Homosexual Athletes

Sports Illustrated has a "players poll" each issue. The question this week is "Would you welcome an openly gay teammate?" According to SI, 61.5% of baseball players, 59.6% of NBA players, 56.9% of NFL players, and 79.9% of NHL players said yes.

I would say that the results were simply made up to fit SI's ideological agenda, or the athletes were asked in such a way that their answers were traceable. At the bottom of the poll SI writes, "Based on a survey. . ." of players in the four leagues.

How was the "survey" conducted? Via telephone calls or face to face interviewing, or completely anonymously? If the players could answer in complete anonymity, who honestly thinks that more than 1 percent would "welcome an openly gay teammate"? Why would any athlete want an open homosexual in their locker room?
I certainly don't believe that the warriors of the NHL were 79.9% approval of a openly gay teammate. I don't believe it for a second. The last thing a cohesive sports team needs is a flaming queer purposely dropping a bar of soap in the shower. We don't want them in the foxhole or on the playing fields.
Didn't Carl Lewis drop a baton in Seoul? Now maybe we know why..............
Just yesterday I was driving my car and heard an old song by Dusty Springfield. I like the old songs from the 1950's and early 60's. Today I checked the internet and found out [I never knew before] That Dusty Springfield was a lesbian.I always thought she was kind of attractive.When I was a kid being a queer and weak was something to be ashamed of, but my how things have changed!!
guest301 said:
I certainly don't believe that the warriors of the NHL were 79.9% approval of a openly gay teammate. I don't believe it for a second. The last thing a cohesive sports team needs is a flaming queer purposely dropping a bar of soap in the shower. We don't want them in the foxhole or on the playing fields.

It is amazing to me that someone like you, who climbs on a moral high horse every time someone uses a traditional ephitet to criticize the stupid violent and criminal negro, mestizos, race-mixers, or anti-white manipulative Jew, feels free to use the words "flaming queer". I personally don't feel we need any stupid gorillas in our army gumming up the works and getting a feel for gun handling, but hey, to each his own I guess.

Homosexuality is certainly inferior to heterosexuality in evolutionary and social terms, but of all these inferior groups, why is it only homosexuals who get left out of your tolerance fest?

Surely you realize that the homos are human beings to, and don't all fit in one stereotype, that many of them are personable and likeable if you can avoid thinking about what they do in their leisure time...

Seeing as how they constitute only 1% of the population, they are last in line behind the groups I mentioned as a threat to White society. Let me tell you, if I have to choose between being neighbors with Tyrone and La'shandra or Adam and Steve, I'd pick the latter everytime. Or haven't you noticed that San Francisco is a good deal less un-pleasant than Oakland?
There is a differnece between what someone is(racially) and what someone chooses to be(gay). That's the difference in my mind. Yes there are some that are likeable but I don't like the ones who try to get special rights and to mold the society into their image. I reserve the term "flaming Queer" in those instances and not for all of them. Have you ever seen the real footage of some of those San Francisco parades? "flaming queer" is the only thing to call it.
The utter hypocrisy of getting upset over n*gger, monkey, spike, hebe, etc, but somehow passing "flaming queer" remains.

The races have certain tendencies, and most homosexual men are provably given that tendency by genetics, as anyone who has ever observed how enfeminate they are physically knew already. Neither tendency is good, but the tendencies of the races I criticize, especially the criminality of blacks, cause much, much more damage to society than the ****s.

I am honestly confounded to understand the Conservative Christian belief that since homosexuality is bad, it must be voluntary. The black doesn't volunteer to have a semi-retarded average I.Q., but that doesn't change what he is, or what needs to be done. I suppose thats the difference between a view based on dogma and a view based on reason.
I believe behaviour affects appearance. Notice how a drug addict looks like one. It is the same way with gays, when you live that kind of lifestyle for a while..it affects appearance, accent and takes away from your masculinity. Cause and affect here. There may be a little genetics involved but it must be overcome. It is more choice than being born with it. My biological father was a alchoholic and so I suppose I was genetically inclined to be one myself. I have overcome that..been drunk once or twice in my life and hate beer. I also have some gay clients (lesbians) where I work and a gay aunt who is very nice to me. I don't call them flaming queers because they don't flaunt it and sometimes seem ashamed of themselves. I save that term for those who push their agenda on everybody else.
Guest301, I am in 100% agreement with you in your hatred and revulsion for the militant homosexual movement and its agenda. I don't believe homosexuality is genetic, either. Too many people do not discover they're gay til their first mid-life crisis, and may others leave those behaviors behind later. Doesn't sound genetic to me, unlike being black - you're black, well.. you're black. The End.

Check out Exodus International for a leading Christian organization's view of homosexuality and how to deal with gays as a Christian.
Hmmm...see, I don't know.

I can only go by myself, even as a relatively young boy, I felt attraction towards the underwear models in the catalog, etc. Conversely, homosexuality literally makes me physically ill. I tend to believe this is nature and not nurture or education, therefore, possibly the -proposition can be reversed.

