Human Space Exploration

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If mankind is essentially starting over to try to land on the Moon again despite astonishing advances in technology since the 1960s (I won't delve into the obvious common sense implications of that), after reading this article, which is actually optimistic, I'd say someone will have to live to be at least 500 years old to see men living on Mars:

America is returning to the moon because China has been sending spacecrafts and landing rovers on the moon. They have caught up to the USA in space travel.

If not for the Soviet-USA rivalry in the 1960s, there never would have been the political will to land the first men on the moon.

We will never colonize Mars, it's too inhospitable an environment. It doesn't even have a magnetic field. We may land there though.

The moons of Jupiter are more interesting than desolate Mars, some think tidally-heated Europa and Ganymede may already have some kind of life.
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America is returning to the moon because China has been sending spacecrafts and landing rovers on the moon. They have caught up to the USA in space travel.

If not for the Soviet-USA rivalry in the 1960s, there never would have been the political will to land there in the first men on the moon.

We will never colonize Mars, it's too inhospitable an environment. It doesn't even have a magnetic field. We may land there though.

The moons of Jupiter are more interesting than desolate Mars, some think tidally-heated Europa and Ganymede may already have some kind of life.

I've read and watched documentaries that claim the moon like the sun is just a light source. Think similar to the things Nikola Tesla said.
The moon is not something we could ever land of even if we could ever get there which we can't and never have been there. Sorry if this
goes against peoples belief structure. Too many people all around the world are waking up. Once the cats all the way out of the bag they
will go after these companies for the billions and trillions of tax dollars they steal every year. Don't let this make you angry. Just my truth
based on decades and decades of research as when I was a kid I dreamed about becoming an astronaut before I woke up to the big lies
like countless other ones in the HIStory Books and SCIENCE(fake religion) Books used to control humanity.
America is returning to the moon because China has been sending spacecrafts and landing rovers on the moon. They have caught up to the USA in space travel.

If not for the Soviet-USA rivalry in the 1960s, there never would have been the political will to land there in the first men on the moon.

We will never colonize Mars, it's too inhospitable an environment. It doesn't even have a magnetic field. We may land there though.

The moons of Jupiter are more interesting than desolate Mars, some think tidally-heated Europa and Ganymede may already have some kind of life.
The huge amount of logistics involved, not to mention the technology, all of which have to go just right, make manned space travel unlikely for a very long time if ever. Landing rovers on Mars is always a crap shoot for the reasons outlined in that article. No astronauts are going to be sent there until the odds of success are at least 99%. That is unless astronauts with a kamikazee mentality volunteer and even then they won't be sent by the Nanny State.

The logistics alone in just a manned moon landing and return to Earth, all of which have to be executed perfectly, are enormous, one of many reasons that alleged accomplishment couldn't have been done six different times over 50 years ago with primitive technology.

Show me successful driverless cars and trucks before we start talking about manned explorations to planets and moons. We were supposed to have driverless cars by now according to the hype, but they're still a long way off because they can't be made safe enough. For example how does a driverless car "see and read" when roads are covered with snow, or even in a hard-driving rainstorm, or when the paint on roads has worn off, a common occurrence where I live, not to mention the many uncontrollable and unpredictable glitches that can happen to computers. There's still way too much that can go wrong, far more than insurance companies are ready to handle. I've talked to a few Uber employees and they freely admit in their secretive way that the driverless car hype is just that, hype, which is why Uber has moved away from it.
Temperatures near the lunar equator on the moon:

120 C (hottest)
-130 C (coldest)

Temperatures at the poles are somewhat colder.

Apollo astronauts wore A7-L spacesuits which used a combination of insulation, reflective surfaces, and an ice sublimator to regulate temperature. The suit consisted of many parts, but the biggest were the “Torso-limb suit assembly” and the “Integrated Thermal Micrometeoroid Garment.”
Temperatures near the lunar equator on the moon:

120 C (hottest)
-130 C (coldest)

Temperatures at the poles are somewhat colder.

Apollo astronauts wore A7-L spacesuits which used a combination of insulation, reflective surfaces, and an ice sublimator to regulate temperature. The suit consisted of many parts, but the biggest were the “Torso-limb suit assembly” and the “Integrated Thermal Micrometeoroid Garment.”
Have you seen the Apollo Rocket Capsule that landed on the Moon? It's thinner than cardboad and you can see masking tape. It must
be so strong. Even astronauts said they had to be careful as the walls were so thin. I'm sorry but there are millions of holes in everything.
Go look at these ships in person and see if you still feel the same way. Again this has nothing to do with knocking the white race. The Asians
do the same fakery and also the Russians.
Here is the Apollo Lunar Lander from NASA.

The cardboard bending in the water of space. More like that water of their pool. Then don't get me started on the
green screen techonology. Just like in Hollywood they can make sets in programs on a computer.

