Hmmm...Why is fighting allowed in hockey?


Mar 11, 2011
Allowed? It's promoted! Ever wonder why? Especially when compared to the Big 3 of MLB, NFL and NBA, where fighting is strictly prohibited. I may be mistaken, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think that Big 3 fights are even covered orshownon ESPN, even though hockey fights are part of every highlight reel.<div></div><div>Why? Tradition? No, I don't think so. It could have been outlawed 20 or 30 years ago without putting a dent in its attendance. There has to be another reason and I think I know what it is: skin color. Fighting is allowed in pro hockey because it's the white man's sport, both in players and fans.</div><div></div><div>There's nothing thecultural marxistmedia likes better than portraying white males as violent barbarians who delight in beating each other's brains out. Or to show white males getting their brains beaten out. This theme is gleefully played out throughout media, not just in hockey, in tv shows, movies and advertising, where white males are almost exclusively the victims and perpetrators of violent acts. ESPN hosts laugh and giggle as they narrate the nightly hockey brawl, but who solemnly treat a basketball fight withblacks players as ''an unfortunate event that has no place in today's game.''</div><div></div><div>The reason is clear to me, if not to others, for I've learned that nothing in the media--tv shows, movies, advertising, news or sports--is given to us for our benefit. It's all designed for our destruction, meaning the elimination of the white middle-class in general, particularly white middle-class males. Allowing fighting in pro hockey is yetanother cog in the propaganda wheel spinning out an image of violent white males, encouraging our young white boys to fight each other, building mistrust in other races who obviously must protect themselves through laws and legislationfrom evil, blue-eyed devils. </div><div></div><div>Of course, we all know whom the real societal perpetrators of violence are. Yet in the media, in sports, they are portrayed the wise, gentle folk, especially in the eyes of white girls. May you never view a hockey fight the same again.</div><div></div><div>
Marquis said:
Allowed? It's promoted! Ever wonder why? Especially when compared to the Big 3 of MLB, NFL and NBA, where fighting is strictly prohibited. I may be mistaken, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think that Big 3 fights are even covered or shown on ESPN, even though hockey fights are part of every highlight reel.<div></div><div>Why? Tradition? No, I don't think so. It could have been outlawed 20 or 30 years ago without putting a dent in its attendance. There has to be another reason and I think I know what it is: skin color. Fighting is allowed in pro hockey because it's the white man's sport, both in players and fans.</div><div> </div><div>There's nothing the cultural marxist media likes better than portraying white males as violent barbarians who delight in beating each other's brains out. Or to show white males getting their brains beaten out. This theme is gleefully played out throughout media, not just in hockey, in tv shows, movies and advertising, where white males are almost exclusively the victims and perpetrators of violent acts. ESPN hosts laugh and giggle as they narrate the nightly hockey brawl, but who solemnly treat a basketball fight with blacks players as ''an unfortunate event that has no place in today's game.''</div><div> </div><div>The reason is clear to me, if not to others, for I've learned that nothing in the media--tv shows, movies, advertising, news or sports--is given to us for our benefit. It's all designed for our destruction, meaning the elimination of the white middle-class in general, particularly white middle-class males. Allowing fighting in pro hockey is yet another cog in the propaganda wheel spinning out an image of violent white males, encouraging our young white boys to fight each other, building mistrust in other races who obviously must protect themselves through laws and legislation from evil, blue-eyed devils. </div><div> </div><div>Of course, we all know whom the real societal perpetrators of violence are. Yet in the media, in sports, they are portrayed the wise, gentle folk, especially in the eyes of white girls. May you never view a hockey fight the same again. </div><div> </div><div>
You're thinking too deep here. Hockey traditionally looked the other way for fighting because of the potential violence with the sticks if fighting was banned. Don Cherry always talks about the chippy play in European leagues because fighting is essentially banned in the leagues.
You're thinking too deep here. Hockey traditionally looked the other way for fighting because of the potential violence with the sticks if fighting was banned. Don Cherry always talks about the chippy play in European leagues because fighting is essentially banned in the leagues.
<div></div><div>You may be right. I probably am thinking too deeply ''here''. I should probably lighten up a bit and view life as if it's still 1950 and that June Cleaver's still my mother. </div><div></div><div>A similar strategy is being used in extreme fighting, where I've read that most of the fighters are white. The new gladiators of New Rome, America. White males are being promoted and showcased in extreme fighting for the same reason that white hockey players are allowed and encouraged to beat each other's brains out. </div><div></div><div>White males are being used as brutishgladiators, while black males are held up as wise, gentle,super-human heroes, ''King James'', to be worshipped by white boys and, especially, white girls.</div><div></div><div>Even Hollywood gave us a heads-up way back in 1968 with the movie, The Planet of the Apes,giving us our future of white men in cages controlled by...''apes''...rather, non-whites. </div><div></div><div>It all seems obvious to me, but, you may have something here. I probably am thinking too deeply--for a lowlywhite male. </div><div></div><div></div><div></div>
Marquis said:
You're thinking too deep here. Hockey traditionally looked the other way for fighting because of the potential violence with the sticks if fighting was banned. Don Cherry always talks about the chippy play in European leagues because fighting is essentially banned in the leagues.
<div></div><div>You may be right. I probably am thinking too deeply ''here''. I should probably lighten up a bit and view life as if it's still 1950 and that June Cleaver's still my mother. </div><div></div><div>A similar strategy is being used in extreme fighting, where I've read that most of the fighters are white. The new gladiators of New Rome, America. White males are being promoted and showcased in extreme fighting for the same reason that white hockey players are allowed and encouraged to beat each other's brains out. </div><div></div><div>White males are being used as brutishgladiators, while black males are held up as wise, gentle,super-human heroes, ''King James'', to be worshipped by white boys and, especially, white girls.</div><div></div><div>Even Hollywood gave us a heads-up way back in 1968 with the movie, The Planet of the Apes,giving us our future of white men in cages controlled by...''apes''...rather, non-whites. </div><div></div><div>It all seems obvious to me, but, you may have something here. I probably am thinking too deeply--for a lowlywhite male. </div><div></div><div></div><div></div>

