History About to be Made

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
In a little over an hour a nation starved for the NFL will get their first taste of the new season. I wonder how many fans will take any notice of the demographic makeup of the Miami Dolphins. As best I know, Nick Saban will be fielding the NFL's first-ever all-black offense. Not a single white linemen, tight end, or quarterback to be found in the starting lineup. But they do have Wes Welker, barely, as he was rumored to be a roster cut in favor of that great afflete and humanitarian Marcus Vick. Talk about thin gruel. . .
I'm sure the sheeple will hardly notice. I imagine some older fans will though, and get mad without ever saying or doing anything to fight against it. People have gotten to where they take so much before they act, it really amazes me sometimes.
i think they started Justin Peelle, white TE... even in this day and age an all black NFL team might raise a few inconvenient questions... it's best to keep it safe ny adding a "whitey" or two...
Saban is also a world class jerk. He is hated whenever he leaves a school, he turns the program upside down, puts the school through the ringer to get him, cheats while he is there, then leaves them high and dry. But for some reason he always has a job.
Peelle played and caught a 16 yard pass on the second play, but he didn't start. Randy McMichael started. Can you believe Cleo Lemon is the 3rd strong QB for Miami?
You're right about Saban, he's a big time jerk.Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Isn't Wes Welker playing wide receiver?

Maybe I'm being too picky, but I noticed on Welker's fair catch that Al Michaels said, "He had room to run there...", but when on the next series the black player for Pittsburgh let the ball bounce, then tried to field it, fumbled and bumbled it around, and had to fend off a couple of Dolphins, Michaels said, "He fielded the punt at about the 30.."

Yeah, Al, he 'fielded' that punt alright.
I believe my NFL days are numbered. Just watching the "pre-game" blackfest was enough to make me throw in the towel. I was enjoying Boise St. Vs. Oregon St, but that even wasn't enough to keep me in front of the TV.

And all black offense, plus the insanity of the pregame show. Our kind simply are not wanted in the NFL my friends. I hate to say it, but I think we need to recognize that and let them suffer the consequences.

I have noticed on ABC and ESPN they don't have pictures next to the names when they list the starters. I absolutely guarantee the NFL will go that direction soon, once all the whites are gone. They will try to hide the truth, but it's too late, even teh casual fan will at some point wonder where all his people went.
Maybe we should all just start demanding more diversity in the owners/coaching and cheerleading ranks. Once all these positions are diversified, maybe the average american may take notice.

-I missed the pregame, what was it about?
Shogun, I noticed the comment on Wes too. He only had a 28 yard return on the opening kickoff too, and no mention of anything positive. It is good to see Wes getting some throws his way this early though. Maybe he can get a TD or either Peelle.
Another awesome punt return by Wes Welker! Looks like he will have a big night if he keeps it up and they keep throwing the ball to him.
Welker almost scored on that last punt return! Madden said that Saban's 'eyes lit up' when they asked him about Welker prior to the game. "He's an extra receiver, a third or fourth receiver, but he handles returns for them and does so much for the Dolphins," according to Madden.

And to think, he barely made the roster.

At least Madden talked about Welker's 'burst of speed' during the long return.
Hey KJV1, I was talking about the pregame dancing and just all that MTV crap. I HATE that stuff. Not sure when the NFL decided to be a gangsta league, but that was when it lost a lot of excitment for me.
This probably belongs in the hockey thread, but it relates to the comment regarding the "MTV Crap" by cslewis above.

This comment comes from an article on ESPN.com by Terry Frei on Sept. 5th. The title of the article is "How to know if you live in a hockey town"One of the reasons he states is

-- "If a disc jockey says "Five for Fighting" or "Barenaked Ladies" is next up, hockey fans get excited, and not because two enforcers brawling or a soundtrack from the Folies Bergere is on tap. They're about to hear from some of their own."

kind of risky for ESPN- could be seeing him go the way of Rush Limbaugh, if he hasn't already.
Jaxvid, you may be correct in terms of the way Nick Saban is viewed in Lansing.

After 5 years at LSU, however, Saban is very well liked. He is seen as a sort of Ditka-esque, hard-nosed, no bullsh*t coach. And it is a fact that the LSU football team's GPA and graduation rate improved during Saban's tenure.

He can come off as cocky and condescending. Most people in Louisiana see that as him giving the media what they deserve.
look out Terry Frei, you'll soon find yourself headed to another career ifyou keep that up!
I am signing off, going to catch a little of this game and see what the excitement is about with this guy Welker. Evening, gents. Josh
Well, Saban's wheels fell off. Dulpepper has thrown 2 consecutive picks, and their running game is rough. Poor ole Saban himself couldn't even throw the flag where the ref could see it. I almost feel sorry for him, almost!
Looks like the night that history was made was a big one for the few whites who played in it. Way to play men!
The best player on the Dolphin's offense was Wes Welker.
The worst? The guy who was supposed to save the franchise and lead them to the playoffs - Daunte Fumblepepper. I wonder what kind of stats they'll have to show about him next time? How many consecutive games in which he's thrown at least 2 INT?
well, at least Culpepper gave Welker quite a few looks, other than his catches he tried to throw to him at least twice more (a pick and a badly thrown pass)

we were afraid of this game but few whites that actually got to play starred: Miller and Welker best receivers on their teams and Thomas was a workhorse as always!Edited by: backrow
Yeah, I noticed that too Backrow. It was good that he threw his way. I guess we'll see what happens the rest of the season. It would seem they would play him more after his performance tonight, but that never stops them from benching whites for the rest of the season. Wes could have a 1,000 yard year if they played him where they should. Heath Miller might get close to 1,000 this year too, if they keep giving him throws like that during the rest of the season. If he could get 4-5 catches a game, 1,000 isn't out of the question. I will really be pulling for a white TE to get over 1,000 this year.
Did you notice that not once did Madden or Michaels mention Heath Miller's speed? That 87 yard play (longest TD by a tight end since 1974) was made possible because Miller outran not only Zach Thomas but a black Miami d-back all the way down the field. The d-back only caught him at about the 1 yard line. It's more thanslightly impressive for someone Miller's size to fend off a little defensive back for 60 yards or so.
If Booker wasn't hurt, Welker wouldn't have had been on the field that often except for returns. He was outstanding, if not for him Miami wouldn't have had a chance. Daunte hurt his team badly.

Once again a bunch of silly commercials with goofy white guys.And did you notice that school team spoof with Urlacher and a bunch of black players?Of course they included a scene of a pretty blonde girl flirting with a black in the hallway. Even after the T. Owens commercial flap, they persist in pushing this on us.
Good point about Heath, Don. They never mentioned it once, just that he didn't score, and that even though he didn't score it was still a great play. They never even said anything about him after announcing the 1974 stat. The local sports guys here just described Heath as "rumblin" down the field. No, it never stops. At least the guest on the sports show said he wish he could have Welker on his team.
I didn't even watch a single pre-season game this year.Very rare for me. The NFL could be alienating its core audience. Heck, what am I saying? Of course it is! I can't even watch the stuff. The NFL has become a ghettoized form of Hollywood entertainment.
I don't know, I enjoyed watching tonight's game. I enjoyed watching the two or three white men on the field play the best football of anyone in the game. It was exciting watching Welker and Miller break out on their long runs, and somehow satisfying watching Daunte Culpepper implode in the 4th.

It just feels good to be right, ya know?
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