How Many Graduate Degrees?


Apr 14, 2005
Former 1980s Browns MLB Dick Ambrose is now a judge here in Cleveland. So obviuosly the guy was/is a smart son of a gun.

Also Afro-American studies is popular for the college affletes too.
Nov 30, 2008
bigunreal said:
The vast majority of black players, and probably a good number of white ones, in the NFL were not legitimate college students in the first place. Do you really think Marcellus Wiley passed the admission standards that every other student must pass at Columbia University? Do you actually think blacks like Jerome Bettis met the stringent academic requirements at Notre Dame?

NCAA college football and basketball programs are total shams. In reality, these college teams serve as minor leagues for the pros. Almost none of the players are "students" in any sense of the word.
You only have to be pretty smart to play Ivy League. I was recruited by Yale and only had a 26 act and 3.8 gpa at an average public high school. Our quarterback had about a 3.95 and 23 act and he was also recruited by Ivy League schools. They bend pretty far for athletes.
Edited by: Fightingtowin

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Deus Vult said:
Did Steve Young graduate law school during his playing days? Or was it shortly thereafter?

Young obtained his law degree from BYU in 1994; he played in the NFL until a severe concussion early in the 1999 seasonended up causing him to retire prematurely.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I have heard that some blacks who get athletic schlorships actually take remedial reading courses in college? Anyone know if there is any truth to this? I also heard that the one year affirmitive action wasn't in place in California not one black got into law school that year.


Oct 21, 2004
I'm sure there are black affletes who take remedial reading at even the finest universities. Patrick Ewing, when he was disgracefully admitted to Georgetown, which has some of the most stringent academic standards in the country, was given a special tutor for BASIC math. I'm quite certain it was the first and only time a Georgetown "student" needed help in general mathematics. Later, Ewing would be given the school's first and only degree in interior decorating.

Being less than a rocket scientist is one thing, but being illiterate, as Dexter Manley was, is something else entirely. The fact that any college would admit someone who can't read or write is beyond belief. Yet, when this story broke, not a single jock sniffer in the media expressed any outrage at the obvious dishonesty of Oklahoma State officials, or demanded any answers from them. As with the Irving Fryar case, it is highly unlikely that this was an isolated incident, and probably an indicator of widespread corruption.


Dec 15, 2005
Things are a lot more two tiered than they were decades ago. At a lot of these places, students are either hard core, of strictly in their narrow area of interest, or they're not students at all. People are pressured a lot more into specializing. The Communist establishment is "caste" in a lot more ways than sports.

That Mike Hart anecdote just goes to show you just how "pro black" the caste establishment really is, pretending to look out for his best interests.Edited by: Freedom
Apr 22, 2005
Any documentation for Barry Sanders' Wonderlic score? I followed his entire career, and find that verrry yard to believe.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
I find it interesting that the disparity between white and black college bound test scores is much less on the ACT than SAT. You can tell this from looking at which often lists the test scores of the student athletes.

I have seen a fairly significant number of black h.s players who take the ACT that score in the low to mid twenties. Mid twenties is a great score for the ACT. I believe 30 is perfect. Still the white student athletes do a bit better, but this seems to point to some kind of cultural/ intelligence trend.

I have heard that the ACT is more of a memory based and practical test as far as typical daily use. The SAT is more abstract reasoning and may favor Math and the Mathematical Science's brained people.

I believe I posted about this before, I personally see a small gap between blacks and whites in the social sciences (I had two great black teacher's one a h.s history teacher and one a college Anthropology professor), but you don't see many black Calculus teachers, Nuclear Physicists, Astronomers etc.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
We obviously don't want affirmative action, but we need to train people for fields they are good at and ones where they love what they do. Different Arts fields for example have many areas that are influenced by other cultures. Jazz was very influenced by black Creole culture in Louisiana and most blacks from the baby boomer generation still love Jazz, so you might expect a bit of a black over representation in an area of the arts like that.

