

Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
[url]http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/fb-pro/2006/jan/30 /013009109.html[/url]

Mike Holmgren didn't even give the Super Bowl a thought last autumn when he urged his wife to sign up for a medical mission to Africa.

Four months later, his Seattle Seahawks are playing for the NFL title in Detroit and his wife is packing for Congo, where she'll treat villagers and wonder about the outcome of a game a world away.

"I'm very proud of her," Holmgren said. "She works very hard at a lot of things that are a lot more important than coaching a football game. Her heart's here, even though she is going to be in Africa with my daughter.

"She gets nervous at the games anyway. I told her she doesn't watch any of the game anyway."

Kathy Holmgren started her nursing career as a missionary to Congo. One of the couple's twin daughters, Calla, is a gynecologist who signed up for a mission to Africa with Northwest Medical Teams International, Inc.

When he found out that their 33-year-old daughter was going to Congo, Holmgren suggested that his wife accompany her. They'll be in a group of eight volunteers.

"She's going to exactly the same place Kathy went to 35 years ago, a little mission right in the middle of the jungle," Holmgren said. "I said, 'Why don't you go with her?' It was the best present I could ever give her.
I wonder how many of black athletes are doing the same?
Bear-Arms said:
I wonder how many of black athletes are doing the same?

Sacrificialmission work and humanitarian aid is almost exclusively promoted, funded, organized and performed by zealous white volunteers who labor tirelsessly among and for the blacks, whileturning a blind eye tothe plight of victimized whites in Africa.
You don't feel as good when you're helping whites, and you don't get the recognition either. [white guilt complex]

For those who haven't heard about what is going on in South Africa.

President Robert Mugabe has begun confiscating and vandalising white-owned property in Zimbabwe's cities, after taking over most farms in the countryside.

His police last week evicted hundreds of people from their homes eight miles from the centre of Harare.

Ian Ross, 68, the owner of Gletwyn farm, incorporated into the capital in 1996, could hardly control himself as he recalled how police turfed his workers out into the rain.

"They arrived to evict the workers, which they did piece by piece, village by village compound by compound," said Mr Ross.

"The workers were dumped. They moved into sheds, into chicken runs. They were living like rabbits."

Mr Mugabe began violently evicting and dispossessing some 4,000 white farmers and hundreds of thousands of their workers in 2000. The whites were punished because the president said they supported and funded the opposition which almost beat him in the election that year. . .
[url]http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/02 /02/wzim02.xml&sSheet=/news/2006/02/02/ixworld.html [/url]
Yes, our country will no doubt impose trade sanction on Zimbabwe's cities like they did against South Arica for years of Aparteid. Or they could turn a blind eye towards white discrimination. I wonder which way they'll turn.
American Freedom News