History About to be Made

Bart said:
Once again a bunch of silly commercials with goofy white guys.And did you notice that school team spoof with Urlacher and a bunch of black players?Of course they included a scene of a pretty blonde girl flirting with a black in the hallway. Even after the T. Owens commercial flap, they persist in pushing this on us.

There's also another commercial in this series of commercials from Nike that features a black kid saying goodbye to his parents before he leaves for the school. His "parents" and Deion Sanders and a beautiful blonde white woman.

In print ads for this campaign, Urlacher is the only white player in the entire group. There are two hispanics and the rest are black (the coaches are Don Shula and other white men). But as we all know, "diversity" is only a ruse to fool Whitey into giving up his way of life and his country.
White Shogun said:
I don't know, I enjoyed watching tonight's game. I enjoyed watching the two or three white men on the field play the best football of anyone in the game. It was exciting watching Welker and Miller break out on their long runs, and somehow satisfying watching Daunte Culpepper implode in the 4th.

It just feels good to be right, ya know?

Agree completely. It was a good game to watch and cheerfor our tiny minority as they outshone the "world's greatest athletes."
Colonel_Reb said:
The local sports guys here just described Heath as "rumblin" down the field. No, it never stops.

Yahoo recap:pittsburgh Steelerstight end Heath Miller chugged his way down the sideline on an 87-yard touchdown pass play midway through the fourth quarter.
Bart said:
Colonel_Reb said:
The local sports guys here just described Heath as "rumblin" down the field. No, it never stops.

Yahoo recap:pittsburgh Steelers tight end Heath Miller chugged his way down the sideline on an 87-yard touchdown pass play midway through the fourth quarter.

Like a train, Bart, like a train. If you've ever stood next to a train 'chugging' down the tracks, you get a sense of three things; big, powerful - and fast. These guys unintentionally complimented Miller with that description of his run.
Bear-Arms said:
I didn't even watch a single pre-season game this year.Very rare for me. The NFL could be alienating its core audience. Heck, what am I saying? Of course it is! I can't even watch the stuff. The NFL has become a ghettoized form of Hollywood entertainment.

I didn't watch a second of last night's game.

If there were a couple of white running backs in the game blacks would have gotten no attention at all. Even though there were only a few white players it seemed like there were many more because they were so successful. They got a lot of camera time. Usually, the NFL shows pictures of whites on the sidelines all game long to give the impression that the NFL is more white than it really is. But whites were getting camera time because they were with or around the ball all night.

The one thing I saw that surprised me though was the affair that Bill Cowher is having with Joey Porter. I know he likes blacks, but I didn't realize just how much until last night.
Edited by: GWTJ
DV is right, because Saban leaving MSU just reminded them what a third-
rate program they are, a stepping-stone for any talented coach, not a
destination of champions.

Charles Rogers/Tony Mandarich U.!
Are the NFL and NBA in some kind of arms race to see who can be the most ghettoized league?
Don Wassall said:
White Shogun said:
I don't know, I enjoyed watching tonight's game. I enjoyed watching the two or three white men on the field play the best football of anyone in the game. It was exciting watching Welker and Miller break out on their long runs, and somehow satisfying watching Daunte Culpepper implode in the 4th. It just feels good to be right, ya know?

Agree completely.  It was a good game to watch and cheer for our tiny minority as they outshone the "world's greatest athletes."  

Unfortunately there are alot of games where there is absoloutely no white presence. This game was an exception and just because a white guy caught a pass here or there doesn't make it that great a game. Talk about lowered expectations, soon we are going to be cheering when the punter comes in.
jaxvid said:
Unfortunately there are alot of games where there is absoloutely no white presence. This game was an exception and just because a white guy caught a pass here or there doesn't make it that great a game. Talk about lowered expectations, soon we are going to be cheering when the punter comes in.

I don't know, if the white guys who did play had played poorly or were otherwise 'invisible' during the game, I might agree with you. But considering that they were the best on the field, and showed it, made the game worth while to me.

If it gets so bad that I'm watching merely to see the punter, I will quit watching for sure.
This game actually wasn't so bad from the anti-caste system perspective. Maybe all the wailing and gnashing of teeth about the horrible draft was pre-mature even! There is still Matt Leinart and A.J. Hawk to watch!
Don Wassall said:
White Shogun said:
I don't know, I enjoyed watching tonight's game. I enjoyed watching the two or three white men on the field play the best football of anyone in the game. It was exciting watching Welker and Miller break out on their long runs, and somehow satisfying watching Daunte Culpepper implode in the 4th. It just feels good to be right, ya know?