Culturally, there is very little evidence of homosexuality in Northern Europe. (I think the Greeks got it from their Eastern influences.) Ibn Fablan, an Arab chronicler, who traveled amongst the Norse in the 900s wrote "They have no punishment for pederasty, as it does not occur amongst them and they take no interest in the matter." Meanwhile from the Torah to the Freudian school of psychology, you see a strong Semetic obsession with anal and sexual functions, and apparently it's nessecary to punish homosexuality with death to keep it down. So maybe there are genetic tendencies linked to race as well.

But yeah, the millitant queers are "in bed" (literally and figuratively) with other anti-White forces for the most part, so I have no use for them.Edited by: White_Savage
White Shogun...Thanks for stating it correctly. 100 % hatred for the militant homeosexual movement is what I have and not for the people caught up in that deviant lifestyle. Calling them what they are at times(flaming Queers) serves a useful purpose. It's called shame and it is what we used to have in this country. It's what used to keep them in the closet and we and they(ironically) were the better for it. I am also very familiar with the Exodus group you mentioned. That group was fromed in Dallas while I was living there, if my memory is correct.
It may have been that way in the Old Times, Savage, but not anymore. There are large populations of homosexuals throughout Scandinavia, where they enjoy some of the best societal acceptance in the whole world. Not to mention that criticism of homosexuals today in those nations will land you in prison.

Italy had a real problem with 'sodomites' in the 14th-15th centuries, so much so that they set up special night courts and prosecutors to handle the uh, load. The first recorded 'glory hole' existed in a public urinal in London in 1700!

Still, this was a much later period than that to which you referred, and does not refute Ibn Fablan's commentary on the non-existence of pederasty among the Norse.
White_Savage: "Meanwhile from the Torah to the Freudian school of psychology, you see a strong Semetic obsession with anal and sexual functions, and apparently it's nessecary to punish homosexuality with death to keep it down. So maybe there are genetic tendencies linked to race as well."

Spot on, sir! The Semitic preoccupancy with scatological functions are what led to the Jews being Jews today.

Let me explain: Contrary to modern misconception, today's "Jews" are not the descendents of the ancient Hebrews. Rather, they are the descended from a Central Asian tribe known as the Khazars, who converted to Judaism around 900 A.D. The Khazar leader was horrified by his people's tendency toward anal and scatological sexual perversions, and he though that he could control their "sickness" by imposing a strict religion on them. As it turns out, they just incorporated their abominations into Judaism and continued on their merry way. And the rest, as they say, is history.

For the record, even today, Jews remain disproportionately homosexual and pedophilic, and they continue to use sexual perversion to deconstruct White societies by driving wedges between man and woman, husband and wife, father and daughter, daughter and mother, etc.

BACK ON TOPIC: Disney/ABC/ESPN want nothing more than for a major professional athlete to come out of the closet, so that the networks can push their gay agenda further into America's living rooms. The Disney corporation is run almost exclusively by homosexual Jews.
guest301 said:
White Shogun...Thanks for stating it correctly. 100 % hatred for the militant homeosexual movement is what I have and not for the people caught up in that deviant lifestyle.

Hatred? You're a hater?! Hey, you're one of us!

I guess so JDO74...there are some things I hate. THINGS!..not people. I will admit to having alot of disdain(hatred?) at times for pedophiles if that gets me off the moral high horse some people think I am on.
guest301 said:
I guess so JDO74...there are some things I hate. THINGS!..not people. I will admit to having alot of disdain(hatred?) at times for pedophiles if that gets me off the moral high horse some people think I am on.

No homosexual will make a distinction between you hating his sexuality and you hating him, and that's fair.

As I say, homosexuals are the least of the hate worthy groups, except where homosexuals try to damage my freedom or Western civillization. And ancient Athens or Feudal Japan were so vastly superior to ancient Israel that it isn't even a contest, after all.
I don't care too much whether they make the distinction or not. I think they would be mostly incapable of making the distinction as they are a very confused deviant group of people. We would be doing them a favor if they didn't feel so comfortable "being themselves". Unfortunately they are very comfortable and it's evidenced by a movie about gay cowboys "Brokeback Mountain" almost winning best movie last night. I'm not talking about violence but a little social ostracism can go a long way towards reducing the problem.
There was a fine Western with Robert Duvall and Kevin Costner in 2005 called, "Open Range". Zero Oscar nominations. So why does this other Western just so happen to rate...hmmmmm.

Chalk it up to your Jewish brothers in the Hollywood Establishment.
I just watched that western for the third time a few days ago "Open Range"..it was great. Larry McMurtry was the co-screenwriter for Brokeback Mountain and that is a disappointment for me since he wrote the Lonesome Dove series of books that led to the finest mini-series ever with Robert Duvall and Tommy Lee Jones.."Lonesome Dove".