Ever come across a sheet you have to fill out that asks you what your ethnicity is? Today, I did so. And frankly, it is such BS when I have to put down "White". No, I'm not upset, you see, that I am white. No siree. It's just that there is no "black" or "yellow" or "red" for that matter. Thanks to out Politically Correct nation, here were the options.
-African American
-Asian American
-American Indian
-Pacific Islander(can't remember exactly)
So, if blacks can be called African-American, and hell, if Asians are Asian-Americans, why can't I be considered a "European-American? Seriously, why not? The closest I've heard is white-american...but I thought this was the land of the free amd it's all about equal this equal that. Well, I want to be treated equal so all whites living in American should be called European-Americans. But that's racist I forgot.
-African American
-Asian American
-American Indian
-Pacific Islander(can't remember exactly)
So, if blacks can be called African-American, and hell, if Asians are Asian-Americans, why can't I be considered a "European-American? Seriously, why not? The closest I've heard is white-american...but I thought this was the land of the free amd it's all about equal this equal that. Well, I want to be treated equal so all whites living in American should be called European-Americans. But that's racist I forgot.