Agree completely.  It was a good game to watch and cheer for our tiny minority as they outshone the "world's greatest athletes."  

I was wondering if there was going to be a thread on this! What a joke that ad campaign is. Literally no white players on the team at all! Only Urlacher and of course the blonde wives to the Brothers.

If white guys aren't humiliated by this, they have lost all sense of their manhood.
I saw the newest commercial in the series. Ryan the main character is walking down the hallway in the high school and a beautiful blond cheerleader walks by says high and smiles at him suggestively.
white tornado said:
I saw the newest commercial in the series. Ryan the main character is walking down the hallway in the high school and a beautiful blond cheerleader walks by says high and smiles at him suggestively.

And at the very end of the commercial there's a black man and white woman in the crowd together. It seems like the black male/ white female relationship is becoming more and more acceptable.
Strangely enough, I see that increasingly here in Utah. I guess some of these ignorant white girls think they are doing the right thing by dating them or either they are trying to stick out. Also, it seems like there are a few more American blacks around BYU this year, or maybe I am just noticing it more this year.
It will continue to get worse.It is just the day and age that we live in.That is why gays and lesbians are becoming more prominent all of the time.Movies like Broke Back Mountain continue to push the envelope.We have to continue to stay the path.These girls will learn that alot of them are only about one thing.
In the Nike commercials, is the white lady playing Deion's "wife" an athlete or a random white prop?
Colonel_Reb said:
Strangely enough, I see that increasingly here in Utah. I guess some of these ignorant white girls think they are doing the right thing by dating them or either they are trying to stick out. Also, it seems like there are a few more American blacks around BYU this year, or maybe I am just noticing it more this year.

How about U. of Utah, Utah State and Weber State?

IIRC, two black Packers from SBs I & II went to college in UT. Marv Fleming to Utah and Lionel Aldridge to USU. (Or vice versa, I forget which). So blacks were going to Beehive State schools even then. Except maybe BYU.

white tornado said:
I saw the newest commercial in the series. Ryan the main character is walking down the hallway in the high school and a beautiful blond cheerleader walks by says high and smiles at him suggestively.

Ryan as in Ryan Howard, the black Phila. Phillies slugger who set a team record for dingers in a season? Or a black actor playing "Ryan"?

Blacks have been going to Utah schools for a long time, just in small numbers, I mean there aren't very many blacks in Utah anyway. There seem to be a high number of black/white couples though, considering the small number of blacks here.
On the bright side (if there is one,) Vdare.com posted an old Sam Francis article, and here's what he wrote:

The 2000 Census reports that only 3.5 percent of whites marry non-whites. Given the ending of legal barriers to interracial marriages nearly forty years ago and the immense increase of the nation's non-white population since that time, this persistent preference of whites for marriage partners of their own race is strong evidence of their enduring racial identity as whites.

Six years later, perhaps the percentage has increased a little. Does anybody know if there's a 2004 Census estimate?Edited by: JD074
I remember reading an article several years ago that said theinter-marriage rate between blacks and whites was highest in the Rocky Mountain states. The percentage of black males married to white females was around 28 percent. My guess for it being that highin that regionis the relative scarcity of blacks, which makes it easier for any given black male to land a white woman.
OK everyone calm down. The inter racial marriage rate is lowest for whites. Moreover, whites are more likely to marry with a hispanic person then a black person. Also, keep in mind that non whites tend to be a bit less selective, especially hispanics, when it comes to choosing a partner. Some white men and women simply can not find a willing white partner; sometimes it is best for white people to go with someone who can except them for who and what they are. Example: white men are generally not attracted to "heavy women," (not to say this is a good thing or a bad thing). And Asian women are more apt to find shorter men attractive. Realize that lower-income whites engage in an inter-racial marriage more frequently then other whites; this perhaps being because white women are more materialistic then others.

Do you guys really think that blond women do not want blond children? Do you think that they find white men unattractive? Does a white men generally perfer Asian and Hispanic women over a burnette or a blond? What are you so concerned about?

So the media promotes inter-racial marriage. Who cares? Few people are doing it. And when it does occure it often times really is best for them. Should they just remain single?
I didn't realize I needed calming down.
I've said for years that it's not as bad as many people think, that interracial couples stand out but are far from the norm.

Even if you take 28 percent of black males in the Rocky Mountain states marrying white females, the rate of white females marrying black males is still very low there because there are so many more of them than black males.

However, as the U.S. continues to be invaded bynon-whites, over time there's no question that whites will be submerged into a non-white majority and the rate of intermarriage will continue to increase, unless whites finally begin to organize on behalf of their own interests like everyone else aggressively does.
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