Here is the apollo reentering the atmosphere out of the back of a plane. There are thousands of videos. They used to be
on youtube but now you have to go to the uncensored sites. Millions if not billions of people are waking up. Do you want
more about the fake space shutte? The space shuttle disaster never happened just f.y.i. All of those so called astronauts are
stlll alive to this day.

this makes no sense. If it’s so hot that titanium melts, then why don’t all the moon rocks melt? Why doesn’t the whole moon melt? The whole moon should melt away if this was true. What you don’t understand is thermal conductivity. In fact you don’t understand any science. And it seems when you don’t understand it you condemn it as some kind of conspiracy.

Furthermore you mentioned earlier that the moon didn’t even exist, that it was some kind of “light” or some such foolishness. Which is it? Inhospitable world or imaginary. You can’t have it both ways. And it does your case no good to spitball a myriad of ridiculous theories in an attempt to impugn the White geniuses that dedicated their life to these great historic achievements discoveries and scientific theories.
this makes no sense. If it’s so hot that titanium melts, then why don’t all the moon rocks melt? Why doesn’t the whole moon melt? The whole moon should melt away if this was true. What you don’t understand is thermal conductivity. In fact you don’t understand any science. And it seems when you don’t understand it you condemn it as some kind of conspiracy.

Furthermore you mentioned earlier that the moon didn’t even exist, that it was some kind of “light” or some such foolishness. Which is it? Inhospitable world or imaginary. You can’t have it both ways. And it does your case no good to spitball a myriad of ridiculous theories in an attempt to impugn the White geniuses that dedicated their life to these great historic achievements discoveries and scientific theories.
The videos don't lie. We all know the truth.
The videos don't lie. We all know the truth.
Videos are posted by guys that have an opinion. The science you are ignoring is the result of hard work for their entire lives by giants of humanity such as Newton, Eular, Riemann, Libnitz, Pascal, Descartes, Galileo, Brahm, Kepler, Copernicus, etc.

You are saying that they are stupid or liars and the goof balls that post those videos are in some way more knowledgeable. Think about that. Do you know what a differential equation is? Calculus? Quadratic recepriocity? Do the guys who cut and paste clips of videos from other people know? C’mom man. Acknowledge that there are great minds that were given tremendous gifts by God to help understand his reality.

And video lies all the time. You point that out constantly.
Videos are posted by guys that have an opinion. The science you are ignoring is the result of hard work for their entire lives by giants of humanity such as Newton, Eular, Riemann, Libnitz, Pascal, Descartes, Galileo, Brahm, Kepler, Copernicus, etc.

You are saying that they are stupid or liars and the goof balls that post those videos are in some way more knowledgeable. Think about that. Do you know what a differential equation is? Calculus? Quadratic recepriocity? Do the guys who cut and paste clips of videos from other people know? C’mom man. Acknowledge that there are great minds that were given tremendous gifts by God to help understand his reality.

And video lies all the time. You point that out constantly.
Intelligent eyes see lies. LIes of science, history, space, etc. etc. There is nothing new under the sun. You have no idea what my sat scores
are. BeLIEve what you want. All the same secret societies and groups all push the same LIES! The books are written by the victors. Do you know your HIStory? GOT IT?
I just want to say to Charles Martel and Flint. I have the most high respect for you. Please respect my opinion. You cannot talk down
to me, belittle me, mock me or if you do I will come back at you. Fair is fair in a debate. Yes whites are some of the most intelligent
people on earth. Which is why they use methods to control the lower iq people of which many are now white unfortunalatley due
to the forced dumbing down of the education system from kindegarten to college. They control what we can and cannot think. Well even
though we live in an age of many brain dead(even highly educated) people, there still are and always will be independent thinkers that
think outside of the box. Nikola Tesla was one of them who loved humanity and wanted free electricity for the world. So they destroyed
his life and took away all his money but they can never take away his integrity as he was smarter than the majority of men that ever lived. Nikola
Tesla talked about the firmament and he wasn't even a devout christian. It's really undeniable for anyone that takes the time to research
using many different methods.

Again you guys are very valued here and I do respect your intelligence and opinions. Please respect mine and so many others around the
world many whom have doctorate degrees and multiple phd's that admit the same things I'm pointing out. I have nothing but respect for
all of my brothers and I would hope you would show me the same respect back. Sometimes in life you have to agree to disagree.
Buzz Aldrin has admitted twice that we never went to the moon. The alcohol makes him forget to keep acting.

He was answering a girls question: why haven't we gone back there? He said "we haven't gone BACK there because..." That video is edited and it's purpose is to mislead you, it was probably made by a black supremacist or South Asian who is envious because no Negro nor any East Indian has ever been to the moon.

Envy is a sin.

“Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.” Galatians 5:26.

“But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth.” James 3:14.

"For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.” James 3:16.
This will be my only post in this forum but I counselled for 17 years focusing on Behavioral Psychology. I have noticed a huge uptick in people suffering from paranoid schizophrenia even though I stopped counseling 11 years ago after my wife passed at 37. All I am going to say is there are a few posters around the forums here that show strong attributes of the disease. Every schizophrenic I ever counseled or encountered never thinks they have the disease. I'm not talking even conspiracy theorists just people that can't see straight sometimes not that we all can. I just wish we could all get along here but since that is not in scheme of human nature I hope that all the people in the world suffering mental illness ( me extreme PTSD ) can get help someday.
He was answering a girls question: why haven't we gone back there? He said "we haven't gone BACK there because..." That video is edited and it's purpose is to mislead you, it was probably made by a black supremacist or South Asian who is envious because no Negro nor any East Indian has ever been to the moon.

