I get a kick out of you people....


Dec 31, 2005

I'm going to give you the name of a black footballer, you give me his white equal..ok? Here we go!

Bob Hayes
Gale Sayers
Cookie Gilchrist
Barry Sanders
Jerry Rice
Randy Moss
Jimmy Brown
Terry Metcalf
Christian Okoye
Leroy Kelly
Harold Jackson
Mike Garrett
Travis Williams
Cliff Branch
Paul Lowe
Earl Campbell
Abner Haynes
John Stallworth
Eric Dickerson
Greg Pruitt
Tony Dorsett
Otis Taylor
Priest Holmes
Ricky Williams
LaDainian Tomlinson
Reggie Bush
Michael Irvin
Larry Brown
Rocket Ismail
Johnny Rodgers
Tiki Barber
Jimmy Smith
Franco Harris
Marcus Allen
Lynn Swann
Joe "The Jet" Perry
Jamal Lewis
Emerson Boozer
Terrell Davis
Mercury Morris
John Henry Johnson
Bo Jackson
Roger Craig
Isacc Bruce
Drew Pearson

.....I could go on and on and on and......

Blacks simply have a physigue more adapt at running fast with quickness and agility. Just that simple and don't think the NFL isn't well aware of that "fact"....they are!

Oh sure we had...

Steve Largent
Fred Biletnikoff
Ray Berry
John Riggins
Dickie Post
Keith Lincoln
Don Maynard
Frank Gifford
Paul Hornung
Dwight Clarke
Jim Taylor
Billy Cannon
Lance Alworth....now here's the one white guy who did have some serious jets.
Tim Dwight....also here!
Hugh McElhenny...yep he could run with anyone with a football under his arm.
Rocky Blier
Larry Czonka
Ken Williard

....but that list pales in comparison to the one above it.

Just look at the high school athletes. You see it there. Why could tiny Jamaica or Trinidad toally destroy China, Germany, Italy,Poland, Japan etc etc in anything having to do with speed? Why are the fastest..


....all black?

Yes it's all in the physical make up. How you can't see that obvious "fact" is a mystery to me.


Edited by: Zach
I encourage you to read other posts and articles on this site. By then you should have a much clearer understanding as to why we feel the way we do.

It's late, and others can do a better job in responding to your post, thus I am going to leave it at that.
Sark6354201 said:
I encourage you to read other posts and articles on this site.  By then you should have a much clearer understanding as to why we feel the way we do. It's late, and others can do a better job in responding to your post, thus I am going to leave it at that.

I'm a white football/track freak and have been as far back as I can remember. I grew up in central Cali. Yes there was Bob Mathias out of Tulare. Then we had...

Randy Williams
Maxie Parks
Leamon King
Tommie Smith
Lee Evans
Rafer Johnson

....all black Olympic medalists.

Then there was...

Bill Cowings...state 100 champ
Alvin Mahn ...state 100 champ
Marques Holiwell..state 100 champ
Sam Davis...ran on those great SJS 4x1 teams in the late 60's
Joel and Thomas Andrews star tracksters at USC
Jerry White...top 400 high schooler in the nation
James Stallworth...high school long jump record holder
Larance Jones 44.8 400 man
Henry Ellard...Rams
Ken Thomas...10.0 at SJS
Mark Lee...Packers
Jewerl Thomas...Rams

...all black athletes from around here. Where's the white athlete? You see that early on, like elementary school. Blacks just have it, when it comes to some certain athlectic events. Why fight the obvious?

Pro teams have to get the best bang for the buck, they can't waste $ scouting white defensive backs or white running backs. The odds of them making it at the NFL level, is very rare,in todays game. When you have 4.32 receivers, ya better have 4.32 defenders. Go ahead give me the name of a 4.32 white defensive back. Yep that's right, ya can't!

If white athletes want to get noticed, then they need to be able to run with the black athletes. So far that simply isn't the case and everyone into this stuff knows it.

Yes Jeremy Wariner can run a great 400..ha!

Edited by: Zach
Since you believe Whites are inferior athletes , do you believe Blacks are inferior mentally? If not, are you a Black supremist or a worshiper of Blacks? If athletic outcomes are biological then those processes are obviously at work from the neck up as well. Also, your argument is based on speed alone . What about strength, intelligence, toughness, discipline, skill, catching, throwing, kicking etc.? And you also limit your argument to football and track. We outperform Blacks in virtually every other sport: basketball, baseball, tennis, swimming, skiing, hockey, boxing. Before you say anything about basketball look back at the last olympics and the world championship before were our all Black "dream" teams were pounded by all White squads plus Puerto Rico. Then, check out the recent articles on this site about the recent dominance of the sport of boxing by Whites, not to mention the UFC. And I still believe we are better football players. We have a pretty good football tradition here in Texas ,and all White or mostly White football teams frequently win state championships despite a plethora of Black competition. Then the White winners aren't recruited. The Black losers get recruited. I really don't care if they are 1 tenth of a second faster on average. Whites form better teams, and if our best football players played against their best, everyone would see that. Then you wouldn't have to worship Blacks anymore. Edited by: KG2422

Isn't this site about athlectics? Let's keep it there, shall we?

