Inter-racial Dating.

I'm not advocating this, just putting it out there because it's a reality today. Feminism has taken away the femininity from a lot of white females, which is a great tragedy for them and us.


by Fred Reed

There is near me an Asian sushi-beer-and-dinner establishment that I'll call the Asia Spot. The region is urban, so the clientele is a mix of some of just about everything, but the waitresses are all Asian, principally Japanese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, and Thai.

The Spot is a neighborhood bar. A large after-work crowd, many of them regulars, gather at happy hour. The social dynamics are curious. It would be an exaggeration to say, as someone did, that the black guys come to pick up white women, and the white men come to get away from them - but it would be an exaggeration of an underlying truth. The waitresses are a large part of the Spot's appeal.

A common subject of conversation among male customers is how very attractive these women are when compared to American women. It is not a thought safe to utter in mixed company. It is a very common thought. American women know it.

Why are the Asians attractive? What, to huge numbers of men, makes almost any Asian more appealing than almost any American? The question is much discussed by men at the Spot. (I should say here that when I say "women," I mean the majority of women, the mainstream, the center of gravity. Yes, there are exceptions and degrees.)

American women of my acquaintance offer several explanations, all of them wrong. For example, they say that Asian women are sexually easy. No. American women are sexually easy. The waitresses at the Spot are not available. They date, but they cannot be picked up.

Another explanation popular among American women is that men want submissive women, which Asians are believed to be. Again, no. For one thing, submissive people are bland and boring. In any event the waitresses aren't submissive. Many compete successfully in tough professions. Among Asian waitresses I know I count an electrical engineer who does wide-area networks, and a woman with a masters in biochemistry who, upon finding that research required a Ph.D and didn't pay, went back to school and became a dentist. Both of these wait tables to help out in the family restaurant.

At the Spot I know a woman waitressing her way through a degree in computer security, a bright Japansese college graduate making a career in the restaurant business, and the manager of the Spot - not a light-weight job. Submissiveness has nothing to do with their attractiveness.

Why, then, are they so very appealing?

To begin with, look at the American women in the Spot. Perhaps a third of them are stylishly dressed. The rest of the gringas run from undistinguished to dumpster-casual: baggy jeans, oversize shirts -- often male shirts -- with the tails out. They seem to affect a sort of homeless chic, actually to want to look bad, and do it with more than a touch of androgyny. A high proportion are at least somewhat overweight. (So are the men, but that's another subject.) The Asians, without exception, are sleek, well-groomed, and dressed with an understated sexiness that never pushes trashy.

Further, the Asians are what were once called "ladies," a thought repellant to feminists but very so refreshing to men. Listen to the American women at neighboring tables, and you will frequently hear phrases like, "He's a f**king piece of sh*t." In what appears to be a determined attempt to be men, they have adopted the mode of discourse of a male locker room and made it their normal language. The Asians, classier, better students of men, do not have foul mouths. They presumably know about body parts and bathroom functions, but do not believe that a woman raises her stature by referring to them constantly in mixed company.

Men at the Spot, I have noticed, instantly understand that cloacal commentqry is not wanted, and don't engage in it: In the presence of the civilized, men adopt the standards of civilization. Men also tend to think of women as women think of themselves. The Asians, without displaying vanity, clearly think well of themselves. And ought to.

All in all, they give the impression that they do not want to be one of the guys. They want to be one of the girls. Here we come to the core of their appeal. Let me elaborate.

The default position of American women is what men refer to as "the chip," a veiled truculence, mixed with a not-very-veiled hostility toward men and a shaky sense of sexual identity. The result is a touchiness reminiscent of hungover ferrets. There is a bandsaw edge to them, a watching for any slight so that they can show that they aren't going to take it. They are poised to lash out in aggressive defense of their manhood.

As best as I can tell, they don't like being women. Here is the entire problem in five words.

The Asians at the Spot show every indication that they do like being women. They do not seem to have anything to prove. Being happy with what they are allows them to be comfortable with what they are not - men. They are not competing to be what they can't be with people who can't be anything else. They don't have to establish their masculinity because they don't want it. They do not assume, as American women tend to, that femaleness is a diseased condition to be treated by male clothes, gutter language, and bad temper.

I've spent many dozens of hours chatting with the gals at the Spot, and never seen a sign of the chip. For a man, the experience is wonderful beyond description - smart, pretty, classy women, who are women, and are not the enemy. As long as American women carry the chip, the Asian gals will eat them alive in the dating market.

Note that the espousal of hostile obnoxiousness as a guiding philosophy appears to be an almost uniquely American horror. It certainly isn't requisite to independence oe self-respect. I recently met a quite attractive blonde who, among other things, was smart, a long-haul motorcyclist, a student of the martial arts out of sheer athletic enjoyment of it, and an excellent marksman. She was also heterosexual, feminine, delightful company, and had no trace of "the chip." I was astonished. How was this possible, I wondered?

