Highlights of players going pro in 2010


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
I wasn't sure if I should post these on the old thread or make a new one, I've posted some of these in other threads.
Here are a few of the vids I have been working on all season long and finally finished up

Eric Decker 2009 season with some of 08 mixed in

Toby Gerhart, updated version with Notre Dame game and Sun Bowl

Blair White Truly underrated player, went from walk on to one of the best in the Big 10

Riley Cooper
This guy has the potential to be one of the best, can be just as physical as Eric Decker but with 4.3 speed, imagine Larry Fitzgerald with Randy Moss speed

Jordan Shipley
This is the same one from last year, will finish up the new one when I get time.

Matt O'Hanlon Nebraska Safety Very underrated, I believe he didn't even get a combine invite. 6 picks, 6 pass deflections, 2 sacks and 62 tackles. A former walk on.

Best of Jake Sharp
some stuff from last year mixed in from this year. This guy could really be something special in the NFL. Similar to Chris Johnson in that he has 4.3 speed but still can be a tough inside runner and great receiver.

Tim Tebow highlights Highlights of Tim Tebow running. Many people say in order for Tebow to make it in the NFL he has to switch to TE/FB. Why not Halfback? He has rushed for close to 3,000 yards at UF and 57 rushing touchdowns.

Dennis Pitta one of the best tight ends in the draft

Kerry Meier highlights, very underrated wide receive in this draft

Kyle McCarthy SS Notre Dame Highlights

updated: fixed some of the links that I didn't realize were broken

I probably should have edited these a little more and taken out some of the smaller plays but I haven't had as much time to work on these this year. I will try to do some defensive players this year if I can find time. I started working on an O'Hanlon one earlier in the season. Hope you guys like them.

I feel all of these guys have the potential to break stereotypes, Gerhart has the ability to be a team's feature back and most of the receivers have the ability to be a team's number 1 receiver. White might be better in the slot though. I know the "experts" see Shipley as a slot receiver but I think he would do well on the outside although he'd be fine in the slot, its just its becoming a new stereotype that Whites can only be slot receivers. All the dirty work getting first downs, going across the middle etc, yet none of the credit, no that goes to the afflete who supposedly draws triple coverage and opens things up.

Please feel free to post any vids you have found or made of pro prospects so we can have a collection of them on the same page like last year. Don I was wondering if you could sticky this one like last year?

Edited by: dwid
Mariani, McGaha, Joe Pawelek, Danny Batten(i know it might be hard he plays for South Dakota St, but the kid has great potential as a 3-4 olb) Kyle McCarthy are somesuggestions.Keep up the good work Dwid I think having these videos online gives some of these underrated yet deserving players exposure.
great job dwid. your videos are top notch!
Awesome work as usual dwid!
DWID just viewed your updated Toby video. Outstanding, can't wait for your updated one of Shipley!!! Oh, like I have said in past posts Toby nails a 4.45 to 4.47 in the forty at the upcoming combines.
thanks, yeah a sub 4.5 time for Toby would make it really hard for any team to convert him to another position, even though 4.5 or 4.6 is plenty fast to play halfback in the NFL

updated to add DB Matt O'Hanlon from Nebraska, had it done for a while but couldn't think of what music to add, with his last name I decided Dropkick Murphys would be a good idea

Im gonna try to get the Shipley one done soon, I kept up with all season long except for the last 2 games, have a busy schedule right now so haven't had time to add them yet, hopefully I will have some free time to work on the vids that need to be done during Mardi Gras holidays.Edited by: dwid
Dwid that O'Hanlon video is impressive! It showed off his ball hawking ability and even though he's not the biggest, he will stick his nose in and tackle. A poor mans Jim Leonhard?
thanks im glad you like it. Not sure who to compare him to. He's a little bigger than Leonhard at 5'11 200 pounds. His speed is probably around 4.4 to 4.5 (he caught Danny Coale from behind, a White WR timed at 4.43)
I haven't really paid attention to dbs, so its hard to make a comparison. I wish I would have had time to add more of his tackles, but it would have taken forever as most play by play sheets don't list who made the tackle.

Sad that hes listed at number 83 out of 117 safetys going pro on Draft Insider, yet he was 8th in that nation for interceptions.

The only S prospect that has better stats than him interception wise him is Earl Thomas, who has 2 more interceptions and 1 more tackle, but no sacks (Matt had 2) Earl Thomas is ranked the 3rd best Safety in the 2010 draft. You think teams would want a defender who had a nose for the ball, but according to dwfs he is just "lucky" and "in the right place at the right time" I guess all of those guys he tackled fell down in front of him too....and we might as well chalk up Ed Reed and Darren Sharper's interceptions to "good luck" and "being in the right place at the right time"

I guess Bo Pelini deserves some credit here, if it werent for him O'Hanlon wouldnt be playing.

forgot to add the best of Jake Sharp video earlier, I wish he wouldve gotten a combine invite, it looked like his injury was finally starting to get a little better towards the end of the year during the Missouri game.Edited by: dwid
Updated to put Tim Tebow rushing highlights. I had this for a while, but was hesitant to put it up because many here are insisting on him being a quarterback. While I think he could be a great quarterback if given the opportunity and would love for him to get that opportunity, I made this for the critics who said his mechanics were bad etc, and that he would have to switch positions no matter what.