Grow up TROLL!!
An interesting topic.
Probably another reason they are allowed to fight is that hockey players fight "civilly" -- there will be no knives pulled out or a secret gang-shooting afterward.
I think it's a good point. The MSM does milk all it can from painting the peaceful Swedes and Czechs as violent barbarians. Humorous when you consider the thugs that make up the NBA and NFL. But it's also the situation, tradition, and the fact that the players are padded but still exposed at the head (they can easily remove the helmets in hockey) unlike football where they are completely padded and basketball where there is no padding. And baseball fights, rare as they are, get covered extensively by the media.

The old sterotype of hockey players with missing teeth is also still featured in the MSM even though most of them have all of their teeth. I always thought it was a way to link the northern whites that play hockey with the sterotype "hillbilly" who lacks teeth. The hillbilly sterotype is a favorite of the media and especially comedians as whites are one of the last groups that can be make fun of with impunity.
Grow up TROLL!!
</div><div></div><div>Troll? What's your point, based on what? That I'm somehow harming white males by pointing out how we are used detrimentally in media propaganda?</div><div></div><div>That's absurd! Give us specifics as to why I'm a 'troll'. </div><div></div><div>If you don't answer then we'll assume there are no specifics, which, of course, there aren't. </div>
Fighting in the nba is like watching a girly slapfest, unless the players go into the stands to attack the fans.
if i had a dollar for every act of violence that i have witnessed committed by black males i could retire. black males fight very differently than white males. rare is the occasion where 2 black males are involved in a "fair one" (on on one with no sucker punching). typically black males swarm and converge on their target as a group leaving mass confusion in their wake. black girls on the other hand fight more like white males do, only louder and leave hair weave all over the ground.
i see nobility in hockey fights. a challenge is set forth, it can be accepted, or declined, and it's over when it's over. it's quite beautiful if you ask me, and great lessons can be learned from it.

long live the fighting in hockey.
Marquis said:
<div>Of course, we all know whom the real societal perpetrators of violence are. Yet in the media, in sports, they are portrayed the wise, gentle folk, especially in the eyes of white girls. May you never view a hockey fight the same again.</div><div></div><div>

If that's the reasoning of the girlie-man media, then file it under EPIC FAIL; The NHL actually has the highest percentage of female Season Ticket holders. Women do like Men to be a bit rough around the edges, but who are also self-controlled - which hockey players excel at.

Fighting in the NHL is a self-policing method and there is a protocol to fighting. Outright thuggery is not tolerated.

Edited by: Jack Acid
Are you nuts? Fist fighting in Hockey is a great way to ease tension and tempers. Would you rather that a "spur of the moment rage" results in a tragic stick blow? Fist punching is a "safer" way to help resolve tension and tempers. It's enough proof why men will always be "men."

