HUD to Racially Integrate Neighborhoods


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
hasn't this already kind of happened with section 8 housing? they have been giving section 8 housing, mixing it in with middle class families for quite a while now. And of course the school systems have already done this, if a school is too White, they will bus those White kids to a more black school, and vice versa.

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
hasn't this already kind of happened with section 8 housing? they have been giving section 8 housing, mixing it in with middle class families for quite a while now...

Yes, HUD was aggressively used as a forced-integration weapon by liberal Republican Jack Kemp, who as HUD Sec devised a scheme called "Moving To Opportunity." During the time of Kemp, and of his replacement Henry Cisneros, federal judges used HUD power to enforce neighborhood integration by vouchers and by forcing construction of "low cost housing."


Aug 17, 2013
For those of us in the South this is good news. I live in a county that is where there is not majority race. So if this is successful ,then about 80% of our blacks would move North or west and bless some other community with their enriching behavior. It would be an excellent opportunity for those who have never enjoyed the wonders of black culture to appreciate it up close and personal and end the horrible mistreatment of these poor blacks we Southerners have been dishing out. It would also help an economically depressed region ( the South) financially as taxes could be lowered and the communities in the South would no longer need so many law enforcement officers and such large well staffed emergency rooms so taxes could be lowered allowing a higher standard of living. It would also end black political power as 11% or less of the voters in a district would have very little clout in all but the tightest of political races

The poster formerly know as Tired old White

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
I'm sold! And good to see you TOW(G). Yeah they've been enriching a neighborhood near the campus for several years now. They had a guy one the news who rents a couple houses in the area and it seems he's not getting any takers this year. Due to "the neighborhood changing and things happening that didn't used to happen." It used to be just a college party neighborhood but now well you know how the story goes. It's just wonderful.


Mar 25, 2013
This HUD article has circulated through out the Internet like wild fire.

Nothing scares Whites more than Blacks being moved in next door.

Just goes to show you. we haven't changed much.
Apr 27, 2013
This is old hat to us here in the peoples republic of new jersey. They've been attempting this here for years. We call it the affordable housing bill. Each town has to take on some minority housing. The towns have been defeating it by various methods for years. Same will happen with the HUD idea. None of these towns are going to allow themselves to be hurt by a bunch of fedgov bums.



Aug 17, 2013
I am sure less diverse places will find a way

To preserve their lack of diversity. Much like blacks moles are a protected species in my state ( we can no longer poison them or blow them up we can only use a state approved trap which does not work). Upon hearing this I offered to live trap some moles and send them to any where that did not have enough moles . I am also willing also willing to help any black family in my county pack up to move anywhere other than one of the eleven states that made up the Old Confederacy. But in particular I am willing to help them pack up and move to Mass. , Oregon, Washington State, Wisconsin or Minn. these are states who have citizens who have attempted to lecture me abut the inhumane treatment that blacks receive in teh SOut. I would love to give them the opportunity to treat out black brothers and sister better than we inhumane rednecks done South have.


Aug 17, 2013
I am not so sure about that LEW

Initially you may be right but after the non-diverse learn what diversity is all about I think you would see a hardening attitude nation wide. Some years back I read an interview that a Minn. newspaper did with Charles Humphrey grand son of Senator Hubert Humphrey. A meat packing plant had opened he Mr. Humphrey's home town and imported a skeleton crew of experienced employees to train the locals. As luck would have it most of them were from Atlanta and most of them were also black. In less than 4 years these dozen families who accounted for a bout a 100 additional citizens necessitated the doubling of the local police force and the quadrupling of the size of the local Emergency room. Approximately 100 blacks caused the expansion of these services in a city of about 250,000 residents Charles Humphrey's attitude toward blacks had under gone a major revision. In fact his responses sound much like some of Dr. David Dukes'. to paraphrase something said by President Lyndon Johnson to his famous grandfather " Hubert it is easy to support civil rights for blacks when not black people live in your district." As a former boss of mine said " Education is a wonderful thing.". And those 12 black families definitely educated Mr. Charles Humphrey.