History About to be Made

The problem now in many Western country's is the fact that White men are now forced into a nightmarish situation in which they now have to compete with non white men for White women.No other race of men face that situation anywhere in the world,Japanese guys dont have to compete with other races for their birthright the Japanese woman neither do Indians,Chinese Koreans or whoever.Only White men and if its a war we lose,then the consequences are unbearable.

From what i see,White women who go Black tend to have low self esteems.They dont have the friends or social networks of their white female counterparts who hold down careers,have a broad network of colleagues,close friends and family members.These types of highly intelligent,goodlooking,succesful and personable White women,you will probably never see with a Black guy.

Also,White men tend to be more choosey when it comes to dating partners than non Whites.You may have a White girl that dos'nt have many friends,maybe grew up in care without the support of a wider family,no White father figures around,the only white men she's ever known,ex boyfriends etc were abbusive.She may not be the best looking,its these types of White girls who are at risk.I can maybe understand why Dunte becomes an attractive option.I have worked with Black guys,and some of them are quite personable and they know how to play the game.Black men are the ultimate predators in their pusuit of White females.They will come off as charming,personable and charismatic to these White girls with zero self esteem,who hardly ever get attention from White guys and watch their better looking freinds approached by them leaving herself on the shelf.Many of them probaly still prefer White men but they find themselves with no alternative.Its only when he's got her pregnant or involved in a long term relationship that he removes the charming facade and reveals the ******.
White Shogun said:
Ground Fighter:

I will be the first admit that all that I write about above was me at one time. But the older you get the more you see things, and you realize the error of your ways.

I personally do not recommend any bars, with cover or without. Nothing good comes out of hanging out in bars, especially those that are 'meat-(meet)markets.' Sure, have a beer with your bros on a Sunday or Monday night to watch the game. But don't spend all night Friday and Saturday night cruising to pick up chicks. I know its the way we live today, but it doesn't have to be. We can only do so much to change things, but we have to start at home first.

Again, just my opinion. YMMV.

Yeah, I'm starting to understand what you're getting at. I'm in the under-25 age bracket, so I guess not every one of my life persepectives are all where they should be, especially for a WN. I guess it comes with maturity.
Ground Fighter said:
Yeah, I'm starting to understand what you're getting at. I'm in the under-25 age bracket, so I guess not every one of my life persepectives are all where they should be, especially for a WN. I guess it comes with maturity.

Brother, I hope I didn't insult you. That wasn't my intention, sincerely. If so, I apologize. I just have a different perspective, that's why I kept adding IMO and YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary) to my posts. I understand where you're coming from, too.
White Shogun said:
Brother, I hope I didn't insult you. That wasn't my intention, sincerely. If so, I apologize. I just have a different perspective, that's why I kept adding IMO and YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary) to my posts. I understand where you're coming from, too.

Nah man, I'm not insulted at all. What you said just kind of made me realize that I should probably
re-evaluate my priorities in life. Life isn't all about chasing tail, but when your boys call you up and are like, "lets go out", the first thing that enters your head is: girls. lol.

I just take it as a personal slap in the face, when I see some subhuman thug hitting on one of my own in a bar. I think anyone on this site would feel the same way. Just the thought of it makes my blood boil.

But, nah man, you didn't insult me. You just made me realize that I need to get my sh*t together, and find someone for a possible long-term commitment, not a nightly one.
Hang in there Ground Fighter.I enjoy going out to the bars myself.Finding a good women these days is very hard.Trust me when I say that you are not the only white guy that is discouraged.I see the same thing going on out here.The biggest turn on for a women is confidence.That is the biggest advice that I would give to anyone.Talk to them like you are the best guy that they will ever meet.They will see that confidence and it will make them want to get to know you.Trust me,this works.Good luck bro.We should all do a group Caste Trip to Vegas sometime.Especially the single guys on here who are still searching for that special lady.
So exactly what are you saying us single guys should do in Vegas white lightning?

BTW, I wish some of us could get together sometime. Twould be a good thing!
white lightning said:
We should all do a group Caste Trip to Vegas sometime.

Thats got 'bad news' written all over it. lol.
I'm picturing something along the lines of "Animal House". It would be like "National Lampoon's: Caste Football Goes to Vegas". Total zoo.
Maybe we can invite a couple of our favorite trolls to Vegas to play the roles of Dean Wermer and Niedermeyer.
It would probably be a really fun trip. Although, I doubt we'd even make it off the plane. Once 'big brother' found out that a bunch of 'racially-aware' White guys were going on little retreat together, the fun would be over. We would be charged with having a 'lack of diversity amongst our group'...lol. We can't win.
I could see the masses running from before us as we head towards downtown!
Ground Fighter said:
It would probably be a really fun trip. Although, I doubt we'd even make it off the plane. Once 'big brother' found out that a bunch of 'racially-aware' White guys were going on little retreat together, the fun would be over. We would be charged with having a 'lack of diversity amongst our group'...lol. We can't win.

