Hockey blasted on the Larry Elder show

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
So they are talking about the Ron Artest incident on the Larry Elder show (who is black btw) and they have got this NBA guy talking about how hockey is at fault for this type of thing happening. He went on to say that hockey is just a savage sport and doesn't have the class and finesse of basketball.


I always associate class with ridin' on "dubs" and wearin my "bling".


Dec 9, 2004
Hockey has always been a rough and violent sport.Whether those on that Larry Elder show or anywhere else like it or not,violence is part of the game,always has been.Players live by a macho code,rules of the jungle if you will.If one player does something illeagel to one player that other one will want revenge,either later in the same game or the next time they play.It's the code.Every team has a policeman to watch protect the scorer type player or the smaller more gifted athlete.Some teams have several policeman like the Broad Street Bullies of the 70's.The go by the code.You touch one of my better players in a rough way we wil get you.I guarantee you that when Todd Bertuzzi gets playing again he will get a standing ovation from the Vancouver fans.They feel he was only doing what was right for the team,getting revenge.The code.Players,the media and fans understand this to be true.Throwing in some rough play and intimidation can go a long way in havinga team be successfull.By saying hockey is to blame is unfair and just plain stupid.