History's Forgotten Genocide

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
A revolution took place in Haiti in 1803-04. A black dictator, Jean Jacques Dessalines, took control, and in April 2004, gave the order to kill all the white people.

There had been about 20,000 whites living in Haiti in 1800 - many of them 3rd or 4th generation descendants of French settlers. Their grandparents and great-grandparents came over from France in the late 1600s and 1700s and settled the then-rich colony.

There were several hundred thousand blacks in Haiti at the turn of the 19th century. They were since 1794 free men, although their ancestors had been slaves. The blacks rose up and took control, declaring Haiti a republic. The whites were assured in a peace agreement that they would be unharmed. Some were wise and left for the safer shores of France, but many - one source estimates 4500 - remained. Some decided to stay (Haiti was their home), probably others had not yet been able to find passage on a ship.

In early 1804, Dessalines created a law that forbade whites from ever owning land or property in Haiti. He then gave the order to kill all the white people. The French women were literally raped to death, and there was no mercy for their children, who were hacked or beaten to death. The white men were tortured before being killed - even the white Catholic priests were tortured to death. On the April 20 "Night of Horrors" the remaining whites who had been rounded up were slaughtered.

The captain of a British ship patrolling the coast of Haiti wrote in his log that he observed hundreds of bodies of white people floating along the shore - including small children. An American trader in Haiti, Captain Perkins, returned to the US and wrote the chilling details of this forgotten genocide.
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Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
A chilling story I have never read in our history books or heard of anywhere else. Maybe this story is why we need "White History Month"
in our schools.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
guest301 said:
A chilling story I have never read in our history books or heard of anywhere else. Maybe this story is why we need "White History Month"
in our schools.


Strangely enough, I found the most detailed account of the genocide on a black history website. If you go into yahoo.com and go to advanced search, then type in "bodies Haiti Dessalines 1804" you'll come up with several accounts of what happened. Wikipedia barely mentions that Dessalines ordered the killing of all the whites.

Dessalines law forbidding whites to own land or property in Haiti is still in effect today. Haiti is the most desperately poor country in the western hemisphere, and has the highest rates of violent crime and the most severe environmental devastation.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
White residents felt the sting most sharply. While Toussaint, a former privileged slave of a tolerant white master, had felt a certain magnanimity toward whites, Dessalines, a former field slave, despised them with a maniacal intensity. He reportedly agreed wholeheartedly with his aide, Boisrond-Tonnerre, who stated, "For our declaration of independence, we should have the skin of a white man for parchment, his skull for an inkwell, his blood for ink, and a bayonet for a pen!" Accordingly, whites were slaughtered wholesale under the rule of Dessalines.



Aug 9, 2005
Well, one consolation is that life in Haiti absolutely sucks. It's a voodoo ridden hell hole. If white people were running it it would be incredibly rich. We'd harvest the sugar and turn it into a tourist destination. By killing the whites, the blacks bit off the hand that fed them. It's the same thing with Mugabe. He killed and kicked out the white farmers, now his people are all starving to death.


The NWO in Washington ousted the mulato regime in Haiti a couple of years ago, and installed the full-blooded Negro gang that lords over it now. The mulatos were too White for them. Baby Doc Bush and Papa Doc Bush missed the nice Black Baby and Papa Doc Duvaliers. Washington was also instrumental in destroying the great White nations of southern Africa, especially Rhodesia and the RSA.



f**king bullsh*t zio-software f**king altering f**king

Z I O N I S TO C C U P A T I O N A L GOVERNMENT (and this time I f**king spelled it out) into generic "NWO" again!

wwEdited by: werewolf


Do me a favor and ban me. It would be another badge of honor for me. Besides, I don't like to leave any joint under my own steam. I prefer to be ushered out by some bouncer or matron or something. Got into that habit when we were kids and used to sneak into the movies and loudly crack jokes until the matron escorted us out by our ears. A more stylish way to exit than just walking out, I think.

Thank you.


Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
werewolf said:
Do me a favor and ban me. It would be another badge of honor for me. Besides, I don't like to leave any joint under my own steam. I prefer to be ushered out by some bouncer or matron or something. Got into that habit when we were kids and used to sneak into the movies and loudly crack jokes until the matron escorted us out by our ears. A more stylish way to exit than just walking out, I think.

