How many pairs of shoes do you own?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
This question was asked by SI of 4 pro athletes.
Redskin QB Jason Campbell said 100! What the fruit?
Phillies Shortstop Jimmy Rollins said 75.
Angels Pitcher Joe Saunders, the only white asked, said at least 50.
Seahawks WR Ben Obomanu said 15.

OK, maybe I'm just a poor grad student, but I can't see any reason to have more than a few pairs of shoes. I have 2 pairs of sandals, 2 pairs of tennis shoes, a pair of dress shoes, a pair of Justin work boots, and a pair of re-enacting brogans. If I was a man of above average means, I guess I could see having a few more, but not many more.
Good to see SI is still on top of the sports scene, with insightful insider info and stories like this one.

They probably have a red pair, a green pair, a blue pair... one for this suit, one for that suit... several pairs of golf shoes, depending on whether they're playing in spring or fall...
Yeah Shogun touched on it. People who have this kind of money or just people who want to "look good" will color coordinate their shoes with their outfits, thusly having a ton of pairs. Its for good use somewhat, from my observations, chicks seem to dig it.
what's a re-enacting brogan?

anyways, counting sport shoes and cleats and such i guess i have something like 15 pairs of shoes. maybe a bit more, but i take care of my stuff and hardly ever throw anything away.
Yeah, I only have a handful. I have a pair of dress shoes, a pair of workboots, a pair of DC skate shoes and a few pair of old sneakers for the gym. I don't own any sandals because I HATE feet, and I feel they should never be exposed in public, except at the beach. Thats it and I'm good to go. Now, my girl on the other's got more shoes than DNA particles.
Edited by: Ground Fighter
I have my regular walking shoe and my work boots. That's all I have in the shoe department. I had a pair of sandals but they disappeared. The sandals weren't even mine - they were my brothers - he bought a new pair and gave me his old ones. Obsessing over clothing and shoes is something women do. However, there is nothing wrong with wanting to dress nice and look respectable. I live in a town where wearing a pair of Levi's is dressing up, so I have no need for any of that.

Anyway, I doubt they were all bought by the players. The shoes could have been given to them for endorsements or whatever.
I have four.

Running shoes for exercise and work around the house, dress shoes for work, really nice dress shoes for going out, and casual sneakers.

My wife has something like five or six billion.
Lets see, I have one pair of casual sneakers, one pair of basketball shoes, one crummy pair of running shoes, a pair of sandals, a pair of more casual dress shoes, but I have a whole 5 pairs of formal dress shoes...way too many dress shoes! I just bought my new pair of casual sneakers b/c I had been wearing the crummy pair of running shoes to social gatherings and my friend goes..."Good God those shoes look a hundred years old, chicks aren't gonna like it. Believe me they notice shoes!
backrow, brogans are rough made all leather shoes worn in the War of Northern Agression. Mine look like these.

"War of Northern aggression?" Is that what southerners call it?

Up here we call it the "War where we kicked hillbilly ass!"
There are many names for it that different Americans use, The Second War of Independence being one I like a lot.

What's with the "we" stuff anyway? I don't think anyone who is alive fought in it.

Anyway, the forces of the New World Order began to take over after that, so I wouldn't brag too much.
Colonel_Reb said:
backrow, brogans are rough made all leather shoes worn in the War of Northern Agression. Mine look like these.


Nice kicks, playa. Them sh*ts be hot.
They are the epitome of style aren't they!
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