Hillary Clinton for president?


Aug 8, 2006
New Jersey
I was listening on the radio today about how the Democrats are strongly urging Hillary Clinton to run for president in 2008. Anyone have a comment?
I heard it probably wasn't going to happen, but who knows. A lesbian witch is still a pretty hard sell for middle America. I'm thinking they'll run a bland tax-and-spender that we can all agree on.
At least if the dike gets in office we can hope she'll act more respectfully in representing our fine nation than her husband did by "not having sexual relations":) with better quality fluzies than her husband did in lard ars Monica.Edited by: Sean Carlisle
I've really got nothing against a female president if she were nice and not a cold hearted drone; at least she portrays herself as one and that is her image. She is such a nasty bitch. I saw some cover of a magazine with her in some East Village(NYC, it's where all the perverts hang out) get up. Sickening.

Sadly, all feminist products from that era have become kind of cold hearted drones.

Bill Clinton, in a deadlocked government, accomplished very little and things were a lot better then than with complete one party control.

Seriously, the guy that had the best ideas and was the best president imo, was Washington.

Edited by: Freedom
"Lesbian witch"
is there any other kind?

She might have a shot. Women are idiots and will get on her bandwagon just cause she is testiculary impaired. In the past her reputation was way too shrill to even think she had a chance but she has spent the past 8 years trying to alter that image with nothing but help from the media.

Depends on what happens in the early primaries. Remember Dean was a shoo-in early on last time but blew it by seeming too crazy. If she can somehow hide her true nature from the world for a few months of intense campaigning (not an easy thing to do) then she has a shot. Beating McCain will be another thing, depends how much worse Bush makes it for the Republicans.
I prefer Hilary over Obama Baraka, and I despise Hilary. Baraka is the worse kind of politicial, but that is a long essay.
Obama stands for nothing, he is very Clintonesque in that regard. Somehow the dem candidate will be Edwards, Kerry, or Gore, with a super outside chance of Vilsack.
jaxvid said:
"Lesbian witch"
is there any other kind?

She might have a shot. Women are idiots and will get on her bandwagon just cause she is testiculary impaired. In the past her reputation was way too shrill to even think she had a chance but she has spent the past 8 years trying to alter that image with nothing but help from the media.

Depends on what happens in the early primaries. Remember Dean was a shoo-in early on last time but blew it by seeming too crazy. If she can somehow hide her true nature from the world for a few months of intense campaigning (not an easy thing to do) then she has a shot. Beating McCain will be another thing, depends how much worse Bush makes it for the Republicans.
Who would get buried worse her or Jackson? If she runs for the Presedency the demorcrats are going to make McGovern's and Mondale's losses look like Gore's.........
Yeah, I prefer Billairry to Obama, too.

But that's like saying I prefer VD to herpes.
I expect Hillary to be the next president. With more Americans than ever estranged from the fedgov and its political system, the first female president angle presents too great of an opportunity to create pseudo-excitement to pass up. Also, the contrived man vs. woman gender warfare is the system's strongest weapon in its arsenal of divide and conquer techniques, and so from the perspective of the powers that be it'sa can't lose situation.
It goes without saying that I have no desire to see Hillary or Obama as the next President, but they couldn't be any worse than Bush. White male politicians don't serve the best interests of White people; so it doesn't matter much if female and non-White politicians replace them. They all hate us. This country's sinking fast, regardless of who's steering the ship. A female or non-White politician would be a more honest reflection of what's really going on in this country. It's exactly what we deserve

Perhaps a Hillary or Obama presidency would shatter the myth that evil White men are keeping everybody else down. Of course, feminists would still claim that America is sexist, or blacks that America is racist. But it will be more difficult for them to make such claims.

Don Wassall said:
Also, the contrived man vs. woman gender warfare is the system's strongest weapon in its arsenal of divide and conquer techniques, [snip]

Do you think that gender is more important than race? I tend to think the latter is more important.
It's more effective as a method of control, not more important. The large and ever-growing number of whipped white men are testament to how well feminism has been imposed by the system. So is the recently publicized statistic that less than half of U.S. households now contain a married couple.

A man who submits to a woman as hisboss is not going to be of any use when it comes to racial issues. Andgender warfare isintertwined with race, because attempting to create divisiveness between white men and white women (e.g. hostility, rivalry, demoralization, confusion, etc.) has a devastating effect onthe white family unitand the white race as a whole. There's nothing sicker than methodically trying to undermine the family and healthy relationships between men and women as the cornerstone of society, but that's the essence of feminism and "gender warfare."
We don't have an advocate for our race other than maybe Pat Buchanan and he'll never get elected. Bush wants to cater to the Hispanic vote to counter the black Demo block as the potential saviors for the party's future. That's a pipe dream. The only reason Hispanics in Fla gave significant votes to Reps was because of the Elian Gonzalez political football issue.

White people need to have more children and we need to stop the flood of non white immigration both legal and illegal. For example I say let the dam grapes rot on the vine- we don't need it that bad.

This has for a long time not been a frontier nation desperately in need of a labor force regardless of what the media and Bush and Mccain say. Whites will do the jobs, any and all jobs, but whites are not dumb and desperate enough to do the work at min wage or even less like aliens do. Big business greed aided by government tolerance of felonies committed by businesses and illegal aliens is what fuels it.
Sean Carlisle said:
We don't have an advocate for our race other than maybe Pat Buchanan and he'll never get elected.