Envy is a sin.

“Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.” Galatians 5:26.

“But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth.” James 3:14.

"For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.” James 3:16.
I have no envy of anyone no mattter their money, power or position. You deny everything as your brain can't handle the truth. People
that speak the truth will be hated. From the Bible to many great books like 1984 it goes into the many reasons why. I can hear the fake
fact checkers coming out of twitter and facebook with the commie watch committee.
I made my point and even said how I still respected and valued both of you guys as members here. You cannot handle the truth. Here
is what you do in a little short paragraph.

In the psychology of human behavior, denialism is a person's choice to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth. Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality. Even of Werner Von Brauns tombstone he admited the truth to the world. He also it was said became
a christian before hie passed away. I hope this is true as you can't take the money or fame with you.

Again you can continue to live in your version of reality. The video shows documents from the u.s. declarying that we live on a flat earth
and that there is a firmament. They even measured the brighness of it and did many other tests. The Encyclopedia Britanica goes into depth
about the firmament and how they even meausred it's height and angles or curvature. Rainbows follow the curve of the firmament. In a
common law court I would win iin a short trial. It's undeniable. I've also read documents from nasa talking about the fact that we live on
a flat earth. The space program was to change the truth and to hide this from the public. It was also a huge cold war tactic. Well the lies get
harder and harder to hide. Lies are easy at first but the lies must keep getting bigger and bigger to hide the truth. The truth is always the truth. It cannot be changed. They lie about God creating us with the theory of creation and the big bang lie. Too many other lies.

I'm not going to go back and forth with you herer for days or weeks. You can continue to be angry but I'm at peace. I suggest you just
agree to disagree. Learn to respect others opinions. You cannot not deny those videos. Your just change the topic and attack. Comical
what they teach people. Covid was faked worldwide. Now they are about to do round 2. It was never a danger and no one needed any
vaccine but yes they always tell us the truth and nothing but the truth..

Someday as it says in the Holy Bible, every knee shall bow to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
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I have no envy of anyone no mattter their money, power or position. You deny everything as your brain ccan't handle the truth. People
that speak the truth will be hated. From the Bible to many great books like 1984 it goes into the many reasonss why. I can hear the fake
fact checkers coming out of twitter and facebook with the commie watch committee.
I made my point and even said how I still respected and valued both of you guys as members here. You cannot handle the truth. Here
is what you do in a little short paragraph.

In the psychology of human behavior, denialism is a person's choice to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth. Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality. Even of Werner Von Brauns tombstone he admited the truth to the world. He also it was said became
a christian before hie passed away. I hope thisi is true as you can't take the money or fame with you.

Again you can continue to live in your version or reality. The video shows documents from the u.s. declarying that we live on a flat earth
and that there is a firmament. They even measured the brighness of it and did many other tests. The Encyclopedia Britanica goes into depth
about the firmament and how they even meausred it's height and angles or curvature. Rainbows follow the curve of the firmament. In a
common law court I would win iin a short trial. It's undeniable. I've also read documents from nasa talking about the fact that we live on
a flat earth. The space program was to change the truth and to hide this from the public. It was also a huge cold war tactic. Well the lies get
harder and harder to hide. Lies are easy at first but the lies must keep getting bigger and bigger to hide the truth. The truth is always the truth. It cannot be changed. They lie about God creating us with the troery of creation and the big bang lie. Too many other lies.

I'm not going to go back and forth with you herer for days or weeks. You can continue to be angry but I'm at peace. I suggest you just
agree to disagree. Learn to respect others opinions. You cannot not deny those videos. Your just change the topic and attack. Comical
what they teach people. Covid was faked worldwide. Now they are about to do round 2. It was never a danger and no one needed any
vaccine but yes they always tell us the truth and nothing but the truth..

Someday as it says in the Holy Bible, every knee shall bow to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
Lebron James ???? :) Just kidding.
Lebron James ???? :) Just kidding.
I can't stand him despite his incredible amount of talent. I go more by a mans character than his money or power or influence.
Leclown James. I will take alot of players over him to build a team around. Just another puppet on the world stage we live on.
The more money and power the bigger the puppet they are. Don't get out of line like Kanye or look out. IF you want the money,
power and fame you have to exchange something and then you become a lifelong slave doing what your masters want or else
they will destroy you. Just ask a guy like Owen Benjamin who I have alot of respect for. He would not push the transgender, or pedo
crap they wanted him to push. He had to leave Hollywood but he keep his integrity and is now married with 4 kids and doing great
despite them taking away his abililty to earn money touring like he did in the past.
Let me add some humor into this debate. Can anyone answer this question? Now someone please explain to
me how you can talk on a land line to the moon? Enlighten me guys? Kind of like when you go to a restaurant
during covid but when you sit at a table your safe from the virus. Stand up and covid will get you. Put your mask
on and then get back to the table sit and your safe now.

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