She was Canadian.
Righto, RW.

The situation in relation to interacial dating all came together for me when I was watching some comedy on CBS at a friend's house the other night. (Nevermind the embarrassment of having a friend that watches CBS!) Doesn't matter which, all these shows are pretty much the same.

Anyway, our white male protagonist had come home from his job and was listening yet again to a tongue lashing out of the wife over some minutae of his social behavior she didn't like, instead of say getting him a beer and dinner letting him relax.

Now it came into my mind that me or my Dad, or any real man that I know, would have told her to shut the hell up when faced with that tirade. Making even backed it up with a smack on the cheek if she had kept at him, even though I am in general four-square against brutalizing women. Of course, if feminism has ruined a woman to the point where domestic peace is absolutely impossible to achieve, leaving would be the man's only real option. Could it be that's what happens to our white males, they try their own race and are DRIVEN to the Asians and Latinas?

Of course, the T.V. networks are obviously trying to tell us this is a normal lifestyle, that husbands should put up with this crap 'cause you know the white male is weak and stupid anyway. Maybe some of them do, too many, and that's why you see white chicks ending up with ********. The white chick knows deep in her female psyche that what she really wants is manly man, and that nessecarily excludes any wussy who'll sit still for her verbal poison. So in comes the ******** who typically don't have one qualm about "slapping the ho' around", and she thinks she's finally found someone that at least has a pair of testicles on him. Of course it isn't evil domestic abuse from them, since they're poor and black and have all the excuses in the world, right? Ha.

Hell, even the women admit it. I once heard a woman comedian say she wouldn't go lesbian because she couldn't put up with a woman's bitching. "Twice the clothes" she opined, "isn't worth a murder rap."

Now that says something about the state of American womanhood.
White Savage,

Great points! If you watch a network television show, any show,
it will provide illuminating insight into the mindset of those who run
Don King's America. For instance, while in the real world, blacks
commit a majority of violent crimes, and Hispanics commit most of the
rest, on all those hard- hitting, police and detective dramas, the
criminals are 99% white. This includes all the urban street thugs. Have
you visited any large city today and seen any of these white street
criminals? On t.v. and in the movies, they usually have long hair and
tatoos, and often speak like Jimmy Cagney did in the 1930s, when they
actually did have white gangsters. No one in the kept media ever
comments on this kind of ludicrous "reality" on these supposedly
"realistic" shows. The only black criminals are those who are, again
contrary to all true-life experience, working in conjunction with a
white or a handful of white criminals. He is usually in the background
nodding in approval as the tough- talking white gang leader threatens
and attacks. There is so such shortage of black cops (especially police
chiefs), detectives and judges in these shows, however. This total
distortion of reality extends to superheroes, as well. You will never
see Batman, Spiderman, or Superman deal with any of the very real black
street gangsters and thugs who have made every major American city
inhospitable. However, there will usually be a black friend, and
certainly some kind of black cop, inserted for politically correct

As you mention, all white men on television now are wimpy and
submissive. There really are no exceptions, except for the gay
characters. The women, especially the hottest, smallest ones, are the
most dominant and ALWAYS are able to kick the butt of any white male,
no matter how much larger or better trained he is. There is no
exception to this rule. All children are obnoxious and spolied, and
much more intelligent than their parents, espcially their fathers.

The only reason I know anything about network t.v. is because my wife
watches some of it (to my dismay), and my kids watch it once in a
while. I'm sure if I actually sat and watched entire episodes (which
would be unbearable) of some of these shows, then I would probably
realize the situation is actually worse than I think. I really now
believe that, in most every situation, the television is the enemy
talking, and we should all realize that.
I have watched less network tv in the last 6 months than ever, and I enjoy life much more, and I don't have to see all the immorality and stupid stuff that is on there.
We are losing to the media brainwashing, everywhere you go I see it anymore. I think it's great that we see people as people, but when it harms our races history and culture I think it's wrong. Anything like mixingraces/mixing culture books are just about as wrong as Mein Kampf, they do the samething in that regard and that is brainwashing.Edited by: Bear-Arms
"Mein Kampf" contain some pithy observations, actually not that bad although not too well organized either. And I'm not a National-Socialist, I'm actually moderately Libertarian in my political outlook.
I was just describing it as effective piece of propaganda. Much like books such as these:

Dismantling White Privilege: Pedagogy, Politics, and Whiteness
by Nelson M. Rodriguez

White Men on Race : Power, Privilege, and the Shaping of Cultural Consciousness
by Joe R. Feagin, Eileen O'Brien

Mixing Race, Mixing Culture: Inter-American Literary Dialogues
By Monika Kaup, Debra Rosenthal

Love's Revolution: Interracial Marriage by Maria P. P. Root
Bear-Arms: Unlike the other books you name though, "Mein Kampf" isn't full of lies about the nature of whites and others
American Freedom News