Look at the teams in the NBA still alive in the playoffs. Mostly black players. Who won the NCAA? Why are there no starting white db's/rb's in the NFL? Who were the stars of the last NCAA football championship game? Who are the greatest hurdlers ever? How about 100/200 sprinters? Who was the greatest wide receiver? How about running back? Name a fast white female athlete from the USA?

I'm not worshipping anyone. I've just seen way too many football games and track meets not to believe what my eyes are telling me.

So you have a white b-ball team that could beat..


...no you don't!

Give me a great Texas back like...

Ricky Williams
Priest Holmes
Earl Campbell

....love to see it!

Give me a white Longhorn who outruns...

Jamall Charles
Johnny Jones
Brenden Christian
Tony Jones

....curious who that might be.

Blacks hold the WR in..

long jump
high jump

When is the last time a white sprinter ran on an American Oly 4x1 team? Try 1964!

Then there's high school,JC,NCAA.You'll see the same thing there.

So you have white fighters better than...

Jack Johnson
Sugar Ray Robinson
Mike Tyson
Mohammad Ali

I live in the real world, try it!

Edited by: Zach
Kevin McBride just beat Mike Tyson.
Dempsey would have beaten Johnson and Jeffries may have beaten him if he hadn't been retired for several years and lost 100 pounds before the fight. Johnson did get beat by Jess Willard who later lost to Dempsey. Johnson also invented that cowardly holding technique Ali perfected.
The thing about Black fighters is they get so much publicity. Whites are dominating boxing currently and you hardly hear anything about it.

My starting five:
PG Stockton
SG Jerry West
SF Bird
PF Nowitzki
C Eaton (defensive anchor who doesn't need the ball)

You speak of Longhorns and you bring up Jamal Charles and Earl Cambell. John Riggins had a better career than Cambell and after Craig James, Whites were no longer allowed to play tailback in the NFL or Div.1 for that matter. I'm from the same area as Jamal Charles and a White tailback, Troy Summrall, dominated in HS in a similar way ,but was relegated to some D2 school despite a stellar high school career. Heck, I outrushed several Black backs in my district who received scholarships despite their fumbling, blocking, and academic problems. Refer to the "do white running backs get a fair shake" thread. There is a link to an informative article. I can't really debate about track. I'm not that well informed in that area. There are plenty of others who are who will be willing to discuss that with you.

Edited by: KG2422
Your arrogance is asstounding.I'm going to reply to your arrogance with some of my own.White men are stronger and more intelligent than Black men,that's the main reason why the Black athlete is way over represented in the NFL and anyone who opens their eyes to this with facts will realise how much of a travesty this is.Whites dominate literally every sport in which strengh is the main factor between sucess and faiure,the world's strongest man and strongman contests in general,Olympic powerlifting,field athletics etc.

Whites also hold advantages over Blacks in explosive muscle endurance,sports such as swimming,cycling etc that require explosive muscle use over a long period of time.Name me a Black Lance Armstrong probably the world's fittest man.You can basically say that Whites have more stamina.Sport is'nt just about speed,their are other intangibles such as intelligence,an ability to read the game,and execution of technique.I know Black men hold no advantages in these area's.So knowing all this,why then do they dominate the NFL to the extent they do?It must be outright discrimination,it cant be anything else.Intelligent,strong,well organised white men will always get the better of their Black equivelents,not just in sport but other areas aswell such as armed warfare,which is proved even today when French and British special forces troops venture into old colonial African outposts on reconasance missions to be faced with and easily take out the most savage,immoral,cruel Black rebel army's that would make your average street gang look like a bunch of fairy's.You name them Black players,some of them compiled great stats but i know that if you were to match an all Black team against a White one,the latter will come out on top particularly in football,more so than Basketball as it requires more tactical awareness.You will see this in the upcoming world cup,the White teams will get the better of the Black ones as has been the case in previous world cup's despite as you say Blacks having speed advantages.
Arguing over what is the most athletic race is very boring. I find
that each individual is a variable in the argument of supremacy.
The scientific method teaches us that there can only be one
variable if a true conclusion can be drawn.