As a society ideally you want to have only very small disparity's between unemployment and median incomes based on race with people finding work LEGITIMATELY not through quotas or AA politics. Of course it will never be perfect, but a larger gap in median income can cause tension between races. At this current state the gap is narrowing FAST between blacks and whites based on minority entitlements; even if the black median income is still significantly lower they are cashing in on TONS of government subsidized programs.

Groups like Japanese and Chinese Americans can cash in on Affirmative action I believe in many states and they already have a HIGHER MEDIAN INCOME than whites in the United States. Indians may also have a higher median income than whites at this point. If I'm not mistaken minority religions can cash in on AA laws too. As if the Jews, known to be a rich group, need any help.

This is absolute BS. You could almost say whites and traditional America are treated as lepers by government policy. A complete transfer of power and wealth is quickly impending particularly in certain areas of the country.

Do we try to fight it living wherever we are, or move to a place like Utah or Idaho where it's vastly majority white leaving less chance for facing anti-white discrimination. NJ is by far one of the worst States as far as favoritism toward minorities. Every "EASY" well paid (or should I say overpaid) government job near where I live seems largely overrepresented by minorities.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Aug 27, 2008
GreatLakeState said:
Any documentation for Barry Sanders' Wonderlic score? I followed his entire career, and find that verrry yard to believe.

His score is in the book I mentioned ("The Hundred-Yard Lie"). I'm pretty sure it was a 6 or 7, but I no longer have the book.

Nothing against Sanders, who seems like a decent guy to me.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Very surprising on Barry b/c he doesn't seem like a moron by any stretch in interviews. Maybe he has some sort of reading disability or just wasn't feeling well. I mean a 6 or 7 on the Wonderlic seems low even if you are able to read at a middle school level.

Nothing on the test is rocket Science and a lot of it is VERY EASY questions. I took it online a couple years ago to see how I'd do and got a score of 30; even though I am quite a slow reader. I had seen a few sample questions before in a Canadian Newspaper, but didn't study before I tried the test. If you were given more time; I seriously think I could get a 50 of 50 on it.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
I have heard that the online sample tests are a little easier than the actual standard test given to football players b/c they want to keep secret some of the questions from the general public. I just read Wikipedia and it confirms this. Still even if it was a little easier the only way I got the 30 on the test was basically by going forward glancing at each question and skipping anyone that seemed like a harder more lengthy question. There was a geometry question I skipped for instance that I could have figured out if I had the time. A score of 10 indicates a person is literate and a score of 20 is supposedly average.

Edited to add: However, when they gave the test to EMPLOYED people in various professions the average score was 24 according to Wikipedia.

Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Nov 23, 2008
Most of these guys (blacks) have earned a college degree, and a good citizens. But there will always be a bunch of thugs among them.


Aug 27, 2008
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Very surprising on Barry b/c he doesn't seem like a moron by any stretch in interviews. Maybe he has some sort of reading disability or just wasn't feeling well. I mean a 6 or 7 on the Wonderlic seems low even if you are able to read at a middle school level.
Yeah, it's possible he may have even improved in college. As I was talking about, "The Hundred-Yard Lie" said he passed up on a visit to meet Bush in the White House because he wanted to devote himself to study.
I believe the book also said that Sanders refused a trip to Hawaii (I don't remember if this was some kind of college all-star game or what...I know little about college football) unless his o-line and fullback got to come with him. That kind of conscientiousness probably indicates a person that had at least the desire, and maybe the ability, to improve himself.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I have seen a fairly significant number of black h.s players who take the ACT that score in the low to mid twenties. Mid twenties is a great score for the ACT. I believe 30 is perfect. Still the white student athletes do a bit better, but this seems to point to some kind of cultural/ intelligence trend.

I have heard that the ACT is more of a memory based and practical test as far as typical daily use. The SAT is more abstract reasoning and may favor Math and the Mathematical Science's brained people.