It's time for you to grow up, Werewolf! This is a good website, and I'm thankful for it. I don't understand why you don't appreciate it.
Oct 24, 2005
I wonder if Will Smith thinks that Dessalines is not evil but a person who thinks he is doing something right. Someone should ask him.


It's time for you to grow up, Werewolf! This is a good website, and I'm thankful for it. I don't understand why you don't appreciate it.


Grow up? Why? You're only young once, but you can be immature for your entire life! (Favorite t-shirt I once saw).

As for this place, it's a zionist front and they don't even bother to deny it or hide it. They try to co opt all corners of the market, here the pro-White sports segment.

If I'm wrong, tell me why. I may be immature, but I'm open-minded.


Edited by: werewolf


Haiti was called "the pearl of the antilles" before the genocidal negro slave rebellion. The French couldn't crush it because they were preengaged with their own genocidal revolution. When the negroes finished with the whites, they started killing the mulatos. Ever since then the former pearl of the antilles has been one of the poorest countries in the world, if not THE poorest. It was starting to make a slight comeback a couple of years ago when the mulatos got back in power, so that's when Washington - the "NWO" [sic] barged in.



Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
werewolf said:
f**king bullsh*t zio-software f**king altering f**king

Z I O N I S TO C C U P A T I O N A L GOVERNMENT (and this time I f**king spelled it out) into generic "NWO" again!

f**k this zionist-front place!

Libertyforum.org. Come on over.


If this is a Zionist front site, there's some real good actors here playing their part and playing it well and I am the biggest fool here.
Why don't you quit seeing the jewish boogeyman under every rock and come back to reality. The word is banned here for a reason that the powers that be around here have already explained to you or are you just trolling for a fight/ban?


The word is banned here for a reason that the powers that be around here have already explained to you


No, that's just it, they have not explained a thing. Show me where they have explained the reason for banning those words here.Edited by: werewolf


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Incredible story. I'll have to ask one of the 3 Haitians I know about it when I get back to Utah.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
werewolf said:
Do me a favor and ban me. It would be another badge of honor for me. Besides, I don't like to leave any joint under my own steam. I prefer to be ushered out by some bouncer or matron or something. Got into that habit when we were kids and used to sneak into the movies and loudly crack jokes until the matron escorted us out by our ears. A more stylish way to exit than just walking out, I think.

Thank you.


God you're an *******, no wonder you get banned so much, it's idiots like you that undermine the white awareness movement by attacking your own people because they're the only ones that will put up with your BS for more then 5 minutes.

You have been pushing the limits ever since you got here going off on silly sh@t just to push people's buttons. If you don't like the "censorship" then just go away, don't post anymore, only an attention starved immature child would rant and rave and throw internet tantrums just to get banned instead of leaving on personal principle if the banning of a certain phrase is so distastful to you.

In case it makes a difference to you (and I don't really care if it does, this is for the rest of the readers that act rationally) the phrase is banned because the use of it denigrates discussions into endless arguments over the issue of jewish control over media and society. As has been pointed out dozens of times this site is not here to hash out the intracacies of jewish influence, we don't duck the discussion, we don't ban the subject, we talk about it in reasonable terms.

As is evidenced by your over-the-top ranting we had hoped that by censoring certain phrases such as that one it would keep away those people that went into wild, frothing, spasms anytime the phrase was mentioned. Unfortunately there remain people that are unable to obey even the simplest rules of decorum, repeatedly violate the spirit and letter of the guidelines, and continue to behave in an uncivilized manner unworthy of the tradition of free expression which is the hallmark of our people and our culture.

You will probably answer this in your typical manner of aggressive confrontation with which you seem to get a perverse kick out of, in that case you will get your desired result.


You will probably answer this in your typical manner of aggressive confrontation ..


Right, f**k you! How do you think I'll respond when you start off saying, "God you're an *******", and then I sort of skimmed through the rest. All you had to do was explain the reason for the censorship in the first place when I first noticed it and complained about it and then I would have said no more about it, but I suppose that would be beneath your dignity, explaining something to a common peon. Anyway, this place, good as it is in many respects, is getting on my nerves, particularly you, and since I ain't getting paid to post my brilliant words of wisdom, and OK, my tirades too, I'll just go ahead and ban myself.