What I do find interesting is the discussion of the selection
process of D1 athletic scholarships, drafting in professional
athletics, inner city hiring processes, and the portrayal of
athletes by the media. I find this discussion more interesting
because the data does not match the selection process.

Any fan can have their favorite athlete. And if your brain uses
oxygen, you will be able to rationalize the greatness of your
hero. There is no rational for Hass to go in the sixth round, for
Tim Chang to go undrafted, for Jim Brown to be portrayed as a
civil rights hero, for John Rocker to be vilified, for there to be
ONLY black RBs and CBs in the NFL, for the racial disparity of
football scholarships and distribution of social security
entitlement money, for affirmative action, and for anyone to
think that the descendants of slaves are entitled to anything
more than anyone else.

What I am selling is the natural selection process. My
hypothesis is that affirmative action is an artificial selection
process put in place to prevent what happened to the African
slaves that were sold to the Arabs. What ever became of that

Artificial selection will give you a desired result, but at a price.
In nature, artificial selection will always weaken a population in
some aspect. I am willing to eliminate racial politics and let
natural selection take its course, will black people ever do the
Brutal is back with us under a new name (Zach). If blacks are so dominant in football, how come the best high school football teams in the country are white. In Texas, Southlake Carroll, Katy, and Smithson Valley dominate. In your beloved California, look at the top teams and tell me their racial makeup. I would guess that they are mostly white.
Hey another troll!!!

We had this exact discussion with another troll about a year ago. Maybe it's the same guy?

Listing black football players in this era of anti-white segregation would be like listing great black MLB baseball players from the 1930's. The list would be a little one-sided.

He would also believe that all sports coaches make purely unbiased decisions on who gets to play. Yet everyone agrees that favoratism and politics are part of the process on who gets to play from little league on up.

He is clearly wrong on his assertion that there are no big and fast white athletes. Matt Jones was mentioned, but there was Alstott, Konrad, Staley, many others, but when you mention their names people scoff because since they were not given the chance to play they must not have been any good. A self fullfilling prophecy.

But what could be any sadder than a white guy that goes on a pro-white forum to argue the case for blacks? This is why our people and our culture are so much under attack. You will NEVER EVER find a black man on a pro black forum lecturing the brutha's that blacks are less intelligent or more criminal prone, even though there is much more evidence to support that view then the one of black athletic superiority.

What a sad life Zach must have to be so actively involved in something that he passionately believes himself to be completely inferior at, just because of the color os his skin.

I guess it is easy to get mad at a poster like Zach but really sympathy is a better response. Such self hate must make ones life very difficult, to the point of collecting pictures like the one posted above.
Zach, here's a picture of a white football player: Kevin Kaper, guess what? He's ripped too!


And Zach keep your private porn collection to your self, if you are going to clutter up our site with pictures post something like this:


And here is a partingpicture which sums up my feelings on the matter:

Yep, it's the legendary idiot-troll Brutal. Making the same arguments replete with his lists again. Still too thick-headed to understand that the list of white football players would be longer if white high school stars were recruited and developed by I-A programs to play the "black" positions. And still claiming he "lives in the real world."
Well, heres my own personal list of caste-system victims (BOTH RECENT-PAST AND PRESENT):

Travis Jervey (RB forced to be a special teams demon)
Tim Dwight (once the fastest return-man in the NFL)
Don Beebe (4.21 40 yd dash by the way)
Corey Schlesinger (Lions special teams demon)
Brian Finneran (should be the No.1 reciever in ATL)
Kevin Kasper (talent and class, is he even in the NFL?)
Bill Schroeder("most hated" played ever in the NFL)
Drew Bennett (does not get the ball nearly enough)

Brock Forsey (what a shame, what happened to him)
Mike Alstott (outstanding "running-back", not FB)
Jeremy Bloom (Is NOT a caste system victim...YET, but
DON'T expect McNabb to throw HIM the ball)
Heath Evans (HUGE waste of talent, enough said)
Rob Konrad (more talent wasting on blocking duty)
John Ritchie (should have had more carried in OAK)
Joe Jurevicius (tall, fast, good hands)

Wayne Chrebet (undersized, and still a contributer)
Kevin Kaesviharn (WAS a CB, but was moved to SAFETY)
Greg Comella (RB/FB used as another special-teamsdemon)
Mike Hass (a "soon-to-be" caste-system casualty)
Nick Ayers (Bengals RB buried in the depth-chart)
Casey Cramer (Panther RB that will probably be an
S.T.D. -Special Teams Demon)
Jim Finn (Blocking specialist extroidianire)
Luke Lawton(Jets RB relegated to the bottom of the pile
Nick Razzano (The "New" Mike Alstott for the Bucs)
Adam Herzing (Steelers "token" White reciever)
Kevin Curtis (Not given the ball anywhere near enough)
Jim Leonard (Bills token White DB)
...and last on this list (but certainly not overall) is Dustin Fox. Minnesota should have a great time ruining this "true-cornerbacks" career, by de-railing him into playing safety.

