Insurgency in France

I have a good friend travelling in France and sent me pictures of the Eifel tower on the days the riots supposedly happening and the pics show nothing out of the ordinary. False flag??
Poster Clement lives in France and verifies it happened. But it's a sign of the times that we now often have reason to doubt the legitimacy of events, especially as portrayed by the fake news media, but the alternative media also isn't lacking in liars and snake oil salesmen.

After the Ukraine-Russia war started, there were videos by people walking through Kiev claiming nothing was out of the ordinary. To this day I've seen very little actual battle footage. There was a story carried the other day by a local news station about how a Russian missile hit a Ukrainian apartment building and killed a few people. That's unfortunate, but does that mean Russia is bombing cities very little, to the point that a stray missile becomes a news event? What's really going on there? Like with the Vietnam War when the U.S. never really took it to the north and seemed content to have it drag on as a deadlock for many years, Russia could likely end the conflict quickly with its superior firepower and manpower if it wanted to.

With the advance of technology and deepfakes, it's only going to get worse and will take real discernment to understand what's going on in the world. Keeping the DWF masses in a state of confusion and anxiety is a prime m.o. of the regime and is only going to intensify as psychological and information warfare more and more replaces the old way of armies directly confronting each other, so-called fifth generation warfare, or are we now up to sixth generation. :)
Hell, even in the US it’s hard to get straight information about things on our own soil! I was in Minneapolis recently and asked about the St. George Floyd riots (peace be upon him), and was told it was quite confined and not nearly the deal it was made out to be.

As Don points out. Sign o the times
The riots in France certainly happened. I have friends and family in France and they confirmed that there will serious riots in many areas of France.

However, the main tourist sights in central Paris were protected. The system will protect those because if there were images shown to a global audience of those being destroyed the "Diversity is Our Strength" narrative will shattered. But middle class areas, churches, vehicles etc.. those are sacrificed by the system.

Also, having spent some time in France, I have seen first hand that there are significant areas in many cities which the police have little to no presence. And many of these areas are right next to middle class, ethnically French neighborhoods.
as some have pointed out, it will definitely be used to gain more control over people's lives, more control over social media and internet in general
and honestly it is what must be done, the people currently living in europe is 99% made of people who cannot live in freedom
by allowing the quality of the human material in europe to fall to such a low point, the "ruling" "elite" made sure that we cannot live in freedom, and democracy is now absolutely pointless

we need to drop the democracy charade and move towards giving full powers to the EU or some other institution made of unelected people that bring stability and make plans on a 10-20-100 years basis
I have a good friend travelling in France and sent me pictures of the Eifel tower on the days the riots supposedly happening and the pics show nothing out of the ordinary. False flag??

the riots happened at night so there was nothing out of the ordinary during the day except people preparing for the riots that would happen at night
I guess you don't know about the Q plan. If you want to know about it start here...

Since virtually every Q "prediction" that I've seen has been a lot of hot air to get the groupies excited, I look at Qanon to be the equivalent of "Operation Trust." You can look that up.
Since virtually every Q "prediction" that I've seen has been a lot of hot air to get the groupies excited, I look at Qanon to be the equivalent of "Operation Trust." You can look that up.
I know about both.

Here's a prediction that did come true...

Q Proof X.jpgQ Proof Y.jpg
I may be in the minority in the sense that I wished the rioting went on longer and deeper into French society. I viewed it as a positive on the long term.
American Freedom News