Buchanan never was and never will be an open advocate for whites, not in the totally committed way that leaders of other races and tribes are. Pat has always had a split personality in his political endeavors, saying things that strongly appealled to patriots, religious conservatives (the non-Zionist kind that is), populists, nationalists and racial nationalists, and militia types. That was his natural base and it could have been built into a large, organized and highly motivated force by Buchanan.

But "good" Pat always trumped Pitchfork Pat. Good Pat didn't want to make the break and leave his life-long confines inside the Beltway and give up the perks and privileges that come with being a player in the highest ranks of the Permanent Regime.

Old-time establishment conservatives who liked Buchanan lacked the constitution to ever repudiate the system, much less rebel against it. That was the job of the Pitchfork Peasants. But Pat never let the peasants get too close, and some were openly purged and denounced if found too close to the inner workings of Buchanan's presidential campaigns, which consisted almost solelyof Pat and his more liberally inclined sister Bay.

Despite Buchanan's failure to, as Sam Francis wrote,fully embrace the implications of the ideas he espoused, the peasants were excited in 1992 and again, to a somewhat lesser extent, in '96. In both of those campaigns Buchanan did not challenge what many of his supporters thought was vote fraud in several primaries. In '96 the Bob Dole campaign gave him no role at the GOP National Convention, a slap in the face to which Buchanan responded by endorsing Dole.

Then came the fiasco of a campaign in 2000 when Buchanan took over the remains of the Reform Party that had been started by Ross Perot. Pat picked a very unqualified black woman to be his running mate, a gesture that most of his true supporters interpreted as Buchanan giving them his middle finger. During his Reform campaign, Buchanan notably lacked fire and passion and avoided racial issues other than immigration.

The more cynical wondered if the main idea had been to provide a respectable but impotent "safety valve" to keep Buchanan's"non-respectable" supporters somewhat content. None of Buchanan's three presidential campaigns ever worked on setting up Buchananite organizations in the 50 states, where supporters would run for government at all levels on the ideas and principles of their leader and build strong organizations to assist those candidates. Rather, Buchanan campaign appearances were more of a dog and pony show that quickly came and went, leaving a vapor trail in their wake rather than incipient campaign organizations.

Buchanan received $12 million in federal matching funds in 2000, thanks to the efforts Perot had made with the Reform Party four years earlier. That kind of beans, combined with the millions raised from his supporters, was sufficient to purchase a large amount of time on national television, in traditional 30 and 60 second commercials, but also in larger blocs of time such as 30 and 60 minute presentations. Instead, what money that was spent on advertising -- and it appears from FEC reports to be very little -- was used to buy radio commercials in various markets.

I was for a long time one of Pat Buchanan's biggest supporters. I have met him several times and corresponded with him. He still is a powerful writer with a powerful mind albeit very restrained in criticizing the real powers and their agendas. But I'm glad he's no longer a political candidate. We desperately need leaders, but from hereon out, our leaders, should they emerge in a system dedicated above all else to preventing them from emerging, will come exclusively from outside the Beltway.
I'll be a tad mean about Pat: He drank in too much of that "I'm a Washington Catholic Irishman" mentality during High School. Indeed. I know because I grew up in a neighborhood full of Buchanan prototype Irishmen. Always the rabble-rouser but never a Revolutionary.

I can't bring myself to buy a copy of "American Conservative." Pat isn't willing to take a real volley in a shooting war. Many folks in our circles, even NT and the CasteFootball bunch, are thus willing. It's a daily tragedy that we can't come up with about Two Million Dollars US and get us our own Party and a make one of ourselves a real Candidate. Pat should retire and drink more Killian's
To bad we never came up with a toned down David Duke podigy.
David Duke was the first one to have the testicular fortitude to put the two words "welfare" and "reform" together. No longer a political taboo but a popular notion other republicans and even Democrat Bill Clinton later followed the lead.

Duke's been called a lot of things but one of the names I must take offense to is when some one once ignorantly referred to him as a "coward." He is any thing but. For one example:I was not in good condition at the time but a friend of mine saw Duke and a friend (no body guard)in the heart of New Orleans at Mardi Gras one year. Any negro or liberal could have taken a shot at him since he is so outspoken but he disregarded the risk because he lives brave and proud.
Don Wassall said:
It's more effective as a method of control, not more important.  The large and ever-growing number of whipped white men are testament to how well feminism has been imposed by the system. 

True. On the other hand, the large number of whipped white people is a testament to anti-white racism and multiculturalism.

A man who submits to a woman as his boss is not going to be of any use when it comes to racial issues. 

Yep, and a white person who cowers at the feet of minorities, panders to minorities, mates with minorities, etc., is of no use to us at all, for anything.

I'm not totally disagreeing with you, but I do think that race is the more important division/ weapon/ concept. Black, Hispanic, and Muslim men are the scourge of the world. (Unfortunately, white male politicians are a scourge, too, a la the Iraq War. But that's more a political issue, whereas with these other men, there seems to be deeper defect.) As much as I dislike feminism, at the same time, I understand that women aren't the problem. Yes there are problems with heterosexual marriage, birth rates, male-bashing, etc. But the most dire problems (crime, violence, 3rd World immigration, Islamic terrorism) are racial in nature.