The question is, why wouldn't he be able to switch to halfback? Many running quarterbacks get their rushing yards by running to the outside on broken down plays and avoiding contact. Plenty of Tebow's rushing yards have come from designed runs or going in between defenders, he definetly isnt afraid of contact. Meyer's offense reminds me of an updated version of what Navy runs, where the quarterback is basically a runningback that can throw.

2,974 career rushing yards 4.2 ypc 57 rushing touchdowns. It looks like it takes him one or two steps to get to full speed, but you have to remember he is in shotgun formation, which is around how far he will be lined up if he were to be halfback, so he would already have momentum going by the time he got the hand off. For this exact reason he would not be wise for him to be put at fullback where he would be closer to the line of scrimmage.

So if they say he must switch positions, he should demand to be a halfback. Many dwfs say "well he won't be able to run like he does in the NFL" By that logic, we should dismiss every power runner in the SEC, so Charles Scott should not be drafted as a halfback. I think part of the reason why many dwfs hate Tebow because they get confused by him. Here they are brainwashed into thinking the SEC is the best conference in college football, yet they have a White guy running all over SEC teams yet somehow they believe he wouldn't be able to do the same in the NFL?

Who do you guys think his running style compares to?
Tebow has a similar straight up running style like Eddie George had. Tebow has more power running than George did IMHO.
A Rob Gronkowski video would be nice, to prove he is the better prospectthen Jermaine Gresham.
whiteathlete33 said:
Nfldraftscout now has Kerry Meier listed at fullback. Unbelievable!

It's almost like a bad comedy except it's not funny at all and has been going on for decades.

BTW I keep making this a sticky topic but it keeps "unsticking." Guess it has a mind of its own.. .
Don Wassall said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Nfldraftscout now has Kerry Meier listed at fullback. Unbelievable!
<div>It's almost like a bad comedy except it's not funny at all and has been going on for decades.</div>
<div>BTW I keep making this a sticky topic but it keeps "unsticking." Guess it has a mind of its own.. . </div>

This is about as ridiculous as it gets Don. Meier has played quarterback and wide receiver. He has good size at 6'2 but he's only 219 lbs. I guess he's now expected to bulk up to 240 lbs so he can block for another afflete. He's never played the position so what gives? Up until a week ago or so they had him as the 20th ranked wide receiver.
If he was black they'd be salivating over him as asavvy big receiver with good hands who can make plays all over the field. Let's hope it's only one anti-white site's wet dream and not a trend.
Every black who played quarterback in college and gets moved to another position in the pros either becomes a wide receiver or a safety. I can't remember any being moved to fullback.
They become running backs too, like Michael Robinson. But Meier was so successful in his change to WR that it's beyond absurd to arbitrarily move him to FB. Might as well make him a long snapper and be done with it.
Whether Meier actually ends up at fullback remains to be seen. These so called "experts" at these draft sites have been wrong hundreds of times before. According to them Toby Gerhart will be an H-back in the NFL despite having superior speed to afflete Anthony Dixon and similar size. They have dropped Jordan Shipley to the 8th best receiver in the draft despite the fact that he has been more productive in college than all 7 of the black receivers ahead of him. He also has better speed than all but 2 of them. Another thing that kills me is they have Shann Schillinger as not even getting drafted despite having superior speed to all the affletes ahead of him except maybe Eric Berry.
looking at his footage, I highly doubt Meier ends up at fullback. He ran just as fast as his highly rated teammate, Briscoe. He has better hands and really can snatch the ball out of the air. They might try to convert him to tight end though, which still would be ridiculous. He was a very willing blocking wide receiver (unlike Briscoe, which should put him rated higher than his teammate Briscoe) but I dont think there is any way he would be able to put on the weight to be a tight end and still be successful.

A great physical receiver that can go across the middle and make 1st downs with the occasional big play plus willing blocking wide receiver which are few of in the NFL, but not a tight end or fullback. There was this shovel pass to Jake Sharp on 1st and 20, Meier had a hurt leg and was pretty much hobbling around on one leg, still made a key block for Sharp to get 19 yards, the only thing Briscoe had to do was make another key block and Sharp would have been gone for at least 40-50 yards, but he put his hands up in the air and didn't do crap (he looked like a woman the way he did it, like "im not touching that"), so a 1st and 20 became a 2nd and 1 instead of a 40 yard gain. Meier should go before Briscoe in a fair world.Edited by: dwid
Loving the back ground music to you O'Hanlon and McCarthy videos! I watched Kerry through the gauntlet drills, he's a natural receiver plain and simple.
Thanks, I had the videos done for the longest time and couldn't figure out what music to put to it and then it hit me. (Hopefully we can have two Irish starting safeties playing in the NFL next year) Thats the biggest problem I have been with finishing my videos is thinking of music to put to it. A lot of videos are blocked in Germany because of the music, not sure why. Now I am trying to find some a good French song for Lemaître.

As far as Rob Gronkowski, he is better than Gresham but I couldn't find footage of him anywhere except for a short 10 second clip that aired during the combine. I did have some footage on him before last year but that hard drive crashedEdited by: dwid
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