Hockey's Hitler


Nov 2, 2004
The NHL just can't miss this year. The level of play is improved, young stars dominate the game. Lucrative TV contracts abound, the Salary Cap is rising, and so is attendance. Some long-suffering teams (and fans) will get a winner after prolonged droughts.

The bad news is Gary "Achtung!" Bettman is Hitlering the leadership, as expected. Of course the Hitler reference is a reverse-sarcasm, as Gary the Eel is really a Zionist, NY-Bank-connected "business" puke whose job is to milk the league for $$$$ and crank up the Political Correctness. He may still succeed in ruining the league.

Two Bettmanisms besmirch the positive atmosphere of the 2007 NHL season. Exhibit One: Bettman the Eel is dead-set on promoting even ANOTHER stupid league expansion. If it's not Kansas City, it will be Las Vegas. The thirty-team league has stretched the talent pool to the breaking point. Two more teams will push it over the side.

Exhibit Two: Der Fuhrer Bettman is going after total control of individual team revenues. The NY Rangers owner had to sue Bettman (it's in all the papers and sports internet sites) as The Eel attempts to prevent the Rangers from selling anything relating to promotional items. All such profits MUST go back to the Zionist banking system in Manhattan, Zurich, London, and Paris. How ironic that a New York team has to be the one to call Bettmann's bluff. Furthermore, The Eel has successfully conned each team to adhere to the "Cookie Cutter" internet web sites of It's a first step in pushing total NHL control of individual franchises. Again it's the NY Rangers who are fighting back.

Can't this maggot somehow be deposed? The excellent NHL product has a real chance to succeed, even to become a major sport again, against the odds. The Eel is truly the greatest hazard to the NHL and its excellent players, coaches, and staffs.Edited by: Realgeorge
Las Vegas is a better choice than KC. As the casinos could paper the house and pay the overinflated corporate prices that teams need to survive. KC is a tier two city that already lost a team because the market was too weak to support a NHL team. A better idea would be to move a team to Vegas.
What I can't seem to understand here is how idiots like Bettman "come to power" in the first place. What exactly does he have to offer and why is he in control of the NHL? Some things will just never make sense to me, and Bettman running the NHL is at the top of my list.

However, creating an NHL franchise in Las Vegas isn't really a bad idea. Bettman will be around all those casinos, and since he's already a member of "the tribe", he'll feel right at home.

(I hope you guys are all savvy enough to understand that little pun, I know you are.
I actually don't think Bettman is all that bad. I like the new rules and even though a lot of Canadian cities lost their teams, that had more to do with simple economics than anything. In the 90's the Canadian dollar wasn't worth dick. The looney was something like 65 cents to the dollar. Its unfortunate they weren't able to get cost certainty back in the 90's because that might have saved those teams, and being that the looney is now around 98 cents to the dollar, they certainly would more than likely be able to compete today.

But the two things I applaud Bettman the most for is annihilating Bob Goodenow in one of the biggest staredowns in sports history, and putting pressure on the PA government to keep the Penguins in Pittsburgh. Those two things alone has made him earn my approval.
Canadian fans disagree with you on a team in Las Vegas. lol

I been to many hockey forums and the majority of Canadians hate Bettman.
Bear-Arms said:
Canadian fans disagree with you on a team in Las Vegas. lol

I been to many hockey forums and the majority of Canadians hate Bettman.

Everyone hates Bettman. Anytime his name was ever mentioned over a loud speaker at an NHL game, it is followed up by a sea of boos and profanity.
I can't stand how Bettman has to present the Stanley Cup to the winning team each year. He's smarmy looking as hell and is a bad speaker to boot.

Let the management of the winning team present the Cup to the team captain. Or let Gordie Howe, or Steve Yzerman or some other legendary player present it -- someone who knows hockey and who is identified with its many great qualities.
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