Hutaree "militia" freed


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I guess it's a good idea to point out good news as well as bad. In an absolutely stunning decision rarely seen in the cultural marxist swamp that we live in a Federal judge handed down what has to be one of the most shocking decisions since I have been following the govts war on personal freedom.

A federal judge acquitted seven members of the Hutaree militia Tuesday of the most serious charges following six weeks of testimony

After two years of incarceration in which their lives have been altered beyond repair District Judge Victoria Roberts granted a defense motion to acquit the militia members on seven charges, including seditious conspiracy and conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction. The most serious charge could have resulted in life prison sentences.

And this is a judges acquital which means it cannot be repealed.

In the 28-page decision, Roberts wrote: "The evidence is not sufficient for a rational factfinder to find that defendants came to a concrete agreement to forcibly oppose the authority of the government of the United States as charged in the indictment."
She said prosecutors shifted positions since the defendants were indicted; the indictment charges a specific plan to overthrow the United States government.
Prosecutors now argue that the group had a general plan to engage in violence to provoke a response from law enforcement, she said.

As the FedGov switched its prosecution of try and find a reason to convict the judge said:

"The prosecution is not free to roam at large — to shift its theory of criminality so as to take advantage of each passing vicissitude of the trial," Roberts said. "If the government now admits that the plan alleged in Count 1 of the indictment (seditious conspiracy) did not exist, then defendants must be acquitted."

Personally I can never remember a judge sticking up for the rights of defendents (except black judges for certain black defendents).

Of course the price has already been paid, perhaps they can sue for something.

The return to freedom came with a high price, one member said.
"We've lost everything," Tina Stone said in a taped interview with the Associated Press. Stone's husband, David Stone, and stepson Joshua Stone have been behind bars since their arrest exactly two years ago, until U.S. District Judge Victoria Robert dismissed almost all of the charges this week. "We don't have a house to live in. ... Even pictures of my kids as they were growing up -- we've lost them all."

The FBI had infiltrated the group with an informant and an undercover agent who collected evidence of extreme anti-government attitudes. So that's two, 2!! govt employees who spent all their time trying to talk these poor 7 people into a federal crime.

Appointed by Bill Clinton, born in Detroit. Probably a liberal all the way, here's to U.S. District Judge Victoria Robert


From The Detroit News:


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Glad to hear (real) justice was served for once. No doubt the fedgov will be continuing the onslaught of surveillance & (eventual) prosecution of Americans under auspices of those folks being "militia" & "extremists". :icon_rolleyes:


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Two years ago when this bust "went down" I knew that it was a bunch of BS. Here are my earlier posts, after doing a bunch of research. I feel vindicated:

And more on the Christian midwest militia. Shades of Waco, anyone? "Authorities seized guns in the raid but would not say whether they found explosives". Meaning: They didn't find any. Just normal, perfectly legal (for now) guns. Maybe I missed it, but I couldn't findanything on the Hutaree website that was derogatory or incitefulabout peace officers at all, even in the wide-open forum. But we have to trust and believe the FBI, right?

This Hutaree story has been on every news outlet imaginable, with the usual "right wing extremist" fearmongering. Reading through the alleged charges, and after perusing the Hutaree website, I'm thinking that this looks to be a big trumped up batch of BS. Even the snippets that the MSM took from the site are lifted out of context. This sort of story, along with the attempt to connect it to the Tea Party movement, should send a shiver down the spine of every person looking to defend themselves from Big Brother.

So, if you and a bunch of buddies get together, drink some beers, collect guns and talk about your dissatifaction with the way the government is out-of-control, expect a knock on your door from the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.