Resolving issues with "words" isn't always a thing for men, but "always" a thing for women. Edited by: j41181
Stop calling brand new posters here trolls, simply because they express an opinion slightly off the beaten path. How many times do I have to say it?
I understand your concern about how European peoples are portrayed in the media. In this case however, I think you are wrong. The one on one, face to face fistfights are a tradition in hockey, designed to eliminate hockey stick attacks during the game. The fist fights in hockey usually aren't huge ghetto type wild brawls.They are controlled, one one one,"fair"fights, that only last a short time and are quickly broken up when one fighter "wins" the fight. Very controlled violence.
The NHL could eliminate most violence in hockey and play an olympic games style game. But some fans like those fights.
Folks, I get that fighting may be traditional ''designed to eliminate hockey stick attacks during the game'', that it's a tough man's tilt that's''...a great way to ease tension and tempers'', and that even''it's quite beautiful....and great lessons can be learned from it.'', but I'm certain that these traditionalist,fan-inspired reasonsarenot whyice brawlingwas allowed, encouraged, marketed and promoted up to present day. <div></div><div>Just toput it briefly and basically, because I've learned overmany years that others either get it or they don't get it--they're either awake and aware of it or they aren't--there is an organized effort or force that controls quite literally every aspect, nook and cranny of our society and'institutions' (media, education, corporationsetc), including sports at its highest levels, whose designs include the destruction of the white middle-class, its families, and particularly its white males. </div><div></div><div>Therefore, from this basic premise, literally everything presented or forced onto us via media, education,pop-culture, sports, et al,are all designed to dismantle, destruct and destroy us as a race (or class within a race) of people. </div><div></div><div>That's where I'm coming from, and that's why I'm certain of my position that this organized force--cultural marxists or whatever name--has no concern or respect for our white middle-class traditions (hockey fighting) but rather areturning them against usin a form of 'judo' that uses the momentum of our own weight (pride, naivete) to flip us on our backs.In this way, keeping with the discussion topic,the 'flip' is in the form of propaganda thattaints white males as brutish, violent, tooth-lessbarbarians who should be eradicated or bred out of existence for the benefit of all other races. These people are so good at what they do that they've been able todog-condition and brainwash many of us into arguing fortheir own(cultural marxist's) position, i.e. using our own weight against us. </div><div></div><div>I hope my position may nowbe a bit clearer as to where my point of viewon this subject comesfrom.</div>
Marquis said:
Folks, I get that fighting may be traditional ''designed to eliminate hockey stick attacks during the game'', that it's a tough man's tilt that's ''...a great way to ease tension and tempers'', and that even ''it's quite beautiful....and great lessons can be learned from it.'', but I'm certain that these traditionalist, fan-inspired reasons are not why ice brawling was allowed, encouraged, marketed and promoted up to present day. <div> </div><div>Just to put it briefly and basically, because I've learned over many years that others either get it or they don't get it--they're either awake and aware of it or they aren't--there is an organized effort or force that controls quite literally every aspect, nook and cranny of our society and 'institutions' (media, education, corporations etc), including sports at its highest levels, whose designs include the destruction of the white middle-class, its families, and particularly its white males. </div><div> </div><div>Therefore, from this basic premise, literally everything presented or forced onto us via media, education, pop-culture, sports, et al, are all designed to dismantle, destruct and destroy us as a race (or class within a race) of people. </div><div> </div><div>That's where I'm coming from, and that's why I'm certain of my position that this organized force--cultural marxists or whatever name--has no concern or respect for our white middle-class traditions (hockey fighting) but rather are turning them against us in a form of 'judo' that uses the momentum of our own weight (pride, naivete) to flip us on our backs. In this way, keeping with the discussion topic, the 'flip' is in the form of propaganda that taints white males as brutish, violent, tooth-less barbarians who should be eradicated or bred out of existence for the benefit of all other races. These people are so good at what they do that they've been able to dog-condition and brainwash many of us into arguing for their own (cultural marxist's) position, i.e. using our own weight against us. </div><div> </div><div> I hope my position may now be a bit clearer as to where my point of view on this subject comes from.</div>

I think Marquis simply prefers the fight-free Euro style of hockey. He'll deny it, but he does.

JohnEdited by: foreverfree
jaxvid said:
I think it's a good point. The MSM does milk all it can from painting the peaceful Swedes and Czechs as violent barbarians. Humorous when you consider the thugs that make up the NBA and NFL. But it's also the situation, tradition, and the fact that the players are padded but still exposed at the head (they can easily remove the helmets in hockey) unlike football where they are completely padded and basketball where there is no padding. And baseball fights, rare as they are, get covered extensively by the media.

The old sterotype of hockey players with missing teeth is also still featured in the MSM even though most of them have all of their teeth. I always thought it was a way to link the northern whites that play hockey with the sterotype "hillbilly" who lacks teeth. The hillbilly sterotype is a favorite of the media and especially comedians as whites are one of the last groups that can be make fun of with impunity.
I think the reason they lookk the other way in hockey is the fights are betweentwo whites. When negors first started invading pro sports the "Power's that be" were worried that white players would give fans the impression they were fighting back.
I've really started to pick up on the portrayal of black males in Hollywood movies as the doctors, the crime fighters, the Alpha male with a heart for the underdog, the gentile souls.

I can think of two movies in point. Die hard (I forget which number) is one of them:

Out of the evil doers, all of them were white except the genius computer geek trying to break the bank encryption codes to steal the money, he was black.

In this movie the main character police officer, who wanted to give renegade Bruce Willis a chance to fight off the terrorists alone- rather than put the hostages at risk was the black guy from Family Matters, Carl Winslow (I forget the actor's real name). He was by far the most likable cop in the movie.

The more likable of the two main character FBI agents at the scene was black.

What about the friendly/ likable limo driver who waited the whole time for Bruce Willis in the parking garage under the building while the terror plot was going on, without knowing what was going on above him? He was the funniest character in the movie- he was black too.

The over representation of 13% of the population in the likeable roles kept getting more ridiculous.

What about Panic Room: All the criminals were white except the one "with a heart" who was outraged that a money heist plot he was part of turned to violence against the two white women, he was black. I believe he was the one who ended up saving the two white women who were about to suffocate in the panic room in the end if I'm not mistaken. This stuff is MUCH too common to be coincidence.

I think this new poster has a valid point about how the cultural Marxists want blacks and whites portrayed to further their agenda.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins