Hollywood is trying to rid of our race


Dec 26, 2011
Has anyone noticed in many films in American movies portray a black man with a White woman?

Will Smith and Charlize Theron in Hancawk

Denzel Washington and Milla Jovovich (the White woman portrayed as a pathetic prostitute) in the Spike Lee directed He Got Game.

Well I stopped watching a lot of movies with Blacks in them. I think the social engineering concocted by Jew controlled Hollywood is trying to rid of the Aryan race by pairing black men with White women.

I am blonde haired and blue eyed and would love to procreate with a beautiful blond haired and blue eyed woman. However I find myself having compete with blacks, mexicans, and even small ****ed asians. It's like our White women are the best looking (which I think is true) and everyone wants the White pot of gold. America was created by Whites but everyone should be getting it too. But watch how Whites are treated by liberal media? Yea that's racist.

I hate to sound like a black girl lover but I always found the 2 black girls from the Fresh Prince of Bell Air to be very hot. I guess the younger girl, Tatiana Alli was dating an actor named Jonathan Brandeis, He was in some movies called Lady Bugs and Sidekicks but when she broke up with him he commited suicide. Now that I have learned Brandeis was Jewish I dont feel so bad. One less yid.
I hate to sound like a black girl lover but I always found the 2 black girls from the Fresh Prince of Bell Air to be very hot. I guess the younger girl, Tatiana Alli was dating an actor named Jonathan Brandeis, He was in some movies called Lady Bugs and Sidekicks but when she broke up with him he commited suicide. Now that I have learned Brandeis was Jewish I dont feel so bad. One less yid.

Hey a post with something that offends everyone! Happy New Year!

You don't have to be a "black girl lover" to acknowledge that there are attractive women of all races, the issue is whether you marry/reproduce with someone who does not share your cultural and genetic background.
You are right JAXVID. Im not trying to offend anybody but I would never sleep with a black woman and yes there are a few attractive ones but not many. Its amazing how many commercials and tv shows show a white woman with a black man yet never a white man with a black woman.
Im not big on the whole Jewish conspiracy stuff but its common knowledge Jews conrol Hollywood and it sure looks like putting white women with black men is a divisive way to try and destroy European culture. Just a thought.
The answer is: yes, they are. Such is consistent with Jewish supremacist group evolutionary strategy (see Kevin MacDonald's works). Moreover, Hollywood was built by Jews, for Jews, and to be used by Jews as a means to shape American culture. Feel free to check out the book An Empire of Their Own and even Gus Russo's Supermob. You can also check out virtually any book authored by prominent white nationalist authors, but I genuinely feel like the aforementioned ones are better researched.

The answer is to fully boycott Jewish media productions. Feel free to give them money if you wish to contribute to the creeping genocide of white European-descended peoples. If you do not want to be a lemming walking off of a cliff, become a consumer of information as opposed to a consumer of entertainment. There are many nationalist publications which will do far more good with your money than these Jewish media oligarchs or their slave actors/actresses who will spend such funds on cocaine or quack religions like Kabbalah and Scientology. If you must consume entertainment, then stick with independent entertainment that is not associated with Hollywood, Jewish-owned television stations, or Jewish-owned record labels.

As for white women, I would personally not recommend obsessing too much over eye and hair color. There are far more important attributes.