Hogan vs. Lawler


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
It appears as though the Mid-South Coliseum is being unlocked in preparation for one last big night of Memphis rasslin'. Hulk Hogan and Jerry "The King" Lawler are going to battle again. I am posting this because there seemed to be some interest about it in another thread. Hogan has set the match up, which is strange considering Jerry Lawler living in and being somewhat of a legend in Memphis. Memphis Wrestling is not setting it up either. Maybe the star power of Hogan was what it took to get the Coliseum doors unlocked. Anyway, the match will be April 27th in the Coliseum. It's a week and a half too early for me to be able to go home to see it. That seems to be my luck as of late. This will be the first time they have wrestled in over 25 years, and I sure wish I could be there to see it.
I hear Hogan may use some of the events surroundingthe matchin his "reality show." Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Very interesting. I hope it ends up on youtube or something similar.
If it's on the WWE's terms, Lawler will have to be the gross cartoon version that Vinny forced him to be, instead of the great,beloved,badass,everyman hero that he was in the 70s and '80s. McMahon should apologize to Lawler's longtime fans all over.

Edited by: Weltner
Weltner said:
If it's on the WWE's terms, Lawler will have to be the gross cartoon version that Vinny forced him to be, instead of the great,beloved,badass,everyman hero that he was in the 70s and '80s. McMahon should apologize to Lawler's longtime fans all over.
Ditto! Weltner. Lawler's persona in the WWE is nothing more than a overgrown aging playboy. He is the one that pratically drools all over himself every time a WWE Diva walks into the ring. He started that stupid "puppies" stuff too for all the volouptous ones. He took the job however so he must be largely ok with it..The Memphis Jerry Lawler I like..the New York Jerry Lawler..makes me laugh sometimes but I can't take him seriously.Edited by: guest301
Same thoughts here gentlemen. I don't think it will be a WWE affair. Jerry Lawler is still much different in Memphis than behind the mic for WWE. I don't think we'll be disappointed by this match.
Big changes and controversy surrounding this event:

It will be held in the Fed-Ex Forum, not the Mid-South Coliseum. It is still April 27 at 8PM. It is called the Clash of the Legends.

Hulk Hogan vs. The Big Show (billed as Giant Paul Wight) in the main event. Vince McMahon didn't like the idea of Jerry Lawler wrestling in such a big event outside the WWE against Hogan.Vince didn't want him on Hogan's reality show on VH1 either. Also in this unfolding drama, the WWE will no longer be sending its "stars" to Memphis toperform on Memphis Wrestling. Hogan held a press conference in Memphis this week and said that Vince has a grudge against him and considers him some kind of threat. Lawler initially told Hogan that no matter whether Vince fired him or not, he'd be in Memphis to wrestle Hogan. Well, looks like "The King" has gone back on his word. Hogan ain't too happy about it either.

Also on the cardwill beThe Barbarian, Abdullah The Butcher, The Rock & Roll Express, Handsome Jimmy Valiant, Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, Grand Master Sexay (Brian Lawler/Christopher), Koko B. Ware, Mr. Hughes, Kid Kash, "Dirty" Dutch Mantell, Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell, "Superstar" Bill Dundee, The Assasins, and many more.

Jimmy Hart, Jimmy Cornette (from TNA), Corey Maclin, and the greatest wrestling announcer of all time, Lance Russell will also be there. Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Wow Reb. I wish this was televised. I can't believe Dirty Dutch Mantel is still wrestling. Vince has always had such a love/hate relationship with Hogan and I guess it's in the hate stage right now. He should let Lawler wrestle in Memphis out of professional courtesy and respect, he is a legend there.
Vince McMahon is ruthless when it comes to money and people. I wouldn't put anything past him, and this move doesn't surprise me in the least.

He also tried to pay off Corey Maclin to keep him away from the event, but Maclin wouldn't take it. It is a really crazy situation that I hope to learn more about in the next couple of weeks. Edited by: Colonel_Reb
He is every bit the ass he plays on WWE RAW. He does not have to get in character, that is his character. With a few modifications of course, his power stomp to the ring and his balls being as "big as grapefruits" and whatnot.
Lance Alworth said:
I wish the Sportatorium in Dallas was still there. It would be cool to see Kevin Von Erich vs Hogan

