respect to blacks than blacks to whites? NO, BLACKS ARE 39 TIMES MORE LIKELY TO COMMIT A VIOLENT CRIME AGAINST A WHITE THAN VICE VERSA.

Quite simply, Blacks are the real terrorists in this country if Fox News didn't tell you different. If you dispute these facts we will move on to Black on White Gang Rape(10 per day in US) and Rape(150 per day) next..BTW White on Black gang rape is literally non-existant and White on Black rape is virtually insignificant statistically..One final note on this subject..Hispanics are a Victim category in FBI statistics but when they are perpetrators they count as White..Covenient isn't it?

Please download Color of Crime based on Department of Justice Statistics and National Crime Victimization Survey before commenting further on this subject.
Edited by: voice
voice said:
2) Whites make up 67% of total population in USA, if we exclude many dubious Hispanic Whites.

But there's nothing dubious about it. It's crystal clear. The difference between 80% and 67% (and that was in 2004, I believe we're now down to 65%) is the total Hispanic population, not just the ones who have predominantly European ancestry.

I wish they were "dubious Hispanic Whites," I really do.