Nah, it's Vegas, they cater to everybody, they would probably have a special 'white hookers only' brothel set up.
bigunreal said:
Look at Heidi Klum, a successful model who is one of the most beautiful women in the world. She married Seal, one of the ugliest, blackest thug rappers you can imagine, and has had at least one child with him.

Hey Bigunreal, I agree with everything you wrote, but if you don't mind me nitpicking for a second.
Seal is a pop singer, not a rapper. I haven't heard his music in years, but it was pretty mild stuff if memory serves.
We should do the trip sometime either later this year or next year.It would be a blast.We could share stories while eating to our hearts delight.Then we could have some cold ones for those who drink and show the ladies what real men look like.
I still guarantee you that more ladies will go for Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt than they would the Wayans Brothers.You catch my drift.Hey Don,we could even pass out some of the flyers or business cards in the sports books.Discretly of course.
One other quick note.I have been thinking about taking a vacation to Europe next summer.I have never been there.I want to go for around 2 weeks.That would be another great idea for the guys here to get together and go find some beautiful european women while celebrating our culture.Ireland,Germany,England,Sweden and many other possibilities.That would be the trip of a lifetime.
Ireland or Scotland would be cool!
I hear the irish women like american guys who shower with Irish Spring.
I think I better eat my Lucky Charms too before I go.Maybe I can find my Nicole Kidman.
white lightning said:
I hear the irish women like american guys who shower with Irish Spring. .

Since I am a happily married man with a beautiful wife, I have no interest in skirt chasing. However, I happen to be of the opinion that Irish women are extremely beautiful. I saw a lovely lass at a fast food place that was taking orders at the counter. She was dainty and very feminine. Her eyes were a stunning shade of green and her hair was reddish brown. Her skin was milky white and she had a few freckles running across her tiny nose. She looked like a thoroughbred Arabian in a room full of Clydesdales. I asked her if she was Irish and she replied yes.
Man Bart, your making it difficult on us single guys! I know the kind you are talking about!
Bart said:
white lightning said:
I hear the irish women like american guys who shower with Irish Spring. .

Since I am a happily married man with a beautiful wife, I have no interest in skirt chasing.  However,  I happen to be of the opinion that Irish women are extremely beautiful.  I saw a lovely lass at a fast food place that was taking orders at the counter. She was dainty and very feminine. Her eyes were a stunning shade of green and her hair was reddish brown.  Her skin was milky white and she had a few freckles running across her tiny nose. She looked like a thoroughbred Arabian in a room full of Clydesdales. I asked her if she was Irish and she replied yes.

She's probably dating a black guy and is going to end up having a bunch of mixed kids sending that combination of beautiful genes to the scrap heap of history. But of course it's RACIST for us to feel bad about it.
white lightning said:
One other quick note.I have been thinking about taking a vacation to Europe next summer.I have never been there.I want to go for around 2 weeks.That would be another great idea for the guys here to get together and go find some beautiful european women while celebrating our culture.Ireland,Germany,England,Sweden and many other possibilities.That would be the trip of a lifetime.

if you ever make it to Madrid, gimme a shout... other than Spain, i highly recommend Great Britain, France or Scandinavia... Germany doesn't have much going on, personally i don't care much for this country (quite boring
The reason blacks "be mackin our hoes", as they would so eliquently put it, is because they talk a good game. In other words, they tell a girl all types of bullsh*t (this tactic is also commonly known as lying). They say how much money they have, how big this is, how big that is...and our own stupid women fall for it.

Women are as a whole are suckers

Confidance is the biggist turn on for women. The avarage black man with no job, car, money or future thinks he is gods gift to the world.
JD074 said:
bigunreal said:
Look at Heidi Klum, a successful model who is one of the most beautiful women in the world. She married Seal, one of the ugliest, blackest thug rappers you can imagine, and has had at least one child with him.

Hey Bigunreal, I agree with everything you wrote, but if you don't mind me nitpicking for a second.
Seal is a pop singer, not a rapper. I haven't heard his music in years, but it was pretty mild stuff if memory serves.

You're right- shouldn't have stereotyped the good lad like that. Although that doesn't make the situation better.
Seal is as ugly as they come.I just don't get it either.She must be the typical dumb blonde and not know anybetter.Those kids must be weird looking.
Seal dated lots of models as far as i remember

btw are we still talking football in this thread?
You guys are hilarious. I haven't trolled on this board in ages & within 4 posts I'm reading about:

bigunreal said:
...Seal, one of the ugliest, blackest thug rappers you can imagine, and has had at least one child with him.

This forum is priceless. Seal is about as thuggish as Rafi. He sings corn-ball new-agish torch-songs...he's basically the Black John Mayer, only gayer.

Here's a pic of the father of Heidi's first child:


Flavio Briatore Big Pimpin':
"I knocked up a supermodel & then split...now another man raises the little bastard for me!"

Seal married Klum EVEN THOUGH SHE HAS A CHILD BY A PREVIOUS MAN...and, ostensibly, he cares for this child as best as can be expected for a child not of his issue. Heidi probably loves him because he's a decent (albeit maudlin) guy.

How's that irony for your ass? A Black man caring for an absentee White man's illegitimate offspring!Edited by: JerveyGotGypped
American Freedom News