So good luck in the good things you do here, and don't take it personally. I don't take any of your bullsh*t personally. I wouldn't know any of you if I bumped into you in the street and vice versa.



Oh, wait, one last thing before I go. This has been bugging me. JD1986 (the guy who told me about this place in the first place, so you can blame him) said that some study or other proved that all American Indians are descended from three men who crossed over the Siberian land bridge. Which of them three guys had all the babies?


Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
werewolf said:
Oh, wait, one last thing before I go. This has been bugging me. JD1986 (the guy who told me about this place in the first place, so you can blame him) said that some study or other proved that all American Indians are descended from three men who crossed over the Siberian land bridge. Which of them three guys had all the babies?
I accept the blame, Werewolf. I've become more and more embarassed about recommending this site to you. I'd read your posts at boxingscene last June - you, like myself, were rooting for and defending white boxers. I believed you would enjoy this site as I do, and had no idea you lacked the maturity and common sense to respect the people here. I apologize to the admins here at castefootball for recommending this site to you.

I didn't post that only three men crossed over the land bridge. I said a DNA study by Harvard University in 2002 concluded that all American Indians are descended from only three men who crossed over. More men may have crossed the land bridge, but didn't successfully pass their genes on to future generations. In primitive tribes, sometimes only a few of the strongest men mate with the women. The study didn't deal with female DNA lines, only male - American Indians may be descended from many or few women - they don't know.

Edited by: Parody


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
werewolf said:
All you had to do was explain the reason for the censorship in the first place when I first noticed it and complained about it and then I would have said no more about it, but I suppose that would be beneath your dignity, explaining something to a common peon.

For the purpose of informing other members about this issue let me say that it is not the resposibility of the site to explain in detail the reasons for each and every policy and guideline. If you have any questions about something we would be glad to discuss it in private via PM.

In the case of which words and phrases may be censored that is a hit and miss proposition, the current list may not be perfect but has worked reasonably well so far, but any rational input about it will be welcomed.

In the particular case of ww it was not that one phrase but a pattern of behavior that was objectionable by any measure. As we have spoken about in the past even supporters can undermine a posting forum by disruptive behavior of the kind exemplified by Mr. WW. Attempts were made to advise him of this in private and in public exchanges. The results of which were there for all to see.

Personally I welcome a very broad exchange of views as helpful to an interesting and informative discussion. I have only banned those that were here explicitly to undermine the site. Others that I disagree with or did not care for in some manner I have not any desire to ban unless they begin to regularly violate some guideline. Note however the final decision is Don's and he has a less forgiving nature in this matter (it seems to me

werewolf said:
Anyway, this place, good as it is in many respects, is getting on my nerves, particularly you, and since I ain't getting paid to post my brilliant words of wisdom, and OK, my tirades too, I'll just go ahead and ban myself.

Thank you.


"I didn't post that only three men crossed over the land bridge. I said a DNA study by Harvard University in 2002 concluded that all American Indians are descended from only three men who crossed over. "

You just repeated it again, einstein. Didn't anybody ever tell you that if you don't know the first thing about a subject it might be better to just keep your mouth closed - instead of trying to parrot some politically correct imbecile "study" you heard, or think you heard, about someplace?

And to the other guy: You're welcome.

wwEdited by: werewolf

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
T. Lothrop Stoddard's "The French Revolution In San Domingo" is a good primer on the subject (anti-white genocide by black and mulatto "Hatians").Edited by: Deus Vult


Apr 6, 2007

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
werewolf said:
This has been bugging me. JD1986 (the guy who told me about this place in the first place, so you can blame him) said that some study or other proved that all American Indians are descended from three men who crossed over the Siberian land bridge. Which of them three guys had all the babies?

JD1986 said:
I didn't post that [/u]only[/u] three men crossed over the land bridge. I said a DNA study by Harvard University in 2002 concluded that all American Indians are descended from only three men who crossed over. More men may have crossed the land bridge, but didn't successfully pass their genes on to future generations. In primitive tribes, sometimes only a few of the strongest men mate with the women. The study didn't deal with female DNA lines, only male - American Indians may be descended from many or few women - they don't know.

Even a cursory glance at JD's post shows that ww needs to work on his reading comprehension.