I get a kick out of you people....

reggien said:
is that all you have to hold on to is the 2004 olympics? its still going to e a black team going to the olympics and the world games and they will win the gold. didn't blacks dominate heavyweight boxing for the last fifty years? klitscho decent but face it hes the great white hype. to bad you have to go all the way to the former eastern block just to cheer for white boy.

You must find it pretty embarassing that the Black BBall teams of the U.S are beaten by White Euro's on a regular basis as they are essentially being schooled by part timers.Do you realise that in many European country's like Italy,Spain and South America too Basketball is a fairly minor sport way overshodowed by soccer,similar to the minor status soccer is given in the U.S. And these guys are taking apart bona fide full time professional athletes with millions of dollars of endorsements and the best coaching in the world.American Blacks who grow up immersed in the sport from a young age,its not just a sport for them,but a way of life as reflected in Hip Hop magazines.The Hip Hop culture and BBall is entwined for many young inner city kids so for them to see their hero's outplayed by amateurs and students from Europe and Argentina must be shocking.
Hey Iron and KG2422 great posts!! Reggien needs to forget this site and take a few English classes at night school and try to get at least a 5th grade education.
Reggein, you referred to Klitschko as "the great white hype"? Are you serious?Let ME educate YOU here for a second. You see, when you refer to something regarding the term "hype", it generally indicates that the person is "not" what they appear to be or not as succesful as they appear top be. News flash Tyrone: The last time I checked, Klitschko had an exceptionally great record, and he just defeated "Homeboy" Byrd a few weeks ago with ease. So, I ask you again, how is Klitschko "The Great White Hype"?

In addition to this, it satisfied me to see an "over-hyped", black, thug get "taken to school" as you would say, by a man who earned his doctorate degree by the way.

For many years, Whitey WAS scared to compete against blackey in many sports. Well, guess what? Those days are ending. Basketball, boxing, UFC, you name it...Whiteys coming back, in a big way.
Who is the great black hype? Brock, Bryd, Peter, Williams, Tyson, Brewster, Rahman, Toney?
Face it Bryd is done-Toney is a short fat fart-Brewster got whipped bad by Lyahovich,Tyson quit against McBride,Peter got slapped ugly by Wlad,Williams took a terrible beating from Vitali,Rahman was handed the "title" for cleaning Don King's shoes and Brock will soon lose to Ibragimov-Who is the next black hype??

Three of the four heavyweight champs are white men. Hasim Rahman is the only black hype to still hold a title. And he has an August date with Oleg Maskaev who knocked him out previously. Sorry that you will soon have nobody to cheer for black boy.
Hey now guys, watch the personal attacks on people like Reggien. Just joking! Seriously though, maybe he will get a better education, both in grammar and in the real world of boxing and basketball that is changing in front of his eyes. If he doesn't, the world will pass him by, as he clings to his ridiculously disproven black supremacist ideas.
most of you are trying to sound intellectual and making yourselves look stupid. i'm just typing i didn't know i was going to recieve a grade on this. basketball is not changing. the caste folk just got excited about nash and nowitski so now you have a new larry bird to throwaround after countless flops. but the nba will be black and team usa will win the gold in the olympics and world games.the caste hasstarted on reddick and morrisson but you better stop before you jinx them.

boxing byrd sucks and most of the fighters you mentioned are over the hill. boxing is also in itsall time lowest. boxing is just not in the forefront like it was years ago. if mike tyson is still the biggest draw in boxing then you no something is wrong.so you can have your great white hypes.in case you didn't know most blacks have give the klitskos their do.i guess i would sound like a black supremist to a bunch of white supremist.
There is no such thing as a black supremist, because blacks outside of tapdancing can't do anything,that is why all black nations are at the bottom in everything.Tyson hasn't won a fight in years he's an over the hill bum who can't land a normal job.He is not educated and is a dummy.You do get a grade D-.Your grammer is terrible.
Boxing is very popular in Germany!!White men can play basketball and win Gold Medals-can black boys win a medal in hockey?Face the facts you can't win!!
Nowitzki is not Larry Bird anymore than Kobe is Michael Jordan, but I think you would have to agree that he is a very skilled player who proved in this series that he has the toughness to carry a team at crunch time by going hard to the basket instead of settling for threes. Nash is a two time MVP, who has, as everyone who played with him agrees, made his teammates better. Both teams (Mavs and Suns) are fun to watch because of their style of play in which all their players (black and white) have bought into.

However, to be fair, Billups is also a great player as well and the Pistons will be tough for any team to beat because they go so deep and play so well together and (Rasheed Wallace aside), put their egos on the back burner for the common goal.

Klitschko cannot be held responsible for his level of competition anymore than Larry Holmes was or Joe Louis was (bum of the month club)...all he can do is beat whomever they put in front of him. And Tyson is still a big draw, but that is only because of the fascination people have with someone who may self destruct at any minute. I think you would have to agree that as a legitimate contender he is pretty much shot. Edited by: pt.guard2
pt.gaurd2 i have always considered nash and nowitzki to be good ball players but i cannot agree with your caste site buddies. did you know i was acually pulling for the suns until i discovered this site? i've read alot of ignorant comments on this siteand most of them try to cover it but trying to sound like they are very intellectual. also i have given klitscko his credit . but then this site messed that up to.

and to gary. blacks don't care about hockey and probably never will. for the most part the american white doesn't care about hockey. have you ever been to aafrican nation? well don't comment on them. because poland, romania, and your former eastern block countries are the hippest places on the planet. we won the gold in track, basketball, wrestling for you when you couldn't do it against russia and germany.
When did a black men win at wrestling?You never won anything for me-I cheer for the Russians against black americans!No place on Earth is as poor as Africa,the Russians felt so sorry for them they forgave them all there debts.When was the last time Africa put a rocket in the air
Black men can't skate so they don't care about hockey,but White men can play at any sport and be great!!The Russians/Germans are our brothers,WE WANT THEM TO WIN!!!
russians didn't win it for you either. if we decided to skate and play hockey and take any other sport serious we would make some noise. plus africa is a continent not a country. and some of the countries are doing better than you think but you wouldn't believe meanyway becauseyour abigot anyway.
reggien said:
if we decided to skate and play hockey and take any other sport serious we would make some noise. .

How exactly does the black race "decide" to pursue a sport? Is a giant conclave gathered, a motion made and discussed and then voted on?

If you were an interesting troll with some original thoughts and perspectives you might be able to post longer. But you're not.
Russians are White and they WON, that's all that matters-What African nation is doing well-the one that gets the most aid from White Nations? Your a bigot that's why you come on a White site and make a fool out of yourself.If black men get interested in Math does that mean there ACT scores will go up and we can do away with Affrimative Action which no White group ever needed in America?
The only noise you'll make is breaking wind after some red beans and rice!!Edited by: Gary
The black racist posting here (reggien) is a perfect example of why we need Caste Football. Racists like him are all around and will stop at nothing to humiliate and lie about white people. Let's think of him when all the heavyweight titles are in the hands of white men.
It's funny how most of these guys just can't stand it that there is any board where we can be proud of our heritage just like them.They just don't think we should be able to support our people.That is a bunch of crap!We have every right to be proud of our athletes just like they do.Good job guys,I just wanted to add that.You guys didn't need me for this battle.
we won the gold in track, basketball, wrestling for you when you couldn't do it against russia and germany

Who's this 'we' you keep referring to? You got a mouse in your pocket?

I'm just typing, too, but you don't see mi pstos literd wit splng arrahs eethir, do ya?
This spearchucker is not very bright--like most of them. If he wants to get excited because the only positive thing in the whole world that black folk have going for them is a lock on the running back position then he can gloat. Meanwhile, most of his homies are either in jail or picking corn out of wildebeast crap in Africa. You reggins need to focus on something besides making the NFL. We all know who really runs the world. We know who controls the wealth. We know about education, and high morals, and high standards of living. Name me one civilized black society? It'll never happen. I guess if it were me I'd be more concerned about trying to become a decent, God-fearing citizen and less concerned about making 3 point shots. But thats why you'll always be "in the basement".
This prejudiced half-wit spouts a short list of ultra-elite athletes representing .0000000000000000000001% of the Afro-American population.

Let your documentation stand behind you. "Read through some posts and you'll see that we have a point."

Posts littered with offensive epithets, bizarre anecdoctal rantings and counter-productive propaganda spiels bereft of even a hint of guile.

You will never, ever, ever get over on people like this...never...ever...not the way you're presenting your thesis. This guy is your friggin' target demographic: White American Everyman with Kids!!! And what do you do? Ad Hominems about "gay black fetishism" and "I feel sorry for your kids." Feel sorry for the children of pedophile rapists and drug addict ne'er-do-wells, not sheeple who advise their kids to devote precious hours to study instead of athletics.

If you clandestinely redacted the epithets and invectives on this site, you very well could have something of serviceable value. Right now you've only the (offensive) anti-thesis to blackathlete.net.
JerveyGotGypped said:
Posts littered with offensive epithets, bizarre anecdoctal rantings and counter-productive propaganda spiels bereft of even a hint of guile.

You don't get out much do you? What boards don't have all that? Christian ones?

JerveyGotGypped said:
This guy is your friggin' target demographic: White American Everyman with Kids!!! And what do you do? Ad Hominems about "gay black fetishism" and "I feel sorry for your kids." Feel sorry for the children of pedophile rapists and drug addict ne'er-do-wells, not sheeple who advise their kids to devote precious hours to study instead of athletics.

This guy is NOT the target demographic. He is also NOT the white American everyman. I know the white american everyman, and he is not the white american everyman.

And why not feel sorry for the kids of a man who believes in their inherent inferiority when there is enough evidence to not believe it? We can feel sorry for the kids of rapists and drug addicts too! There is enogh sorry to go around. Hey I feel sorry for you too! And your kids, and their friends. I got unlimited sorry. Why limit it?
JerveyGotGypped said:
This prejudiced half-wit spouts a short list of ultra-elite athletes representing .0000000000000000000001% of the Afro-American population.

Exactly. If he wanted to write something relevant, he would write a list of the worst starting black RB's in recent years, not the best. He should try to prove that the best white RB's/ FB's aren't capable of being as good as the worst black RB's.

That would be far more compelling than the same old, tired tirade, "Hey, there are no white [fill in the blank]!" Yeah, and? We don't need a white [Barry Sanders, OJ Simpson, Gayle Sanders, Jim Brown.] We need a white starting RB.
I'd imagine his sense that Blacks are athletically gifted, at least as a mean and average, is likely very common among a great many White American men who have little more than an intermediary understanding of sports history and/or kinesiology. The Everyman is a metaphor; you don't know him any more than I do.

For your purposes, then, this guy is very much the everyman, if for no other reason than as an exercise in semantics and debate.

An argument, for example, along the lines of the one presented by the poster above is far more compelling than the knee-jerk outrage & ad hominem you guys leveled on him.Edited by: JerveyGotGypped
at least Jervey puts some thought into his trollisms.

and he does have a point...to a certain extent, anyway. racial slurs and pointless outbursts do nothing positive for us. facts and examples, along with positive attitudes and determination, will make a better impression on the sheeple, i think.
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