I went to the Sportaorium a couple of times to see the Von Erichs and it was alot fo fun. But I believe it's been torn down and it was never much for air conditioning in that place. If the Von Erichs had come along just about 10 years later they would have been wrestling in MSG and all the other big event arenas around the country. I do remember them selling out Texas Stadium once with a bit Kerry Von Erich-Ric Flair match.
I remember the Von Erichs too! Great stuff. I have been watching Memphis Wrestling since I got home and it seemed the last 2 weeks as though Lawler was turning heel because of fan reaction to him breaking his word against Hogan. Now though, it appears that he is turning face again because some black wrestler called him a liar and knocked his girlfriend down. Lawler then got the fans on his side when he said, "I don't care what you do to me, but you don't hit a lady." Anyway, it set up the next big "championship" match at Sams Town Casino at the end of the month. Also, it seems that after the "Clash of the Legends" Koko B. Ware has come out of retirement. All I can say after watching and falling asleep during the last 2 shows, Memphis Wrestling is in a sad state of affairs.
Lawler has always had MPD..multiple personality disorder. He has turned more times as a heel and a face than any other wrestler/announcer than I have ever seen. Even as a announcer in his early days at WWE he acted like he hated Jim Ross and now they are the best of friends. They probably always were friends but you get my drift and hey Reb since when was hitting a lady a bad thing in pro wrestling! I have seen so many ladies hit guys in the sweet spot in the ring and usually they get what's coming to them when they do that.
Hey Guys,

To quote Terry Boella who plays the wrestling character'Hulk Hogan". My character would never do that. He is cast as a good guy.
guest301 said:
Lance Alworth said:
I wish the Sportatorium in Dallas was still there. It would be cool to see Kevin Von Erich vs Hogan

I went to the Sportaorium a couple of times to see the Von Erichs and it was alot fo fun. But I believe it's been torn down and it was never much for air conditioning in that place. If the Von Erichs had come along just about 10 years later they would have been wrestling in MSG and all the other big event arenas around the country. I do remember them selling out Texas Stadium once with a bit Kerry Von Erich-Ric Flair match.

Yeah, the Sportatorium was demolished around 2003-2004. That place was a dinosaur even back when the Von Erichs wrestled there. The Von Erichs hit the scene big time around 1982-83 in their fathers promotion of "World Class Championship Wrestling" They were HUGE down there, and no one has ever been so over in wrestling, not even Hogan in his prime. They were the perfect babyface vehicle for that promotion. Its hard to say what would have happened if they came around 10 years later. Remember, in 1992-93 the wrestling business was in a down period due to the steroid scandals and sexual abuse scandals. However, I do think all of the Von Erichs would still be alive if they came along 10 years later because the 80's wrestling scene was full of drugs, not to mention the business was much more guarded back then. To this day, they still say that David Von Erich died of entestinal enteritis rather than the real cause which is known by insiders of a drug overdose.

As for the Kerry Von Erich match you speak of. That was at the David Von Erich Parade of Champions in 1984 which drew something like 40,000 people. The NWA used to send their champ to Dallas (Ric Flair in this case) to take on (usually) one of the Von Erichs. Kerry won the match and dedicated it to David, but lost the belt 3 weeks later. It was mainly a gesture by the NWA to pay tribute to David, but they didn't want their world champion being stuck in Dallas so they took the belt off of him as soon as they could. Not to mention they wanted to take the belt off Kerry before he could do any real damage to it. (remember Kerry lived somewhat of a reckless lifestyle)Edited by: Lance Alworth
I always knew that there was alot of suspicion about how David Von Erich truly died and as a kid growing up I always wanted to believe the official line(at the time) of a stomach disorder. I agree with your statement that the VON Erich's were more over with the fans than even Hogan was in his prime. The wrestler Sting has a huge admiring fan base but his newfound Christianity and the kind of storylines he will accept now has hurt him with the new hardcore wrestling fan that likes the anti-hero. He's still my favorite wrestler though and he still gets a huge pop whenever he wrestles for TNA.
Anyone interested in WCCW/the Von Erichs should watch "The Heroes of World Class". It is a great documentary about the rise and fall of the two and the tragedy behind them.
guest301 said:
I always knew that there was alot of suspicion about how David Von Erich truly died and as a kid growing up I always wanted to believe the official line(at the time) of a stomach disorder. I agree with your statement that the VON Erich's were more over with the fans than even Hogan was in his prime. The wrestler Sting has a huge admiring fan base but his newfound Christianity and the kind of storylines he will accept now has hurt him with the new hardcore wrestling fan that likes the anti-hero. He's still my favorite wrestler though and he still gets a huge pop whenever he wrestles for TNA.

I hate the whole anti-hero thing that is popular in wrestling nowadays. I would take Kerry Von Erich and Sting over Steve Austin and John Cena anyday. I miss the days of the white picket fence babyface. That is why I am such a huge fan of the Von Erichs. I even still have my old Kerry Von Erich shirt which is like probably over 20 years old
eaxs said:
Anyone interested in WCCW/the Von Erichs should watch "The Heroes of World Class". It is a great documentary about the rise and fall of the two and the tragedy behind them.

