History About to be Made

JerveyGotGypped said:
Seal married Klum EVEN THOUGH SHE HAS A CHILD BY A PREVIOUS MAN...and, ostensibly, he cares for this child as best as can be expected for a child not of his issue. Heidi probably loves him because he's a decent (albeit maudlin) guy.

Wow! Mighty big of him to marry the uber wealthy and hot babe Heidi Klum despite her having a child by another man! That Seal guy is a saint! LOL

JerveyGotGypped said:
How's that irony for your ass? A Black man caring for an absentee White man's illegitimate offspring!

Yes, he is definitely one in a million!

White Shogun said:
JerveyGotGypped said:
Seal married Klum EVEN THOUGH SHE HAS A CHILD BY A PREVIOUS MAN...and, ostensibly, he cares for this child as best as can be expected for a child not of his issue. Heidi probably loves him because he's a decent (albeit maudlin) guy.

Wow! Mighty big of him to marry the uber wealthy and hot babe Heidi Klum despite her having a child by another man! That Seal guy is a saint! LOL

Seal had a few pretty huge hit singles a few years back, any one of which likely set him up quite well through royalties/residuals, etc, so i don't know that it's quite accurate for those like us to be kibbitzing from anonimity about him hooking in an "über wealthy and hot babe" as though he were some gold-digger.

A Black woman could be forgiven in bemoaning the loss of yet another talented, wealthy, intelligent (the guy studied engineering) and couragous (one of the very rare few high-profile Blacks to publicly condemn popular urban culture for it's portrayal of women) Black man to yet another "blue-eyed devil"...so why is she the one slumming?
Nor should you 'kibbitz in anonimity' when you write that:

JerveyGotGypped said:
he cares for this child as best as can be expected for a child not of his issue. Heidi probably loves him because he's a decent (albeit maudlin) guy.

Unless you're a personal friend of theirs, you are writing from 'anonimity' the same as I, and basing your opinion on what you read in the news, same as I. You don't know if he really cares for that child as his own, and you don't know why Klum 'probably loves him' or if she loves him at all.

My sarcastic remark highlighted that, at least on a superficial level, anonimitous (is that a word?) as it may be, that one benefits far more by marrying a woman like Heidi Klum than one 'loses' by parenting her child from a previous marriage. In all liklihood, they have plenty of nursemaids, nannies and butlers to take care of all the regular parental duties that concern the more modest of parents, and what time they spend with their children is probably 'playtime.'

But I am of course, merely speculating, because I do not know them personally.

No where in my post did I say that Seal was a 'gold-digger.' I'm certain you are aware that Mrs. Klum-Seal brings more to the table than just her dowry?

Nor did I say that Klum was slumming.

You attempted to make it seem like Seal was doing something wonderful by marrying Heidi Klum, and I was merely pointing out that many men, not just Seal, would certainly liked to have married her as well, with or without child. It has nothing to do with some inner quality that only Seal possesses.

And the irony you write about is ironic only because of its comparison - the, in this case, singular example of a black man married to a white woman with a white child, by another man, - as opposed to the tremendous number of bi-racial children born to white women, out of wedlock, bred by black fathers. If it weren't for the latter, there would be no irony.
I didn't kibbitz on the nature of their relationship...the original poster did. Given the evidence at hand (her unqualified fame & wealth) and her known personal daliances (Ric Picino, Anthony Keidis, etc) it seems reasonable to presume that her pairing to Seal works at some less corporal level than pop-culture brain-washing or miscegenophilia (i made that word up.)

I'm pointing out an (absurd) example of anecdotal evidence used as some sort of intellectual quantity in this little positive-feedback-loop of group victimization you guys started on this football forum. So I'd have to kibbitz, myself, so I did.

As juvenile as he might have come across to you guys, you could maybe take a page out of the OCfootball book of dating.Edited by: JerveyGotGypped
JerveyGotGypped said:
it seems reasonable to presume that her pairing to Seal works at some less corporal level than pop-culture brain-washing or miscegenophilia (i made that word up.)

You're right, of course, and I pointed out what some of those reasons might be, other than 'pop-culture brain-washing or miscegenophilia.'

Its might nice of you to continue to stop by and waste your time with us neanderthals here on CF, Gypped.
white tornado said:
I saw the newest commercial in the series. Ryan the main character is walking down the hallway in the high school and a beautiful blond cheerleader walks by says high and smiles at him suggestively.

I noticed this scene was removed from the commercial when it ran during the Sunday night and Monday night games. I wonder why it was removed and if it will stay removed.
I think the seen was pulled due to time constraints because they removed couple other seens including Urlacer smashing someone.
White Shogun said:
My sarcastic remark highlighted that, at least on a superficial level, anonimitous (is that a word?) as it may be, that one benefits far more by marrying a woman like Heidi Klum than one 'loses' by parenting her child from a previous marriage. In all liklihood, they have plenty of nursemaids, nannies and butlers to take care of all the regular parental duties that concern the more modest of parents, and what time they spend with their children is probably 'playtime.'


You attempted to make it seem like Seal was doing something wonderful by marrying Heidi Klum, and I was merely pointing out that many men, not just Seal, would certainly liked to have married her as well, with or without child. It has nothing to do with some inner quality that only Seal possesses.

Well argued, Shogun. The one thing I've learned on Internet discussion boards is that people love to jump to conclusions in order to make whatever argument they've already decided to make, regardless of what you're actually saying.
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