Ice People and Sun People


May 20, 2005
According to ******* racist Leonard Jeffries, life under the glaciers made Whites "individualistic, cold, and agressive" while life under the tropical sun made ******** "communal, warm, peaceful".

Gee, I don't see any big gaping holes in THAT theory guys

But frankly guys, I think this is one "anti-white" stereotype we should strive to live up to.

"We come from the Land of the Ice and the Snow,
From the midnight sun where the hot-springs blow.
Hammer of the Gods will drive our ships to new lands,
To fight the horde, Sing and cry,
Valhalla, I am coming....."
Personally, I like the imagery of cold, aggressive, and individualistic.

Love the quote, too. What is it from?
What the hell is he smoking?

I know everybody likes to arrogantly group tribes into nations and nations into races... but this is F*cking ridiculous!!! Has Mr. Jeffries ever heard of the Zulus? That one example blows his little delusion into space bunnies. Where the hell is this quote from anyway?
Ta Waki Mumba said:
What the hell is he smoking?

I know everybody likes to arrogantly group tribes into nations and
nations into races... but this is F*cking ridiculous!!! Has Mr.
Jeffries ever heard of the Zulus? That one example blows his little
delusion into space bunnies. Where the hell is this quote from anyway?

"Puh-fessuh" jeffries stated in 1992,or 1993,at some "seminar" or
aomething similar.He was (And most likely still is ) employed at CCNY
at the time .He said a whole hell of a lot more similarly ugly,racist
sh*t throughout the speech, in addition. I'm sure a net
search will find it.

Anyway, a year or so after he said it ,came the holocaust of
Rwanda , another example that blows his little delusion into space
"We come from the Land of the Ice and the Snow,
From the midnight sun where the hot-springs blow.
Hammer of the Gods will drive our ships to new lands,
To fight the horde, Sing and cry,
Valhalla, I am coming....."

This is the quote I was referring to when I said, "Love the quote."

"The Immigrant Song" by Led Zepplin. Sorry, figured everyone had heard it.

Leonard Jeffries also once said "I'd like to leave my children a world free of white people." To which Stephen McNallen of the Asatru Folk Assembly replied in a Runestone article, "How does that make you feel, descendants of Vikings?"

A California newspaper did an "anti-racist" writeup around the whole matter. You guys can already guess that it wasn't the genocidal-fantasizing Jeffries they were complaining about. "McNallen practices a subtle form of racism...." and etc.
White_Savage said:
"The Immigrant Song" by Led Zepplin. Sorry, figured everyone had heard it.

I have. I know it's called by that title. Never having lived and died with Led Zep, I never paid much attention to their lyrics. I was wondering why it was called "Immigrant Song."

Beethoven was black search the internet.
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