I own the DVD. Its very good. I kind of wish it touched more on the deaths of Chris and Kerry more rather than just a brief overview of what led up to them. Its also worth noting that in the DVD, its amazing to see just how loyal Kevin Von Erich is to his father. Even after pulling a gun on him, Kevin states that it was the cancer that made Fritz want to kill him. He never says anything negative towards him in the entire DVD. Also, WWE is coming out with their own DVD on World Class this September.
Lance Alworth said:
guest301 said:
I always knew that there was alot of suspicion about how David Von Erich truly died and as a kid growing up I always wanted to believe the official line(at the time) of a stomach disorder. I agree with your statement that the VON Erich's were more over with the fans than even Hogan was in his prime. The wrestler Sting has a huge admiring fan base but his newfound Christianity and the kind of storylines he will accept now has hurt him with the new hardcore wrestling fan that likes the anti-hero. He's still my favorite wrestler though and he still gets a huge pop whenever he wrestles for TNA.

I hate the whole anti-hero thing that is popular in wrestling nowadays. I would take Kerry Von Erich and Sting over Steve Austin and John Cena anyday. I miss the days of the white picket fence babyface. That is why I am such a huge fan of the Von Erichs. I even still have my old Kerry Von Erich shirt which is like probably over 20 years old

Totally agree with your post. Watching pro-wrestling is largely a guilty pleasure these days with few real heroes left. There are also too many heel-face turns per wrestler. Can guys like Triple HHH, Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett, etc...ever make up their mind about what their persona will be..good guy or bad guy. There's no rhyme or reason to the whole enterprise anymore. To my knowledge the Von Erichs never made a heel turn and Sting started out a heel in his rookie year but has been a good guy ever since. The WCW tried to make him a heel very briefly in his feud with Goldberg but the fans were not buying it and cheered Sting anyway...Ps..very interested in that WWE DVD about World Class that you said is coming out this fall.
guest301 said:
Lance Alworth said:
guest301 said:
I always knew that there was alot of suspicion about how David Von Erich truly died and as a kid growing up I always wanted to believe the official line(at the time) of a stomach disorder. I agree with your statement that the VON Erich's were more over with the fans than even Hogan was in his prime. The wrestler Sting has a huge admiring fan base but his newfound Christianity and the kind of storylines he will accept now has hurt him with the new hardcore wrestling fan that likes the anti-hero. He's still my favorite wrestler though and he still gets a huge pop whenever he wrestles for TNA.

I hate the whole anti-hero thing that is popular in wrestling nowadays. I would take Kerry Von Erich and Sting over Steve Austin and John Cena anyday. I miss the days of the white picket fence babyface. That is why I am such a huge fan of the Von Erichs. I even still have my old Kerry Von Erich shirt which is like probably over 20 years old

Totally agree with your post. Watching pro-wrestling is largely a guilty pleasure these days with few real heroes left. There are also too many heel-face turns per wrestler. Can guys like Triple HHH, Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett, etc...ever make up their mind about what their persona will be..good guy or bad guy. There's no rhyme or reason to the whole enterprise anymore. To my knowledge the Von Erichs never made a heel turn and Sting started out a heel in his rookie year but has been a good guy ever since. The WCW tried to make him a heel very briefly in his feud with Goldberg but the fans were not buying it and cheered Sting anyway...Ps..very interested in that WWE DVD about World Class that you said is coming out this fall.

Stings ill-fated heel turn was more funny than anything. I remember when he was feuding with Hogan (who had recently turned face) he attacked him with a bat, and said something in this childish voice "awww mistuh Hogan, can I have your awtogwaph" The fans in the arena were totally behind heel Sting over face Hogan. If you can remember, Hogan came to WCW with mixed reactions. Many WCW fans booed him because he brought his brand of WWF-esque booking to WCW and basically turned WCW into WWF-lite.

Some of the differences between WCW and WWF booking were like this. WCW liked to book themselves around monster heels like Vader and Sid with babyfaces like Sting and (sometimes) Lex Luger chasing the title but coming up a bit short each time. When one of the afforementioned wrestlers did finally one-up the monster heels, they usually wouldn't have the belt for very long as WCW liked to have the faces chase the title from the heels. WWF was the complete opposite in terms of booking. The babyface was the one who carried the title for long extensive periods of time (Hogan, Warrior, Savage) with them fending off all heel challengers and when a heel challenger did defeat a babyface champion, it was usually due to a screwjob finish. This whole booking style is why WCW fans cheered for guys like Flair and Sting over Hogan, even when Hogan was supposed to be the babyface.

As for the Von Erich DVD being released this September. I believe it is going to be called the Rise and fall of WCCW. I am going to pick it up the moment it hits the storesEdited by: Lance Alworth
Yeah I agree with you on the different styles in WCW and WWE in regards to the way they treated the heels and faces. I really don't know how WCW messud up such a good thing and went bankrupt. The whole NWO-Sting(white face-crow) angle really went over well and they killed WWE in the ratings for a couple of years. The whole gang warfare mentality usually works as a angle. The Four Horseman were pretty popular too when they were going up against Sting, Luger, Koloff, Rhodes, The Road Warriors and the most underrated and under appreciated wrestler of all time, Barry Wyndham etc... or was it Windham.
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