To all you other posters out there:
It is very easy to discuss and contribute and reveal without using Any racial epithets or disparaging or abusive words. Any situation or event may be discussed without them. It is actually quite easy really. Not only do we look better as White Shogun has stated above, but the administration does not have to fear any lawsuits. The truth never looked so good.
jaxvid said:
I appreciate someone who has been around taking the time to state their feeling's about why they are leaving. It's kind of an "exit interview". If someone has devoted some time to the site and/or made a significant emotional investment then it is only natural that they say "good bye".

I would prefer that people just stayed and maybe waited a bit to see how they felt about the issue after thinking on it a few days. We all know that it is impossible to agree on all things amongst all people all of the time, so there will always be some differences.

I have never known a group of white men that did not split off into various groups after a while. It is in the nature of our people to be fiercely independent and proud. These positive qualities make it tough to form coherent groups and has hurt us in these extremely collectivist times.

We must find a way to put aside our commitment to moral purity on certain issues so that we can find common ground on what is perhaps the most important issue we face. If we cannot live together on a web site that is just about sports then we are surely in trouble if we have to face more important issues together in the real world.

I have noticed a much tougher skin amongst those that hold opposing views to our own. They are more likely to absorb criticism and to keep plugging on, instead of moving on.

I do not believe that anyone has been banned yet and if that is the case then I hope you may be able to find yourself back here in the future among like minded people that share many of the same feelings as yourself.

Very well stated. I feel that most of us are on the same page here. We just disagree on what methods we should take. The matter of harshness of language should not be a big enough issue to run people off. It's ridiculous how easily divided we are. Our objectives are more important than petty infighting. We get side tracked over who is anti black or anti jew when we should concentrate on simply being pro White.Edited by: KG2422
As was pointed out in an earlier post, I did criticize another poster who exited this forum with a grand dramatic farewell. I find these kinds of exit posts very common on the internet, along with the predictable followup posts telling the one exiting how great he is, and begging him to reconsider. I think that Bart is an important part of this forum, and always enjoy his posts. I'm very disappointed that he would choose to stop posting just because Don wants everyone to stop using nasty racial epithets. Someone as bright and articulate as Bart can certainly make his points without resorting to juvenile language.
Geez guys, I mean come on.

I don't (think) Don is suggesting that XYZ scum is not, in reality, actually scum, there just are reasons for not using certain traditional ephitets for them on a forum where we are trying to tell the hoi polloi about the vast amount of anti-White racism found in sports, and elsewhere, which we have a hard time doing if we bruise the fruit, so to speak.

I trust I will still be allowed to refer to myself as a "savage", however
I still think that the issue has not been clearly explaind so that all members understand WHY the language needs to be kept clean.
When the administrators take the time and effort to research and write articles such as that classic one currently running about Mike Hass (the Biletnikoff recipient), it discredits them when others write posts using language that sounds like some angry, drunk racist. Remember, many browse and read these articles but are not members. We want to be informative not sound angry or jealous. The evidence speaks loudly enough when we write about another like Warriner who is too slow for the NFL but can smoke every African they can throw at him from around the world.
One never looks ignorant with intelligent language.
Maple Leaf wrote: I still think that the issue has not been clearly explained so that all members understand WHY the language needs to be kept clean.

Why the language needs to be kept clean should be obvious to the many intelligent posters on this site, but here goes the explanation...

The fact is that white culture has been so inundated with pro-black propaganda that even simple statements such as "I'm proud to be white" have come to be vilified, associated with skinhead-type hate groups and thereby completely marginalized by society. In order for a group of aware white folks to maintain their credibility and not fall into the netherworld of cultural irrelevance, said group must remain focused on its core values and hold itself to a higher standard than anyone else possibly can. Otherwise, any group like ours here at Caste Football will be cast aside with the tired old dismissive, "They're just a bunch of racists."

We must, always, maintain viable credibility or there will be no point for this site to exist. It will simply be yet another web-based racist cesspool, no different from any of the countless racist sites on the web, and just like them be pointless in the big picture and impulsively avoided by the mainstream citizenry.

We are already outsiders. Shunned by the masses, we've become ostracized in our own nation for feeling rightful pride in our race's accomplishments and justifiable anger in its mistreatment (for example, in the world of American sports). Presenting a logical, well-formed series of arguments and poignant examples is the ONLY way in which we will ever gain credibility, and thus influence, with those who aren't already convinced. Launching cheaply vulgar diatribes of race-hating language gets us exactly nowhere.

It is fine to feel angry, but fight back against the indoctrination that pervades our country in such a way that you have a chance of winning. Preaching to the choir will only keep us on the outskirts of the mainstream, venting and gnashing our teeth pointlessly. We must present a unified front of professional decorum and reasoned wrath. There is plenty of evidence to support our cause, but spewing racial slurs will do nothing but make us look bad. It will prevent potential members of our cause from joining the movement and, in the bigger scheme of things, will hinder efforts to right the ship, so to speak.

To end my diatribe, I'll sum up my point: Take the high road, or we'll never get anywhere.
My apologies if anything I've written has crossed the line Don. I like this site (I visit almost every day) and don't want to leave. I'll endeavor to keep my posts within the guidelines. But make no mistake my feelings on the problems faced by we whites on a daily basis are very strong and I get just as angry as everyone else when I read some of the stories that are posted here. I'll just have to remember what board I'm on and control my temper.