I'm sure that I left many, many, many players out, but this is the list I came up with. I listed a few retired players, because I felt that these guys ALSO recieved the short-end-of-the-stick from the NFL.
I mean to say "forgot", for those who noticed my typo. I know we have a troll or two on this site that love to play "grammar police".
When Kenya and Nigeria can beat Russia and Germany in either summer or winter olympics, you can come on this site, in the mean time try to get a G.E.D or something while your on parole. By the way wasn't it a thing of beauty the way Wlad took Bryd apart
Here is a list[not complete]of White Hall of Fame QB's-Steve Young,Joe Namath,Joe Montana,Dan Fouts,Troy Aikman,Terry Bradshaw,John Elway,Otto Graham,Dan Marino,Jim Kelly,Bart Starr,Johnny Unitas and Roger Staubach-I could have added more!!!
Here is a complete list of black hall of fame QB's-Warren Moon

Moon did not deserve to be in the hall of fame,but to keep the PC jock sniffers happy they gave the Mooner a break-now if they had a hall of shame for wife beating-Warren Moon would have no trouble getting in that one
So you have white fighters better than...

Jack Johnson
Sugar Ray Robinson
Mike Tyson
Mohammad Ali

I live in the real world, try it!

Then here is some boxing reality for you:

Jack Johnson knocked out by Jess Willard
Ray Robinson knocked out by Joey Maxim
Mike Tyson knocked out by Kevin McBride
Rocky Marciano is the only heavyweight champion to retire undefeated. Ask Joe Louis, Joe Walcot or Ezzard Charles how hard he hit.

Whites now dominate the upper weight classes of boxing. Face it, blacks just can't hang with whites in boxing, wrestling or UFC fighting.
Now that Zach the racist has been educated about who dominates who in boxing, I'd like to comment on some of the other sports he mentioned.

While it is true that (on average) blacks tend to have a speed advantage over non-blacks, it is also true that (on average) whites have advantages over blacks such as intelligence, decision making, sacrificing for the team, willingnes to train hard ..etc.

That is why I LOVE the idea of matching all-white teams against all-black teams. We already know what happens on the international level in basketball. All-white teams from Lithuania, Croatia, Serbia, Argentina ..etc beat up on all-black (and all-racist) teams from the U.S.

Soccer is the most popular sport in Africa. Yet even the best all-black team from Africa cannot hang with an average all-white side from Europe.

In football, I have no doubts that the all-white side would beat the all-black side. If you doubt me think of this. Donoavan McNabb would probably be the QB of the black side. Case closed.

On a more amusing note, who would kick field goals for the blacks?
You're absolutely right Bunnyman. Whites are now in strong control of boxing (klitschko, Valuev, Calzaghe, Hatton, etc.) and have always been the dominant force in the UFC (Hughes, Liddell, Shamrock, Franklin, Horn, Arlovski, Couture, the list goes on and on).

Also, you forgot to mention Klitschko mopping the floor with Byrd in that last fight. Being that I am of Ukraine heritage, I enjoyed that fight on a very personal level. Lol.
Bunnyman wrote:
"That is why I LOVE the idea of matching all-white teams against all-black teams. We already know what happens on the international level in basketball. All-white teams from Lithuania, Croatia, Serbia, Argentina ..etc beat up on all-black (and all-racist) teams from the U.S..." [emphasis added]

is that all you have to hold on to is the 2004 olympics? its still going to e a black team going to the olympicsand the world gamesand they will win the gold. didn't blacks dominate heavyweight boxing for the last fifty years? klitscho decent but face it hes the great white hype. to bad you have to go all the way to the former eastern block just to cheer for white boy.
reggien said:
is that all you have to hold on to is the 2004 olympics? its still going to e a black team going to the olympics and the world games and they will win the gold. didn't blacks dominate heavyweight boxing for the last fifty years? klitscho decent but face it hes the great white hype.  to bad you have to go all the way to the former eastern block just to cheer for white boy.

It's White man dork. Did you see Nowitzki and Nash dominate last night? Argentina and Lithuania are the favorites for gold in basketball. Maybe Redick or Morrison will save the U.S. from their shooting woes ,but they probably won't see the floor. Rupp should have stuck to his guns. Texas Western was a flash in the pan. And it's not just the heavyweights-Whites are dominating boxing overall. And UFC - forget about it. We have the brains and the brawn. Sucks doesn't it.
American Freedom News