Incomming Dual Threat QB’s

Jan 13, 2006
Willy Korn&n bsp; 6.1 6-2/200/4.55 Duncan, SC Clemson
Tyrod Taylor 6.16-1/200/4.55&nb sp; Hampton, VA&nbs p; Va. Tech
Stephen Garcia 6.06-2/202/4.65&nb sp; Tampa, FL&nbs p; S. Carolina
Aaron Corp&n bsp; 5.96-4/195/4.6&nbs p; Villa Park, CA USC
Keith Nichol 5.96-2/195/4.68&nb sp; Lowell, MI Oklahoma
Cameron Newton5.9&nb sp;6-4/232/4.51&nb sp; Atlanta, GA&nbs p;Florida

Chris Forcier&nbsp ; 5.96-3/185/4.53&nb sp; San Diego, CA UCLA
Zac Lee&nb sp; 5.9 6-2/200/4.6 San Francisco&nb sp; Nebraska
Kodi Burns& nbsp; 5.86-2/195/4.5&nbs p; Fort Smith, AR&nbs p;Auburn
Josh Nesbitt&nbsp ; 5.86-0/204/4.58&nb sp; Greensboro, GA. Tech
Logan Gray&n bsp; 5.86-2/185/4.45&nb sp; Columbia, MO Georgia
Kellen Kiilsgaard 5.86-3/215/4.6&nbs p; Auburn, WA Stanford

This is a list of all 4 and 5 star Dual Threat QB's of the high school class
of 2007. It also includes their respective recruiter rankings, hieghts,
weights, and 40 speeds as well as their home towns and the colleges that
they will be playing for.

Willy Korn, Stephen Garcia, Arron Corp, Keith Nichol, Chris Forcie, Zac
Lee, Logan Gray, and Kellen Killsgaard are white. The other 4 are
obviously black. Historically, most of the top Dual Threat QB's have been

Moreover, All of the 4 and 5 star Pro Styled QB's listed by are
white. Also unusual. Normally a good number of them are black.
American Freedom News