Illegal Alien Advocate Killed by Illegal Alien

Aug 22, 2007


Full Title:"Father-of-five who advocated rights for immigrants is hit and killed by a Salvadoran man in the US illegally who was ordered to be deported eight months ago"

A staunch supporter of the rights of immigrants - and a married father of five - was killed last week when an illegal immigrant from El Salvador facing deportation crashed into his motorcycle in Colorado.

Sean Buchanan, 45, was driving northbound on Highway 83 on August 2 when Colorado State Patrol say a southbound truck operated by Miguel Ramirez Valiente went off the side of the road, then over-corrected into the wrong lane and crashed into Buchanan's bike, killing him.

Valiente, an undocumented immigrant who was slated for deportation eight months earlier, was charged with misdemeanor careless driving with a revoked license in the deadly accident.

In an ironic twist, Buchanan was known among friends a passionate advocate for all immigrants.

Valiente has a criminal record in Colorado that includes a 2018 conviction for a DUI charge, which earned him a year's probation and the revocation of his license, and a guilty plea to a charge of reckless endangerment in a child neglect case.

On August 1, less than 24 hours before the deadly crash that killed Buchanan, Valiente's probation was extended because he had failed to complete his court-ordered treatment program and community service.

He made national headlines in January when he sought sanctuary at All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church in January to avoid deportation to El Salvador during the federal government shutdown.

'I can’t be separated from them,' he said at a press conference at the time, according to The Denver Channel. 'I have always worked hard to support my family, and they depend on me.'
If this deceased man were somehow able to communicate with us today, he wouldn’t change his position on immigration. He would say that the man who killed him’s race and immigration status had nothing to do with the crash. He would say the man was more of a victim of a rough world where success wasn’t accessible enough to him. These people cannot be reasoned with and their minds will never be changed. They have fundamentally different views and we will never be able to come to any kind of compromise with them. His wife will make a statement condemning anyone for mentioning the status of the illegal and accuse the “white supremacists” of using her husbands death to spread hate. This is where we are gentleman. There is nowhere to go. Folks either agree with the left or they agree with us. There is no solution for this and I see no way to solve this conflict with out either the nation splitting into multiple countries or violence.
If this deceased man were somehow able to communicate with us today, he wouldn’t change his position on immigration. He would say that the man who killed him’s race and immigration status had nothing to do with the crash. He would say the man was more of a victim of a rough world where success wasn’t accessible enough to him. These people cannot be reasoned with and their minds will never be changed. They have fundamentally different views and we will never be able to come to any kind of compromise with them. His wife will make a statement condemning anyone for mentioning the status of the illegal and accuse the “white supremacists” of using her husbands death to spread hate. This is where we are gentleman. There is nowhere to go. Folks either agree with the left or they agree with us. There is no solution for this and I see no way to solve this conflict with out either the nation splitting into multiple countries or violence.
Agreed. Good post.
Nothing of value was lost.

This ranks among the most karmic deaths in history, along with Robespierre, the Ceausescus, and the (((Rosenbergs))).
If this deceased man were somehow able to communicate with us today, he wouldn’t change his position on immigration. He would say that the man who killed him’s race and immigration status had nothing to do with the crash. He would say the man was more of a victim of a rough world where success wasn’t accessible enough to him. These people cannot be reasoned with and their minds will never be changed. They have fundamentally different views and we will never be able to come to any kind of compromise with them. His wife will make a statement condemning anyone for mentioning the status of the illegal and accuse the “white supremacists” of using her husbands death to spread hate. This is where we are gentleman. There is nowhere to go. Folks either agree with the left or they agree with us. There is no solution for this and I see no way to solve this conflict with out either the nation splitting into multiple countries or violence.

Exactly. Great post.
If this deceased man were somehow able to communicate with us today, he wouldn’t change his position on immigration. He would say that the man who killed him’s race and immigration status had nothing to do with the crash. He would say the man was more of a victim of a rough world where success wasn’t accessible enough to him. These people cannot be reasoned with and their minds will never be changed. They have fundamentally different views and we will never be able to come to any kind of compromise with them. His wife will make a statement condemning anyone for mentioning the status of the illegal and accuse the “white supremacists” of using her husbands death to spread hate. This is where we are gentleman. There is nowhere to go. Folks either agree with the left or they agree with us. There is no solution for this and I see no way to solve this conflict with out either the nation splitting into multiple countries or violence.

You can throw in the argument they use that if an illegal alien hadn't killed him a citizen would have.
And some people say there is no God ….

This happened in my northern Virginia town two weeks ago. A Hispanic immigrant jumped the barrier and hit an Asian immigrant head-on (killed her). Obeying traffic laws is an uptight, racist white construct anyway ...
American Freedom News