Tough, the perfect score on the ACT is actually 36.

you heard correctly about the differences between the ACT and the SAT, however. the ACT is based more on memorizing and practical usage. the SAT is indeed a more abstract-based test that measures more accurately raw intelligence.

that being said, BOTH tests have been re-configured in recent years, altering the way they determine their scores in order to "reflect more diverse results."
the tests are now both weighted more heavily on verbal scores and have lowered the importance of the math portion and the reasoning portion in order to increase the overall scores of minority test takers.

despite the attempt to artificially inflate their scores, it is not surprising that blacks and hispanics still do abysmally. while asians and whites still do very well.

ToughJ.Riggins said:
I have heard that the online sample tests are a little easier than the actual standard test given to football players b/c they want to keep secret some of the questions from the general public. I just read Wikipedia and it confirms this. Still even if it was a little easier the only way I got the 30 on the test was basically by going forward glancing at each question and skipping anyone that seemed like a harder more lengthy question. There was a geometry question I skipped for instance that I could have figured out if I had the time. A score of 10 indicates a person is literate and a score of 20 is supposedly average.

Edited to add: However, when they gave the test to EMPLOYED people in various professions the average score was 24 according to Wikipedia.

two points on this, Tough.

1) take anything you read on Wikipedia with a grain of salt until you confirm it with a legitimate source. Wikipedia is not anything close to proof of anything. especially anything that is potentially controversial or politically incorrect.

2) the online questions that can be found for the Wonderlic test are actual questions that are on the test. i have taken the Wonderlic multiple times for various reasons, and often times the exact questions you see online are reproduced on the test.

anyone with average intelligence and the slightest bit of preparation should score in the mid-20s or higher. the test is so routine, that even un-intelligent people who study should score a respectable 20 or thereabouts.

so, when you hear of some dumbass who scores in the single digits, it is safe to say they are completely stupid, reads at less than a 6th grade level, and can't do basic math. i am not exaggerating.

furthermore, they should never, EVER have been allowed in a university where so-called higher learning allegedly takes place.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
It must have been the old ACT that 30 was a perfect score, just like they changed the SAT recently to out of 2400. However, mid 20s would still be doing DECENT and there are a fair number of black athletes listed on Scout and Rivals that achieve this.

Yeah if you're reading comprehension level is that of a 5th grader how are you going to pass ANY semester at college unless you take interior decorating and Ball Room dancing for all 4 classes.

But I've heard some debate on the STUDENT athlete issue, but of course it was on ESPN I heard it. Some college admissions people and football recruiters are saying that colleges are DIVERSIFYING and looking for all types of talent. So in turn athletic talent can be what a University is looking for, especially since Division I Football and Basketball are huge money makers for the NCAA.

But this really doesn't make sense b/c often times they are taking urban black kids for the football team who are very poor students at the expense of an equally talented white athlete who is a better student and much more ready for a transition to college too. If you have both qualities you should be more sought after by these colleges. The ESPN report just seems to be an excuse for more black "STUDENT" affletes and it is racist.

Paul Hornung got in trouble only for the way he worded his statement saying that Notre Dame should ease academic standards to get the athletes with speed. I think he followed that comment up by saying the Notre Dame football team was too white.

But Basically the underlying message of the ESPN discussion is that whites are ALWAYS smarter and blacks are always faster/ more athletic. Yet somehow we at this site are the racists.


Nov 23, 2008
ToughJ.Riggins said:
But Basically the underlying message of the ESPN discussion is that whites are ALWAYS smarter and blacks are always faster/ more athletic. Yet somehow we at this site are the racists.
Heehee, that sez it all. They (drunk media) don't realize that once these "affletes" retire from their sports, what else can offer to society after that? They become either bamboozling commentators like Kenny Smith, and Charles Barkley or drug felons, gambling addicts, and wife-beaters.Edited by: j41181


Aug 27, 2008
I apologize for the misinformation. Sanders (Barry) scored a 16. A111&dq=barry+sanders+wonderlic&source=bl&ots=6Ca1MBmXbL&sig =E-ikriT7tosA_A1JH9gcE8-Ji_8

This is a link I just found to "The Hundred-Yard Lie". I didn't know until now that it's on the Internet. If any of you get bored, this is a pretty interesting read.Edited by: DWFan