I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry


Apr 16, 2005
This movie was a waste of money. The only funny parts are all seen in the commercials. The second half of the movie is dreadful, and turns into a promotion for the gay agenda. Don't waste your money on this movie, unless you want to see a gay black guy bend over in the shower and pick up a bar of soap.
I didn't really want to see it, but went with the consensus decision of those I was with. You're right, the funniest parts were in the previews, and some of the funniest clips in the previews weren't even in the movie. It's definitely a pro-gay movie, and the latter half is just as KJ described: a big propaganda piece for the gay movement, even going so far as to tell the audience that the word 'fa**ot' is offensive. Noooo! Really?

What's even funnier though is the idea that Adam Sandler is some kind of well-hung ladies man, as they (poorly) attempt to portray him in the movie.
Edited by: White Shogun
When was the last really good movie you saw from hollywood?

The crap they have been cranking out lately is just laughable, especially with the cost of a movie ticket.

I stand by my statement that the 80's had the best movies.
The movie Miracle is good. I also like October Sky and Thank You For Smoking.
What were the best movies in the 80s?
As an older man, let me suggest that you look at some of the older movies. In one of the local theaters, they're running old movies. A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I saw, "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane" with Bette Davis and Joan Crawford (black and white - 1962). Great acting, very little scenery, no chases, etc. Quality really holds up, no matter what it is.

We also saw Casablanca. Great story. Again, it holds up, even after all these years.

What about "From Here to Eternity."

More recently, we saw "You kill Me." I liked it. Real quirky. The plot was a hit man with a drinking problem.
That's all I'll say about it. I don't want to spoil it for you.

Tom Iron...
aliens, back to the future, indiana jones, predator, national lampoons vacation, ghostbusters, top gun, princess bride, blade runner, friday the 13th and nightmare on elm street, scarface, full metal jacket, ferris bueller's day off, e.t., the empire strikes back,platoon ...

just to name a few.
Lance Alworth said:
I don't give Hollywood one cent of my money.

Aside from occasionally taking my kids to see a G rated movie, I never go anymore. I work too hard for my (fiat) dollar to waste it lining the pockets of some grossly overpaid, self-important, primadonna "actor", producer & trash movie studio.I'd say 90-95% of the crap Hollyweird cranks out is pure dung.
Adam Sandler is a chubby, short, very average looking guy with little or no appreciable acting ability. As such, he is the perfect candidate to be a mega-star in today's Hollywood. This guy must have been picked on unmercifully as a youngster. How else to explain his obvious insistence that, in every movie he makes, he be cast as a ladies man as well as a tough guy? In every movie of his that I've been unfortunate enough to watch, he has punched out some hapless white guy (always much bigger than him, but never black- kind of like what the super models do in every film that Sandler isn't in). How insecure can you get? Then, Sandler stars in the remake of "The Longest Yard" as an ex-NFL quarterback! Could anything be more ridiculous than that? "Happy Gilmore" was enough of a fantasy, with this dumpy little creep portraying a hockey goon who just can't stop beating everyone (well, at least all white men) up, while somehow hitting a golf ball much farther than any of his fellow human beings.

Sorry to rant, but Adam Sandler exemplifies all that is wrong with modern Hollywood. Virtually every "comedy" that comes out now appears to be geared towards middle school kids, with their potty humor, constant fart jokes and white male "stars" that keep trying to outdo the other in a "Dumb And Dumber" contest. What is really sad about all this is that many supposedly educated grown adults enjoy the "work" of Sandler, Jack Black, Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, etc.
I agree with you wholeheartedly about Sandler, bigunreal, but I will admit that I like Ben Stiller's movies. Jack Black has been in a couple of funny movies as well, such as School of Rock and Shallow Hal. Vaughn was funny in Wedding Crashers but other than that his schtick is getting fairly old already.
I don't find Sandler/Stiller movies funny in the context of they ALWAYS end up with the gentile female.
The star of a movie always ends up with the female, regardless of race.
screamingeagle said:
What were the best movies in the 80s?

Platoon, Less Than Zero, Revenge of the Nerds, Spinal Tap, and Stripes to name a few.
The same can be said of music most of music is crap today. 10 years from now no one will remember any of these rejects masquerading as musicians or actors. But movies like Gone with the Wind, Animal House, Friday the 13th,Nightmare on Elm Street will be remember as classics while Save the Last Dance and Pride(did the fudgepackers sue for stealing their phrase?) will go in the dustbin of history. No matter how hard they try to push.
Well stated BF. The 2-bit crapola churned out by Hollyweird today is indeed fodder for the rubbish bin.
Baseball Fan said:
The same can be said of music most of music is crap today. 10 years from now no one will remember any of these rejects masquerading as musicians or actors. But movies like Gone with the Wind, Animal House, Friday the 13th,Nightmare on Elm Street will be remember as classics while Save the Last Dance and Pride(did the fudgepackers sue for stealing their phrase?) will go in the dustbin of history. No matter how hard they try to push.

This is probably the post of the year so far. Most of today's music is sh*t. I think these bands like Fall Out Boy will die quickly and in 5 years from now, they won't be able to draw flies with a mouthful of sh*t at their shows. The movies today are crap too. The new Transformers movie was an abomination, had no connection to the original cartoon, and had the MTVesque hack Michael Bay directing it. Thats not even counting all the pro-black propaganda films like Pride and Save the last dance. I wish it were the 80's again, back when MTV only played videos and they were by white rock bands
Getting back to the movie (which I'm going to miss) thinking about it brought to mind the movie "The Odd Couple," with Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon, two actors with actual stature and talent. Put it next to "Chuck and Larry" and you'll realize how far we've fallen. Adam and Kevin together couldn't make a pimple on Jack or Walter's ass.
Hockaday, Excellent - Actually that's the point. People don't act anymore. It used to be that people could be put in an empty room with a table and a chairs and say their parts and make you believe the script. Now you get all this visual razzle dazzle and crummy acting. Give me the former any day.

Tom Iron...
I hope the movie inspires copy-cat scams in states that have homosexual "marriage". Not that anyone will learn a lesson from the ensuing anarchy, but it will amuse me.
Thanks the info on movies of the 80s. At my age, I forget when some movies came out.