Home Run Derby


Oct 21, 2004
I watched some of the All-Star home run derby tonight, and was
astounded at not only the almost complete lack of white players (1
participant), but the predominance of black and/or hispanics in every
aspect of the event. The people milling about on the field who weren't
participating, even the little kids in the outfield, were majority
non-white. I just couldn't help but think that this event really
reflected, in a microcosm, what is happening to our country.
Whites build all of these nice societies then non-whites muscle their way in and the whites are too nice to tell them to go away. Then the non-whites ruin the white societies too. SAD
I didn't see the event but a local talk show host explained this was another Selig idea to promote diversity at the expense of whites.
I stopped watching after Jason Bay hit. The whole format was anti-white. Also, the format seemed a bit Anti-American. Only one American in the Home Run Derby?
I usually disagree with some of the comments made on
multiculturalism, but this is ridiculous. They are emphasizing
diversity and not baseball. I don't hear announcers(Morgan and
Berman) discussing people's swings as much as I hear them talk about
the domincan flag. Andruw Jones somehow represents the
Netherlands. He symbolizes the Dutch so much
How come he is in this thing as a Dutchman. This is about throwing Americans out of baseball. It is really
bad for baseball because fundamentals are being compromised in the name
of "diversity" in this New World Order.

The amazing thing is that there aren't even white
hispanics such as Pujols. Ivan Rodriguez has 6 homeruns on the
season and participated. In a way, he is being promoted as a
better power hitter than Texiera because of Selig's racist plot.

Edited by: IceSpeed2
I hope the rating for this Homerun Derby suck.I have
watched Baseball since the late 70's/80's and it has now
hit a all time low in my opinion.The way they are making
it,you won't see any whites or blacks in the game.It will
be all different types of hispanics with a few asians
here and there.All of these guys from this countries
wouldn't be making the money they make if it were not for
the good ole USA.Yet,they despise most of what America
stands for and would rather wave their countries flag.What
a joke.Somehow I don't think Selig would be as happy if
it were Germans,Russians,etc. that were waving their flags.
He must not like the stars and stripes either from the
way that he is changing the game.I'm disgusted.
When I was watching, a long, long time went by before I saw any white
faces anywhere on the field, except for the catcher squatting behind
the plate (and I'm not 100% certain he was white). Also, it was
delightful to hear the Hispanic players (there were evidently
microphones all over the field) having conversations in Spanish. What
genius; mike up a bunch of players who can't or won't speak English,
for the English-speaking audience's benefit!
I could swear I heard some of the players say a very
common saying these days,"This is for the Raza" which
means this is for the race in Spanish.Can you only imagine
if a white baseball player ever said that.Even Joe Morgan,
who was a good baseball player many years ago for the Reds
seemed disturbed by some of it as he was announcing.He has
to be thinking that they don't care about the blacks or
the whites anymore.What a complete joke of a h.r. derby!
I don't watch all that fluffy, propogandist, bilge. I never have been a fan of any of those "extra-curricular" activites in any of the sports. With that said, if enough people complain about it, maybe they'll change it up some next year. I think Selig is an anti-American socialist.
It's just absurd that a bunch of americans would let some other country enter into a sport and dominate certain special events like the home run derby, which is a joke to begin with. Itmakes me sick when i think about all the pathetic white fans in the crowd worshiping these athletes when their boys dont get drafted as much as they shoouldeven though they are excellent college players.

Even with baseball being 65% white we here complaints from immigrants not getting their chance. Do you think the Dominican would let white players eneter and then wave the American flag?
bigunreal said:
I watched some of the All-Star home run derby tonight, and was
astounded at not only the almost complete lack of white players (1
participant), but the predominance of black and/or hispanics in every
aspect of the event. The people milling about on the field who weren't
participating, even the little kids in the outfield, were majority
non-white. I just couldn't help but think that this event really
reflected, in a microcosm, what is happening to our country.

And it's not the first time the HR derby has had this.Five years ago,in Atlanta(No surprise there).Only 1White,if that many.
The Home Run Derby is also fake, in my opinion. When my son was 12 years old his All-Star team was lucky enough to advance all the way to the Cal Ripken World Series. The same sponsor(Century 21) that sponsors the MLB Derby sponsors the Cal Ripken Derby with 12 year olds. Well, after the Ripken Derby the kids who competed all had dented bats. The special balls that were used were too dense for the bats. Kids today use special Scandium bats and other metal alloy bats that can't even be used in cold weather because a cold ball is too dense for the bat. Anyway, Cal Ripken bought all the kids new bats. If Century 21 supplies juiced balls for 12 year olds, I have no doubt they are doing it for the big money pro's. And all it does is feed on the hero worship of these players.
I belive you are right. It seems impossible to hit homeruns the way they do in the Home Run Derby. But I don't mind that they do use fake balls, it helps the entertainment value, I just wish there were more white players.
Bobby Abreu hit 41 homers during the Home Run Derby, but as of a couple days ago hadn't hit one since.. .
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